RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleLiber W
Date17th century
Descriptionvol. c.17
For summary of contents see First Report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts p.46 – (begins with Sums taxed upon the gentry within the townships of Bucklow Hundred by virtue of the Late Act of Pole Money, received by Sir P Leycester)
3 Oct 1666
Bucklow Hundred
p.9 Detailed Analysis
Extracted out of Mr Leigh of Adlington’s Books as followeth (the book of Mr Leigh of Adlington now belongs to the architectural, Archaeological and Historic Society of North Wales). Letter dated White Hall, May 10th 1625, from the Lords of the Councell to the Earl of Derby, lieutenant for Cheshire, to muster all trained bands. (English). He sent his letter to the deputy lieutenant June 27. Letter from King Charles at Woodstocke, dated Aug 13 to William Earle of Derby ordering the trained bands to be put in readiness.
Sept 5 1625
p.10 Account of the view held in accordance with these instructions.
Letter from King Charles to William, Earl of Derby, to return the names of persons in his lieutenancy, within an estimate of the sums which they might by expected to provide.
Sept 17 1625
Oct 18 1625
names and estimated amounts follow to p.15.
p.16 1625
The form of a privy seal (a royal letter requesting a sum of money, from which all the names, amounts, dates are omitted. All in English. The form of a privy seal, 34 Hen.8 I num.86 (see slip under Nether Tabley I.
p.18 Oct 2 1625
Letter from the Earl of Derby, his Majesty’s Lieutenant for the Counties of Chester and Lancaster. Order to search the houses of suspected Romish recusants for arms
Similar order. Oct 31st. Note on proceedings taken by deputy lieutenants as a result of this order. All in English.
Notes on proceedings in 1625, as a result of King Charles sending for experienced soldiers out of the Low Countries to send into the counties to instruct the trained bands.
A commission of enquiry for moneys received for assessments, sequestrations decimations etc. since 1642 (dated 1662) Latin.
May 1 1662
Articles of Instructions to be enquired of and executed by virtue of ye commission hereunto annexed (names and addresses of treasurers, receivers, farmers or collectors who had acted from 1642 onwards, what sums received etc). English.
p.30 June 4 1662
Appointment of Robert Cholmeley, William Stanley, knight, Geoffrey Shakerley knight, Lord Brereton, Peter Leicester, baronet, Richard Grosvenour baronet, George Warburton baronet, Philip Egerton knight, Fulco Lucy knight, Thomas Cholmondeley of Vale Royal, esquire, Henry Bunbury, Henry Leigh, John Belott, William Lawton, William Leversage, Peter Pindar, Alexander ffitton esquires, Somerfield, Oldfeild, Robert Tatton, mayor of Chester, Thoams Leigh of Adlington, gentleman, Thomas Smith knight, Thomas Cooper gentleman, Leftwich Oldfield, Arthur Walley, gentleman, Philipp Ffrond esquire, Huntington-Hastings Corney esquire, James Bucke esquire, Daniel King gentleman, Thomas Ffrond gentleman, or 2 or more of them to enquire as to the articles or instructions in the schedule. Edwards. (Full latin transcripts).
p.31 To the clerk of the county of Chester. Commission of Enquiry for the county to be appointed for carrying out the preceding instructions. English
May 3 1662
p.32 Names of treasurers for assessments for the English Armies. For the Irish taxe.
p.35 Extent of the Hundred of Bucklow for purpose of assessing subsidy.
March 29 & 30 1641
Bucklow Hundred
p.42 1663
The King’s revenue as stated in Parliament.
p.68 A note of 7 measures agreed upon by the Deputy Lieutenants.
p.69 A form of the precept sent out to gentlemen and ffreeholders.
July 10 1626 Letters from the Lords of the Counsell at White Hall directed to the Lord Lieutenant of Cheshire and Lancashire mentioning the preparations in Spein and Flanders and ordering a view of the militia etc (summary).
p.70 Aug 14 1626
Letter for authority to levy £400 to meet the expenses of the militia etc each of the inhabitants was to do his duty at his own charge. Note that the deputy lieutenants met at Northwich Sept 11 1626, and it was agreed a summe of money should be levied through the whole shire for the provision of a magazine of match powder and lead and to defray the expenses of the training at Northwich – list of the sums to be raised in each undred.
p.73 Commission of array to the earl of Derby for Cheshire and Lancashire. (Latin).
Sept 3 1640
p74 Sept 23 1640
Six precepts by the Deputy Lieutenants also a schedule to be attached to the precepts (all relating to the militia and to provisions for defence).
p.76 June 16 1666. 18Ch.2
Commission of Arrary to William earl of Derby. (Latin). Instructions to the said commissioners. (English).
p.79 May 19 1668
20 Car.1
Copy of Prince Rupert’s letter to Robert Viscount Kilmorey and others giving power to act for the king. English.
p.83 Oct 10 1666
Commission of array. Latin.
18 Charles
Letter of the earl of Derby to Thomas Cholmondeley, High sheriff, Sir George Warburton, Sir Peter Leicester, Sir Peter Brookes, announcing that he appointed them deputy lieutenants.
Sept 4 1660
p.87 July 30 1660
Commission appointing Charles Earl of Derby, lieutenant for the county of Cheshire. (English).
The commission to Sir Peter Leicester as Deputy lieutenant follows.
Oct 3 1660
p.91 Oct 18 1660
Orders resolved on at Warrington by the Earl of Derby, Lord Lieutenant of Cheshire.
Letter of the Earl of Derby to the deputy lieutenants of Chester and Lancaster ordering them to punish all who failed to appear at the rendevous of the militia at Kellsall
Hill on Oct 8.
Kellsall Hill
p.93 Nov 18 1660
Letter Nov 18 1660, from Earl of Derby, sending on instructions received from his Majesty concerning the militia. The letter of his Majesty giving the instructions follows.
p.95 Nov 29 1660
Warrants issued out by the Deputy Lieutenants to the head Constables of Cheshire, requiring them to send out warrants for all the Horse to appear in complete arms at Knotsford on Monday December 10th
p.97 Dec 10 1660
The Cheshire horse was divided into 2 troops by command from the Lord Lieutenant and the Kings instructions.
Dec 11 1660
Order from the deputy lieutenants to the Captains of the horse to search for arms in the houses of all disaffected persons in Cheshire.
Dec 27 1660
Letter from the deputy lieutenants, namely Th. Cholmondely, and P. Leicester ordering Tho. Leigh, colonel of the regiment of foot and governor of Chester Castle to search for and seize arms.
p.98 Jan 2 1660
Order to the Head constables to issue precepts to the minister of every church and chapel.
Jan 2 1660
Order against assemblies for preaching outside the churches and chapels.
Jan 8 1660
Letter of the council to the Earl of Derby ordering suspects to be disarmed
p.100 Jan 10 1660
A proclamation prohibiting all unlawful meetings and Conventicles.
Jan 17 1660
A proclamation prohibiting the seizing of any persons or searchinge houses without warrant, except in tyme of actuall insurrections.
Jan 22 1660
Letter from Counsell to the Earl of Derby ordering the behaviour of suspects to be closely watched.
Feb 25 1660
Letter of Tho. Cholmondeley and P. Leicester to Sir Edward Nicholas, his majesties secretary of State, certifying the proceedings which they had taken.
p.107 Oct 2 1660
Letter of the Earl of Derby, announcing to Sir Peter Leicester, a meeting of the deputy lieutenants of co. Chester.
March 4 1660
Sir Peter’s reply announcing that he could not attend
p.108 Aug 19 1661
Letter from Counsell to the Earl of Derby ordering watch to be kept upon suspected persons
Oct 1661-7
More commissions to deputy lieutenants
p.109 Nov 16 1661
Letter to Sir Peter Leicester giving copies of intercepted letters from An. B a. and Capital Yarrington.
p.110 Nov 27 1661
Letter of counsel to the earl of Derby, proposing a magazine for the county
Dec 11 1661
Letter of Counsell ordering the disarming of persons exiled from the city of London and Westminster by the recent act, and forbidden to return within 20 miles
p.111 Nov 28 1661
Proclamation ordering all officers and soldiers that served under Cromwell’s armies to depart the city of London and Westminster before Dec 4 next
City of London and Westminster
p.112 Dec 14 1661
Letter of the Earl of Derby enclosing a proclamation from the king

Dec 21 1661
Letter from Lord Cholmondeley to the rest of the deputy lieutenants on recent opposition and disaffection against the king.
p.114 1662
A catalogue of all parish churches in Bucklow Hundred.
p.115 1662
A catalogue of Papists, Quakers and others secretaries in Bucklow Hundred
p.121 Some of evidence proving certain persons to be papists and sectaries.
p.122 July 16 1662
A letter from the deputy lieutenants to the Earl of Derby describing the steps they had taken on hearing of a design in Lancashire.
p.123 July 16 1662
Order from a 4 deputy lieutenants to Sir Philip Egerton and Captain Thomas Nedham to consult with the mayor of Chester about suspected persons in the city.
July 22 1662
Letter of the Earl of Derby to the deputy lieutenants, telling them that “the Bell Ringer” (I meane the Lord Brereton” was to be joined with him in the Commission for the Lieutenancy of Cheshire, and he asked their advice.
Their reply stating at they were amazed by the information but could offer no advice. They presumed that the Lancashire Plot discovered by Sir Roger Bradshaw had been abandoned since they had heard no more of it.
July 29 1662
p.125 July 19 1662
A new commission of lieutenancy for Cheshire – to the Earl of Derby and Lord Breeton. (Latin).
The new lieutenants’ commission to deputy lieutenants. English.
p.128 Oct 31 1662
Instructions from the king to the lieutenants. English.
p.132 Nov 1662
Information received about suspects.
p.133 Dec 29 1662
Order that enquiry be made as to wtches neglected. (From Lord Brereton to the deputy lieutenants.
Dec 19 1662
The King’s letter to the Earl of Derby and Lord Brereton for levying of money.
p.136 Aug 14 1663
A letter from the Council to the commissioners for the subsidy of Cheshire.
p.137 Sept 16 1663
The form of a warrant for the Head Constables of Bucklow Hundred touching the subsidy.
Bucklow Hundred
p.138 Sept 22 1663
A second form of this.
p.139 Sept 22 1663
A form nominating a High Collector (for William Tochet of Nether Whiley esquire)
Nether Whitley
Oct 2 1663
15 Chas
The form of the Collector’s recognisance
p.140 1663
Accounts for the subsidy, Bucklow Hundred
Bucklow Hundred
p.147 Oct 2 1663
A precept to the Head Constable for collecting the subsidy. Also some notes on the last subsidy.
List of the yearly value of the estates of the peers in the County Palatine of Chester.
County Palatine of Chester
List of principal officers in the militia.
Sept 16 1663
p.150 Aug 5 1663
Order from Council to the earl of Derby and Lord Brereton concerning the effectual establishment of the militia.
p.152 Sept 24 1663
Letter of Edward Lopley acquainting Lord Brereton with signs of disaffection.
.153 Oct 9 1663
Letter of the Earl of Derby, acquainting Lord Brereton with the plan for a rising on the twelth. Notes on steps taken.
p.154 May 3 1664
Letter of the Earl of Derby giving a copy of a letter authorising him to discharge Mr Duckenfield from prison
Apr 29 1664
Letter from the deputes to the earl of Derby asking why Mr Duckenfield had been discharged.
Bond in £2,000 by Duckenfield to appear when summoned
p.156 May 12 1664
Letter of the earl of Derby to the deputy lieutenants, announcing that he had been ordered to examine the case of John Griffith.

Apr 29 1664
Order from Council for Griffiths to be tried
Bond of John Griffiths in £1,000 as in the case of Duckenfield
p.158 Aug 10 1664
The Earl of Derby ratified the expenses of the militia.

The earl of Derby appointed Sir Peter Leicester treasurer of the militia.
p.159 Aug 11
Order of the earl of Derby concerning the effectual establishment of the militia.
Order from Peter Brooke, Thomas Legh and Henry Legh to Sir Peter Leicester to pay to the clerks of the militia of Bucklow Hundred 18d a day
Nov 8 1664
Bucklow Hundred

Nov 18 1664
Request from the Council for a list of seamen
p.161 Dec 13 1664
Order from the King to the Lieutenant to examine the accounts for the sums levied during the past 2 years, under Act of Parliament, authorising the king to raise money for 3 years for the upkeep of the militia.
p.163 Jan 14 1664
James Duke of York to the Earl of Derby, ordering him to impress 100 seamen in the co. of Lancaster and 80 in the co. of Chester.
Instructions from the Duke of York to the Earl of Derby concerning the impressments of the men, as specified in the preceding letter).
p.165 March 1 1664
Order from T Legh, Henry Legh, Fe. Brooke, Tho. Marbury to Sir George Warburton and Sir Peter Leicester for certain quantities of ammunition.

A royal proclamation forbidding foreign trade and commerce.
Order for a general fast on April 5 1665, imploring God’s blessing on the expedition against the States of the United Provinces.
p.167 March 25 1665
Letter from Clarendon to the justices of the peace enjoining upon them the need to free the country from seditious persons and meetings. A rebuke to those tho had not been sworn, though in the commission of the peace, or wo did not attend the assizes. Their names were to be sent to the king, so that proceedings could be taken against them.
p.169 Apr 1
Letter from Southampton and Ashley, to the commission for the royal – Ayde (Sir Peter was a commissioner) stressing the importance and urgency of the business of raising and supplying money.
p.171 May 17 1665
Letter from the Council to the Earl of Derby. Thanks him for the letter stating that the earl had appointed Sir Geoffrey Shakerley and Sir Peter Pinder to advise with artificers and workmen and to collect money for the repair of Chester Castle.
p.172 Aug 15 1665
Royal order that a close watch be kept on all suspected of sedition.
p.173 Dec 20 1665
Letter from the Earl of Derby to the deputy lieutenant acquainting him with the design for a rising in West Lancashire and the adjoining part of Lancashire.
p.174 Nov 1665
Letter from the Earl of Southampton and Lord Ashley to the justices of the peace in Cheshire, containing resolutions on hearth money.
p.175 June 25 1666
Letter concerning the organisation of the militia, for the defence of the kingdom.
Letter of the Council to announce the enemy preparations made invasion imminent.
p.178 July 2
Letter of the king, 18th regnal year, stating that, in view of the dangear of invasion, it was resolved to raise 3 regiment of horse… He required details of how much money raised had been expended on the militia and how much remained in the county an din whose custody.
p.179 Nov 27 1666
Letter of the king to the Lord Lieutenant, for securing all disaffected persons. Darlington’s letter, stating that, in view of the dispersal of the rebels in Scotland, it was unnecessary to take into custody disaffected persons.
p.177-80 Nov 24 1666
Royal letter ordering that all who would not take the oaths of allegiance and supremacy should be disarmed as suspects (to the Earl of Derby).
Letter from the Council to the Earl of Derby, announcing the appearance of the enemy fleet, and ordering him to have all the horse and foot of that county in readiness immediately.
p.184 July 12 1673
Letter from John Bridgewater asking the deputy lieutenants to hold a meeting and discuss the plans for a general muster of the militia etc. A salary was also to be provided for a Clerk of the Militia. Letter from him.
On Aug 16 1674, repeating his request as no meeting had yet been held.
Letter from the deputy lieutenants stating that the meeting was held that day, but that the general muster would not be held till after harvest.
Sept 3 1673

Sept 25 1673
Letter from Bridgewater, thanking the deputy lieutenants for their letter concerning the Northwich meeting.
p.186 Oct 8 1673
Chester, Letter from the deputy lieutenants to the earl of Bridgewater giving details of musters arranged.
p.189 Dec 30 1673
Letter from William Aston, P. Venables, Hen. Legh, stating that they had considered the most expeditious way of receiving letters from the Earl of Bridgewater, and stating that they left the appointment of a Clerk of the Militia to him. The reply of the Earl of Bridgewater. Also asking for a full account of the state of the militia.
Jan 27 1673
p.190 Feb 25 1673
Letter of the Earl of Bridgewater to Viscount Cholmondely and the deputy lieutenants, stating that it might be wise to postpone the musters, because so many deputy lieutenants were absent, attending Parliament.
p.191 May 4 1674
Letter from the Earl of Bridgewater stating that he had looked into the matter and the tax was sufficient to pay the salary of a clerk of the militia, a well as to maintain the militia. The salary should not be less that £30 a year.
p.192 May 25 1674
Letter of the deputy lieutenants to the Earl of Bridgewater, in reply to the preceding letters.
p.193 July 9 1674
Letter from the Earl of Bridgewater to the deputy lieutenants saying that he was pleased that they had appointed Mr Thomason Clerk of the Muster, and asking that they would send him an account of their last meeting and send him the muster rolls of horse and foot.
p.194 Feb 17 1776
Letter of the Earl of Bridgewater asking for an account of money in the treasury and asking about the names of officers in the commission.
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