RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleTomus Secundus [second volume] of the evidences belonging to Leicester of Tabley
DescriptionTitle continues as in Tomus Primus.
Begins with extents of the desmesne of Nether Tabley amd Over Tabley measured by Thomas Jackson of Hield in Aston. The index follows. Preceding f.1 is the explanation of Sir Peter's method of arranging and preserving charters, in boxes, each reserved from charters from a single place. 'The originals placed in each of these particular boxes are fastened together in little bundles accordinge to order and figured on the backe side with numbers and the proper letter of the boxes to which they belong: whereby they may be easily distinguished and quickly found upon occasion; the latter directingeto the boxe and the numbers to the particular deede or charte within the same.' For reference to these transcripts of deeds relating to Allostock V, Over Alderley, Nether PeverG see the catalogue slips for the originals.
p.131 An abstract of the evidences touchig Over Alderley - see Historical Antiquities.
f.133 A survey of the township of Nether Peover (Sr the mize)
f.133b An abstract of Leycester's Evidences Anchinge Nether Pever - as in his Historical Antiquities
f.136b On certaine notes touchinge the common messer in Nether Peover 167b
f.138 1676. Cottages erected since the war.
f.139b. Nether Peever boundary (1676)
facing f.67 Certayne extracts out of the Evidences of John Powdrill of Nether Pever who holds parts of Hiccocke landes as I received them from Mr Vernon 1651. Thomas son of Henry de Betherton granted to Robert son of Robert le Grosvenour all rights in lands etc., which he had of the feoffment of John Dronnesson and Thomas Buckley chaplains in Nether Pever, which Robert had of the gift Robert son of Henry Netherton (brother to Thomas). Witnesses Henry de Holford, Hugh de Toft, Thomas de Toft, Ranulph de Erdsoagh, William Wood, Chaplain de Peever. Given at Nether Pever 22 Edward III [1348-9] (Latin)
John Moreton and John le Gray, chaplains, gave to Thomas le Marshall all lands etc. which they had in the county of Cheshire. Witnesses: William de Wetenhale...Ranulph de Torpurlegh. Given at Torpurlegh 20 Richard II [22 Jun 1396-7] (Latin)
facing f.67 23 Henry VII [8 Jun 1508] Robert Browne of Knotsford yeoman bargained and sold to Rafe Hycooke, in consideration of £20 of all his landes in Nether Pever (no transcript). Thomas Wright of Medius Wicus granted to Ralph Hyccocke all claim which he had in the lands which Ralph recently received in Nether Pever from Rober Brown of Knotsford. Witnesses Peter Ayre, Ranulph Picmere, Thomas Tildesley (12 Aug 1 Henry VIII 1509)
facing f.67 John Hyccocke, son and heir of Ralph Hyccocke, late of Lostock Gralam granted to Robert Cotton of Lostock Gralam and George Ffrodshum of Allostocke 2 messuages in Nether Pever, on condition that they re-enfeoffed him. Witnesses: George Holford, John Holford, Robert Kenworthdey, James Coppocke, John Bentley clerk and others (Latin).
John Hykok and Anna his wife, granted Peter Leycester of Tabley an annual rent of 7s from 2 fields called le Ryddinges in the Parish of Nether Pever, for 19 years, 2 and 3 Phillip and Mary (25 Jul 1555-6). No transcript.
p.43 22 Jun 1393-4 Plea at the hundred of Macclesfeld before Peter de Legh and his colleagues: Thomas Ffytton was to reply to John de Leycester in a plea of debt (Latin). Transcribed by me Peter Leycester out of a little manuscript now in the possession of Edward Dumbill of Limme, 1676.
p.44 (section I) An absract of King Henry VIII's grant of Vale Royal to Thomas Holford, 1543. The original was in the possession of Thomas Cholmondeley of Vale Royall, 24 Aug 1676.
p.45 (section I) Final concord 1350, the feast of St Lauwrence, 10 Aug, between Richard de Poole and Robert Morley, concerning half the manor of Nether Pever. From the Lieger Booke of the Abbey of Vale Royal f.30b - now in possession of Thomas Merbury esquire.
p.46 (section I) Thursday after the Conversion of St Paul, 47 Edward III 27 Jan 1373. Robert le Grosvenour did homage to the abbout of Vale Royal for his tenements at Lostock (Latin). From the Lieger Book f.31a.
p.46 (section I) Saturday after the feast of St Richard the Bishop 1328 (9 Apr) Robert le Grosvenour did homage (as above) from the Lieger Book f.28a (transcript in Latin).
p.46 (section I) Saturday after St Edward the king 33 Edward I, 13 March 1305. Rober le Grosvenour did homage (Latin). From the Lieger Book.
p.47 (section I) :
a John son of Ouetus de Lostocke granted to Ranulf de Ruston, clerk, all his land of Bradshawe for a pair of white gloves a year. Testibus Richard de Kingesley (sub Henry III)
b. Gralanus de Lostock quit claimed to Ranulph de Ruston all his rights in Bradshaw, appurttenant to Allostock. Witnessed by Richard de Wibinbury, then sheriff of Cheshire (1234)
c. Ranulph de Ruston clerk granted to Adam his son all his half of Bradshawe for a pair of white gloves a year of 2d. Witnessed by Hugh de Hatton, then sheriff of Cheshire (1271)
d. Richard son of Ranulf de Ruston clerk quit claimed to his brother Adam all his half of his rights in half Bradshaw. Witnessed by William de Monewaringe, Roger de Toft, Ralph de Brereton, Richard de Bonetable (1272).
p48-9 (section I) A case in 1386 concerning a dispute between Scroope and Grosvneour relating to a coat of arms.
p50-4 (section I) Persons holding lands in Allostock in 1676 (includes p53, cottages erected in Allostock since the late warre up to 1676)
p.43-43b (section II) Proceeding between Whitney and Leycester (1578) as to the title to Over Alderley. Decree for Leycester. Then proceedings with Stanley 1588.
p44 (section II) proceedings with Egerton (1 Nov 2 Elizabeth) led to the partition of Braodheath (z 25). Also other suits from the Bundle of Suits marked (P (they relate to Over Alderley).
f.100 Records at Chester in the prothonotaryes office. Buindle noted 22 Edwards 1 f.13. Licence for John de Arderne to concord with Roger Throstle, Richard Berthils and others, by which John was confirmed in possession of 40 acres of wood - 20 acres near the hedge at Superior Alderlegh and 20 between Edmund Ffitton and the coparcenares of Superior Alderlegh (Latin).
22 Jan 1653 (?)
a. Tuesday the feast day of St Barnabas, 11 Jun 1392 15 Richard II. William de Acton gave Roger, son of Thomas de Alderlegh a piece of land called Ffynlowe in Over Alderlegh which John del Denne held for a term of years and also 20 cart loads of turves a year; for 29 years, for a grain of pepper a year. Announcement of seal. Witnessed by Peter de Legh, then seneschal of the manor of Macclesfield, Thomas Ffytton of Pownall, John de Scholehall, Thomas de Ffaluus, Hugh clerk and many others. Given at Over Alderley (Latin).
b. A release of the same land from William Acton to Roger, son of Thomas de Alderlegh 17 Richard II (not transcribed).
c. A release of the same by William Acton 2 Henry IV (3 Sep 1400-1) (not transcribed)
d. Robert Pigot granted to Hugh de Ffoxwist, his brother, all his land in Bonardishall. Witnessed by Richard de Stokeport, Geoffrey de Chedle, Edmund de Phitton, knights, Roger de Davenport, Thomas clerk then baliff of Macclesfield, Roger de Stokeport, Robert de Downes, Roger Throstle, Vivian de Ffoxwist and others.

Deeds of Thomas Action, as I received them extracted and englished under his own hand, 1650.
p.101 Book of Evidences II
1. Edmund Downes granted to William clerk, son of Adam, son of Roger de Over Alderley, between specified boundaries. Witnessed by Peter de Arderne, JOhn Ffitton, Thomas de Davenport, Edmund de Mottram and others.
2. Thomas son of Roger de Alderdeley enfeoffed Thomas de Budworth, chaplains of Alderdley with a certain piece of land at le Hegge, with reversion of the whole dower in Over Alderley and a messuage and gardens. Witnessed by John de Davenport, knight, Richard de Capenhurst then baliff of Macclesfield, Hugh de Ffoxwist etc.
3. Thomas de Budworth, chaplain of Alderley granted to Thomas son of Roger de Alderley and Mabill his wife, land at le Hegge (as in 2)
4. Adam son of Robert de Alderley granted to Adam, son of Roger de Alderley land, on which Adam erected a building.
5. Release from Simon of Alderley son of Robert le Dragged de Bottelegh to his cousin Roger de Alderley, clerk of his lands in High Croft etc., Over Alderley. Witnessed by Thomas de Davenport, Robert de Mottershed etc.
6. Deed from William son of Adam de Alderley to his cousin Adam, son of Roger, of his land called Newearth in Over Alderley.
7. A deed obliterated.
8. Roger son of Roger clerk of Alderley granted to Robert le Draggate of Butteley and Alice his wife, 4 acres in Over Alderley for a pair of white gloves a year. Witnessed by William Pigot, Richard de Mottram, Adam son of Roger de Alderley.
9. Joan, widow of Roger de Alderley, clerk, all her dower lands in Over Alderley.
10. Simon de Alderley granted to his cousin Roger de Alderley, clerk all his land in the high enclosure, Over Alderley.
11. Robert son of Hugh chaplaine granted to his cousin, Roger de Alderley his brother in Hauecho and Vico half his land in Alderley. Witnessed by Gilbert Pigot, Roger Downes, Birthin Punterlinges, Adam de Birtles, John de Ffarnehull, Griffin Punterling.
11. Adam le Hull of Alderley granted to Adam, son of Roger de Alderley all his part of the enclosure between Magwall Madians moore in exchange for land which Adam son of Roger had in an enclosure in Ffenning Apes.
13.William de Alderley gave to Roger his brother 2 buttes of land in Madian field in Over Alderley, which Roger son of Adam Walren gave to him. To hold of the chief lord of the fee.
15. William son of Roger de Alderley gave to William son of Adam de Alderley 2 acres in the High Enclosures in Alderley. These entries are English summaries of the deeds concerned.
Particulars of those having lands in Over Alderley Sep 8th 1653 (acreage and rent)
Evidences touching Over Alderley extracted by Mr Vernon of Shakerley out of Sir Thomas Aston's pedigree, 1640.
(23 very brief Latin entries of charters relating to Alderley, t. Edward I to Henry VIII).
11 Nov 1297 Deeds in the Prothonotaryes Office, Chester.
a. Roger de Throstle of Macclesfield granted to Demund de Downes and Margeria, his daughter, all his lands in Macclesfield, Alderley and Hulme and all his lands in Somerford near Davenport, except two bovates which he bought from Margeria, daughter of Robert, son of Jordan. Witnessed by Reginald de Grey, then justice of Chester, Hamo and Richard de Mascy, John de Arderne, knights, Thomas clerk, then baliff of Macclesfield, John Ffytton, Thomas de Davenport, John de Mottram, Henry de Honford, Richard de Bromale, John de Dutton, Adam Buray, Thomas clerk and others (latin transcript)
Brief Latin summaries follow:
b. 27 Edward I Benedict Throstle brought an assize of mort d'ancestour against Edmund son of Robert de Downes and Margery his wife concerning a carcurate in Somerford.
c. 1 Edward II, 8 Jul 1307/8. Fine between Roger son of Edmund de Downes and Margeria his wife, concerning two messuages and a carcurate in Somerford.
d. 13 Edward II 8 Jul 1319/20. Fine between Margeria daughter of John de Arderne and John son of John de Arderne concerning the manors of Aldford and Alderelegh.
e. 11 Edward III 1337/8 Fine between Robert le Grosvenour of Rudheath and Emma his wife and Richard de Mottershead and Margeria his wife concerning a third of the manor of Over Alderley
f. 20 Edward III (1346/7) Fine between John de Arderne and Elena, his wife and John son of Roger de Motlowe, concerning the manor of Alderdelegh
g. 23 Edward III 1394/5 Fine between Thomas son of Elena wife of John Arderne and Katherine his wife and John Arderne and Elena his wife
h. 50 Edward III 1376/7 Fine between William de Alderlegh and Adam de Acton and Emma his wife concerning land in Over Alderley
i. 18 Edward III 1344/5 Assize taken to discover if Roger Throstle, father of Alice, wife of Henry de Plesington, Elena, wife of Hamo de Ashley, Roesia wife of Richard de Aston were seized in desmesne of 9 messuages, 300 acres, 60 acres of meadow, 200 acres of pasture in Over Alderley (transcript in Latin)
k. 18 Edward III 1344/5 Robert son of Roger de Downes impleaded Peter de Arderne concerning 9 messuages, 300 acres, 60 acres of meadow, 200 acres of pasture. Judgement: Robert in mercy. (Latin transcript)
l. 11 Edward III 18 Oct 1337 Simon son of Alice, duaghter of Walter de Alderelegh impleaded Edmund del Downes senior of 5 messuages, 80 acres, 6 acres of meadow, 80 acres of pasture, 6 acres of wood, 30 acres of turves in Over Alderley. Edmund in misericordia (Latin transcript)
m. Simon son of Alice daughter of Walter de Alderdelegh impleaded Elena, wife of Roger del Downes concerning 2 messuages, 40 acres, 3 acres of meadow, 3 acres of wood, 40 acres of pasture, 10 acres of turves in Over Alderdelegh. Elena in misericordia (Latin transcript)
n. Assize to recognise if Roger son of John de Ffarnehull father of Adam de Farnehull was seized of a messuage and 4 acres in Over Alderley (Latin transcript)
18 Edward III 11 Jan 1345, Tuesday after Epiphany Assize to recognise if Peter son of Peter de Arderne and Christiana his wife and William Huggessone of Alderdelegh had disseised William Trussell of hus free tenement in Over Alderdelegh consisting of 20 messuages, 200 acres, 20 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture. William recovered seisin. (Latin transcript)
q. 19 Edward III 1345/6 9 Extract from Sir Thomas Aston's pedigree - William Trussell gave to Peter, son of Peter de Arderne of Alderley all his lands in Over Alderley
r. 21 Edward III St Boniface, Margeria wife of Roger Walrauen impleaded Alice wife of Robert del Shaghe for the third of the manor and four acres in Over Alderdelegh,, and Milicentia and Margaret daughters of Robert del Shaghe for the third part of 2 parts of a messuage and 4 acres. She claimed these lands as dower (Latin). An English statement is added that she received them.
An extract out of Thomas Aston's pedigree f.35 c22 Edward III
t. 25 Jan 1348/9 Margeria wife of Roger Walrauen granted to Christiana wife of Peter de Arderne all lands in Over Alderley first recovered by brey de dote against William Clearke and Richard Mottershead and William de Ravenshurst and Alice wife of Robert del Shawe and her daughters
v. 21 Edward III 5 Jun 1347 Placita Tuesday St Boniface's day, Emma daughter of Thomas de Alderdelegh impleaded Peter de Arderne of Nether Alderdelegh on a plea of unjust detention of her cattle etc. (Latin)
w. An entry continuing the case in v. The sheriff testified that he had summoned the baliffs of Queen Isabella at Macclesfield who replied that William son of Simon son of Alice daughter of Roger son of Walter de Alderley (the lord for whom Peter de Arderne was baliff) and John his brother had no rights by which he could attach her beasts (Latin)
x. 43 Edward III 24 Jul 1369, Tuesday after St Margaret, Placita before Bartholomew Burgherst justice of Chester, Assize taken to whether Alice Hadock and William Buklegh de Alpram unjustly disseised Adam de Acton and Emma his wife of a free tenement in Over Adlerley, namely a messuage 40 cares and 4 acres of meadow (Latin)
a. 24 Edward I Tuesday after St Peter and Paul 3 Jul 1296 Assize to recognise if Hugh de Holme disseised Richard son of William de Hargreave of his free tenement in Alderdelegh (Latin). Judgement in favour of Richard
b. 24 Edward I Tuesday St Nicholas 6 Dec 1295 Hugh de Bradford was summoned to reply to Margeria wife of John son of Hugh de Hulme concerning a messuage, 20 acres and an acre of meadow in Over Alderlegh (Latin)
c. 25 Edward I St Gregory 12 Mar 1297 Richard son of William de Hargreave impleaded Hugh de HUlme of a third of 2 messuages and 8 cares on Over Alderdelegh of which Hugh unjustly disseised Margaret, wife of William Hargreave, Richard's mother. Latin.
d. 25 Edward I Tuesday after St Edmund the Confessor 22 Nov 1296 Assize taken to discover if Roger de Aldredelegh was seised in desmesne in Over Aldredelegh now held by Roger Throstle, Edmund de Downes and Margeria his wife. Finally concord made by which William son of Roger for a sparrowhawk quitclaimed to Edmund and Margeria the land in question (Latin)
e. 26 Edward I Tuesday the morrow of St Hilary 14 Jan 1298 Assise taken to discover if Henry de Davenport, Roger de Samur, Margeria, hsi wife, Robert le Grosvenour, Adam son of Roger de Over Alderdelegh and Adam de Over Aderdelegh chaplain disseised Hugh de Bradford of a messuage, 15 acres of morr and turves, an acre of meadoe and a third part of 200 acres of wood. Judgement Hugh in mercy.
f. Assize taken to discover if Roger le Samur, Margeria his wife Margeria widow of Robert le Grosvenour, Hugh de Keleshale, Margeria's servant, Richard son of William de Hargreave, Roger son of Adam, chaplain of Superior Adredelegh unjustly disseised Hugh de Bradford of his free tenement in Superior Alderdelegh, namely two messuages, 3 acres and 5 acres of heath. Judgement, Hugh in mercy. (Latin)
g. 3 Edward II Tuesday after the Annunciation 31 Mar 1310 Recognitio to see if Edmund del Downes, Thomas del Downes, William his brother, unjustly disseised Adam son of Roger of Over Aderlegh of his free tenement in Over Alderdelgh
h. 11 Edward II Tuesday before St george the martyr 25 Apr 1318 Edmund de Downes and Margeria his wife impleaded Robert de Monte Alto on the plea that he should acquit them of the service due to Thomas earl of Lancaster due from the free tenement which Robert held in Over Alderley
i. 17 Edward I Eve of St Matthew 20 Sep 1289 Roger de Monte Alto, son and heir of Robert de Monte Alto was attached to reply to Hugh, son and heir of Richard de Payn that Richard de Payn had lent to Robert de Monte Alto 42 marcs 8s 9d (Latin)
k. 29 Edward I Tuesday, St James day 25 Jul 1301, Isabella wife of Roger de Throstle impleaded Walter de Hereford abbot of Vale Royal of a third of a messuage and 2 bovates in Lache Maubone, as dower. (Latin). No further details of this case given
Extract of the Domesday Book entries relating to Cheshire. latin
2 Edward III 1328/9 Escheats and inquisitions in the Tower of London. m.91 Robert de Monte Alto held the vill of Aldurley for the service of a quarter of a knight's fee of the barony of Halton.
z. Robert de Monte Alto his office (i.e. inquisition post mortem taken at Chester)
6 Edward III - no details given, but a note adds: This was the last heyre of that family of barons of Monthault, who were high stewards of Cheshire hereditarily to the ancient Earls of Chester. In which it is found that the sayd Robert dyed seized of half of the mannour of Over Alderley, which he held of the honour of Halton by the yearly rent of 1s. Robertus Morley Mareschallus Hibernia eius heres propinquior
Deeds in the possession of Mr Stanley of Alderley as they were produced by his councell at Chester barne anno domini 1639 at the tryall inter Leycester and Stanley touchinge Over Alderley.
The deeds of Mr Stanley of Alderley which he lent to Acton at the tryall in Easter Assizes 1658, as they were copied by Acton
Transcribed from the originalls now in possession of Ffrancis Ffitton of Over Alderley, 4 Mar 1653, as followeth by me P. Leycester.
a. 50 Edward III Saturday after Ascension 24 May 1376 Adam de Acton of Aldurlegh and Emma his wife granted to William de Alderlegh chaplain, a piece of heath calle dRogers Heye in the township of Over Alderley, lying between Wymundshurst and Hareborowe. Warranty. Witnessed by William Pigot, Adam de Mottrum, Thomas de Ffallowes, John le Warde of Capestone and John del Greve. Given at Over Aldurlegh (Latin).
b. 50 Edward III Tuesday after Assumtpion of the Virgin Mary, 19 Aug 1376, Final concord before John de la Poole, justice of Chester, Thomas de Dutton, Geoffrey de Werburton, Ralph de Vernon, knights, Hugh de Venables of Kinderton, John Domvyle, Robert le Grosvenour and others by which Adam de Acton and Emma his wife confirmed to William de Alderlegh 12 acres of heath in Over Alderley (Latin)
c. 12 Richard II, Tuesday Whitsun week, 8 Jun 1389, William de Aldurlegh chaplain gave William son of John de Haywood and John de Rossindale chaplain, 12 acres and appurtenances in Over Alderley which he had of the feoffment of Adam de Acton fo Over Alderley and Emma his wife. Witnessed by Robert de Legh, knight, John Pygot, Robert de Worth, Richard de Ffitton, John de Chorley, Thomas de Ffallowes and others. Given at Over Alderleg. Latin.
19 Richard II, Tuesday before St Michael's, 28 Sep 1395 Indenture in French between Williamson of John de Haywood and John de Russindale chaplain, whereby it was agreed that William de Aldurley enfeoffed them with land in Over Alderley upon condition that John should release to William and his heirs in the land at the reasonable request of William. If William died without having the release it was to be made to the heirs of his body, immediately after the death of Hawise and her heirs were to received the land. Announcement of seals. Given at Aldurley. English.
The entry continnues after the death of William John Rossindale was to enfeoff Hawyse for term of 39 years.
e. 22 Richard II 22 Jun 1388/9, John de Rossindale chaplain granted to Hawysia once wife of John de Haywood. 12 acres in Over Alderley (Latin)
f. 12 Henry VIII, 6 Apr 1521, James Ffitton gave Edward Ffitton and heir apparent of John Ffitton of Gawsworth esquire, Ranulph Ffitton, clerk and Philip Ffodan, chaplain, a messuage and a piece of heath called Rogers Heye in Over Alderley; the land was to descend to John son of James and Richard his brother, remainder to Jane Ffitton, their sister.
A note adds that the freeholf of Ffittons in Over Alderley was bought by Robert Norbury of Harborough tenant to Leicester of Tabley about 1672
Extent1 volume
Related MaterialD 5815 photograph of a map of Over Aderley, Peter Leicester (1636)
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