RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceDLT 5524/29/6
TitleCorrespondence involving Sir Baldwin Leighton Bart. (husband of Eleanor Leighton Warren)
DescriptionLetter from John Williams concerning cartoons of both Sir Edward and Sir Robert Leighton ordered by Sir Baldwin along with a brass.
Personal letter from J.A Bonds thanking Sir Baldwin for a pamphlet he has sent and stating that he travels to America tomorrow to complete a lecture.
Letter from G.F Walts concerning the purchase of a picture from Sir Baldwin. Letter from Henry Fawcett thanking Sir Baldwin for sending the paper on the agricultural labourer he has recently read at the social science association.
Letter from H. Divine returning and rejecting a piece of work previously sent to him by Sir Baldwin.
Postcards addressed to Sir Baldwin accepting or rejecting invites.
Letter from G.F Walts concerning the price of pieces of art and their frames.
Telegram from Sir W.H Dyke offering congratulations and arranging a meeting.
Letter from Rosalind Howarth explaining that Sir Baldwins suggested date for a visit is inconvenient as they are heading South at that time. In regard to Sir Baldwin's return to parliament, she states that he will not expect her to congratulate him but if a Tory has to be in for South Shropshire he is better than most Tories and has a hint of radicalism. She also comments on the current plight of the Russians at the Shipka Pass during the Russo-Turkish Liberation War (1877-1878)
Note from Terry offering thanks and enquiring about Irving who he has heard nothing from and wonders if Sir Baldwin can help.
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