RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceDLT 5524/27/27
TitleLetters from Catherine Leicester Warren (Sister of Sir John Fleming Leicester Warren) to Mr Markelyn and Catherine Mary Phillimore
DescriptionLetter one regards some form of event linked to the museum requiring a sapphire hoop ring and four stones placed side by side Markelyn seeks advise from Catherine regarding the arrangements and requests a meeting.
Letter two regards a play and the preparation for it including costume. She also requests Catherine thank her brother for his assistance about the Royalist Badge. There is also news of the unhappy marriage of Robin her brother who's new wife has told him she hates her and only married him to get away from home but now frequently runs away. She writes of the strain this is having on the whole family due to the constant quarreling.
Letter three is also written by Catherine Phillimore but includes a dictated piece from her father regarding a financial matter and a possible interview between him and Mr Manisty. Catherine Phillimore also writes that she hopes Catherine's cold is gone soon and comments on the current thick snow which may delay her visit.
Letter four concerns a rift between the two families caused by 'money matters' unspecified and possible misinterpretation of various conversations between the two women. Phillimore writes in an attempt to explain herself and heal the rift.
Extent4 items
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