RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleAntiquities Buckloiniane by Peter Leycester. viz. Collections touching Bucklowe Hundred
Date17th century
DescriptionGeneral Summary, facing F.I. Out of a booke called Bostocke’s Book, now belonginge to Sir Simon Dewes. (This is Harleian MS 139), transcribed by me Peter Leycester of Nether Tabley in Cheshire, as followeth. The deed given in Historical Antiquities p.293 (Geoffrey de Dutton’s grant to William son of Huthi de Hatton, of all the vill of Hatton p.293.

vill of Hatton

Also given in Ormerod I.
The transcript is fuller than the printed versions – see transcript).
Pars Primi.f.1-4. Out of a booke called Bostocke’s Booke, lent unto me by Sir Simon Dewes, Dec 27th 1649. (who transcribed the deeds given here from the originals of John Warburton of Anderton, Ralph Dutton of Hatton, John Grimsdich, Lawrence Hatton of Kyisty-Birches, William and Richard Merbury of Merbury. p.5 Mr William Vernon’s notes on 2 of the charters of the Venables of Kinderton (see Liber H 21,18.
Ex Registro Pricratus de Daventre. Liber originalis
penes Johannem Whitinge de Shire

Dec 17 1649
Jan 1 1649
Lane near Temple Court, London. Now sold to Mr Rushworth, secretary to the Lord Ffayrefax, Followed by charters Ex Cartulario de Daventry
Extracts from the Register of the priory of Kenelworth penes Simon Clarke de Salford in Warwickshire 1639, per Willielmum Dugdale
Kenilworth Priory
Pedigree of Randle the Rich (ie. Seintliz pedigree).
p.13 1672
Deeds of Colwich in Staffordshire near Wolseley, now in the possession of Ralph Leycester of Toft, extracted by me P. Leycester. (D.1-4).
Colwich, Staffs
Leycester of Toft. deeds. MI-445,CI-37, A,1-7).
Attempts to trace the Leicester pedigree from Roger de Leicester (c.1196) to the reign of Edward I (three generations) – refers to Dugdale’s Monasticon; also the register of St Mary de Pratis in Leycester, in the publique library at Oxford, that f.27 contd. of Burton Lazeers, Leicestershire in Lord Hatton’s library. p.27b. A deed from John Booth of Twemlow.
p.28 Extracts from Pipe rolls in Mr Dodsworth’s Collections and from a book of Roger Dodsworth, noted Y.28b, Out of the Collections of Mr William Dugdlae.
p.29-30 Collections by mee Peter Leycester of Tabley in Cheshire, transcribed from the originals anno domini.649, penes Sneyd of Keele.
f.30b-31b Transcribed by me Peter Leycester cut of one of the Greate Couchir Bookes remayninge on record in the Dutchy Office anno domini 1646.
f.32-33 Of the Earls of Leicester before the Norman Conquest. (Narrative in preparation for account in “Historical Antiquities” p.99-101).
33b-34 Scriptum de servitiis militum quae debenture Duci Normanniae as set out by Andrew de Chesne 1619, printed at Parish; at the end of Ordericus Vitalis and other histories put out by him. Pagina 1045.

Pars secunda

Charter of William Bacun in the time of William Apb. of York.
11b-12b Charters of the earls of Chester from various sources.
f.13b-16 Other Chaters of the earls, from Dodsworth’s Book L. Simon Dewes collections etc. Those of Simon Dewes were exactly examined with the originals Dec.20t1649, P.L.
f.16b-17 Genealogie of the illustrious family of the Earls of Chester, transcribed by mee P.L. anno domini 1649.
18-21. Coloured illustrations of the coats of arms of the barons of Cheshire.
f.21b De prioritate dignitatis Baronum praedictorum inter se. (Latin).
f.25b Of the barons of Monte Alto or Monhauld, Lords of Hawarden castle in Fflintshire, High Steward of the fee of High Steward of the fee of the Earles of Chester. note also f.26-27 transcripts of their charters, copied from Dodsworth & Vernon.
Hawarden Castle, Ffintshire
p.28b-30 A table of their descent.
p.39 The more eminent or chiefe families of Cheshire as they were put downe in one of the bookes of John Leland; transcribe f.39 by mee out of the Herald’s Booke of Cheshire.
f.39b-56 Coats of arms of the gentry of Bucklow Hundred (coloured illustrations), with annotations.
Bucklow Hundred.
f.58b-59b The Genealogie of the eminent family of the Barons of Halton Castle in the Hundred of Bucklowe.
f.60 The Genealogye of the Earles of Lancaster, until the earldom devolved to the Crown
f.61 Ex minore libro de Whalley penes Radulfum Ashton militem nuno de Deanes Yoard in Westminster excerptum propria manu, Dec 27 1649, per me. P. Leycester.
f.61b-62b Transcripts from the Great Book of Stanlaw and Whalley (again in the possession of Ralph Ashton 1649)
f.63-69 Transcripts of charters relating to the Barons of Halton – mainly from the Couchir Books of the duchy Office, but a few from originals in the possession of Simon Dewes – also (foot of f.69) Liber B,a Ms; in quarto, penes Danyell of Tabley is mentioned.
f.70 Episcopal charter of 1288 granting an Indulgence to the covent of Stanlaw – from the original of Mr Towneley of Carre In Lancashire,
June 24 1657
f.70b Extract from the history of Thomas Walsingham edited by Cambden 1603.
f.71-82 The family of the earles of Lancaster – mainly deeds from the Register in the Dutchy Office.
Preceding f.84 P.L. has inserted a copy of an extract from the Book of Kirkstall in the Duchy office.
f.84-6 Transcript out of an ancient parchment roll (July 20 1647) in the possession of Peter Daniell of Over Tabley, esquire
f.86b-88b Out of the same roll – a feodary of Halton, made under Henry VI – Latin.) printed Ormerod I p.707-8.

f.88-90 Plea from the same roll, Tues after the Transalation of St Thomas the martyr, 6 Hen. 5. Printed Ormerod I 708-9.
f.90b English translation of a schedule of parchment among the evidences of Sir Peter, namely an account of Hugh Preston

f.90b bailiff of Halton concerning part of the rent belonging to the Duke of Lancaster as appurt. to the manor of Halton
f.91-3b Claim of Henry Duke of Lancaster, baron of Halton, upon a quo warrnto, transcribed from one of the great couchir books of the Duchy of Lancaster. Tom.I Com. Cestr’ f.45b, num 21. Ormerod I p.703.
94b-97b Descent of the Leghs of Booths.
f.97-97b Descent of the Lord Gerarde of Gerards Bromley
f.99-99b Lymme of Lymme.
f.100-101 Narrative beginning Brittaine the greatest island in Europe saith Diodorus Sioulus…Ends “otherwise Malmesbury would have placed that with the Hundreds and Tythings attributed to Aldred which he commiteth altogether pa.44.

Therefore the countyes were distinguished somewhat sooner even under King Egbert accordinge to Huntingdon.
f.101b Pedigree of Robert de Downes.
f.102-102b Pedigree of Mobberley
103-104b The extract of certain deeds taken out of the earl of Bridgewater’s evidence, as I find them transcribed in a little Booke now remayninge with Geffrey Wright of Nether Pever 1665.
f.105-105b Extracts of some of the earle of Bridgewater’s deedes, 1667, sent to P.L. by John Walsey of Lincoln’s Inn.

f.106-6b The pedigree of the Mascies of Tatton
f.107 The Breretons of Tatton, pedigree.
f.108-109 Legh of High Legh of East Hall, pedigree
f.109b The descent of Legh of Swineyherd (from deeds transcribed and numbered in a book of Mr Legh of Swineyherd)
f.110b-111b Descent of Legh of High-egh of the West Hall.
f.112-113 Pedigree of Holford of Holford and Cholmondeley of Holford, 1665).
f.113b-114 Genealogie of the family of Tofte of Tofts in Bucklow
Bucklow, Cheshire
f.114b-116 The genealogie of the family of Holford of Holford near Nether Tabley in Bucklow Hundred
Nether Tabley
Bucklow Hundred
f.116b-118b Deed of Peter Dutton of Hatton relating to Grosvenor of Holme – transcribed here Dec 11 1653 dated 1412
f.119 Descent of Leigh of West Hall from a little Ms in quarto penes Peter Danyell of Over Tabley, written with Mr Danyell’s owne hande; Lib.B.21.
f.119b Account of the chapel of Nether Pever.
f120-125 Grosvenour – charters relating to the family received by P.L. from Mr William Vernon who copied from originals mainly in the hands of Mr Jeffrey Shakerley esquire (dated 1269).
f.125b-127 Extracts from the case of Scroope and Grosvenour, transcribed from the parchment book belonging to Sir Richard Grosvenour of Eaton in Cheshire P.L. also stated that he had examined the original record in the Tower of London. For Sorope v Grosvenour see N.H. Nicolas 2 vols London 1432 10-12 Ric 2.
f.127-131b Deeds relating to Grosvenour, transcribed from the evidences of Leicester of Tabley.
f.132 William Vernon’s notes (on the Venables family, bringing the descent down to the marriage of Jonet to Sir Thomas Grosvenour etc from a book penes George Booth
f.133b-134 The Genealogie of the Grosvenour family
f.134b-135 Charters of Starkey of Stretton, from an old book in quarto in the possession of Mr Dodsworth in 1649, called Mr Erdeswicke’s booke of Cheshire
f.135b Warburton of Arley – out of Bostocke’s Book. f.119a belonging to Sir Simon Dewes, 1649.
f.136 Warburton deeds from Mr Vernon and also transcripts of 2 in the possession of Lady Kilmorey 1641 (early)
f.137-138b Warburton deeds from Sir Peter’s own charters and those of various others. (made 1665) early
f.139 Dutton, 2 deeds penes Downes of Shrigley at Worth, April 12 1654
f.139b Account of the manor and town of Dutton, English of “Historical Antiquities”
Manor and town of Dutton
f.139-142 Dutton deeds – some in the possession of Lady Kilmorey in 1649, others from P.L.’s boxes of evidences.
f.143-144b Concernine the auntient custoe of the ridings before all the ministrells in Cheshire on the feast day of St John the Baptist (proofs and illustrations from charters and account of ceremony as held in 1642).
f.145-148 Charters of the Duttons transcribed from the originals in the possession of Lady Killmorey 1649, by me P.L.

f.148b-149 Genealogie of the Duttons of Chedle and Ashley in Bucklow Hundred.
Bucklow Hundred.
f.150-151b Charters touching the families of Chedle and Ashley (originally Duttons) copies received from Mr Vernon, and from originals in the possession of Lord Delamere, 1665;
f.152-164b Charters of the Duttons in the possession of Lady Killmorey extracted by P.L. 1649
f.165/7 Genealogie of the family of the Duttons
f.167b-8 Latin transcripts of 2 charters of the Duttons
f.168b The Genealogie of the Warburtons of Arlegh
f.170-171b – narrative of their descent
f.172b-174b The Genealogie of the family of the Leycesters of Tabley in Bucklow Hundred
Bucklow Hundred
f.175b-176b The Genealogie of the Leycesters of Tofte
f.179-182 Extracts from the evidences of the Dutton lands, in possession of Lady Kilmorey, by me Peter Leycester, Lord Delamere and Mr Vernon, relating to the Duttons 1649, also those of 1649
f.182-184 The Genealogy of the family of Daniell of Dersbury
f.184-187b extracts of evidences transcribed by me Peter Leycester from originals remaining with John Danyell of Daresbury, 1649
f.187b-8 transcript of the will of William Daniell of Daresbury (original belonged to Mr Leigh of High Legh 1665)
f.189-197 Grimsdich of Grimsdich – extracts of evidences by mee Peter Leicester 1649, from the originals remaining with John Grimsdich of Grimsdich
f.199 The descent of the Hallums out of the evidences of Hallum, by me P.L. 1649
f.200-203b 1649 – there are no 73 deeds or writings touching Hallum in possession of the Lord Kilmorey; all which are put in order according to their several bundles and figured on the back of every deed according to their due order in series of tyme by me – Peter Leycester
f.202-206 Extracts of evidences transcribed by me Peter Leycester from the originals of Mr Ralph Starky of Neuton near Daresbury, April 20 1650
f.206b-213 Extracts of evidences taken by mee Peter Leycester of Tabley from the originals in possession of John Mere of Mere, May 27 1650
f.215-216 Pleas at Chester
f.217 Over Tabley – 2 transcripts – one from original of Daniell of Tabley made June 1 1650 the other from the original of John Mere – (made Oct 10 1650)
f.219-220 Deeds penes Leigh of Boothes
f.220-224b Deeds of Nether Knotsford from Sir Peter’s own evidences (1650) from deeds in a black, round box lent by George Wilson (belonging to Peter Danyel of Tabley) deeds in a white wooden box, lent by George Wilson of Nether Knotsford; deeds from the charter rolls
f.225-226b Transcripts from the originals by Mr William Vernon, of charters belonging to the Leycesters of Toft
f.228-231 Charters transcribed by Mr William Vernon, touching the family of Holford from the originals remaining with Lord Cholmondeley (mainly c.14.)
f.233-244b Charters extracted from the originals remaining with Peter Danyell of Over Tabley, by mee Peter Leycester, 1651
f.245 Deed from the original of Jeffery Wright, Nov 13 1657, belonging to Peter Drinkwater, and an extract from the book of Pedigrees, by John Booth of Twamlow
f.246-249 The Genealogie of the Daniells of Over Tabley
f.249b-251 Lord Delameres Deedes 1665 (late)
f.51b Sir Cecil Trafford’s deeds 16666 (early but extracts only)
f.252 transcript of a deed in possession of Mr Andrewes of Oldfield Hall, Altrincham servant to Lord Delamere of Dunham Massy, Aug 12 1675
Oldfield Hall
Altrincham, Cheshire
f.252b-254 Lord Delameres deeds, extracted by P.L. 1664
f.254b-257b Extracted from the originals of Sir George Booth of Dunham Massy, Oct 25 1657, by me P.L. (with drawings of seals)
f.258-260b Notes received from Mr Vernon (relating to the library family)
f.261-262b Out of the evidences of Sir George Booth, Lord Delamere (early)
f.263-264 Extracted from the original penes Downhill of Limme March 9 by mee P. Leicester.
f.265-6 Extracted from the originals of Venables of Agden, June 16 1665, by mee P.Leicester, (c.13)
f.266-268b Penes Legh of High Legh of west Hall, 1665 (some early)
f.269-270 Deeds of Mr John Gleave of High Leigh, extracted by mee P.L. 1664.
Mr Leigh of Swineyard’s book num 25, num70.
f.270b-272 Deeds extracted from the originals of Edward Legh of Baggiley, 1665, by mee P. Leicester (some early)
f.272b Mr Pickerige of Thelwalls deeds 1665 (some early)
f.273 Holt of Sale, his deeds extracted by mee 1665 (late c.14)
f.273-274 Extracts from the originals of Millington of Millington, Sept 1 1665 (Henry II etc)
f.274b-275 Deeds out of the book of evidences of Mr Richard Legh of Swineyard with a vellum cover Sept 23 1665 (early)
f.276-278b The descent of the Booths of Dunham Mascy. A charter of Over Whitley, in possession of Richard Peacock of Over Whitley.
Over Whitley
f.279 Out of Sir Thomas Brereton of Honford’s deeds
f.280 Deeds from Legh of High Legh of West H all, 1666 (c.14)
f.280b-289 Deeds extracted from the originals now in the possession of Thomas Merbury of Merbury near Great Budworth, May 4 1666 (charter of Roger, constable etc c.4).
Great Budworth
f.289b Mr Blackborne of Lachford’s deeds. 1666 (c.14)
f.290-291 Mr Legh of Limes deeds. 1666.
f.291b Pleadings pense Venables of Agden 1666
f.292b-294 Extracted from the originals penes Massy of Rixton, 1667, by me P.L.
f.296-312b Extracts from the evidences of Rafe Leycester of Toft, Sept 1672, by mee P Leycester. T 1-92 B1-24; P1-9, F1-33; H1-32; K1-21 N1-47
The folios which follow are not numbered. They give extracts of Evidences belonging to the late Francis Watson of Church Aston near Newport, Shropshire, of which the originals were In possession of Robert Leycester and Meriel, his wife daughter of Francis Watson. These deeds relate to Church Aston, Blithbury, the church of Dawley and that of Stirchley.
Church of Dawley
Stirchley. Cheshire
f.120 Pars II
f.109 Grimsdich of Grimsdich
c. Grelamus de Lostock granted to Richard, son of Ranulph Grossus Venator all his land in Hulme which Richard, son of Maurice & David, son of Ada, hold, with common pasture. Witnessed by Richard de Sonbach, Richard de Wibbenbury, then sheriff, Robert Grossus Venetor, Ranulph clerk of Ruston, Ranulph de Horton, Roger de Kegworth Adam arson of Limme, Hugh de Bostee & many others not transcribed in full. The remainder of those Grosvenour charters date from the late c.13 to the late c.15
a. Gilbert de Perpount, hostiarius of John Scot, earl of Chester & Huntingdon, granted to Nicholas, his son, all the land which Peter chaplain once held in BRADDLE-HSS. Witnessed by Gilbert, then vicar of the church of Ffrodsham, Peter, bailiff, Robert de Netherton, Philipp de Wico William Walense, peter Chaplain & many others. early c.13.
f. Thomas Taschet granted to Adam, son of Hugh all his land of Grimisdich in the VILL OF WITELEGH. Warrant. He as not to sell or grant any the land without licence. Witnessed by Geoffrey de Dutton, Hugh de Dutton, Thomas de Oreby, Gralam de Lostock, Simon de Nsuton, Robert de Belewe, Hugh Taylaivr & many others
k. Brother Roger, prior of Norton granted to William de … land in NEWTON called Ffulford. Witnessed by Gilbert, rector of Gropenhale, Richard Starky, Thomas del Hurst. William de Hoch, Thomas de Apilton, William de Stocton, Adam, son of William de Stocton, Geoffrey Gorst, William de Offilegh clerk

l. Peter de Dutton, lord of Warburton granted to Hmao de Ffulford a piece of land in NEWTON (boundaries follow). In return he received 4 marcs. Witnessed by Roger de Boddemorye, prior of Norton, Geoffrey de Dutton, Hugh de Dutton, Richard de Hass, knights, Adam de Hatton, Ranulf Starky, Henry le Norres, Alexander de Walton, etc
m. Peter, son of Geoffrey de Dutton granted to Hasauddus de Ffulford & pieces of land in NEUTON. Witnessed by Roger de Buddeworye, then prior of Norton, Hugh de Dutton, Adam de Hatton, Ronolf Starky, Henry le Norreys, Alexander de Walton etc.
n. Roger, prior of Norton, granted to William son of Adam de Northcotes a piece of land in NEUTON. Witnessed by Richard Starky, Adam de Hatton, John de Merbury, Robert de Berefeld, Roger, son of the lady of Daresbury, Hamo de Comberbach, William de Offilegh clerk & others.
s. Richard son of Richard le Harper, granted to Hugh le Norreys a messuage & 2 pieces of land in Houton. Witnessed by Richard Starky of Stretton, John de Ringstede, Simon del Hurst, William de Northwayt, William de Halum, John de Hallum & others.
t. Hugh, son of Henry de Norreys granted to Richard son of Richard le Harper & Anilla, daughter of Henry le Norreys a messuage & 2 pieces of land in Neuton. Witnesses as in s.
v. Geoffrey de Warburton granted to Richard, son of Richard le Harper, clerk, 2 pieces of land in Neuton. Witnessed by Gilbert del Tays, seneschal of Halton, Richard de Aston, Alan le Norrays, John de Hallum, Ranulph de Walton, John de Merbury, Richard clerk & others.

z. Richard le Harpur granted to Richard his son, half a piece of land called HAUNESSEROE near the land of William de Hallum in Neuton. Witnessed by Hugh de Dutton, Roger de Chedle, knights, John de Ryngstede, Symon del Hurst, Gilbert de Lymme, Richard Scot, William de Hatton & others
a. Eva, wife of Richard le Harpur of Neuton, granted to Richard, her son all rights in her dower in NEUTON. Witnessed by Richard de Aston, Alan de Norreys, Simon del Hurst, Richard Scot, John de Hallum, Hamo de Grymesdich, Richard clerk & others.
b. William, son of William de Hallum, granted to John, his brother, a piece of land in NEUTON near Schawerudyage. Witnessed by William Deyners, Simon del Hurst, William de Northwayt, William de Halle, Hugh de Northcotes & many others
f.192 num.19 John de Hallum granted to John, his son, 5 pieces of land in NEUTON. If John died without heirs of his body the land was to descent to Hugh, his brother. Witnessed by Gilbert del Tays, Richard de Aston, Simon del Hurst, Alan le Norreys, Richard Scot, Ranulph de Walton, Richard le Harpur, clerk & others
num.20 Geoffrey de Warberton gave to Richard le Harpur, clerk, a piece of land in NEUTON. Witnessed by Gilbert del Tays, Simon del Hurst, Richard de Aston, Richard Scot, John de Hallum & others.
Sealed with his costs of armes – viz. in an eschcheon two cheverons in a canton sinister a mollat: writ about the seale – siz. Galfridi de Werburton.
Richard le Harpour of Neuton granted to Richard, his son, all his half of the land called HAU……. IN NEUTON. Witnessed by Hugh de Dutton, Peter de Werburton, knights, Richard de Aston, Alan la Norreys, etc
a. Hugh de Northcotes gave to Simon, son of John de Neuton in marriage with Cecilia, his sister, a messuage & croft which William son of Thomas first held in the vill of HATTON, with 2 acres in that vill. Witnessed by Henry le Norreys, Alexander de Walton, Simon del Hurst, William de Hull, William de Northwayt, William de Danenalit, William de Hatton, clerk & many others
b. Simon del Hurst give to John de Hallum a piece of land in Hatton. Witnessed by Richard Starky, lord of Stretton, Gilbert del Tays, William de Northwayt, William de Hull, William de Hallum & many others
b. Simon del Hurst gave to John de Hallum a piece of land in Hatton. Witnessed by Richard Starky, lord of Stretton, Gilbert del Tays, William de Northwayt, William de hull, William de Hallum & many others
c. Hugh de Northcotes exchanged land in HATTON for a piece of land there, which he had given to Simon son of John de HEUTON in marriage with Cecilia his sister. Witnessed by Richard Starky of Stretton, Simon del Hurst, William de Hallum, John de Hallum, William de Hatton clerk & others
d. Richard, son of Alan de granted to Richard, son of Richard le Harpour all rights in 2 pieces of land which Alan son of Richard de Hellsby granted to Richard, son of Richard le Harour. Witnessed by Hamo de Mascy, Peter de Dutton, knights, Robert de Mascy de Tatton, Richard Starky, of Stretton, Simon del Hurst, Simon de Merbury & many others
e. Alan, son of Richard de Halleby, gave to Richard, son of Richard le Harpur of Neuton 2 pieces of land in HATTON. Witnessed by Hugh de Dutton, Roger de Chedle, knights, Richard Starky de Stretton, Symon del Hurst, Simon de Merbury, William de Hatton, John de Hallum & many others
a. William F…. of Litiors granted to William, son of Henry de Northwayt all rights in his land of lithorris & in return received 84 marcs. Witnessed by Hugh de Dutton, Peter de Dutton, son of Geoffrey de Dutton, Hugh de Durham, bailiff of Halton, Ranulf Starky, Henry de Nurreys, Adam de Hatton, Ranulph de Bertinton & many others
b. Henry de Littlers gave to Richard, son of Henry de Norcotes 6 acres near Penksiche, which had been given to Henry by William Ffox, his brother. Witnessed by Hugh de Durham, then bailiff of Halton, Richard Starky, Adam de Halton, Alan de Wallston, clerk, Henry de Noreys, Roger de Grimisdich, Henry de Dutton, clerk & others. Remaining Grimsdich charters date from the late c.13 onwards
f.200 Hallum (Penes Lird Kilmorey)
num.1 Geoffrey, son of Geoffrey de Dutton, gave to Roger, son of the lady of Derisbry 9 acres in the asarts of HALLUM. Witnessed by Richard Starky, Adam de Hatton, John de Merbury, William, son of Symon de Stoketon, William del Hoc, Hugh de Dersbry, Henry de Nortcotes, John Deacon & many others.
num.2 Geoffrey de Dutton gave to William de Hallum a piece of land in Neuton, which Roger de Derisbury had given to Geoffrey. Witnessed by Vivssour then bailiff of Halton, Richard Starky, Adam de Hatton, etc
num.3 Peter, son of Geoffrey de Dutton gave to William son of John de Hallum a piece of land in NEUTON. Witnessed by Nicholas de Leycestria, then bailiff of Nauton, Adam de Hatton, Alexander de Walton, Ranulf Starki, Henry le Norreys, Thomas de Appilton, Thomas de Hulle & many others
num.4 Peter, son of Geoffrey de Dutton gave to William, son of John de Hallum, a piece of land in NEUTON. Witnessed by Adam de Hatton, Ranulf Starki, etc
num.6 Geoffrey de Werburton gave to John de Hallum a piece of land in Neuton. Witnessed by Hugh de Dutton William de Bagyleigh, knights, Richard de Aston, Alan le Horreys, Richard Scott Simon del Hurst, Richard clerk & many others
num.7 Geoffrey de Werburton, knight, gave John de Hallum a piece of waste land in NEUTON. Witnessed by Alan le Horrays, Simon del Hurst, Richard Scot, Richard le Harper, William le Northwait & others.
num.11 Geoffrey de Dutton gave Roger de Grimsdich a piece of land in NEUTON at the lower end of an assert called SWAYNESRUDINGE. Witnessed by Robert le Vavasour, then bailiff of Halton, Richard Starky, Adam de Hatton, William de Sutton, Hugh de Derisbury, Thomas de Apilton, Simon de Stoketon, clerk & others
num.12 William son of Roger de Grimsdich gave Adam his son all his land in the VILL OF NEUTON; TO PASS TO William, Adam’s brother, if Adam died without children. Witnessed by Hugh de Dutton, Roger de Chedle, John le Ringstede, Alan le Norreys, Simon del Hurst, Richard Scot, William de Northwayt, Richard clerk & others.
num.14 Hugh, son of Geoffrey de Stretton, gave to Henry, son of Geoffrey de Sutton, all the land which Geoffrey de Dutton had given to him in NEUTON. Witnessed by Richard Starky, Adam de Halton, etc.
num.15 Adam, son of William, clerk of Hatton, gave to John de Hallum a piece of land in the VILL OF HATTON. Witnessed by Gilbert del Tays, Simon del Hurst, Simon de Merbury, William de Hulle, William de Denale & many others.
num.16 William de Hallum gave to John, his son, all his land in the VILL OF NEUTON. Witnessed by Henry le Norreys, Alexander de Walton, Richard lord de Aston del Hurst, William Northwayt & others.
num.17 Adam son of William de Hallum gave to Adam, his son, & Alice, his wife, the third of his place (ie. house site) to build a house, with 6 acres of arable in NEUTON. Witnessed by Richard le Harper, William de Hallum, William de Northwayt, Alan le Norreys etc.
num.18 Hamundas, son of Hamundus de Ffulford gave John de Hallum all rights in apiece of land in NEUTON. Witnessed by Richard Starky, lord of Stretton, Simon del Hurst, William de Northwayte, William de Hallum, Hug de Northcotes, William de Hatton clerk & others.
num.19 Roger, son of Hamundus de Ffulford gave John de Hallum all his land in the VILL OF NEUTON. Witnessed by Hugh de Dutton. William de Boydell, knights, Richard Starky of Stretton, Richard de Aston, Richard Scot, William de Northwayt & others.
f.204 a. Ralphe Starky of Newton
Peter, son of Geoffrey de Dutton gave Richard, son of Henry de Northcotes a piece of land in NEUTON (the boundaries are given in detail. Witnessed by Hugh de Dutton, Nicholas de Leycester, knights, Henry le Norreys, Alexander de Walton, William del Hurst & many others. The seal is a saracen’s head.
b. Peter son of Geoffrey de Dutton gave Richard son of Henry de Norcotes 2 pieces of land in NEUTON. In return he received 9 marcs. Witnessed by Hugh de Dutton, knight, Henry le Norreys, Alan de Walton, William de Hurst, Thomas de Hulle, William clerk & others. Seal as in a.
c. Roger, son of Henry de Noricotes gave Richard, his brother, a piece of land in NEUTON. Witnessed by Hugh de Dutton, Henry de Norreys, Thomas de Walton, Alan de Walton, William de Hallum, William de Northwayt & others.
f. Peter de Dutton gave Richard, son of Henry de Northcotes all his land in Burneles in NEUTON, which Adam de Custi first held.
Witnessed by William de Codenovere, then Bailiff of Halton Henry le Norreys, Alexander de Walton, Ranulph de Berthington, John de Merbury, William de Hallum, William de Denalis & many others. Sealed with a saracen’s head, in a rondle not in an escocheon.
DLT/B3 p296 Evidences
Tatton, Hugh Venables, Gilbert de Limme, Robert de Tabley, Robert Albus, Adam de Lee, and many others (see also early c.13 charters)
f.296-307b.b.1 24 Deeds relating to Bexton and Plumley
English calendar fourteenth and fifteenth century deeds
f.307b-309 Pardons English notices of pardons
c.15-c.17 p.1-9
f.309b-310b p1-33 Deeds of Uses and Jointures mainly c.17.
f.311-312b.H. 32 Deeds relating to Hulse Newall, and Allostocke
12 sheets of paper are then inserted containing English notices of K.1-21 – Deeds relating to Knutsford – late c.13 c.16. then n.1-47. Deeds relating to Northwich. c.13-c.16. Note also no.2 (1271) is transcribed in full in Sir Peter Leicester’s Book Y.f.1.
Hules, Newall and Allostocke
DLT/B12 f.14 See DLT/B12
Indenture by which Raufe de Modburlegh enfeoffed Hamo parson of Brereton John Spendelowe and William Ieffeson chaplains with the Manor of Modburley, and the advowson of the church and lands in the Townships of Somerford, Holley, Northshaghe, Plumlegh, Ffernylegh and Odde Rode, to hold to the use of John de Leycester and his heirs with remainder to John son of John Dumvyle and Cecily his wife and their heirs male
Manor of Mobberley
Townships of Somerford, Holley, Northshaghe, Plumlegh, Ffernylegh
Odde Rode
f138-168 Dutton of Dutton
Detailed analysis. Entries relating to the transcripts, which follow, are arranged under the names of owners of the collections, in alphabetical order.
f.138b.x. At the end of an old masse booke at Ffrodsley, Shropshire, in possession of Lady Scriven, Elizabeth Screven, once wife of Thomas Screven daughter of Thomas Dutton knight died on the feast day of St Agatha the virgin. Latin. see also plea at Chester after St Hilary 16 Hen.7. deed enrolled by Tho. Screven husband of the said Elizabeth
Aug 26 1656
Feb 5 1516-1501
Ffrodsley, Shropshire
f138b.y. Inquisition at Chester, Tuesday after St Mathew, 26 Ed.1. Jurors swore that Hugh son of Hugh Dutton was born the day of the Conception of the Virgin Mary 5 Edw.1. at Dutton, and was baptised in the church of Budworth. Latin.
Sept 23 1298
f.139 a Plea at Chester after St Lucy the virgin II Edw.3. William son of John Boydell impleded Richard Scot concerning 13 messuages 100 acres, 20 acres of wood in Nether Whitley which Hugh de Dutton gave to William Boydell in free marriage with Alice his daughter after the death of William and Alice descending to William their son, then to John his son, and then it ought to descent to William, John’s son. Latin.
Nether Whitley
Penes Downes de Shrigley and Worth
f.139 1234
b. Margin gives date as 1234 Hugh de Dutton granted to John his brother the third of the vill of Bolinton, which Thomas dispensaries had given liberum maritagium, to Hugh, his father, with Muriel his mother. Rendering a pair of white gloves or 1d a year at the feast of St Bartholomew for all services. Witnessed by Charlon then abbot of Stanlawe, Andrew prior of Norton, Geoffrey de Dutton, Geoffrey de Clifton Richard de Wibbenbury, then sheriff of Cheshire, Richard de Kingeslie, Alan Norense, Adam de Hellesbie, Richard his brother, Peter de Ffrodshum, Nicholas de Ffrodshum, Richard Bernard and others. Latin.
vill of Bolinton
June 1 1305
2. Tues after Ascension, 33 Edw. 1. Hugh son of Hugh de Dutton impleaded Thomas Touchet concerning the manor of Nether Whitley except 12 messuages and 109 acres on the grounds that Hugh, his ancestor had held it in the tire of Henry 3. He died without heirs, and it passed to Thomas his brother then to Hugh his son and from that Hugh to his son Hugh. Another transcript of the charter of William son of Nigel LiberC.F.154. Penes Lady Kilmorey William son of Nigel constable of Earl Ranulf confirmed to Hugh son of Hodard all he had ever held of him. Witnessed by.. son of Unfridus. William chaplain Ralph de Bois, William dapifer, Robert son… Robert son of Picot, Ranulf venator Richard his son, Robert son of Peter, Robert Burrell’ Walter son of Wecelun, Geoffrey ussarius, Gilbert son… Tomas son of Paganis Vilers Lidolfus de Crocstun Ralph de Breartun, Otuer de.. Roger steward de Barua, William his son, Vilgrinius.

2. Pad de Neuton ascherillus de P’stun, Richard de Mora. Latin
Bearing a seal belonging to the Baron of Halton, viz argent, a griffin passant his winges displayed sable and armed gules. Printed Ormerod I but mistakes place name in MS, checwio, and firmit, cc’cessu teneretur.
The charter of John constable to Hugh de Dutton, Printed Ormerod (but some mistakes names of witnesses – The transcript in the MSS reads Gilbert de Astun, Randulf de Kingest, Hamo de Bordint’ Alan de Mulintun, William son of Richard…William de Cavil Blether’ Herberd de Walet’. Latin. Another transcript of this charter of John. Liber c.f.143
f.139 Roger constable of Chester granted to Hugh de Dutton and his heirs freedom from legal cases in the hundred of Halthon. Witnessed by Hugh dapifer, Ralph son of roger, William de Chanill’ Adam de Dutton, Richard de Heston Alan de Waley Herbert de Walaton Geoffrey de Dutton, Roger venator Richard St’chi, Grahala de Losstoc, Geoffrey Butil’ Gilbert de Limme Richard chaplain.
Hundred of Halton
f.139b Charter of earl Ranlf confirming the gift which Henry de Huers and Juliana his wife, made to Hugh de Dutton of the land of Prestona. Witnessed by Roger constable of Chester. Philipp de Orrebi, Richard pisce Richard Phiton Adam de Dutton, Robert de Wiuilla, Ralph son of Roger, Hugh dispensor, Alan de Boidel William de Camull’ John Burd Eutropius, Magister Ralph medicus Rannulf clerk of Froddesham Thomas clerk of the earl, the writer of the charter., Alan minister and many others. At Froddesham. Latin.
f.140 Charter of John constable of Chester granting to Adam de Dutton 4 bovates belonging to Walter Heron in Don’ttoina for 2s rent. Witnessed by Hithot parson of Marnakam, Robert deacon of Donitona Ranulf son of earl Hugh Bertram chamberlain of the earl, Magister Alexander, William Patric, Robert, son of Roger, Geoffrey de M’nigas, William de Saueni, William Legat
f.141 Robert de Lacy’s charter granting Osbert de Wethalle half Pe’u. G.I. (among the evidences of Sir Peter Leicester).
f.142 Geoffrey de Dutton son of Adam Dutton, granted to Agnes, his daughter all his land of Helde. H.S. Leicester of Tabley.
f.145 Robert Tharius prior of the Hospital of Jerusalem granted to Hugh de Torrenton 2 bovates in the vill of Torrenton. Witnessed by Brother William de …….., brother Laurence, brother Roger chaplains, brother Richard de The, Brother William …… brother Robert Bussell and many others. Latin. Sealed with a very fayre seale of paist in which on the one side is the image of a sarcen’s head with a greate beard and bookes of hhaym inscribed husband the seal sigill… vrl… h….. b….. in Anglia; on the booke parte a ……………………… (as it seemth to me) written about ……. p………………….. in Anglia b. ….. constable of Chester contained the grant of Adam de Dutton to the hospital of Jeruselem, Latin. Printed Ommerod 1. (Warburton). Seal; a lyon ….. written about this – sigillum Jo………………
Oct 5 1499
c. Friday after St Michael’s 38 Hen 6. Robert Liftwicke abbot of Morton, appointed John Dutton, son of Thomas Dutton, s…… of all their lands in Cheshire. Announcement of common seal. Given in Chapter House. Latin. A very fayre large seale. The picture of the Virgin Mary Christ in her arms.
Sept 29 1545
19 Edw.3
f.145b St Michael’s day. A French deed by which Sir William de Clinton, earl of Huntingdon, made Thomas, son of Sir Hugh de Dutton, his sameschal and receiver at the castle of Halton and for all the Earl’s lands in Cheshire. The earl …….. those to him for 440 marcs a year. Given at Harstock (……. not a transcript in Liber C). c. Peter de Dutton, Oliver Legh and Ranulph Starky acknowledged themselves bound to William de Leycester in £100. Tuesday before the Nativity of St John the Baptist

June 22 1423
Henry 6. Latin. Conditions. (English). If Randle Mainwaringe and Hugh de Dutton made an award between Sir Peter Dutton and William Leycester, before the fest of St Peter ad Vincula next, all claims were to b void. f. William de Brereton knight gave a receipt for £7 to Peter de Dutton, paid in respect of the dower of Margaret. William’s wife, for Aston and Minshull (half year’s rent). Wednesday before Chritmas, 21 Richard 2.
Dec 10
Sept 29 1380 & Rich.2.
f.145b g. St Michael’s, Richard de Dutton granted to Thomas de Dutton and Laurence de Dutton knights, the marriage of Peter his eldest son, in .. for the marriage of Hugh, Laurence and Thomas, his sons and Agnes and Ellena, his daughters. If Peter died unmarried, Richard and Thomas were to have the marriage of Hugh his brother. If he died unmarried they were to have the marriage of Thomas his brother. Latin.

Nov 3 1403
5 Hen.4.
h. The King pardoned Peter de Dutton all his part in the rebellion of Henry Percy. Cirencester. Latin
f.146.i. Geoffrey de Dutton of Budworth renounced all claims and quarrels against Peter de Dutton. given at Budworth. Mon. after St Simon and Jude.
Oct 29 1431
10 Hen.6.
k R. de Ffrodeshum, official of the archdon. of Chester, certified that Robert de Helegh chaplain should celebrate the marriage of William de Dutton son of Hugh de Dutton had Matilda daughter of Richard de Stocport, knight. Sunday after St Martin’s in the chapel of Bettelegh.
1305. Given Saturday after St Katherine the virgin. Latin.
l. Dec 7 no year given. James Lord Audeley wrote to Thomas Dutton and John Done that he would assist the abbot of Dore as was promised. English.
Feb 9 1315
m. Friday after the Purification. Memroandum that in the church of St John at Chester, before Asam Burum & Nicholas de Guchundelee W.Bp. of Coventry and Lichfield in the office of visitors of the archdeaconry of Chester, the prior and convent of Norton of the order of St Augustine were called upon to answer certain articles (they had failed to maintain a chaplain celebrating in the chapel of Pulsey). Latin
March 7 1420
7 Hen.5. f.146b n. The King to the sheriff of Lancashire. Order that he was to outlaw Peter Dutton of Dutton, Ralph Bostocke of Bostocke, Richard Werburton of Halton, John Dour of Utkinton junior, John Manley of Manley Hugh Dutton of Hatton, William Leycester of Nether Tabley, if they did not appear at the next county court to answer William Athurton on a plea that, with Peter Legh of Clifton, and John Carington of Carington they had broken into William’s enclosures at Athurton and Bedford and driven away 40 bulls and 40 cows worth £40 and injured and attacked his men. Latin. An entry in the margin states and award (in French) was made by John, Duke of Bedford, earl of Richmond & Kendall constable of England, regent of the kingdom on April 9, 7 Henry 5. 1419 by which Peter Dutton was ordered to restore the beasts to William who was to restore the beasts to William who was to restore horses and sadles taken from Peter.
c. Undated final concord by which Hugh le King son of John de Rowenall confirmed to Lady Philipa de Dutton all aprovements in Parva Rownall and Magna Rownall catalgoure entry. Latin.
Parva Rowanll
Magna Rownall
p. Undated. Hugh de Tiwe gave to Matthew de Moldeworth, his brother the vill of Parva Moldeworth, rendering 2s a year. Witnessed by Robert de Pulford, knight. Robert de Manlec Roger de Moldeworth, Roger de Manlee, Wrenow de Stapleford, Hugh de Pulford, Hugh de Hole, Alexander Herre at multis aliis. Latin. summary
Parva Moldeworth
f.146 q. Joan, widow of Hugh de Dutton quitclaimed to William de Dutton her son all rights in Parva Moldworthe, Strethall, and Bebington. Witnessed by Hugh de Dutton, Richard de Wolmerlegh Robert Bolt, Roger Bolt, William de Morthwayt, John de Hallum, Thomas de Prestum James clerk and others. Latin summary
Parva Moldworthe
r. Hugh le Tyn quitclaimed to Thomas de Dutton knight, homage relief, wardships and all services which Adam de Dutton brother of the said Thomas owed for a tenement in Moldeworthe. Rendering a pair of white gloves a year at Christmas. Witnessed by Roger de Venables, Geoffrey de Dutton, William de Bostock, Stephan de Merton, Randulph de Merton, John de Cutton and many others. Latin summary
f.147 s. Hugh le tyn quitclaimed to Hugh de Dutton the homage which William owed for Parva Moldeworthe. Witnessed by Richard de Mascy Richard de Sonbach knights, William Gerard, Philipp de Egerton, William de Tofte and others. Latin summary
Parva Moldeworthe
t. 1246. Convention between Hawisia de Hole, wife of Robert de Moldeworthe, brother of Matthew de Moldsworthe (sic) and Matthew Moldsworthe, by which Hawisia quitclaimed to Matthew all her third of Moldworthe. Latin summary
v. Robert son of Matthew de Moldesworth sold to Adam de Dutton all rights in the vill of Parva Moldworthe, for 50 marcs. Witnessed by Alan le Zucha than justice of Chester, Hugh dispensaries, Ffulco de Orreby, Geoffrey de Dutton, Robert de Pulford, Hugh de Waverton, Ranulf le Roter Thomas de Dutton etc. Latin summary.
Parva Moldworthe
Dec 22 1426
5 Hne.6.
f.147 w. Sunday after the translation of St Thomas the martyr. William de Harrington chief seneschal of Henry, archibishop of Canterbury, the Bp of Winchester and others enfeoffed by Henry 5 with the demesne of Halton ordered Peter de Dutton knight, parker of the park of Northwode to repair the dilapidated bridge called Witton bridge which was causing loss to the tenants of the Manor of Whitley. Latin summary.
Park of Northwode
x. Richard Bold acknowledged the rceipt from Peter de Dutton of £10 farm of all the lands which had belonged to John Wolton and Alesia, his wife, recently wife of Thomas de Dutton, knight.
Manor of Whitley
Sept 1 1433
11 Hen.6. Latin Summary
July 23 1434
12 Hen.6. y. Richard de Bold and James de Huyton received from John Dutton of Dutton £10 which they had of the grant of john Wolton & Alesia his wife. Latin summary.
July 29 1443
21 Hen.6.
f.147b a. Monday after St James, Ralph de Egerton & Elizabeth his wife, acknowledged that he had received from John Dutton, 20 marcs. latin.
July 29 1443
21 Hen.6.
b. John Dutton of Dutton, John Savate, Laurence Ffitton Robert Bothe, knights, Peter Garrrd and Peter Legh acknowledged themselves bound to Ralph Ergerton in 400 marcs. The conditions – If John Dutton kept all the terms of an indenture made with Ralph on June 18 21 Hen.6. the present obligation was to be null and void. Latin. 1443
July 22 433
11 Hen.6.
c. The feast of Mary Magdalene.
Griffith Hamner acknowledged themselves bound to Ralph Egerton in 400 marcs. The conditions – If john Dutton kept all the terms of an indenture made with Ralph on June 18 21 Hen 6. the present obligation was to be null and void. Latin. 1443
July 22 1433
11 hen.6.
c. The feast of Mary Magdalene. Griffith Hamner acknowledged that he had received 10 marcs from Peter de Dutton knight. Latin.
Jan 20 1255
d. The octave of St Hillary, Final concord in the King’s court at Lichfield by which Robert de Fferrariis of Mere quitclaimed to Thomas de Dutton and Philippa his wife the fourth part of a knight’s fee in Mere and Aston. Latin.
e. Geoffrey de Dutton granted to Thomas de Dutton all land in his part of Dutton, rendering an arrow at Christmas. Witnessed by Hugh de Venables Geoffrey de Dutton, Roger de Tofte, Richard de Kingsley, William de Walletun, Richard de Aston. Latin.
f. John de Legh acknowledged himself bound to Hugh Lord of Dutton to give him councel and attend to his affairs before those of all other men and women during his life. Latin.
1346. 30 Edw.3.
f.148 g. Roger de Dutton and William de Dutton chaplains granted to Thomas de Dutton lands in Northwych, Codyngton Neuton near Ffrodsham and Bradiley near Ffrodshum. Latin summary.
Newton near Frodsham
Bradley near Frodsham
July 9 1369
43 Ed..
h. King Edw. apptd. Thomas de Dutton, Geoffrey de Warburton, Thomas de Mascy, and John Dumvill junior custodies pacis in the hundred of Bucklow to have ready men at arms & “onmes hominess” defensibiles between the ages of 16 and 60 for defence against enemy attacks. Witnessed by Thomas abbot of Vale Royal justice of Chester at Chester. Latin.
Bucklow hundred
May 30 1371
45 Ed.3.
i. Licence from the king to Laurence de Dutton to move the chapel of Kingsley which was within the forest of Mara, and once belonged to Peter de Thornteon. Latin.
chapel of Kingsley
49 Ed.3.
f.148.k. William de Lecwick and Ranulph de Dutton and Philippa his wife all rights in the Manor of Thorneton, which they had of the feoffmen of Philippa who had the manor for life from Peter de Thorneton. Latin summary.
Manor of Thorneton
1. John, son of Hugh de Brichull gave to Robert de Dutton the rectory of Eccleston and all his tenements in Fflint. Latin. summary
Rectory of Eccleston
m. Lawrence de Dutton sheriff of Cheshire, Nov 1st 1 R.2.
n. Indenture by which Laurence de Dutton and Alice his wife, leased to Esmond Brudenell clerk of the crown and Elizabeth, his wife the manor of Stoke Mandevill called le Old Bury. French summary.
Manor of Stoke Mandeville.
June 22 1395.6
19 Ric 2.
o. Anna recently wif of Thomas Dutton knight. Dec 13th Hen.6. 1459
March 1 1474
13 Edw.5.
f.148 p. Joan wife of Roger de Dutton was dowered with certain messuages in Weston Acton Preston and Kekwicke in co.
1474 Cheshire. Dutton March 1st 13 Edw.4. Latin summary.
Weston Acton,
Kekwicke, Cheshire
April 22 1521-2
13 Hen.8.
q. Lawrence Dutton of Dutton received a receipt, from Sir John Warberton for 320.
Penes Lord Delamere
f.149.z. Hamo de Mascy granted to Geoffrey de Dutton all the land which Richard de Mascy son of Robert de Mascy had given to Geoffrey in Ashley. Witnessed by Hugh de Doninton then prior of Norton, Robert de Venables, William de Baggiley, Roger de Toft, Alan de Tatton, William de Mascy Aytrop de Millington, Warin de Baginhall, Richard Starky and many others.
P.L. does not give a full transcript.
f.152.a. Ranulph earl of Chester granted to Patric his clerk son of Peter his clerk, and Ranulph his son, all the lands which Peter had given to them. Witnessed by Roger de Monte Alto, his steward (dapifer) Philipp de Orreby then justice Warin de Vernon, William de Venables, Robert Patric Hamo de Mascy, Henry de Aidithley, Henry dispensaries, Hugh and Geoffrey de Dutton, William de Haslewell, Lidulph de Twamlowe, David de Malo Passu, Hugh de Lascy, Jooeramus de Hellesby, Richard de Kingesley Henry de Kagwurth Richard de Brescy Thomas his clerk Richard de Perpunt and many others.
b. Roger de Lascy constable granted to Peter clerk of the earl of Chester, the homage and service of Hugh de Rabi. Witnessed by Ranulph earl of Chester, Philipp de Orreby Simon son of Walter, William de Nunvilers, Hugh and Thomas, Henry and Robert, dispensarii, Solinus de Quatremares, Hugh and Geoffrey de Dutton, William de Haslewell, Hugh de Corona, Gilbert de Berleston, William de Waleia, Richard de Actona Aitropus de Mulinton, Richard Starky William de Bauill, Henry Tiesio and many others.
f.152.c. John de Lascy constable granted to Peter clerk the fee of Hugh de Rabi, Witnessed by Philipp de Orreby, then justice of Chester, Henry de Longon Campo, Adam de Nov-Foro, William son of Hugh, Hugh de Dutton, Geoffrey de Dutton, Gilbert de Limme, Thomas de Orreby, Richard de Aston, William de Deresbury, Richard Sausan, Magister Roger medicus, Robert de Stapleton, Richard de Kagworth and many others.
f.152.d. Adam de Hellesby son of Jooeramus de Hellesby granted to Hugh his brother, a messuage in the Vill of Acton, which Peter, son of Norman held; rendering 1d a year at St john the Baptist’s day. Witnessed by Roger de Monte Alto, W de Vernon, W de Ardernia, Wlater then parson of ffrodsham William de Boydell Richard de Kingesley, Robert de Manlee, Richard de Hellesby and others remaining charters on this page later in date.
vill of Acton
f.143a. William constable of Cheshire granted to Arduuino the land which Robert son of Peter held of him, namely Stanigdelf and all which he held of William the constable in Osinfordshire, for the service of a knight’s fee. If William could not warrant the land he would give an exchange of equal value. Witnessed by William monk, Hugh son of Roger, Alfred, son of Hunfridus, Benedict, clerk etc. Robert son of Hugh, William dispensator, Godespedus, Eadmandus.
b. William de Haslewell, in the full county court, before Philipp de Orreby, then justice, quitclaimed to Hugh de Dutton, Loswinus and Godgiva his wife and all their issue; Umfridus and unnilda, his wife and all their issue. Steinulphus and his issue, Madiou and his issue; Robert Ruffus and his issue; Ingrit wife of Ravekel and his issue; Witnessed by Robert de Monte Alto, dapifer Peter clerk of the earl of Chester, Warin de Vernon, William de Venables, Adam de Dutton, Liufus de Twamlowe, Alexander, son of Ralph Richard de Kingesley Richard de Aldeford, David de Malo Passu, Richard clerk of Duninton and many others.

f.153 c. Guarinus de Vernon in pleno comitatu at Chester granted to Hugh de Dutton Gilbert de Weston and Roger, his son, with their goods, in return for 4 marcs witnessed by Philipp de Orreby then justice of Chester, Roger, seneschal of Monte Alto, William de Venables, Roger de Mainewaringe, Hamo de Mascy, William de Malo Passu, Ranulf de Praers, Gilbert de Limme, Alan de Tatton, Richard de Kingeslegh, Joceramus de Hellesby and many others.
f.154 (see above f.138 also
b. Ranulf earl of Chester, confirmed to Hugh son of Udardus whatever he held of Ranulf’s father. Witnessed by Ranulph venator and Robert Grovefac.
Received from Vernon (not among Dutton deeds.)
f.154.c. John constable of Chester granted to Wronce de Strettona half Molintona, Witnessed Hugh de Dutton, Adam, his son, Richard de more, Ralph cook, Edward de Widnes, Richard son of Roger William son of Nigred, Ormson of Geoffrey and many others.
f.154.d. R.Prior of Norton granted to Hugh de Dutton the mill of Prestona. Witnessed by Geoffrey de Dutton, his brother, Geoffrey de Dutton, his grandson, William de Deresbury William venator, Richard Starky, Richard Mulinton, Alan clerk, Adam clerk and many others.
mill of Preston
f.159 b.f. Hamo de Mascy granted to Hugh son of Hugh de Dutton in free marriage with his daughter the land of Lindseia, namely in Suttresby, and while Hamo’s mother lived and held that land Hugh was to receive 60s a year due to Hamo from men in Bracintona held of the earl of fforrars. (Land in Lincolnshire). witnessed by John constable of Chester, William Patric, Peter Pipard, Ralph de Menwarin, Warin de Vernon William
de Venables, Thomas Patric Randulph Kingsleia, Hamo de Berdintona, Matthias de Bromhala, William de Kerinton, Robert de Pulla, Thomas son of William, Awardus de Fulrara, Roger his brother, Adam de Extona William Brito, Waltherus de Stockport, Robert son of roger, Adam de Dutton, Geoffrey his brother, Wyronus de Punterling, William Legat, William son of Ive, Eytropus, Robert venator.
f. 154 b.f. Simundus son of Osberinus granted to Hugh son of Hugh the vill of Leia, rendering 2 marcs a year at the feast of St Martin’s. Witnessed by Hamo de Mascy, Roger de Mainwaringe, Randulf de Mainwaringe etc. Adam son of Hugh, Herin sacerdotis Richard Lanceline. vill of Legh
g. Roger constable of Chester granted to Hugh de Dutton quittance from suit for Lagha in the hundred of Halton (de Iudice de Legha in hundredo meo de Halton). Witnessed by Hugh, dispensaries, Ralph son of Roger, William de Chamuill, Adam de Dutton, Richard de Heston, Alan de Waley, Herbert de Waleton, Geoffrey de Dutton, Roger venator, Richard Starchy, Grahalam de Lostocke, Geoffrey Butil, Gilbert de Limma Richard chaplain.
Legh in the hundred of Halton
h. Grant of the minstralcy of Cheshire had been Hugh de Cholmundelegh. Witnessed by Roger, abbot Chester, Ranulph Ruter, Philipp de Malo Passu, Ada de Helsby. William son of Gerard, Robert de Cholmundelegh, John de Cholmundeley, Si on de chelmundeley, Hamo de Pulford, Richard clerk and many others.
11. William Launcelin granted to Hugh de Dutton all his quarter of the vill of Berterton and received 13 marcs. Witnessed by Wo Gerard, Richard Roter, Ranulph de Acton, William de Dutton, William de Mascy Thomas de baunvile, James clerk and others.
vill of Berterton
l. Hugh Cholmondelegh granted to Hugh de Dutton a quarter of the vill of Bertrinton. Witnessed by Roger prior of Norton, Urian de Sancto Petro, William de Venables, Richard de Mascy, Nicholas de Leycester then bailiff of Hglton, Robert Grossus venator then sheriff of Chester, Alexander de Baunvyle, Ranulph Starky.
f.155 o. Henry de Nuers and Juliana his wife gave Hugh de Button all their land of Prestona. In return they received 5 marcs and a black palfrey. witnessed by Hugh Gulaf William his brother, Richard de Leonibus, Robert son of Alan Gerardus de Nuers, Matthias cook, Geoffrey son of Hugh and Robert William de Hale etc.
p. Ranulf earl of Chester confirmed to Hugh de Dutton from John constable. See Ormerod 11p. This is also given with a drawing of the seal. f.138b. the witnesses are incorrectly written in the printed edition. the original spelling in Hugone de Boidele, Alan his brother.
f.154b. Petro de Goenet, Liulf de Twamlowe, Ada de Dutton, Gilberto de Aston, Randulfo de Kingesley, Hamone de Bordinton, Alano de Waley, Willelmo filio Ricardi, Martino Angevin Willielmo de Cavill, Galfrido et Robin filiis meis, Blethero Herberd de Waleton, Galfrido de Dutton
f.155 i. William son of Henry son of Serlo granted to Hugh de Dutton half the vill of Berthinton, which Robert de Meisnilwarin held, for a pair of white gloves at the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Witnessed by Philipp de Orreby then justice of Chester, Peter clerk of the earl of Chester, Warinus de Vernon Robert Patric, William de Venables, Hamo de Mascy, Richard de Aldford, Adam de Dutton, Lidulf de Twamlowe, Richard de ingsley and many others.
k. time of Edward I. Richard de Cursun granted to Hugh de Dutton all his land in Berthinton and in return received 24 marcs Witnessed by Roger, prior of Norton, William de Venables Ralph de Vernon, Geoffrey de Chedle, Richard de Mascy, Robert Grosvenour Alexander de Baunvyle and others.
kk. Margeria daughter of Richard de Kingsley granted to Richard her son all her quarter of the vill of Berterton. (her husband) Prestona to Hugh de Duttona. Witnessed by Roger constable, Philipp de Orreby, Richard Pisce, Richard Phiton, Adam de Duttona, Robert de Wivilla, Ralph son of Roger, Hugh dispensaries, Alan de Boydell, William de Camull, John Burd, Eutropius, Magister Ralph medicus, Ranulph clerk of Ffroddesham, Thomas clerk of the earl, writer of the present charter, Alan minister and many others. At Ffrodesham.
vill of Berterton
f.155 b.c. Richard de Aestona son of Gilbert de Aestona granted to Hugh de Dutton 6 bovates in Aston and for tide he received 9½ marcs. Witnessed by R. prior of Norton, Geoffrey de Dutton, Geoffrey son of Adam de Dutton, Gralanus de Lostock, Thomas de Orreby Gilbert de Limme, Hugh his son of Richard Starky Ranulph, his son, William venator, Aytropus de Mulington, Walter de Tofte, Robert Albus William de Waleton and many others.
f.155b. r. Hugh son of Hugh de Dutton granted to the Prior of Norton the deed wood in Crewode etc and a chaplain to celebrate at Pulsty and a way to the prior’s assarts near the river Wever. Witnessed by John Lacy earl of Lincoln Roger de Cestria, Geoffrey son of Adam de Dutton, Geoffrey de Clifton, Gilbert de Limme, Gralanus de Lostocke Gilbert parson of Dorinton, Alan clerk, then seneschal, William clerk and many others

P.L. dates this 1240, the date at which John Lacy was made earl of Lincoln.
f.155 b. s. Roger de Lincolne prior of Norton granted to Thomas de Dutton and his heirs his free chapel of Dutton and of Weston in the parish of Budworth and of Runcorne. Witnessed by William de Boydell Geoffrey de Dutton, Richard de Ermitagio, then seneschal of Halton, Richard de Aston, Hugh de Limme, Adam de Hatton, Eytropus de Mulneton, William de Waleton and others.
Chapel of Dutton and Weston
Parish of Budworth and Runcorn
f.157 b. ff. Hugh de Dutton granted to William de Dutton, chaplain a bovate in the vill of Dutton which Adam Shogh, William’s father had held. Witnessed by Geoffrey de Werburton, William de Baggilegh, knights, Robert de Praers, Robert de Wynnington, Richard de Aston, Richard Scot and others
vill of Dutton
gg. Ranulph son of Walter de Acton gave to William son of Hugh de Dutton and Ceciliae, his wife all Walter’s lands in Acton. Witnessed by Hugh de Dutton, Geoffrey de Werburton, Robert de Wynnington, Richard Donn, Richard de Acton, Richard Scot and others. The remaining Dutton charters in his section are dated and belong to the late c.13 and onwards.

f.179 a. Warinus le Grovenour son of Warinus le Grovenour granted to Robert his brother all the land which Richard Bernard gave to his father in free marriage with Alina, his mother in the vill of Teverton. Witnessed by Reginald de Grey then justice of Chester, Hugh de Hatton, Sheriff of Chester, William de Bonebury William Bernard, Richard de Kalvilegh, Hugh his son, Mattheus de Halperham, Richard de Spurstow, William de Bulkilegh, Gilbert Salomon, William clerk and many others. Reginald de Grey. Hugh de Hatton.
vill of Teverton
f.180 b. Peter Clark of the earl of Chester and Lincoln confirmed the gift of Simon parson of the church of Torinton to Richard chaplain of Aldredelegh, namely all the tithes of the vill of Winebaldes Trohford. Witnessed by H abbot of Chester, Magister Alan de Tawell then official of Chester, Robert dean of Chester, Magister, John of Sanota Maria, Magister Hugh, Richard de Kagworth Ranulf parson of Ffrodesham, William de Kirkeby, Roger parson of Castellus, Magister Turstinus Adam clerk and others.
vill of Winebaldes Trohford
f.180 b. p. Ronolfus Starky son of John Starky of Tranemol granted to the monks of Birkenhenid common pasture in the vill of Tranemol. Witnessed by William Lancelyn, Robert de Pulle, Bertram de Meles, Robert de Bebbington Hugh de Benliston and many others.
vill of Tranemol
f182 a. Final concord by which it was agreed that Philipp de Dutton had the right to assart from the waste in Parva and Magna Rowenal. Witnessed by William de Caneriswelle, Richard de Draycote, Robert de Chetilton, Magister John de Stanlegh, rector of Asteburie, Richard de Redeyerd, Richard de Stanloue, Thomas de Baddelgh and many others.
b. Emma daughter of Stephen de Merton granted to Nicholas her brother all her land in the vil of Netherton and the vill of Byrches and the and between Byrches and le Holes and the land, which she had bought from Gralamus de Lostok and the land given by Richard de Lostok at Linstrete. Witnessed by Thomad de Meingwaringe, Nicholas de Vernon Stephan de Merton Richard de Lostock, William de Bostock, Richard de Wilburham, Hamo le Bret, Robert de Wyninton, Hugh de Merebury, Roger clerk and many others.
vill of Netherton
vill of Byrches
c. William de Clynton earl of Huntindon ordered Thomas de Dutton, his seneschal of Halton, to restore 58 taken from the tenants of Runcorne Wyteley and la More by way of distraint. Written at Preston. Per le Cunte de Huntyngdon. (In French).
Dec 24
DLT/B3 f.6-8 Ex registro Prioratus de Daventre
Anne gratice 1066 tempore Willielmi Conquestoris divisum est regnum Angliae…. Monasticon I. part pa.672 (Leicester’s reference).
1160 Charter of Hen.2 c.1160 (no gratia salutation) The king granted to the monks of Daventre the church of Efalewesly. Witnessed by Robert, bishop of Lincoln, Thomas chancellar, Richard de Humet, constable. At burgum. Latin.
Church of Ffalewesley
f.6 Ex cartulario de Daventry.
Oct 1269-70
Inquisition at Westminster. 54 Hen.III. Jurors swore on oath etc that Hugh called sheriff, founded the monastery of Daventry at west Preston, and gave 5 virgates of land there and later the monks moved to Daventry. Latin. (full transcripts of these deeds are given. by P.L.)
West Preston
f.6 Cartulary…f.105a Hugh de Leicestre granted the church of Preston…. Latin. (narrative)½
Charter of Hugh de Legecestre granted to the monks of Daventry the Church of Thorp. Witnessed by Matilda, his wife, Osbert his son, Ivo, his son, Hugh Pouer, Absolen and Robert priests and others. Latin. Given in full.
Church of Thorp
John Poherius, son of Hugh Poherius, inspected and confirmed the charter of Hugh de Leicestre granting the Church of Haddon etc. Latin. given in full.
Church of Haddon.
f.7. quotes. f.61b. Henry de Huers and Juliena, his wife, gave to the monks of Daventry the Church of Norton. Witnessed by William priest of Ffalwesle etc. Latin. in full
Church of Norton
P.L. also notes but does not give a transcript of a confirmation by Robert Nuers, Henry’s brother – f.62a and another by Richard de Vernun, f.62b.
Richard abbot of St Mary of Bernacus, granted to the church of St Augustine’s of Daventre the mill set up by Hugh de Leycestria in Everdonia. O latin.
Hugh de Legacestre granted to the monks of Daventry the land of Elrio de Everdon – 6 virgates and 3 parts of a virgate. Witnessed by Matilda, his wife Osbort his son Ivo his son, Hugh Pouer and any others. Latin. In full. Alexander bp Lincoln granted Hugh de Legacestre and the monks of Daventry the lord of E xia to Everlonia. Witnessed by Robert, son of Richard, William Ciure, Hugh de Legicestre, Robert son of Vitalia. Latin. In full.
Hugh Poharius grated to the monks of Daventry a mill between his land of Sathorp and the land of Robert Costowe. Witnessed by Walter Makel, Robert Makel. Latin. In full.

Geoffrey prior of Coventry announced that the Prior had paid the relief for 15 virgates of land – those of Hugh de Clyntona heir of John Poherius. Will of West Madden. Latin. Summary
Vill of West Haddon
f.7 Quotes f.1a Charter of Marl David granting to the monks of Daventre whatever they hald of him. witness H. de Leicester and H. de Morevill and Robert son of Nigel. At Ierdelai. Latin. in full.
Robert de Braybroc once sheriff of Northamton bouth from Eustace de Watford the meadow called Sanford, rendering 2s a year to Eustace. He gave it to Henry de Braybroc who gave it to Daventry – continues with the descent of the property. Latin. In full.
Robert Bp of Lincoln granted to the monks of Daventry the Church of Haddon etc. Latin. In full, including witnesses.
Church of Haddon
f.8 quotes f.105a of the cartulary – pedigree beginning “Vitalis Plfrey quit venit cum domino Willielmo Bastardo….”
Robert son of Ralph de Lestre of Holecote granted to St Augustines of Daventry a rent of 2s from the tenement of Stephan de Ffreman in the vill of West Haddon etrc. Latin in full.
vill of West Haddon
Ralph de Lestre of Holcoote granted to St Augustine’s of Daventry the lands already conferred by Robert his brother. Extract only.
1354. John de Leycestria clerk of Lincoln diocese notary public. Brief entry to indicate the date at which he lived.
f.8b Quotes f.94b of the carturlary, Richard abbot of the church of St Mary of Bernacus, the mill which Hugh de Leycestria built at Evendonia. Latin.
Catalogue of the priors of Daventry. Followed by a list of earlier priors mentioned in the carturlary. Peter Leicester could not date the precisely. the carturlary list begins with Walter Salebrugge prior 1225.
f.150a From Vernon. (Chedle and Ashley)
Hamo de Mascy granted Geoffrey son of Geoffrey de Dutton all his half of Bolinton, in marriage with Agnes, his daughter. witnessed by Philip de Orreby, then justice of Chester, Hugh then abbot of Chester, Roger seneschal of Molda, William de Venables Warinde Vern
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