RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleLiber A
Date17th century
DescriptionSummary of Contents. Begins at F. 112-f.112-113. Account of Brooke of Norton – see Historical Antiquities 1673, p.325-6, but the pedigree here gives the descent in the c.17 only)
p.113b-114. Brereton of Ashley – As in Historical Antiquities (1673) p.206-7.
p.114b-115 – Material used for the pedigree of Harcourt of Wymincham, (this Ms. quotes Camden and Burton’s description of Leycestershire) – see
Historical Antiquities p.391-2
f.116-121b Verses concerninge the earles of Chester and the ir barons as I fynd them in a Booke
of my cosin Daniels of Tabley and there sayd to be made by Mr. Bostocke. (composed about 1620)
f.122b-135 original deeds of Mr Robinson of Mobberley extracted by P.L. (see slips) Followed by other charters cited in History and Antiquities – p.319-321 – charters of Leycestre of Tofte
f.122b-135 cont. Leycester of Tofte – Out of the evidences of that family as I received them from Mr William Vernon who transcribed them from the originals cited Historical Antiquities p.374-381.
f.138-9 Charters extracted from a book of Henry Overton, transcribed from a book noted Liber H, written by Mr John Booth of Twamblowe p.97.
f.139-144 Charters extracted from a book of evidences of Leigh de Bagguley.
f.144-5b ex veteri rotulo in pergameno penes Davenport de Henbury
f.149b 1403. Legh of Baggiley pedigree – t. Edw.1.
f.150-4b extracts from the originals penes
March 6 1665 – Legh de Baggiley, By me P.L. f.156-157b out of a little booke in quarto noted Liber E beinge a collection of evidences and old Deedes by John Boothe late of Twamlo in Cheshire from the originals remayninge in possession of Henry
f.156-157b Manwaringe of Carincham esquire, appears pag. 129 eiusdem libri; and transcribed thence by mee domini
1666 – 1666, as followeth. P. Leycester.
f.158 charter from Liber E, of which the original was in the possession of Baskervyle of Old Withington
f.159 Notes out of Mr Cartwright’s deeds sent unto mee by Mr Geoffrey Cartwright himselfe
May 24 1673. This volume contains sketches of many of the seals used on the charters mentioned or transcribed
Original penes Mr. Robinson of Mobberley
f.122b 1355 – Mobberley – Shortly before this date. a. John de Ardene dominus de Aldford granted to John de Legh all his lands and tenements in Mobberley for term of Legh’s life, rendering £8 a year to John, and a rose at St John the Baptist’s day to his heirs. After Legh’s death his son, John, and Matilda, daughter of John de Ardene were to have the lands. If John died before the marriage, Matilda was to marry his brother, William. If Matilda died childless the lands were to revert to her father’s heirs. Witnessed by John de Orreby and Richard de Mascy knights, Robert de Pulford, Philippe de Egerton, Richard de Ffoulshurst, Thomas de Legh, William de Mobberley, Roger de Leicester, William de Mara, Adam de Tabley, William Danyers, Magister Roger de Alderlegh, Hugh clerk and others. Latin
f.122b 1355-6. b. Edward prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall and Earl of Chester pardoned Richard son of John Radcliffe and Matilda his wife, a fine of 40 marcs for the wrong which John de Legh did in acquiring the lands of John de Ardene in Mobberley. 29 Edw. III. Mobberley. Latin
f.122b c. Manor of Mobberley – Richard II granted possession of half the manor of Mobberley to John son and heir of Richard de Radcliffe of Urdesale, seised into the hands of Thomas Masterson escheator. (Latin) There was a suit then pending between the king and the said John and John found the following sureties – Peter de Dutton, John Leigh, del Boothes and Geoffrey de Legh to answere for the profits of that half of Mobberley if it were awarded to the King – Chester
April 22 1395 – 18 Richard II. (English)
f.1226. d. Roger Mobberley Hugh de Mobberley William gave Swinehed in Mobberley to Richard – Emmota his wife. son of Hugh sub Edward II. Laurentius Thomas Warinus Johannes
f.122b e. Laurentius de Mobberley relaxed all his rights in Mobberley 1358-9 to Richard son of John de Tatcliffe. 32 Edw.3. (no transcript)
f.124 Mobberley – Patric founded a priory in Mobberley and gave to God and St Mary and St Wilfrid half the church of Mobberley vide secundam partem Monastic Anglicani pag. 320 – the charter is then quoted in Latin
From the Herald of Chester’s Books and John Booth of Twemlowe
f.124 1209 – Patricius de modburlegh agreed with Augustine de Brethmete, his eldest brother, in the county court of Chester, before Philipp de Orreby, then justice of Chester, that he had no hereditary right in half of Modberlegh but held it for life by permission of Augustine, as contained in a cyrograph. When Augustine died his son John did homage and received the land from Richard de Aldford, who confirmed him in the land, but, by John’s permission, Patric continued to hold it. Latin
f.124b Sept 21 1317 – v. Charter of John son of Ranulph de Mainwaringe to release to William de Mobberley all his right and claim in all lands which the said William then held in Mucle Werford. Feast of St Mathew, 11 Edward 1. Latin summary.
w. Tuesday the feast of St Hilary, 14 Edw. 2. William son of William de Modburlegh appealed Richard son of Richard de Modburlegh of the murder of Richard son of William de Modburlegh his brother. (Latin summary).
Among the evidences of Holford in possession of Lord Cholmondeley.
f.124b x. 1341 - Henry son of William de Tofte gave William de Modburlegh certain lands in Plumley. Latin summary
Penes Danyell de Tabley
f.124b Plumley. y. William de Modburlegh granted Adam de ffernylegh and Alice his wife and john their son, 10 acres in a field called Lytillegh, in Plumlegh. Boundaries. Rendering to the abbot and convent of St Werburgh’s 6d. (Nativity of St . John the Baptist and St. Martin’s). Witnessed by Robert de Mascy, John de Legh, Robert le Grovenour, Roger de Leycester, William de Maynwaringe, Ralph de Lytilour, Adam Ffullone de Tatton, Richard clerk and others. Latin.
f.124b 1341 – z. William de Modburlegh granted John son of Adam de le ffernylegh and Sarra his wife 10 acres in the field called Lightwode. boundaries Rendering 6d. a year to St. Werburgh’s. Witnesses as in y
f.127 following the transcript of G.38 (wrongly given as g.57)
1319 s. William de Venables of Bradwell quitclaimed to John de Legh all his tenements etc in Routhesthorne, which John had of the gift of William, William’s father. Witnessed by Peter de Warburton William de Baggelegh knights, William de Modburlegh then sheriff, Robert de Mascy of
Tatton, Hamo de Ashlegh. L3 Edw. 2. Latin. This note received from Mr William Vernon
f.131b-132 1329 – Edw III – summaries of charters. B65 d. Henry de Mobberley gave Maria daughter of William de Modburlegh all his lands in Modburlegh. Ellena widow of Henry de Modburley granted Nicholas de Laycester all the rights which he had by name of dower, and also his wife Maria, in Modburley.
f. Richard son of Roger le Ward granted Nicholas de Leycester & Maria his wife, and William de Boure de Modburley all his rights. Witnessed by Geoffrey de Warburton, John de Legh knights, Roger de Toft. Thomas de Toft, Henry de Holford, Thomas Glayve
1340. de Modburley
b.230 g. A mandate under the prince’s privy seale in French to his beloved friends John Delves our Lieutenant Justice of Chester and Mr John Brunham our Chamberlain showing that divers of the Archers of Cheshire had come over to England without licence very disloyally, whose names are annexed. They were to be apprehended and punished. 30. Edw. III March 6 1356
Out of the Herald’s Book
En la Compaigny Monsieur Rafe de Mobberley
Will de Lauton
Rob. de Lauton
Jo. de Morton
Will. de Werberton etc
Penes Downes de Downes et Taxhall
f.131b Mobberley
Forest of Macclesfield
h. Isabella Queen of England, for the fine paid by Edmund son of Edmund Downes, pardoned him the trespass which he made in acquiring land in the forest o Macclesfield, which lands were held in chief of the Crown.
Dec 28 1339 – Given at Rysinge. 13 Edw. III.
f.132 Sept 18 1654
Transcribed from the original remaining with Ann Downes at Baristal. by me P.L.
i. Edward king of England confirmed the donation which Edmund de Downes made to his son, Edmund of the manor of Downes in the forest of Macclesfield and the manor of Taxhall with the advowson of the church there. If Edmund died childless, it was to pass to his brother, William, if he died childless to his brother Thomas, if he died childless to his brother John, if he died childless, to his brother Nicholas, if he died childless to his brother Henry, if he died childless to his brother Robert.
Oct 20. Letters patent. 18 Edw. III (Latin).
k. Edmund de Downes died, 49 Edw.3. of whom Edmund Downes was the son and heir
l. Edmund the son died 23 Rich.2. Ex veteri libro penes Henrici Overton. ut sequitur. But transcribed by me from a booke noted Liber H. written by Mr John Booth of Twamlowe pag.97.
Manor of Downes
Manor of Taxhall
f.138 1209 –
a. Philipp de Orreby acknowledged that he and his heirs were bound to pay 12s a year to Richard son of Roger de Tagesbrock (St Martin’s and Easter). for half the mill of Alvaldeley which the abbot of Chester bought from Richard de Perpunt and gave to Richard son of Roger and his heirs. Witnessed by Hugh abbot of Chester, Warih de Vernon, William de Venables Roger de Mesinger, Hamo de Mascy, William Malo Passu, Richard son of Ralph, Robert de Bawuill Richard de Kingesleg Peter de Ffrodsham and many others. Latin
b. Roger de Davenport and Maria his wife granted to William de Bultilegh in libero maritagio with Hellena, her daughter, 7s annual rent in Macclesfield. Witnessed by Thomas de Horreby, Richard his brother, William de Ridlegh, William de Bunbury, Richard de Swetenham, Henry Birchall, Henry de Colton, and others. Latin.
c. Robert son of William de Bulkelegh granted to William his son and Alice daughter of Adam de Tablegh land in Bunbury, Halghton, Beeston, Macclesfield and Withington. 28 Edw
1354. 3 Latin
f.138 1348
d. Thomas Swettenham and Robert son of Robert de Cholmundeley gave William de Holford all the lands which they had of the said William in Holford and Lostock Gralam for life, passing to Matilda daughter of William de Bulkeley for life, then to Thomas son of Thomas, son of William de Holford and his heirs. Witnessed by William Bulkeley de Eyton. Latin
f.138 Sept 1 1443-4
e. 22 Henry VI. Thomas son of William de Holford granted that Thomas his son should marry Matilda daughter of William de Bulkelegh and all the lands of William de Holford and Margaret his wife should descent to them. (Latin summary)
f. Agnes Bostocke wife of Robert Bostocke of Moulton to Ralph son of the said Robert. 9 Hen. 8. (no indication of the terms of the deed).
22 Apr 1517-8
g. Ranulph le Roter junior gave Margaret wife of William de Golborne knight, lands in Doddleston and Greenwall, once belonging to Richard de Golborne. 35 Edw. III.
(no indication of the terms of the deed) – Jan 25 1361-2
h. Margaret de Egerton had issue – John Payn who had a son, who had issue Richard Cogshull, who married Beatrice daughter of William de Calviley who lived on after his death and married Ranulph de Stoke third cousin of the said Richard. John de Stoke was father of the said Ranulph. Ranulph Frost married Beatrice, daughter of John de Codinton, and had a daughter, Isabella; he then married Beatrice widow of Richard de Cogull (sic) and they had a son, Ranulph. Latin
i. Adam son of Henry de Cotton and Margeria his wife, gave Hugh de Venables and Agatha his wife, and William de Venables, brother of Hugh etc (remainder omitted). Witnesses Ralph de Vernon, Richard de Mascy, Richard de Sandbach, knights, James de Poole, John de Lowe, William de Tofte, Roger de Rafinscroft and others. Latin
k. William Pantolf gave Norman Pantolf his brother, the marriage portion of their mother, Alice de Verdon in Mukesliston Winninton, Kingteston and Pret’ in exchange for the land which he held in Stanton. Witnessed by Nicholas de Verdon, Richard de Garsale Robert de Campar, Alfrid de Sutton, Henry de Audilelee, Henry de Verdon, Henry Wetton, Millo de Verdon, William de Verdon and others. Latin.
27 Edw III
f.138b Jan 25 1353-4
l. Adam de Tablegh granted to Thomas Daniers the marriage of Katherine widow of William de Tablegh, Adam’s so, with Thomas or Henry, sons of the said Thomas. French – no transcript
Jan 25 1372-3
m. Richard de Wever and Margaret his wife, made an indenture with Robert de ffouleshurst, granting the marriage of Thomas, their son, with Amabile, Robert’s brother. 46 Edw.III
French. No transcript
Jan 25 1346-7
n. 20 Edw.III. Richard son of Richard son of Stephan de Hulm granted to Hugh de Venables knight, and Katherine his wife, certain lands. Latin. No transcript
o. William de Boydels gave to Thomas son of William de Golborne, the lands which belonged to Heltona de Boydella his brother. Witnessed by Alan de Boydels, Ralph de Boydela, Patric de Mobberley etc. Latin – no transcript
p. John, son of David de Golborn gave to John son of William de Golborne etc. Witnessed by Robert de Pulford, William de Boydell knights. Latin. – terms omitted
q. Sibilla lady of Golborne widow of David de Golborne to William her eldest son. Witnessed by Patric de Barton. Latin. Terms omitted
r. John son of William Golborne, dominus de Golborne. Witnessed by William de Modberley. Latin. Terms omitted
s. William de Golborne to John, his son. Witnessed by William Trussell, justice of Chester. Latin. Terms omitted
Jan 25 1337-8
t. Emma widow of William Golborne to William Golborne, her son. Witnessed by Henry Ffrorer, justice of Chester, John de Wrenburg sheriff. II Edw.III
Latin. Terms omitted
June 22 1387-8
v. Elizabeth daughter and heiress of William de Golborne, wife of Roger de Venables Latin. Terms omitted
Jan 25 1355-6
x. Ralph de Brindlegh and Margeria, his wife, daughter of Richard de Bradwall granted Hugh de Venables knight land in Brodwall for 20 years. 29 Edw.III Latin. Terms omitted
y. John son of William de Golborne appointed Robert Harthin his attorney to give seisin to John and Thomas his sons in lands in Grenewall and Dodleston
July 8 1322-3
16 Edw II. Latin. Terms omitted
z. John son of William de Golborne appointed Robert Huxley his attorney to receive seisin in the lands which had belong to William his father in Dodleston. Given at Wauerton.
Nov 20 1300-1

Ex veteri libro penes Henrici Overton ut sequitur; but transcribed by mee from a booke noted Liber H, written by Mr John Booth of Twamblowe, pag 97
(from Liber H. pag.103) – originals penes Lord Cholmundeley.
a. Robert son of Nigell granted to Robert son of William and Mabilla, his wife, 2 bovates in Rowa Christletona which Richard Otegreve held. Witnessed by Matilda his wife, Jordan his brother, Richard, William and Alexander Granvile, Hugh de Worhull, Roger de Laggewede
Rowa Christletona
b. David de Malo Pa ssu, granted to Hugh de Cholmundley freedom from works at the castle and mill from 4 bovates in Ron Christleton. Witnessed by Philip de Orreby then justice of Chester, Henry de Aldithlegh, Peter clerk, William Vernon, then sheriff of Lancaster, Richard son of William, Richard son of Robert, John de Larketon, Jerworth de Shocklache
c. Ranulph, earl of Chester and Lincoln quitclaimed to Hugh de Cholmundeley suit of court at Chester, and the hundred of Duddeston. Witnessed by Philip de Orreby, justice of Chester, John constable of Chester, Henry Aldith, John de Arderne, Stephen de Seagreave, Thomas Tuschet, William de Malo passu & others sealed with the earles 3 garbes in a triangle escocheon
Duddeston hundred

f.150 Penes Legh de Baggiley
a. Dispensation for the marriage of Edmund Legh, son of William Legh de Baggiley with Margery daughter of John Savage. 5 die Nov. 1442
b. Licence for the marriage of John, son of Edmund Legh with Ellen daughter of Sir William Booth
c. John son and heir of Edmund and Ellen Booth – covenant of marriage
Jan 9 1505
20 Hen. VII
d. Covenant of marriage between Sir John Legh of Baggiley and Hugh Calvely whereby it was agreed in an indenture of Oct. 7th I Henry VII (1495) that Sir John should marry Jane, Hugh’s daughter and therefore a dispensation should now be obtained.
Jan 9 1505
20 Hen. VII
e. Covenant of marriage whereby Sir John Legh of Baggiley agreed that his son and heir, Henry should marry Jane, daughter of Thomas Mascy of Podington and they should inherit all his estates, except a jointure of £10 made by him to Maude, late wife of William Legh, his son and an annuity to Roger Savage, Richard Legh, and Randle Legh his two younger sons
f. Covenant of marriage arranging that John son and heir of Henry Legh the heir of Sir John Legh of Baggiley, should marry Margaret Raddish and within 40 days of the death of Sir John, Henry was to settle the inheritance on John and Margaret except an estate to Robert Chollerton, for term of life, one to Richard and Hamo Legh, Henry’s brothers and one to Richard Legh, his uncle. I Hen VIII. All in English – not given in full
March 21 1510
j. Simon son of Henry the miller gave Thomas de Leigh an acre in Kilkenny. Witnessed by Richard son of Richard Palmer, John Ansel. Edw I.
k. William Legh was living at Christmas. 10 Ric II, also 18 Ric II.
i. Thomas Legh of Baggeley and Lawrencius, his brother, received £2. 6s 8d from Thomas Duncalfe
28 Henry 6
Sept 1 1449-50
k. Edmund Legh of Baggiley was living 37 Henry 6. also 49 Henry 6.
f.150b A French deed by which Sir William de Legh and Joyse, his wife, leased to Peter de Legh and John his brother the office of the sergeantry of the Hundred of Macclesfield, which belong to Joyse during the minority of Ralph son and heir of Sir Ralph de Dauemport for term of 6 years, at 12 marcs a year.
All Saints day. (English)
Sept 1 1434-5
m. Thomas Legh. 13 Henry 6. granted 3 tenements in Norden to chaplains.
n. Thomas son of Robert Huchonson de Baggeley granted to Thomas son of William Legh all his rights in Baggeley called Habbirley hirst. 9 Hen. 6. Latin
Feb 14 1422
Feb 14 1422
o. John Ffenton, parson of Elford granted to Richard Gatcliff, chaplain all his rights in the manor of Baggeley, which Richard recently had of the feoffment of Thomas Legh. 16 Hen. 6 Latin
Sept 1 1437-8
Manor of Baglay
p. May 4 Sept 1 1456-7
Richard Gatclyff, parson of Alderley granted to Edmund de Legh of Baggeley all the manor of Baggeley
35 Hen.6. Latin
Aug 4 1477
q. John Sauage senior, knight handed over certain lands for life to Elena daughter of William Booth, now wife of John Legh. 17 Edw. IV
Sept 1 1422-3
r. Thomas son of William de Legh de Baggeley knight, gave Richard his son a piece of land in Baggeley
1 Hen.6.
Sept 1 1438-9
s. Richard Gatliff (sic) gave to Alice, wife of Thomas Duncalfe, all his lands. 17 Hen.6.
t. Roesya, widow of William de Baggerley acknowledged that she had received from William de Legh, lord of Baggeley by the hand of Isabella de Legh.
100s. 32 Edw.III
Jan 25 1358-9
u. A French deed between Sir William Legh and Joise his wife, and Sir Robert Legh concerning the marriage of Raufe, son of Sir Raufe de Dauemport. 16 Ric.2.
June 22 1392-3
w. John de Kyghley knight end Jocosa his wife, announced that Jocosa on the Tues. before the conversion of St Paul, 9 Hen. IV granted to Thomas de Legh son of William de Legh, knight the manor of Baggeley for 60 ears at £28. 10½d a year. they now acknowledge the receipt of £14 5d for the term ending St Martin’s II Hen.4. 1409
Manor of Bagley
x. John Ffenton clerk and Richard Gatcliff chaplain granted to Thomas Legh de Baggeley and Elizabeth his wife, all the lands which John Tatton, Robert Geffrason and Robert Chorlton held at farm in northurdene, which they had of the feoffment of the same Thomas 13. Hen.6.
Sept 1 1434-5
Sept 20 1466
y. Covenant of marriage. 6 Edw.4 that John Legh, son and heir of Edmund Legh of Baggeley should marry Ellen, daughter of Sir William Booth. (John Legh was then less than 16 years old)
f.151b Legh of Baggiley
z. An indenture of award of Master James Stanley, clerk between Thomas Leicester of Tabley and Margery, his wife, lately the wife of Edmund Legh of Baggeley on the one hand, and John Legh, son and heir of the said Edmund on the other part, concerning the jointure of the said Margery
17 Edw.4.
March 4 1477-8
a. William de Minshull vicar of Bowden granted certain lands in Baggeley (the recipient is not named) for term of the life of Matilda Davemport, daughter of William Dauemport de Bromhall or for term of the life of Cecilia Dauemport, William’s daughter, if she married William Legh, son and heir of John Legh, knight. 7 Hen. 7.
b. Elizabeth Legh wife of the late Richard Legh and John Legh, clerk executors of the will of Richard Legh …. Nov 5th 1550
c. Peter Dutton knight and John Leicester enfeoffed John Legh de Baggeley in their capital messuage of Baggeley, to hold to the use of Margaret Legh John’s wife. 21 hen. 8
d. Richard Legh living 31 Hen.8 farmed the bailiwick of Bucklow Hundred from Bucklow Hundred
f.151b cont’d
d. Peter Eggerton, gentleman
e. Richard Legh and Elizabeth his wife were living 26 Hen.8.
f. Margaret, widow of John Legh was living 26 Hen.8
g. Margaret Legh widow of John Legh acknowledged herself bound to Richard Legh cousin and heir of her husband in 500 marcs. 25 Hen.8.
Sept 10 1533
h. John Reddish and Margaret Legh acknowledged that they had received from Richard Legh 36. 13s. 4d. for Ffrancissa Legh, daughter of John Legh
July 6 1549
i. Edward Legh of Baggeley was living also 18 Elizabeth and 13 Elizabeth
k. Inquisition post mortem of William Legh of Baggiley knight. Thomas his son, was the nearest heir and was aged 18 years on the eve of St Mary Magdalene. 4 Henry 4. The inquest was taken before Matthew del Mere then escheatour, at Altrincham, Friday before the feast of St George the martyr. 5 Henry 4. English
July 21 1403
Apr 18 1404
l. Robert de Stokport gave Warin his free man, all his land of Baginghull. Witnessed Raunulf, de Memgarin etc. Robert son of Robert de Stokpord granted Hamo de Baghiley held in exchange for other land. Witnessed by Geoffrey de Dutton Richard de Bromale William de Baghiley, Richard clerk de hermitage, Hamo de Bagkiley etc. John de
f.152 cont’d
l. Baynchull granted to Richard son of Hugh de Baggelegh in libero maritagio with Cecilia his daughter all his lands in Baynchull in the fee of Etchells, as contained in the original charter of Robert de Stokport. Witnessed by John de Legh William dominus de Baggileh, Gilbert de Aston, Robert de Massy in Sale, Robert de Tatton etc. 30 Edw 1.
Nov 20 1301-2
Baynchull in the fee of Etchells
m Mathew son of William granted to William de Baghileia all his land of Lefwiueshalum for 4s. a yr. (Easter and St Michael’s). Witnessed by William le Norreis, Jordan de Didesburia Walther de Haletona, Roger de Barlau, William de Cheetreton, Robert de Meinwaringe, Matthew de Bromhale, Jordan de Chedle, Robert son of Robert de Mainwaringe. Walther de Withinton, Wolfricus de Barlau Adam son of Mathew de Bromhale, Peter Chanu and many others in the court of Matthew son of William at Withinton
n. Gilbert de Legh chaplain granted to William de Baggilegh all his manor of Lewyueshulme in co. Lancashire, for term of his life, with remainder to William son of William de Baggilegh
Manor of Lewyueshulme Lanc
f.152b cont’d
s. had of the gift of her father, and of the gifts of William de Bagiley. Witnessed by Thomas de Orreby, then justice of Chester, Geoffrey de Dutton, Geoffrey de Bromhale, Richard Massy de Sale
t. William son of William de Bagileya granted to Agnes daughter of Jordan de le Helmenhurst land in exchange for her land of Helmenhurst Witnessed by Richard de Stockport Richard le Massy, Richard de Bromhale, Robert de Sale, Robert de Tatton, John son of Hamo de Bagiley
v. William son of William de Baggeley granted to Hamo, son of John de Baggeley a piece of land which Gilbert Balle and Ranulph his son and William Carpentar first held in Baggeley for 3s. 8d. a year, the three best pigs. Witnessed by Richard de Stockport and Roger his brother, knights, Robert de Tatton, Richard de Kecworth, Adam de Tabley, Hugh de Baggeley, William Brondet, John chaplain and others
w. Matilda daughter of Thomas de le Rode, widow of Hamo son of John de Baggelegh granted to William de Bagg’ all rights in the free tenement once held by her husband in Bagg’. Witnessed by Robert de Ashton, Robert de Massy, Robert de Tatton, Hugh de Bagg’ Henry de Tymperlegh, Richard del Brom Adam de Kenenton
x. Hamo son of John de Baggelegh son of Hamo gave to William son of William de Baggelegh knight 2 acres in the marsh of Baggelegh near Thorlegh in exchange etc. Witnessed by Robert de Tatton, Robert de Massy de Sale, Hugh de Baggelegh, Richard de Brom, Richard de Kecworth, Henry de Tymperlegh, Adam de Kementon clerk and others.
y. Hamo de Masci gave to William de Bagglleye (sic) all his land in Baggileye, which he had of the gift of Hamo son of Ralph. Witnessed by Ralph de Vernon, Hugh de Venables, Edmund Phitton, Richard de Masci knights, William de Mobburleye, Thomas de Lege, John de Lege, Adam de Tabbileye Bagley
z. John son of Margeria de Bageley granted to William son of William de Baggeley knight all his land in Baggeley and his rights as lord over the land of Robert de le Wade. Witnessed by Richard de Stokeport Geoffrey de Chedle, Roger de Stockport, Robert le Massy, Mathew de Hale, Gilbert de Aston, Robert de Tatton and others.
a. Richard de Mascy granted to William son of William de Baggelegh all his rights in William’s park in Baggelegh. Witnessed by Thomas de Legh, John de Legh, William Dayniers, Roger de Lecyester, William de Mara, Hugh de Baggelegh Robert his brother, Robert de Denton, rector of half the church of Limme and others
b. William de Baggelegh gave Henry le Cuper an assart in le fflotes in Baggelegh, rendering 6d at the feast of St Peter and St Paul. Witnessed by Richard de Bromhale, William de Didisburi, Hamo de Baggelegh etc
c. John son of Henry de Baggelegh relaxed to William son of William de Baggeley knight all his right in the park of Babbelegh. 34 EDw.1.
Nov 20 1305-6
d. Hamo son of John de Baggelegh gave William, son of William de Baggelegh all his land in Baggelegh. Witnessed by Robert de Tatton, Gilbert de Aston, Hugh de Baggelegh
e. Margeria widow of Adam son of Robert de Nemore, granted to William son of William de Baggelegh all her dower land. Witnessed by Robert de Tatton, Hugh de Baggiley etc
An indenture between William de Baggiley and Thomas de Raggyd on the one hand, and Thomas de Shaylcros on the other.
g. William de Baggelegh – letter of attorney – 8 Edw III. (The terms of the 2 preceding deeds are not given).
h. Richard son of Richard son of John son of Hamo de Baggelegh granted to William de Baggelegh all his rights in the lands which John son of Hamo de Baggelegh held in Baggelegh
11 Edw.III
j. Matilda daughter of Hugh de Dutton and Isabella his wife, granted to William de Baggelegh knight, all right in 2 messuages in Baggelegh and Hale. 17 Edw.III
k. Cecilia wife of John Ffitton de Bollin, granted to William de Baggelegh all rights in 2 messuages which Richard Spark and Isabella de Rode held for term of years in Bagbelegh and Hale. Witnessed by John de Arderne, Geoffrey de Warburton, John de Legh knights, Robert Mascy, de Sale, John de Carrington, Roger de Toft, William de Tatton. Given at Bollyn. 18 Edw.II
l. John son of Adam de Wilcocks de Baggelee gave William son of William de Baggelee knight, all his land in Bagg’ which he had of the gift of Agnes, his mother. Witnessed by Hugh de Venables, Roger de Chedle, knights, Robert de Mascy in sale, Robert de Tatton, Richard de Brom’ Richard de Regworth, Adam clerk and others. 2 Edw.2. (The morrow of Epiphany)
Jan 7 1309
m. Richard de Stockpord gave to William his servant freedom from all law suits which might arise out of his accounts
m. since he took office 15 Edw. I.
n. Jordan son of Richard de Holmenhurst gave to Matilda his wife an assart in Rhuehurst. Witnessed by William de Baggiley, Hamo de Baggiley
o. Cecilia de Stockport in her widowhood, handed over to William de Baggiley the land which he first had from her husband, Stephan from the feast of St Martin’s, 4 Edw.2, for 6 years
Nov 11 1310
Apr 5
p. Thomas Burdut knight and Richard son of Thomas Habbowt gave Thomas son of William de Legh de Baggeley knight, all messuages in Etchells and Northerden. Witnessed by Lawrence Ffiton knight, Thomas Ffyton. William de Legh de Etcheles and others. Monday of Easter Week. 1 Henry 6.
q. Thomas de Legh de Baggeley gave Richard Gatlyff and John Ffenton chaplains all his lands in Echeles and Northurden. Witnessed by Geoffrey de Legh son of John de Legh, William de Legh de Echells, William de Tatton, John de Tatton, and Ralph de Vawdray – others. Given at Echels, Monday before St Michaels, 6 Henry 6.
Sept 22 1427
r. Sybylia de Mascy daughter of Hamo de Mascy granted to Secilia daughter of John her brother all her land in Northworthin, namely that half which Robert Mascy, her brother held, for a pair of white gloves a year, at the Nativity of St John the Baptist and 8s to St Werburgh’s at St Martin’s. Witnessed by Robert de Mascy, Hugh de Lymna, Alande Tattona, William de Mascy, William de Baggele. William de Caryngton, William de Tatton, Aytropus de Mulynton and others
s. Cecilia de Massy granted to Mabel her daughter all her rights in Jordan le Heyre of Norworthin and his land and all her part of an assart assarted by Adam de Baggeley called Asilhurst half an acre in Hesteyrwode, which Gilbert first held of her and all her land which Jordan had assarted, and a messuage in the vill of Northworth which Edusa daughter of Tidd first held and an acre which Richard de Bailey first held for 8 years. Witnessed by Richard Stokeport, Richard de Mascy, William de Bagel knight, Robert de Tatton, Henry venator, Roger de Kenworth Henry de Karlel Henry chaplain and many others
vill of Norworth
t. Robert de Mascy de Norwurthin gave Christiana, daughter of Mathew de Holinwurthe a messuage and 3 selions in Norwurthin namely that messuage which Williamson of Hugh held. Witnessed by William de Bagley, Warin de Baghinghalle, Robert de Sale, William clerk of Northurthin, Hugh son of Mathew Adam de Kenverhee, Roger de Kenverdhee, William de Didisbury, Hamo de Bagley, William chaplain and many others
v. Adam son of Robert de Tatona gave Hugh son of Mathew de Norworthin 7 lands in Norwurthin. Witnessed by Robert de Mascy, Roger de Tattona Richard rector of Norworthin, Roger and Adam de Kenworthin, Garin de Baginchul, Hamo de Chedle, William de Bagiley, Richard de Wiburbury etc. Full transcripts are given in the case 3 charters but in other cases summaries (usually in Latin) are given.
Notes out of Mr Cartwright’s deedes sent unto mee by Mr Geffrey Cartwright
himself, May 24 1673
a. Ffee Ffarme land in Baggiley purchased from Richard Legh of Baggiley esquire by Raufe Cartwright. 12 Car.1.
b. Other landes in Baggiley purchased by the same Raufe Cartwright from Robert Vawdrey of the Banke esquire
c. His lande in Sale part thereof was purchased from Vawdrey of the banke by the sayd Raufe Cartwright
d. The rest of the lande in Sale was purchased from James Massy of Sale, esquire, 6 Car.I. by Richard Cartwright son of Raufe Cartwright
e. His lande in Hale purchased from John Grantham of Hale. 13 Car.I. by Raufe Cartwright aforesaid (1637)
f. His landes in Millington was purchased by Richard Cartwright from Thomas Shaw which land was formerly John Wilkinsons and Shaw came to it by marriage
g. Lande in Timperley purchased from Robert Tatton of Withenshaw esquire by Henry Cartwright youngest son of Raufe Cartwright. No further information is given, relating to the deeds
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