RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleTomus Primus of the Evidences belonging to Leicester of Tabley
DescriptionTranscribed from the originals with the proper handwritings of Sir Peter Leicester Baronet who is yet living Anno Domini 1677. Hee dyed Octob. 11th 1678

1676 p.1. A particular of the ffee ffarme rents in the mannour or lordship of Over Whitley and the hamlets thereof purchased by Ffrancis Pigot esquire anno domini 1676 and given him forwards the maintenance of a chaplaine at the Chappell of Nether Tabley in Cheshire, payable at the feast of the Annunciation of Our Lady Mary and St Michael the Archangell.
p.3-14 deeds relating to the acquisition of Whitley c1657
p.21-24 blank
f1 Tomus primus or the First Booke of the transcript of Evidences concerning the ancient lands in Cheshire belonging to Leycester to wit...Tabley, Wethale, Helde, Over Tabley, Pickmere. For indications of the transcripts included in this volume see references to the Book of Evidences on the skips cataloguing the original deeds. There are also marginal comments and notes, particularly drawings of seals from charters transcribed and also explanationsof technical or obsolete terms found in the deeds.
On leaf facing f27: Ex bundelle de anno 22 Edward 1 inter palcita comitatus Cestrie apud Cestriae, sic continetur sequitur - Die martis proxime psot festum Sancti Bonifacii anno regni regis Edwardi primi vicesimo secundo. Johannes de Grey pro licentia concordandi cum Willielmo filio Willielmi de Tabley de palcito conuentionis de tertia parte manerii de Tabley Superiore et quadraginta solidatis redditus in Knotsford et Knotsford Boothes et habet Cheirogarphum (vide infra folio 98 - in the margin).
Mentioned is given f28 - die martis proxime post festum Sancti Bonifacii 2 Edward I
Opposite f27 This was a true copy of the record taken cut thence with my owne hand and examined by mee, the record beinge then at Backford, the house of Henry Birkenhead esquire, alte Prothenetary of Chester anno domini 1656; but cominge to make use of the smae by dilligent search amonge the records of Chester, on Monday the 4th day of September anno domini 1671, the sayd bundell de 22 Edwrad I was then mantinge and not to be found amonge the other bundells of the king's raigne, or mislayd. Ita testor P. Leycester
f.150-151 A survey of Wethale (measured by Thomas Jackson 1642)
f.152 Aston, Picmere
f.152d Helde
facing f.157 Rentall of Nether Tabley (about the reign of Edward IV)
facing f.181 Further old rentals are copied into the book, up to f.170. A few other rentals are also formed on the blank leaves which follow.
Then a rental for Peter Leycester for 1558; then a complete rental for Peter Leycester for 1657.
f.181-183 Rents due from Peter Leycester
f.183-188b Extent for 1663
f.73 The Descent of the Tableys of the hall of Wood in Over Tabley, which hall stood a little beyond the hall of Daniel of Tabley towards Aston, which landes are held of the baron of Halton fol.38b num 1; how challenged by John Leycester of Nether Tabley esquire to be held of him by the yearly chief rent of twelve pence see supra f72, C 30, C 31. Continues to f.75b
f84b The manor of Over Tabley in 1279 of information in the Historical Antiquities
p.362 abstract of Evidences (to f.90) of printed account.
f.100b 16 Jul 1557, complaint by Arthur Key, Thomas Dewsherey, John Key, James Leycester, Thomas Leycester, Nicholas Leycester (tenants of Sir Peter Leycester) that Thomas Wether, George Denesbery, William Shakeshall and John Warburton, knight, had attacked them and driven them away from taking turves in Arley Moss (transcript).
Order of the King and Queen's Counsel in the Marches of Wales that Arthur Key, John Key etc. were to have in common as claimed.
f.142 10 Aug 1660 Patent creating Peter Leycester a baronet.
Extent1 volume
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