RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceDLT 5524/29/7
TitlePersonal letters to Eleanor Leighton Warren
Datec.1880 - 1910
Description/1 Two letters from B.L (?) almost illegible handwriting, first regarding writing a letter everyday to someone and Bryan doing the same but gaining no response and secondly in relation to the clothing club.
/2 Letter from Edward Burne Jones (British Pre-Raphaelite Painter, 1833-1898) thanking her for her kind invitation but regrets he is unable to make it due to other commitments.
/3 Letter signed 'Rory of the hills, Landlord leveller' regarding his fears he will be evicted by his landlord, he jokes he is to be 'shot and thrown in the bog' over a claim for £174.13.4. He goes on to say he will next week be staying with John, Duke of Marlborough where there is to be a huge party with Susan Wharm Cliffe and Isabella Witton in attendance. He asks after Earl Compton and the Countess Heron Maxwell. Lady Cork and her daughter Doreen recently visited and spent £150 of the Duke of Portland's money on white and gold paplin and limerick lace veils.
/4 Letter from William Watson stating he reopened correspondence with Mr Hutton to negotiate the review of Lord de Tabley's premises. He believes there will be a full page review of their work in 'The Spectator'. Mr Hutton stated that he dosen't 'care at all for your eloping angels' but that 'it is one of the prettiest fairytales that I ever read.'
/5 Letter from Edmund Gosse, English poet, author and critic thanking ELW for the birds she has sent, stating their holiday to Sweden was unsuccessful as the weather was poor. He asks if she will take time to read his article on Festus Bailey. Also encourages her to publish her brothers letters as the public love letters.
/6 Letter from Hugh Birley returning the key to Tabley Park entrusted to him by the late Lord de Tabley but hopes she will also trust him enough to return the key to him.
/7 Letter from A. Cuburuts concerning a concert he is attending in Newark.
/8 Postcard from W.W Vernon sending christmas greetings.
/9 Letter from Georgie B-J (probably Georgiana (1840-1920), wife of Edward Coley Burne-Jones) discussing specific passages and the author of the 'Briar Rose Story' and stating the fragility of her health and hopes that ELW's improves. She states that her work is going well and she longs to publish it.
/10 Letter from Robert Buryes (?) thanking her for the pheasants she has sent and explaining the delay in replying. He states the children are currently reading Robert Curzon's 'Armenia' which he doesn't think is as good as his 'Monasteries'. He asks after ELW's health as he hasn't heard from her in some time.
/11 Letter initialed E.G.L (?) thanking E.L.W for the Oak things she has given to them and stating how well the fit in with the other decorations.
/12 Letter from E.H Master concerning the health of Lady Leicester's daughter, she has an inflamed gland in her neck area. He states he believes the swelling will go down in time and that her general health is okay. He suggests taking her to the Granville Hotel for an Ozone bath involving seaweed to cause absorption.
/13 Letter from 'Effie' Millais (Euphemia, wife of John Everett Millais , nee Chalmers Grey) stating that she knows the drawing ELW refers to and she has some proofs but cannot guarantee their location.
/14 Letter 'To dear Nelly' signature difficult to deipher, William ?. States her fathers application came before the Chief Clerk in Chambers last Saturday and will probably come in for hearing around the middle of May and that Mr Romer Q.C is the best man around and the writers nephew Cecil as junior brief has also proved invaluable.
Extent1 bundle
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