RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceDIC/SU 9/2
TitleDeeds and associated documents, including maps, probates, manorial documents etc relating to the title of the trustees of Thomas Corbett (d 1906) to land in or near Stoke Prior works. Acquired by his brother John Corbett (d.1901) between c.1853 and 1899.
Description/1 "The Cottage" estate within the Manor of Stoke Prior,' comprising several pieces of meadow and pasture land c.1690-1921. (Labelled "Deeds 1". Old numbering 5001-2). /2 Three pieces of land in Stoke Prior known as "The Spoil Bank" and "Pitmans" and "Broad Salt" meadows on the road from Hanbury. 1795-1910. (Labelled "Deeds 2 + 3". Old numbering 5003-11). /3 A piece of meadow or pasture land on the south side of Birmingham and Worcester canal in Stoke Prior adjoining the land of the British Alkali Co (purchased from the same 1854). 1845-56. (Old numbering 5005-10). /4 Three pieces of meadow and pasture land in Stoke Prior (purchased from the British Alkali Co 1855) 1855-1910. (Labelled "Deeds 5". Old numbering 5012-17). /5 A house and shop, bakehouse, stable etc and an adjoining messuage with a brew house, bowling alley, garden etc, known as the Boat Inn, in Stoke Prior, 1848-1912. (Labelled "Deeds 7. Shrubbery Estate". Old numbering 5018-25). /6 Two pieces of land forming part of the Mill House or Pool House Farm, called "Sitch" and "Henbrook" meadows in Stoke Prior (see also bundles 7, 8 and 28). 1860-1910. (Labelled "Deeds 14". Old numbering 5026-31). /7 A messuage and outbuildings near the canal known as the Navigation Inn, and three pieces of land including the fields known as the "Long Meadow" and "Henbrook Meadow" in Stoke Prior (see also bundles 6, 8 and 28). Also a piece of land known as the "Cock and Dog Piece" (see also bundles 12, 13, 15 and 37). 1861-1920. (Labelled "Deeds 15". Old numbering 5032-46). /8 Part of Henbrook Meadow (see bundles 6, 7 and 28), bounded in by the Birmingham and Bristol railway to the north and a piece of land (formerly a brickyard) between the Birmingham and Gloucester railway and the Worcester and Birmingham Canal, in Stoke Prior. 1861-1920. (Labelled "Deeds 16. Meadow Bank Estate". Old numbering 5047-56). /9 Twenty cottages and a piece of land at Dodderhill on the east side of the Birmingham and Gloucester railway, formerly part of Causeway Meadow Farm (see bundle 50). 1845-1920. (Labelled "Deeds 18". Old numbering 5057-60). /10 The Red House Farm at Astwood in the parish of Dodderhill, and land adjoining. 1865-1921 (see also bundle 50). (Labelled "Deeds 19". Old numbering 5061-3). /11 Two pieces of meadow at Stoke Heath. 1866-1910. (Labelled "Deeds 20". Old numbering 5064). /12 Two messuages and outbuildings forming part of two closes formerly called "Upper Cock and Dog Piece" and "Lower Cock and Dog Piece" in Stoke Prior (see also bundles 7, 13, 15 and 37). 1867-1921. (Labelled "Deeds 23". Old numbering 5065-71). /13 Three pieces of land near Ryefields, Stoke Prior, comprising "Upper Cock and Dog Piece" and "Lower Cock and Dog Piece" (see also bundles 7, 12, 15 and 37) and a piece of land near Stoke Church with two cottages, a brew house and other buildings thereon. 1837-1920. (Labelled "Deeds 23A". Old numbering 5072-7). /14 Four pieces of land (one with a cottage) in Stoke Prior. 1872-1920. (Labelled "Deeds 23B". Old numbering 5078-9). /15 Part of a close sometime known as "Lower Cock and Dog Piece" with three cottages thereon (formerly part of a copyhold estate called Ryefields) in Stoke Prior (see also bundles 7, 12, 13 and 37). 1848-1920. (Labelled "Deeds 31 and 31A". Old numbering 5080-92). /16 Four cottages and gardens near Stoke works, in Stoke Prior. 1848-1920. (Labelled "Deeds 31B". Old numbering 5093-7). /17 Ten cottages at Stoke Heath. 1839-1920. (Labelled "Deeds 50". Old numbering 5098-5100). /18 Firs Cottage Farm, with barns, stables and land adjoining, at Stoke End. 1697-1921. (Labelled "Deeds 51". Old numbering 5101-3). /19 The manor and farm of Obden, Worcs, in the parish of Dodderhill, with the farmhouse, buildings etc. Also Stoke Mill and several other pieces of land (see also bundle 45). 1869-1921. (Labelled "Deeds 53 and 54". Old numbering 5104-9). /20 A messuage called "Malverley" with several closes and parcels of land known as "Little Hill", "Nether Leasow", "The Slings", "Clerk's Hill", "Palmers Close" and "Pye Close" at Stoke End; several closes formerly part of Sugar's Brooke Farm, and a close called "Upper Navigation Piece" in Stoke Prior. 1843-1922. (Labelled "Deeds 56". Old numbering 5110-15). /21 Two cottages and three closes of land known as "Paper Mill Close", "Fownes Orchard" and "Fownes Ground" at Wychbold, in the parish of Dodderhill. 1855-1921. (Labelled "Deeds 164". Old numbering 5116-19). /22 Woodhouse and Saleway farms in Saleway in the manor and parish of Himbleton. 1756-1921. (See also bundle 23). (Labelled "Deeds 41, 191 and 57". Old numbering 5120-22). /23 Two messuages with the buildings, gardens, allotment or orchard and pasture, at Saleway in the parish of Himbleton (see also bundle 22). 1751-1875. (Labelled "Deeds 57". Old numbering 5123-4). /24 A piece of pasture land called "Park Meadow" in the parish of Himbleton. 1896-7. (Labelled "Deeds 192". Old numbering 5125-6). /25 A blacksmith's shop and three cottages at Stoke Pound. 1774-1920. (Labelled "Deeds 61". Old numbering 5127-35). /26 A farmhouse and about fourteen acres of land called "The Mill", "The Meadow", "Little Hill", "Pool Ground" and "Big Ground", formerly known as "Harbers" alias "Arbors" gate, now as Elms Farm. 1847-1913. (Labelled "Deeds 75". Old numbering 5136-41). /27 Six houses and gardens at Stoke Pound (Whitford Bridge). 1781-1920. (Labelled "Deeds 79". Old numbering 5142-4). /28 Two farms in Stoke Prior known as Moorgate Farm and "The Pool House" or "The Pool Farm" (see also bundles 6-8). 1762-1921. (Labelled "Deeds 65 and 65A". Old numbering 5145-9). /29 A piece of land in Stoke Prior (Stoke Pound) called Broad Meadow, with two houses and outbuildings. 1844-1921. (Labelled "Deeds 85". Old numbering 5150-52). /30 Two pieces of land formerly part of Stoke Field, at Stoke Heath, with four messuages and outbuildings. 1839-1920. (See also bundle 36). (Labelled "Deeds 86". Old numbering 5153-8). /31 A piece of land at Stoke Heath known as "The Lower Pleck". 1852-1920. (Labelled "Deeds 95". Old numbering 5159-60). /32 Meadows Farm in Stoke Prior. 1789-1920. (Labelled "Deeds 69". Old numbering 5162-4). /33 A farm and approx 45 acres of land etc at Stoke Prior. 1772-1879. (Labelled "Deeds 73". Old numbering 5165-6). /34 Several pieces of land at Astwood in the parish of Dodderhill, with three cottages built thereon, other land, including a wharf, in Stoke Prior and Dodderhill parishes, and the pieces of land known as The Elms Farm near Stoke Prior Salt Works. 1773-1921. (Labelled "Deeds 83". Old numbering 5167-75). /35 One dwelling house and a cottage adjoining, near Stoke Heath. 1763-1886. (Labelled "Deeds 104". Old numbering 5176-7). /36 Two pieces of land at Stoke Heath (one known as Stoke Field) and the buildings thereon. (See also bundle 30). 1839-1920. (Labelled "Deeds 161". Old numbering 5178-83). /37 A cottage known as Yew Tree Cottage, with a garden, and part of "Upper Cock and Dog Piece". (See also bundles 7, 12, 13 and 15) both in Stoke Prior. 1848-1920. (Labelled "Deeds 165". Old numbering 5184-90). /38 Two closes called Ryefields in Stoke Prior. 1895-1921. (Labelled "Deeds 183". Old numbering 5191-2). /39 "Row House Farm", Stoke Prior. 1743-1920. (Labelled "Deeds 200". Old numbering 5193-8). /40 A piece of land with a cottage and other buildings, at "Sharpway Gate", Stoke Prior. 1868-1917. (Labelled "Deeds 201". Old numbering 5199-5201). /41 A cottage and garden near Stoke Works. 1866-1921. (Labelled "Deeds 203". Old numbering 5202-7). /42 A house and estate at Stoke Prior formerly called "The Brick House" now called "The Priory". 1668-1922. (Labelled "Deeds 24". Old numbering 5208-12). /43 A mansion house and estate called "The Grange" at Stoke Heath. 1784-1921. (Labelled "Deeds 24A". Old numbering 5213-16). /44 A dwelling house with the land appertaining called "Intoll Fields", and several pieces of land with the cottages built thereon, called Stoke Pound Farm, both in Stoke Prior. 1774-1920. (Labelled "Deeds 30". Old numbering 5217-21). /45 A set of corn mills called Stoke Mill, near Stoke Church, with the cottages, outhouses, gardens, orchard and several pieces of land appertaining, known as "The Orchard", "The Paddock", "The House Close" and "The two little meadows". 1770-1874. (See also bundle 19). (Old numbering 5222-3). /46 The manor and lordship of Astwood with all royalties, rights and other appurtenances (including tithes), in the parishes of Dodderhill and Hanbury (see also bundle 47). 1568-1921. (Labelled "Deeds 109". Old numbering 5224-8). /47 Astwood Farm (part of the Manor of Astwood) in the parishes of Dodderhill and Stoke Prior, and other lands in the parishes of Dodderhill and Wychbold. (See also bundle 46). 1666-1921. (Labelled "Deeds 111". Old numbering 5223 and 5228-32). /48 Withey Furlong Farm and adjoining land, land at Kingsland Hill in the parish of Dodderhill, and other land at Wychbold in the parish of Dodderhill. 1562-1921. (Labelled "Deeds 146". Old numbering 5234-6). /49 Brookhouse Farm, with the garden, outbuildings and land appertaining, at Wychbold in the parish of Dodderhill. 1675-1921. (Labelled "Deeds 154". Old numbering 5237-5240). /50 Land at Astwood in the parish of Dodderhill forming part of the Red House Farm (see also bundle 10), Causeway Meadow Farm, also in Dodderhill (see also bundle 9), and a public house and two cottages built on the land of Causeway Meadow Farm. 1563-1921. (Labelled "Deeds 114". Old numbering 5241-4). /51 A piece of land at Astwood in the parish of Dodderhill known as the "Parish Close" or "Poors Land", and a piece of meadow at Causeway Meadow in the same parish. 1875-1921. (Labelled "Deeds 115". Old numbering 5245-7). /52 A flour mill (formerly three fulling mills) with a house and land, two closes called the "Mill Meadow" and "The Ham", two water streams, two cottages and outbuildings, and machinery, in Stoke Prior. 1791-1921. (Labelled "Deeds 188". Old numbering 5248-51). /53 Abstracts of the title of the trustees of Thomas Corbett (d.1906) to various properties in the manor and parish of Stoke Prior, with other documents. c.1907-22. (Old numbering 5251a-5252). /54 Miscellaneous deeds chiefly relating to lands at Wychbold and Astwood in the parish of Dodderhill, and to other lands in the parish of Hanbury. 1585-1733. (Artificial collection: removed from other bundles).
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