RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleBooke of Collections, touchinge Bucklow Hundred cited in my notes by the name of Liber B.
Date17th century
DescriptionIn the end hereof is added a brief history of Jerland’s Conquest, and with a catalogue of the Deputyes and Lieutenants there, to K. Charles 2nd.
Summary of Contents
A number of miscellaneous deeds and entries appear in the 3 un-numbered pages at the beginning of the book
Deeds of Manwaringe of Pever (to f.19 from originals, others from Sir Thomas Manwaringe’s notes)
Deeds of William Harcourt of Winsham extracted by me. April 9th 1666. P.L.
A deed belonging to Thomas Ravenscroft of Bretton and one belonging to Henry Manwaringe of Carincham
A deed headed Timperley
A narrative account of Over Pever – preparation for the Account in “Historical Antiquities” p.330-1 (no pedigree)
Over Peover
Toft. An account in preparation for “Historical Antiquities”. p.374-5
2 charters belonging to Coppocke of Mobberley
2 charters relating to Holmes Chappell.
Jan 18 1648
2Penes Tho. Cotton de Cotton. but transcribed by mee from Will. Vernons copy”
Cogshull near Comberbach – preparation for the account in “Historical Antiquities” where the charter given here (from the Couchir Booke in the Duchy Office, Tom.i.f.42 num.7. is printed p.236
Cogshull near Comberbach
Coppyes of deedes which I received from Mr Will. Vernon. the original penes
Will Harcourt of Wincham
Deedes now in possession of Widow Glover of Picmere. abstracted by mee P.L.
11 July 1662
Ex chartulis Legh de High Legh of west Hall
An account of Wyncham in preparation for “Historical Antiquities”, p.388
Picmere. Gives some of the particulars incorporated in the account in “Historical Antiquities”. p.341
Deeds of Thomas Starky of Picmere (3)
Warford. Sir Thomas Manwarings notes out of his ….. deedes 1665, see “Historical Antiquities2 p.386
Narrative account in English beginning “The Whole Land of Brittaine was first called Albion and afterwards Brittaino….Deeds “who was borne in the 44th year after the comminge of the English Saxons into Brittaino, as he himselfe confesseth page 23 of his booke de Mxcidio Britannine, reprinted anno domini 1368, at London; at obit nonascnerius in nonastorio Ba. goressi, sepultus 4 calendas Ffebruarik cired annum Christi 583 as Pitscus hath it in his booke de illustribus Britannene scripteribus pag. 102 and till Geffrey of Monmouth”.
Narrative. Bogine” as to the name of Brittaine; Diodorus Sculus and other ancient Groke Authors… Ends the ffabulous story of Drate, which some say occasioned the name of Brittaine, I thinke ought deservedly to be exploded; and in that I agreed with the loaned Cambden
s.num 1-4. The extracts of these deedes following were taken by P. Leycester. 3 March 1672 from the ?originals
mentioned in the most ancient Historics of the Irish, as Ciroldns Cambrossis… Ends “His councell are the Chanellour of the kingsome, the Treasurer of the Kingdome and others of the Earles, Bishops and Judges qui sunt a sanctiori concillio”. Thus Cambden
Catalogue of the lord justices, Lieutenants and deputies of Ireland
Detailed Analysis

Bucklow Hundred

Another Book touchingo Bucklow – Hundred. (quarto, on paper. c.17) An old copy of a deed in possession of Mr Smethicke of Smethicke (P.L. dates this Hen.2 or Ric.1)). Ralph de Brereton gave to St Oswald and the chapel of Brereton all his land of Smethwicke.

Chapel of Brereton
Ormerod III p.90 hectares of Mobberley out of the register of Mobberley church taken by P. Laycester May 27th 1672 which register booke beginneth anno domini 1578. (List of rectors goes from 1570-1663).
Niccardas de Mesilawarin give the oithe of Blachenol, 2de annonam et do de Walbrunus. Amonge the grants confirmed to the Abbey of Saint Werburge by Hugh Lupus, earle of Chester, upon his ffoundation thereof 1093, anno domini 1093
a. Manwaringe. The original of the followinge deede is now in possession of Sir Thomas Manwaringe of Over Pever baronet, 1668 made about the reign of Kinge Stephen. Roger de Meinwaring gave to St
Werburgh’s the third of Thabbelew.


Witnessed by William Malbanc, Philipp his brother, Hamund de Mascy, Alured de Cumbray, Ranulph de Menilwarin, William his brother, Geoffrey his nephew, Richard son of Madiou, Ranulf venator, Hugh de Dutton, William superbus, Paganus Hudardus, Hugh son of Waland, William de Kent and many others (Latin transcript). Ormerod 1.p.471 (reign of Hen.II. Roger de Mesnilwarin granted the church of Plumleya when Widow, his son was made a monk.

Church of Plumley
Witnessed by William and Ranulf his sons. Amonge other grants in the reign of Hen. 1, this was confirmed by Richard earle of Chester unto the abbey of St Werburge at Chester, anno domini 1119 Monasticon Anglicanum pars prima pag.985. (P.L’s reference) No transcript. Ormerod I.p.669. x. Hugh earl of Chester granted to Ralph de Menilwarin with Amicia his daughter in free marriage the service of William son of Roger (service of 3 knights) and he was to perform for the earl, the service of 2 knights. Witnessed by R abbot of Chester, Bertreya, countess of Chester, Simon Chascket, Roger de Livet, William son of Picot, Robert his brother, Homfridus de Ridford, William de Menilwarin, Robert son of Hamo, Bertram camerarius, Robert de Menilwarin, Ranulph de Lee, Ralph clerk, Peter clerk, who made this charter, and many others. at Lee. Ormerod.I. p.28. Latin (unless otherwise stated the following entries refer to transcripts in full of charters examined by P.L. or on his behalf).
y. Roger de Menilwarin for the soul of Ranulph, earl of Chester and Lincoln, his uncle, granted to the abbot of Delacres free common in his wood of Pever.

Witnessed by William de Manilwarin, William chaplain of Lawton, Richard de Norton, Benedict de Cawdray, John de Matlow, William de Pever, Hugh de Weloc, Richard de Wereford. The originals of those 2 last deeds are now in the possession of Sir Thomas Mainwaringe of Pever.
Holmes Chapel
10 Aug 1640
On the 10th of August 1640, Mr …? took out the pictures of Sir Robert Nedham and his lady with three sons and two daughters, all kneelinge, in a window of the North Ile in Holmes Chappell, with the armes of Nedham and Manwaringe empaled in the midst between Fir Robert and is lady, havinge under them this Inscription followige:

Grate pro bono (given in full). Also on 31st May 1671, in the chancel of the parish church of Adderley in Shropshire on a blewish marble stone there were in brasse the pictures of Sir Robert Nedham and his wife with 7 sons and 2 daughters with the following inscription (given in full)

Parish Church of Adderley, Shropshire.
z. Extracted out of a very ancient coppy of a deede now in the possession of Mr Massey of Podington. 1662
Ranulph earl of Chester gave Ranulph Mainwaringe reasonable gift which Richard Putra had made to him of all the will of Great Werford of the demesne of Roger de Mainwaringe, with the mill.

Village of Great Warford

Witnessed by Phillipp de Orreby, then justice of Chester etc
see also Liber B p.234
Vill of Great Warford
a. Ralph de Meidnilwarin gave to Henry de Alditeleh, in free marriage with Bertrea, his daughter, Smelwood and Snelleston and half Pickmere, an and annual rent of marc from Robert son of Crurus in Chester.
Witnessed by Ranulph earl of Chester, Hugh earl of Philipp de Orreby then justice of Chester, John de Patelf, Hugh Malebiff, Richard de Vernon, Ranulf de Meidnilwarin, clerk, Lidulfus de Twamlow, Robert de Praerlis, Richard de Kingesley, Norman Panton, Thomas Oreby, Alured de Salninus, Peter Chanu, G G de Alditley, Richard de Rodiste clerk and many others (printed Ormerod III p.56 – with incorrect spelling of witnesses) – 1209
The originall of this followinge deede or charte remaines in Cotton library…coied by Dugdale. May 31st 1656
The originals of these extracted deedes followinge remayne now in possession of Thomas Mainwaringe of Pever esquire, Mxamined and transcribed by mee P.L.
Aug 18 1656
b. Roger de Metnilgarin gave to Thomas de Metnilgarin son of Ranulf de Metnilgarin all his land on the Wich Field near the land which he held of Simon de Newton, namely that land which Brun de Wichfeld held. Witnessed by Richard de Draicot, then justice of Chester, William de Metnilgarin, Richard de Wibbenbury, then sheriff of Chester, Hamo de Metnilgarin, William de Pever, Matthew
c. Roger son of Ralph de Meinewarin to William his son. As in Ormerod III p.477., but the witnesses are included in Liber B, Warin de Varnun, William de Meinewarin, William de Pever, Robert de Vernun, Roger de Perrens, Simon del Boys etc. P.L. adds that 2s was being paid as rent in lieu of the render of a sparrowhawk a year

Thomas de Meynewaring quitclaimed to William de Meynewaring the service of Hugh de Stoke in which he was bound for land at ffaudon, and 4s annual rent, which he owed for land in ffaudon.
Witnessed by Richard de Stocport, Thomas clerk then bailiff of Macclesfielde etc. Latin.
William de Mainwaringe, lord of Pever granted to Benedict his son, all his land which was held by John de le Dene in the vill of Superior Pever. rendering a pair of white gloves a year at All Saints. Witnessed by Richard de Mascy, knight, William de Mobberley, Adam de Tabley Roger de Toft, John de Legh, Robert de Vernon, Richard chaplain and others. Latin. P.L. adds a note that the original was in possession of John Swinton of Knotsford
Vill of Superior Peover

p.5 n
Oct 24 Thomas Manwaringe of Northwich son of Nicholas Manwaringe, announced that Oliver Hurlebot had been seised of a messuage and appurtenances in Over Peover, rendering 20s a year at St Martin’s and the Nativity of St John the Baptist. He now granted this rent to John Mainwaringe of Over Pever. Latin. P.L. adds a note that the original was in the possession of John Swindon
23 Hen 7.
Over Peover
Penes William Berd of Over Peover
Thomas de Mainwaringe granted to William son of Gilbert Gykes the gift which William de Mainwaringe, his brother gave to William son of Gilbert Gykes – namely all the land called Chapmoniswych. Witnessed by Warin de Croxton, Richard his brother etc. Latin
b. St Thomas the apostle 37 Edw. 3. Jordan de Fforden and Nicholea his wife gave Hugh de Holden all rights and claims in land and rents in Ffaudon and Chapmonuswyche. Given at Ffaudon. Latin.
John de Mobberley chaplain gave William de Quystenes feld all his lands and tenements in Chapmoneswych in the vill of Over Pever, which he recently had of William’s gift. To hold for term of life of the said William, remaining to son, Elizabeth his wife and their heirs. Latin.
Over Peover
William de Manwaringe sold to William Broyn of Haselington the marriage of John son of Hugh de Stoke and the custody of his lands in Ffaudon. William was to marry John to his daughter. For this grant, William B run paid 5 marcs. Witnessed by Hamo de Mascy, Richard de Mascy, knights, Roger de Toft, Robert de Wynnington, Thomas de Gostrey, William de Vernun, Richard Hurne, Thomas clerk and others. Latin.
e. Thomas Gregge and Agnes his wife granted to Thomas de Hardyng and Elena their daughter a messuage and 12 acres in Ffaudon and a quarter of all their land in Chapmoneswych, with common pasture in the will of Pever. Witnessed by Thomas de Fferrrs, then justice of Chester, Robert de Davenport knights, Thomas de Gostrey, John de Nova Aula etc. Latin.
vill of Peover
p.6.f. 7 Edw.3.
Thomas Chapmoneswych and Agnes his wife gave John son of William de Glassbroke and Nichola daughter of Thomas Chapmoneswych a messuage and 21 acres in Over Peover in the hamlet called Ffaudon, and their capital messuage and 10 acres, 2 acres of moss , and an acre of wood in that will, in a hamlet called Chapmoneswich. Given at Pever. Latin
Over Peover
Brief entry as to an indenture, in French. Jordan de ffaudon and Nichole his wife granted to Hugh de Holden and Alice, his wife, lands in Over Pever.
Over Peover
h. Brief entry recording that Elena daughter of Thomas de Chapmoneswyche and Hugh de Holden and Alice, his wife, granted to William de Quiaten-esfeld all rights in the capital messuage, which once belong to Thomas de Chapmoneswiche in Over Pever. Given at Chapmonswyche. Ex registro Johannis Burghall apud Lichfield. Lib.8.
p.7. Notes taken by Dugdale
Sept 13 1424
Rome. To the B p of Lichfield. Jordanus episcopus Albanensis ordered a dispensation to be issued for the marriage of William Bromley son of John Bromley and Margaret daughter of Ralph Manwaringe. (Latin transcript).
Brief notice that the dispensation was issued April 10th 1426.
Brief note (from the Rot.Cestriae, Hen.6.3 in dorso). Ranulph Manwaringe was made equitator of the forest of Mara and Mondrem in the county of Cheshire, for life – 6 Hen.
Forest of Mara.
8 Feb 1439
17 Hen 6. Richard Moldesworth was associated with him, for both their lives.
Penes John Swinton of Knotsford
(Brief Latin notes only for these deeds).
1. William de Meynwaring, lord of Pever gave Thomas his son, that land called Radebroc, which Roger de Radebroc held of him. Rendering a 1d or a pair of gloves at the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Witnessed by Thomas de Meynwaringe, Warin his son, William de Maynwaring, then rector of Weranith etc.

2.Richard son of Thomas de Mainwaringe granted to William de Glasebroke all his lands in Pever Superior.

6. William de Glasebrooke quitclaimed to William son of John del Mere and Agnes, his wife, all lands in Radbrok in the vill of Pever Superior. 45 Edw.3

7. Robert Mere, son and heir of John Mere of Over Peover, granted to Oliver Hurlebot son of Richard Hurlebot all his lands in Over Pever – rendering 20s a year (St Martin’s and the Nativity of St John the Baptist). 16 Hen.7.
Peover Superior

f.8.c 19 Ed. 2 July 8 1325-6
Fine at Chester between William son of Roger de Maynwaringe and Maria, his wife and Christianna de Birtles concerning the manor of Over Pever. (no transcript)
Manor of Over Peover
34 Edw.3. Joan daughter of Roger de Maynwaringe and Milicentia daughter of William de Manwaringe gave William de Motlow and John Spendelow chaplain all their manor of Over Pever. no transcript
Manor of Over Peover
William le Maynwaringe granted to William his son all the lands which William de la Dene once held of him in Pever Superior in the field called Kengysley, rendering a pair of white gloves a year at All Saints. Witnesses omitted
Pever Superior
Indenture between John de Belgrave and William Maynwaringe regarding the marriage of John’s daughter with the said William. French – no transcript. Richard Walensis granted to Richard Starky, for his homage and service all his land of Tranemol, which he held of Ralph son of Roger, namely 8 bovates, for the tenth of a knight’s fee, for 4s a year at St. Martin’s and forinsec service. Witnessed by Gwarin de Vernon, Liulf de Twamlow, Hugh de Dutton and Adam and Geoffrey his brothers, William de Deresbirie, Aytrop de Mulington, Robert de Maingwaring, William de Waleton, Gralam de Lostock, Richard de Estun, Henry de Estun, William venator, Alan, clerk, Hugh et Hamo, Thomas Walensi, Turston Walensi and many others. Latin transcript
r. (sub Edw.2). Reginald son of William de Manwaring granted to William de Manwaring, his father, all his land in Over Pever, which he had of the gift of his father. To hold for life. Witnessed by Robert de Mascy, John de Legh, William de Mobberley, Robert le Gravenour, Roger de Toft, Richard clerk and others.
Over Pever
t.sub Edw.1 aut.2
William de Mainwaring granted to Matilda his daughter a messuage and lands which Hamund de Radbrok held in Pever Superior, with an increase of 3 acres. Witnessed by William de Modburlegh, Thomas de Legh, Adam de Tabley, Roger de Toft, Thomas de Gostrey, Richard clerk and others. Latin.
Peover Superior
July 4 1356
v. Mon. after St Peter and Paul. William de Maynwaringe appointed as attorney Peter de Newton to receive seisin of an annual rent of £40 from all the lands of John, son of Jordan de Ma xfield in the co. of Flint. Given at Pever. Latin.
co. Flint.
y. Partition of the manor of Badyley between Ranulph le Maynwaringe and Margaret, recently wife of John le Maynwaringe. No transcript.
Manor of Badyley
z. about Edw.2.
Ranulph le Maynwaringe, granted to Adam de S-albrooke licence to have a tenant (astrarius) on their land in Werford, which he had of Laurence, Ranulph’s father. Witnessed by William de Modburlegh, Robert de Vernon, Henry de Chorlegh Adam de Bromilegh, Thomas de Haywood, Adam, chaplain and others. This is at Rylands. Mainwaring Charter no 84. Latin.
f.12 a
March 21 1416-17
4 Henry 5. A fine at Chester between Margaret, wife of John le Maynwaringe, and John son of Robert de Worseley and Agnes his wife, and Katherine wife of Richard de Worseley, concerning the manor of Poynton and Stokport, and the advowson of the church of Stokport. Latin.
Manor of Poynton and Stokport
b. Jan 12 1359
The day before St Hilary. 33 Edw .3 Marriage covenant between Ralph son of Richard Vernon of Shipbrooke and William Manwaringe the elder. This was A num L among the evidences of Leicester of Tabley, but he gave it to Sir Tho. Manwaringe in 1666 (for full details see A.1).
Inserted following f.12
June 13 1668
Letter from Thomas Mainwaring to Sir Peter Leicester, giving notes on various deeds, in his possession. Original letter. English and Latin.
On 2 leaves of paper
Apr 18 1392
Thursday after Easter
John, son of William son of Benedict le Manwaring of Over Pever gave to Hugh de Toft and Hugh de Haucusherd chaplains all his lands in Over Pever. Witnessed by Robert le Grosvenour, knight. John de Leycester, John le Manwaringe, Robert de Toft and others. Given at Over Pever. Latin.
For f.12 g. see WILLS.
Over Peover
June 1 1399
g. Wed. after Trinity.
The last will and testament of William son of William le Mainwaringe made at Kidwelly. He specified that half the manor of Badiley which would descent to him after the death of William le Praes was to descent to his sons by Clementia de Cotton, failing sons it was to John son of William le Manwaringe his brother, otherwise to Ranulph le Manwaringe, his brother, otherwise to Peter le Manwaringe, son of Margeria de Wynnington, otherwise to Hugh le Manwaringe, son of Emma de Ffarrington, otherwise Richard son of William de Cholmondeley, otherwise to John son of Richard de Bromley and Agnes le Praers, his wife, otherwise to Roger le Bruyn otherwise to Jordan brother of the said Roger le Bruyn, otherwise to Robert le Broyn, John’s brother, otherwise to the rightful heirs of William de Praers senior. Latin.
Manor of Badiley
Sept 3 1393
i. The dispositions of William Manwaringe about to set out from England for Guyen. He granted all his land in trust to feoffees for 10 yrs to discharge his debts. Then the lands were to be held to the use of Elizabeth his mother in law and the wife of John Manwaringe, his brother; afterwards to the use of the wife of Randle Manwaringe, his brother, then to the use of Randle; if Randle had no legitimate children, the lands were to pass to his bastards, the eldest being preferred before the younger. All the lands which William had inherited from his mother, Joan, were to pass to her heirs. French (but Liber G gives only an English summary).
In possession of Thomas Delves of Dedington in Widdenbury. 1665
Sept 1 1428-9
7 Hen.6. John Delves senior gave to Thomas Hunt senior of Newcastle under Lyme, all those villages in Weston, which David de Holes held of him for term of life and also the reversion of the tenements which John le Manwaringe knight and Margaret his wife, held in Walkerton, Hatherton Checkley and Bridesmere, for term of Margaret’s life. Witnesses not transcribed. Latin. Copy in Rylands Library. Mainwaring charters no. 229. (from Delves original).
In possession of Mainwaring of Pever
Nov 11 1443
22 Hen.6. John Blomer parson of the church of Chedle and others apptd John Burges to give seisin to Ranulf, son of William Manwaringe and Margeria his wife, in all messuages in Medius Wicus (Middlewich). Warton, Eccleston Hanley, Becford, Chorlton, Newton the city of Chester and Kinderton, After Ranulf’s death they were to pass to William Ranulf’s son and his sons; otherwise to John Manwaringe Ranulf’s son; otherwise to Elizabeth Cecilia, Joan, Ellena and Margaret his daughters. Latin.
Middlewich, Warton, Eccleston, Hanley,
Bacford, Chorlton, Newton. City of Chester. Kinderton
Apr 1 1436
Palm Sunday. 14 Hen.6. Acquittance from Geoffrey de Warburton, knight to John Manwaringe knight, for £106 13s. 4d in part solution of the marriage portion of Peter son and heir of Geoffrey with Elizabeth, John’s daughter. Latin summary.
t. 30 Hen.6. Sunday before Corpus Christi. Indenture between Randle Manwaringe the elder and John Manwaringe knight his son and John Ashley for the marriage of Hamnet Ashley son and heir apparent of John with Margaret, daughter of Sir John Manwaringe. No transcript.
v. Dec 14
10 Hen.7. between John Manwaringe of Pever and Maude late wife of John Manwaringe, his mother, relating to the increase of Maude’s jointure. No transcript. Hand list, John Rylands Library. no 297, p.37.
Oct 6 1517
Tues. after St Michael’s 9 Hen.8. Plea in the county court of Chester between John Mainwaringe knight and John Winynton of Armitage, concerning 100 messuages 10 burgages 20 tofts, 2 water mills, 2,000 acres, 500 acres of meadow, 2,000 acres of wood, 1,000 acres of moor, 500 acres of turves and 40s in Yayton, Lauton, Haukushert, Badelegh, Ffadelegh, Stonleeghe, Burlond, Brindlegh, Stoke, Upton, Pulton, in Wirthall and Chester. Latin.
Vernon’s notes
18 Aug 1403
4 Henry 4. Royal grant to John Mainwaring of all lands which had belonged to Hugh Browe, knight, and all the goods which had belonged to him. Hugh had forfeited them because of his rebellion. Latin.
c. Aug 24 1403
4 Hen.4. Writ from the earl of Chester to his escheator, Richard de Manley announcing the grant of the lands of Hugh Browe to John Maynwaryng. Latin.
Hen.4 Sept 30th 1408-9
John le Maynwaring granted to Thomas le Grosvenor knight, Ranulph le Maynwaring, Richard de Cholmondeleigh, Phillip de Egerton, Thomas de Brereton, Peter le Maynwaring, Hugh le Mainwaring, his manor of Chistleton, which he had of the king’s grant. Latin.
Manor of Chistleton
f.24. Sept 1 1454-5
a. 33 Hen.6. A fine between John Warrant esquire, William Mainwaring, son of John Mainwaring knight, and Ranulph son of Ranulph de Mainwaringe plaintiffs, and john Maynwaring knight and Joan his wife concerning the manor of Baddeley. summary only.
Manor of Baddeley
i. 35 Edw.3. Account of Thomas Young escheator for £13. 12s. 9d. issue from the lands and tenements of William son of William Maynwaring for the vills of Pulton, Lancelin, Upton, Badileigh, Ffadileigh, Brindleigh, Swanleigh and Prestanton, worth £14. 8s. 2d. a year, seized into the king’s hands by reason of the death of William in 32 Edw.3. while his son, William was a minor. Latin summary only.
vills of Poulton
f.26 Apr 22 1514-15
v. 6 Hen.8. Royal appointment of John Manwaringe knight as sheriff of Flint and Raglote. (Latin summary)
Flint and Raglote
w. June 6 1342
Thursday before St Barnabas. 16 Edw.3. Adam son of William de Glasebroke & Elena his wife gave William son of William de Maynwaringe of Over Pever all the lands and tenements which they had of the gift of William. To hold for life, for a rose a year on St John the Baptist’s day; after his death reverting to Adam and Elena, and their heirs; remainder to John son of the said William and the heirs o his body remainder to Margaret John’s sister; remainder to the rightful heirs of William son of William Maynwaringe. Given at Over. Latin Summary
This deed…. I transcribed from the collections of John Booth late of Byam (in a little book in quarto noted E pag. 5b.) from the originals penes Henry Manwaring of Carincham; which book was lent unto mee by Sir John Arderne of Harden. P.L.
Jan 30 1665. 1342
y. Robert de Ffallyngbrom confirmed to John son of Roger le Manwaringe for life, a burgage in the town of Macclesfield; after his death it was to descent to Robert his son; with remainder to John, Robert’s brother; then to Roger, John’s brother. Witnessed by John de Swynmor then bailiff of Macclesfield Jordan de Macclesfield, John de Bosdon, Roger de Clyfe, Thomas de Astbury, Roger de Helegh, Thomas de Withington, William le Barker, William del Rome, John clerk and others. Given at Macclesfield. Latin.
Feb 28 1398
21 Ric.2. Disputed succession to the estates of William son of Robert Praers, John son of John son of Henry de Honford laid claim to the estates but it was alleged that he was a bastard. Robert Bp of Coventry certified that he was legitimate but the jury found that the bishop was old and blind and they pronounced that William Manwaringe was the rightful heir. Latin
f.28 a
see Wills
f.28 b
June 22 1386-7
10 Ric.2. Margeria de Prears, once wife of Hugh de Holt, died siesed of half the manor of Eaton, held of john de Arderne in chief by military service. John de Honford occupied the lands after her death – Thurs before the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross. 3 Ric.2. William Manwaringe son of her sister Joan was the nearest heir and he was over 40 years old. Latin.
Manor of Eaton
f.28 a 1399
Wednesday before Easter
William Manwaringe of Pever ordered his feoffees mentined in a feoffment of 18 Ric.2 to give all his lands mentioned in the feoffment to his brother, John Manwaringe. He also ordered his feoffees mentioned in a feoffment dated 21 Ric.2 to divide the lands of Baddiley between his brother John Manwaringe and John Honford. He alleged that what he gave to Honford was “for Gods honour the reverence of his prince, Kinge Richard the second and his mother’s kindred; nulla alia causa iuris et conscientia me movente”.
English summary
Harcourt of Wynsham
f.29 a.
Apr 9 1666 deeds extracted by P.L.
Earl Ranulph to Nicholas de Delettes. Grant of Wymingham and a carucate in Tynebroc and half the wood of Alreschagh, common pasture in Lindwood; for the service of half a knight’s fee. Witnessed by William de Vernon, ald de Ver, Ralph de Bray etc.
wood of Alreschagh
b. John de Scot earl of Chester, and Huntindon granted to William de Venables Wymingham. Witnessed by Walter abbot of Chester, Henry de Aldithley, Warinus de Vernon, William de Vernon, Ralph Basset, William de Malo Passu, Wakelin de Arderne, Roger de Mohaut, seneschal of Chester, Ralph de Kemmeys, William de Boydell, Simon clerk, Richard de Kingsley and others.
c. 1234
Henry de Lettes appointed William de Venables junior his attorney to perform forinsec service for the land at Wimesham, which Nicholas de Lettes had given to Henry. Witnessed by Richard Phiton, justice of Chester, Roger de Monte Alto, seneschal Werin de Vernon, Hamo de Mascy, William de Venables, William de Malo Passu, H. Phiton, Richard de Sanbach.
f.29 d.
Matilda de Venables granted to Henry de Lettes the manor of Wimingham a carucate in Tynebroc, half the wood of Alreschahe and common pasture of Lindwode for the service of half a knights fee. For this charter he gave 20 marcs. Witnessed by Richard de Sandbach, Geoffrey de Dutton, Hugh de Dutton, Robert de Perington, Alueredus clerk William Brian de Nottingham etc.
Manor of Wimingham
Aug 26 1228
Sunday after St Bartholomew. Final concord in the court of Ranulf earl of Chester and Lincoln between Matilda de Venables, proceeding by writ of right against William de Vanables, concerning the land mentioned in charter d. (see above).
This hath two seales one of the Earle of Chester, beinge a large seale with the impression of the Earle on horsebacke on the one side, and on the backe parte thereof three wheate sheafes in an escocheon. The other seale is demolished.
f. William son of Gwyo de Wymingham sold to William de Venables all the land which William de Derby once held of him in Wymmgham. Witnessed by Robert de Venables, rector of Rostherne, Richard de Vernon, Randulph de Horton, Robert de Wynington, Hugh de Pickmere, Radulf de Morton etc.
g. William son of Gwyo de Wymingham granted to William de Venables all his rights in the mill of Wymingham.
Witnessed by Roger de Venables, Robert rector of Rostheren, Roger de Toft, Randulf de Horton, Robert de Wynyagon, William de Bostock etc. The remaining charters in this series date from the second half of the thirteenth century to the end of the fifteenth century.
Jan 18 1648
Penes Tho. Cotton de Cotton. but transcribed by P.L. from Vernon’s copy
48 Nov 30 1204
St Andrew’s day.
Convention by which Roger Lasci constable of Chester, obtained from Ralph ffraser, all the vill of Cottun.
Witnessed by Geoffrey de Cestre, brother of the constable, Robert Walense, William de Longvillers, Hugh dispensator, William son of William Thomas brother of Hugh, William de Bello Monte, Robert de Lisurs, de fflaburd, Robert de Chamres, Richard de Weston, William de Lesington, Gerbodus de Ragehill, Richard…… Ralph de Turnay, Thomas son of Stephen, the man of Ralph ffraser, Richard dean of Manaham, then the constable’s seneschal.
John de Lascy, constable of Chester, son of Roger de Lascy, granted to Gilbert de Cotun, son of Judkelly, all the land of Cotun. Witnessed by Hugh de Dutton, seneschal, Gilbert de Limme, Gralanus de Lostock, William de…. Richard de Starki, William venator, William de Waleton, Robert Blund, Randulf Starki, Alan clerk and many others.
vill of Cotun
Norton Priory
Robert Poer, son of Robert Poer, granted to the Priory of Norton, 2 oxganges of land in Halton, which Gilbert son of Swane held. In the time of Roger Lacy, constable.
Witnessed by Hugh de Dutton, Adam and Geoffrey his brothers. Robert de Manwaringe, Gralano de Lostocke, Richard de Aston, William de Deresbury, Richard Starky etc. Aytropus etc (P.L. does not give a transcript).
Adam de Dutton granted to the church of the Virgin Mary at Norton, the tithes of 2 parts of his demesne and of half the vill of Warburton, which belonged to the fee of the constable of Chester. Witnessed by Hugh de Dutton, Stephan de Muschamp, Wronhoe Punterling, Geoffrey de Dutton, William de Boidell and many others.
vill of Warburton.
Sciant omnes – ego Adam de Dutton gave to the church of the Virgin Mary at Norton, his salt house in Northwiche, belonging to his land in Budworth.
6. Aitrop de Mulinton confirmed to the canons of Norton, for the building of the church of the Virgin Mary, the grant which Wronoe Punterling father of Christiana, Aitrop’s wife, made of a mill in Mulington a cultura near the mill, called Milne Croft. He also gave with the consent of Christiana, a mansura of land, with the adjacent garden in the vill of Mulington, for the should of John and Roger, constables of Chester. Witnessed by Hugh de Dutton Adam de Dutton, John son of Alfred Gilbert de Limme, Richard de Aston, Herberd Punterling etc.
Milne Croft
Vill of Mulington
RICHARD DE Eston, son of Gilbert de Eston, granted to Ranulph prior of Norton all his land in Hendeleia.
t. King John.
48 cont’d
constable’s seneschal.
John de Lascy, constable of Chester, son of Roger de Lascy, granted to Gilbert de Cotun, son of Judkely, all the land of Cotun. Witnessed by Hugh de Dutton, seneschal, Gilbert de Limme, Gralanus de Lostock, William de……Richard de Starki, William venator, William de Waleton, Robert Blund, Randulf Starki, Alan clerk and many others.
Norton Priory
Robert Poer, son of Robert Poer, granted to the Priory of Norton, 2 oxganges of land in Halton, which Gilbert son of Swane held. In the time of Roger Lacy, constable.
Witnessed by High de Dutton, Adam and Geoffrey his brothers. Robert de Manwaringe, Gralano de Lostocke, Richard de Aston, William de Deresbury, Richard Starky etc. Aytropus etc. (P.L. does not give a transcript).
Adam de Dutton granted to the church of the Virgin Mary at Norton, the tithes of 2 parts of his demesne and of half the vill of Warburton, which belonged to the fee of the constable of Chester. Witnessed by Hugh de Dutton, Stephan de Muschamp, Wrohoe Punterling, Geoffray de Dutton, William de Boidell and many others.
vill of Warburton
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