RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleLiber N: Sir Peter Leycester's Collection called Antiquities of Chester
Datepost 1657
DescriptionQuarto volume.

An account of the Earls and Bishops of Chester, list of churches (20 folios). Then titles of the Chester Mystery Plays...put into English tongue by one Rendall Higden, a monk of Chester Abbey, A.D, 1269.
All the streets and lanes in the city of Chester with their names, in the time of Edward III.
All the words in Chester viewed and set forth by the worthie Mr Henry Gee, 1333.
The oaths of the officers (mayor, recorder etc.)
Recorders, amyors and sheriffs, list of, down to 1657. A short chronicle of vents after each.

HMC 1st Report Appendix p.49

The plays are:
The falling of Lucifer
The Creation of the World
May and his shipp
Abraham and Isacke
King Balack and Belem with Moses
The Nativity of Our Lord
The Shephardes Offering
King Herod and the Mount Victoria
The Three Kings of Colire

The Slaying of the Children of Herod
Purificatuion of Our Lady
The priackle with the woman of Canan
The risings of Lauzerous from death to life
The cominge of Christ to Jerusalem
Christes Maudy with his disciples
The Scourgeinge of Christe
The Ronsisinge of Christe
The harrowinge of hell

The Resurrection
The Emans and the Apostles
The Ascension of Christ
Whetsonday, the makinge of the creede
Proffetes affore the day of dome
These seven to to played the third day.
Extent1 volume
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