RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleTomus tertius et ultimus of the Evidences belonging to Leicester of Tabley
Datec 17th century
DescriptionTitle continues as in Tomus Primus.
The transcripts and catalogue entries in this volume relate to:
Wills of Administration W
Releases X
Wardships and Liveries D
Annutities and feoffments H
Entails and deeds of Uses E
Jointures and Marriages A
Bundles of Suits Offices O
Acquittances for the yearly rents issuing out of my lands.

An extract of the acquittance in the boxe entituled - Acquittances for the yearely rents issuinge out of my landes. Observations concerninge Our Ladye's Chappell in the parish church of Great Budworth taken by me Peter Leycester of Nether Tabley in the county of Chester uppon my diligent view and survey of the sayd chappell, the 26th day of December anno domini 1650.
Certaine briefe heads and notes uppon the order of 36th Henry VIII
Charges in repayre of that part of our ladyes Chappell belonging to Leycester anno domini 1670
Charges in the repair of the Leycester pew in Budworth church.
25 Jan 1359-1360
Jointures and marriages A.num.1 - catalogue entry in English, 33 Edward III.
A French indenture between Raufe sonne of Richard Vernon of Shipbroke and William de Maynewaringe the elder: Raufe granted to William the marriage of Raufe, his eldest son, to marry Ellen, daughter of the said William. 100 marks portion: 20 amrks of land for joynture etc. to be paid and effected after the death of Agnes, wife of Sir Roger Crumppinton. The originall of this deede I gave to Sir Thomas Manwaringe of Pever, June 22nd 1666.

Penes Mr Bradshaw of Marple
27 Apr 1323
Wednesday after St George, 16 Edward II
Joan wife of Richard son of Christopher of Lostock granted to William de Modburlegh and Matilda his wife all the land and tenement which he had in the vill of Plumley. Warranty. Announcement of seal. Witnessed by Ralph de Vernon, Geoffrey de Werberton, knight, Richard Titchleshurst then sherriff of Chester, Robert le Grosvenor, Roger de Holford, John de (blank) and others. Given at Plumley (Latin).
Richard Sidehurst and Leticia his wife, their daughter, their capital messuage in the township of Plumleg and four and a half selions between the land which John Byrd once held of William the smith of Plumleg and the road extending through the middle of the township to the house of William Smith near Tabbeleg; a piece of land of the fee of St Werburge of Chester, lying between the land of Robert le Grosvenour and of Henry, son of William de Toft, and another piece of land (boundaries given) and various pieces of land in Plumleg (all carefully specified); to hold for various specified money rents due to the abbot and convent of St Werburgh. Warrenty. Announcement of seal. Witnessed by Rand de Merton (space) de Acton, John de Nova Aula, Rand de Parva Ove', Robert de Bulkyleg, Robert de Winnington, William de Horton, John de Peever, John clerk and others. (Latin).
Extent1 volume
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