RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleLiber D
Date17th century
DescriptionSir Peter Leicester’s Collection
c.17 1631
Proceedings between Donald Lord Reay and David Ramsey (87 pages). Sir Ralph Hopton’s patent. (Latin)
A brief journal of the siege against Latham, in the co. of Lancaster.
Axiomata Legum Anglia (in latin) taken out of an old book in the custody of Thomas Hartley, one of the King’s attornies in the Exchequer of Chester (Latin).
Latham, Lancs
Notes taken out of the charters appertaining to the city of Chester (see slips)
City of Chester
A journal of the proceedings of my Lord Buckingham in his voyage.
Extracts from books of Sir Thomas Illves.
p.136 p
Some Rules of Paintinge
Order of precedence; and Sir Peter Leycester’s notes.
Copies of deeds etc (from Ric II) from the originals at Rock savage, now belonging to Thomas Earl Rivers. Sept 1669
Hist MSS 1st Report. Appendix p.49.
Analysis. G.3. H.24.
Notes taken out of charters appertayninge to ye city of Chester whereof some were granted by the earls some by kings of England and princes of Wales. (brief English summaries)
Earl Ranulph granted all the men of Chester freedom to buy or sell merchandise.
Earl Ranulph granted to the citizens of Chester announced to his constable that he had grunted to his citizens of Chester his gild merchant and all liberties and free customs. Earl John granted that no merchant should buy or sell any merchandise brought there by land or by sea, save his citizens of Chester. If any citizen made a sale before witnesses and law suits arose from it, he should be free from the earl and his bailiffs. he also granted the gild merchant first granted by Earl Ranulph. King John confirmed to the citizens of Chester their liberties and free customs which they had in Ireland in his father’s time. They were to enjoy them according to the charters which he gave when he was Count of Mortou. Henry III confirmed their liberties as granted by Earl Ranulph, namely acquitting and releasing recognisances and corroboration of testaments, and buying and selling. He also confirmed the earl’s charter granting a gild merchant. He also confirmed the charter granting that no merchant should buy or sell in the city except its citizens except at the fairs, as specified in earl Ranulph’s charter.p.116
4 Edw.1
The king appointed the mayor and citizens to provide 2 ships.
1292 - 20 Ed.1
Confirmation of the charters of Hen. 3, and the earl, he granted the right to elect a coroner
1327 – I.Edw.3
Confirmation of the charter of Edw.I. I Edw. grant of land to the citizens to build upon
I Edw.3
A further charter of confirmation.
25 Ed.3 – 1351
Grant of the fee farm of Chester (£100 a year) to the earl of arundell
28.Ed.3 – 1354
Confirmation of liberties. Mentions the name of city boundaries.
2 Ric.2 – 1378-9
Release of £73. 10s. 8d of the fee farm
3 Ric.2 – 1378-9
Confirmation of former charters
11 Ric.2 – 1387-8
Grant to the citizens of passages to buildings and repair of bridges
22 Ric. –Aug 4 1398
Grant of privileges to the court
4 Hen.4 – 1402-3
Pardon to the mayor and citizens for rebellion
18 Ric.2 – 1394-5
Grant of murage to the citizens for four years.
21 Ric.2 – 1397-8
Grant to the citizens of murage and prises for four years.
2 Hen.4 – 1400-1
Confirmation of former charters
Grant to the citizens of profits of murage and bridges during pleasure.
4 Hen.6. – 1425-6
Confirmation of former charters
23 Hen.6 – 1444-5
Remission of the fee farm, because the port had been destroyed by rebellion.
p.117 28 Hen.6 – 1449-50
The city’s fee farm found in arrears.
I Ed. 1461-2
Release of £50 a year of the fee farm
I Hen.7 – 1485-6
Release of £80 of the fee farm
21 Hen.7 – 1505-6
Charter to the city
14.Hen.8 1522-3
Letters under the privy seal, ordering that the inhabitants were to remain in the city for defence
34 Hen.8 1542-3
Letters Patent
36 Hen.8 1544-5
Decree in Star Chamber concerning the election of the mayor of Chester
16 Elizabeth 1573-4
A letter of the Earl of Leicester and other papers in a case between the city and the Exchequer of Chester
17 Elizabeth – 1574-5
An indenture between the city and Thomas Powell and Thomas Touchett executors of the testament of Ralph Worsley declaring that 3200 should be delivered to the city. Finis. 1576.
Henry Hardware, mayor
p.133 – Thomas Delves
Out of a paper book of collections now remayninge with Sir Thomas Delves of Dodington in Cheshire, baronet anno domini 1668, as followeth, pa.159.
Petition of Piers Legh
Letters of Jan 4th for services to Edw.3 in the French war, (taking of the chamberlain of tankervill and relieving the banner at Cressy) granted to Thomas Daniers 40 marcs yearly until they said Thomas died before this ha been arranged. Land was then granted to Margaret, daughter of Thomas, and his heir, and to Piers Legh, her husband, 21 Ric II namely land at Hanley in the forest of Maxfield
Now by a scire facias directed to the sheriff of Chester, chattels and goods had been levied from them to the value of 20 marcs. English
Hanley in the forest of Maxfield
Ralph de Vernon of Haslington granted to the church of the Virgin Mary of Bertumlegh tithes of sheaves and hay of Witaneleg and Bradeley. Announcement of seal. Witnessed by Ranulph de Praers, Thomas de Crew, Roger de Novo Castrok Roger son of ranulf, Richard de Praers, Nicholas de Bruerio, William Malbon and others. Latin transcript. Tripratite indenture whereby Ralph Egerton and John Delves were bound to John Bromley and John Rope in £200 to stand to the award of Sir John Menwaringe, John Nedham John Warren, Robert Ffoulshurst, William Manwaringe, and Randulfe Manwaringe, the younger. Award; John Delves was to pay a tun of wine to John Bromley for trespasses done; John Delves and Richard Massy were to pay a goshawke to john Rope for trespasses done. Sunday after St Hilary, 30 Hen.6. Then continues with Recipes for restoring faded writing or Washing letters out of paper.
Sept. 1451-2
Rules for painting, mixing colours for painting coats of arms etc.
The order of placing lords and ladies according to their degrees, also notes by Sir Peter, includes discussion of the ancient honours ad their courts.
Earl Ranulf’s deed to John de arderne granting Aldford, Ormerod II p.754
Expositio quorundam vocabulorum
Out of Mr Talbots booke in possession of Mr St George – measurements and explanations of words
Account of the descendants of David Malpas and the division of his inheritance p.154
Oct 4 1299
From the bundle in the escheators office. 27 Edw.1 no.46. Saturday after St Michaels. I. post mortem of Nicholas de Audley – latin transcript. Convenit cum recordo Augustine Vincent.p.155 1365
39 Edw.3. Licence to crenellate the mansion of John Delves at Dodington – latin. Richard II inspected a record of a plea in the county court of Chester. Tues. after Epiphany, 35 Edw.3. Recites at the eyre of the forest held before Sir John Macclesfield and his colleagues. William de Stanley claimed the right to be bailiff of the forest of Wirrhall. (French).
Forest of Wirral
Please of the forest of Mara and Mondrew, held at Chester, before Richard de Willughby, Richard de Stafford knights, John de Delves and John de Brunham, justices. Wed. before St Michael’s 35 Edw.III
Latin transcript follows.
Forest of Mara and Mondrewp.158
The account of these pleas of the forest ends with a note “So farre out of the paper booke of Collections now remayninge with Sir Thomas Delves of Dodington.
Dec 20 1432
Wednesday after St Lucy the virgin.
Certificate issued by Lawrence Warren, John Savage, Edward of Wever, Lawrence Ffitton, John of Carington, John le Manwaringe, William Venables, George of Wever, John Savage, John of Dutton esquires, Henry of Hooton, William of Dutton, Richard of Dutton, Piers Baumvile, John Holdston Richard Tafford, Hugh of Wever, gentlemen, that William of Dutton of Denbigh was not of Welsh descent (the said William had been vexed grievously in the towne of Denbigh by malitious suggestions surmisinge that the sayd William should be Welsh”) Transcript. In English.
Exgracts from Sir Peter’s notes – titles in use and their order of precedence.
the orders of knights in England
The number of footmen levied by the sheriff and justices of the peace in the county of Chester, delivered to Laurence Rope, gentleman, apptd. conductor of the same to Barnwick.
Jan 3 1550 3.Ed.6 1668
(Original roll in the possession of Sir Thomas Delves of Doddington.
From the originals of Rocke Savage, belonginge to Thomas Earle Rivers. In September 1669 by me. P. Leycester
p.169 a Patent of John Davage, in which he was created baronet, June 29th 9 James (no transcript)
b. 1378
Inspeximus charter of Dec 13th 2 Ric. 2 of a charter of Edward 3. granting to Roger de Swynnerton £300 a year in land and all the manors, lands etc. of Hugh de Dispenser in co. Chester and Staffs. Also the manor of Great Barow and lands in Rushton, Corneford, Anstanfield co. Stafford, and the manor of Little Barow. Latin transcript.

c. Exemplification of the inquisition post mortem of John Savage. Wed. after the beheading of St John.
Manor of Great Barrow
Rushton, Corneford,
Anstanfield. co. Staffs.
Manor of Little Barrow
Aug 8 1464
Inquisitio Wed. before St Laurence the martyr, 4 Edw.4. John Savage junior

p.170 d-m
are short English entries indicating the descent of the Savages from the above date, to 23 Elizabeth (from deeds).

n. Ranulf earl of Chester granted Thomas Dispensator the right to seize all cattle entering his fee of Barow. Witnessed by H. abbot of Chester, Rode monte Alto seneschal of Chester, Philipp de Orreby then justice, William de Venables, Warin de Vernon, hamo de Massy, Roger de Menulgar, Robert Patric David de Majo Passu (the entry is in latin, but it is not a complete transcript). This deed was exemplified and confirmed. 5 Edw.6. - 1551
fee of Barow

p.171 o-v
brief entries of deeds (which could be used for establishing the descent of the Savage family and their estates.

v. March 1486
is the deed by which Henry 7, 1 Hen.7. gave John Savage junior the manor of Granby and Sutton co. Notts. Latin.
Manor of Granby and Sutton. Notts
p.173 f
Nov 13 1503 19 Hen.7
Inquisition giving the co-heiresses of Anna, wife of Thomas Dutton knight. (Latin).
p.174 Oct 2 1476
Wednesday after St Michael’s. 5 Hen.6 John le Vernay, John Savage and Roger de Hewode chaplains and James son of Robert de Legh knight granted to John Savage knight and Elena his wife, the manor of Picton, the manor of Shibrok and all messuages in Magna Moldesworth Newhall, Shurlach, Merebury, and Herdeleston, and 2 parts of the manor of Leftwich and the advowson of the church of Davenham, which Margaret who was the wife of Ralph de Vernon knight held as dower, after her death remaining to John Savage knight and Elena his wife and their heirs.
Witnessed by Thomas Duke of Exeter justice of Chester, John Stanley knight, Thomas abbot of the monastery of St Werburgh, John abbot of Norton, William Troutbacke, chamberlain of Chester. Peter de la Poole, his locum tenens, Richard de Warburton, sheriff, of Cheshire. Given at Shibroc. Latin.
Manor of Picton
Manor of shibrok
Magna Moldesworth
Newhall, Shurlach
Merebury, and Herdeleston, Manor of Leftwich
Church of Davenham

p. June 13 1563
5 Elizabeth
Indenture between Sir John Savage, of Clifton, knight, and William ffleetwod. In consideration of a marriage had by Sir John Savage with Daem Elinpour, late the wife of Sir Richard Dexhul deceased – to the advancement of her children by Sir John, and, in default of such issue, for the use of Edward Sauage his second son and for the good will Sir John to Polixena le Griz, daughter of William de Griz of London, gentleman and of Katherine his wife, natural sister of Dame Elinour, granted lands to the use of himself for life and then to the use of Dame Elinour and her heirs – until Edward Savage married Polixena, when the lands were to be for the use of Edward and Polixena and their heirs. The lands were in Southamptonshire and Wiltshire. (English entry).
Southamptonshire and Wilts.

p.175 22 Apr 1592
34 Elizabeth
Indenture between Sir John Savage and Elinour his wife, and William lord Bp. of Chester, indicates that the lands which Sir Richard Pexhull late husband of Elinour had settled on her were in Bromley, Beaurepayr Stratefield, Mortimer Turges, Basingstoke, Chinham Tadley Pamber Silcester, Sherborne, Monachorum, Sherborne St john Sherborne Cowdray Stovington Dene Bradley, Berdenstok and Clak Cowich and Basinge co. Southampton and Wiltshire. (These were the lands settled on the heirs of Edward and Polixena). English entry – not full transcript.
Mortimer Turges, Basingstoke. Chinham Tadley
Pamber, Silchester, Sherborne Monachorum Sherborne St John Sherborne, Cowdray
Stovington Dene
Bradley Berdenstock
Clak Cowich and Basingcol Southampton and Wilts
c. Margaret wife of John Savage daughter and heiress of Thomas Danyers knight, granted to John Savage the coat of arms which would descend to her after her father’s death. Sunday after the Translation of St Thomas 3 Hen.5. French
July 14 1415
p.176 v. Apr 20 1421
Establishment of the descent of 15 messuages, 200 acres and 4 pairs of gloves, 8 arrows and appurtenances in Shurlach, Bradford, Stanthurst, Cowell, Medius Wicus and Newhall and the manors of Minshull, Vernon Murdleston, Picton, 2 parts of Leftwich, 6 parts of Wicus Malbanus 9 parts of Shibroc and the advowson of the Church of Davenham and the chapel of Haslington, from Tues. after St James, 19 Edw. 2 to James Vernon. (Latin)
Shurlach, Bradford Stanthurst
Cowell Middlewich. Newhall
Manors of Minshull, Vernon, Hurdleston, Picton, Leftwich. Wicus Malbanus, Shibroc
Church of Davenham.
Chapel of Haslington
July 30 1325

Inquisition Torperley before John Scholehall escheator Wed. after Corpus Christi, 48 Edw.3 exemplified 2 Ed.6, 1548. Edward 3 gave Edward his eldest son, all the county of Chester, 8 Edw.3., he gave Roger de Swynarton knight the manor of Magna Barow, descent of the manor from that Roger to Robert Swynarton, 35 Edw.3. Latin.
June 7 1374
16 July 1334
Manor of Magna Barow

p.179 Nov 24 1520
12 Hen.8
Indenture witnessing that whereas Sir John Savage and Sir John Savage junior had been indicted of the murder of John Pauncefote esquire, the king through mediation of Thomas Lord cardinal and Abp of York and Charles earl of Worcester, had pardoned them. they were to pay 4,000 marcs and to undertake not to enter the co. of Worcester or Chester without royal licence under the great seal, privy seal or privy signet. English.
(Other brief entries in either English or latin occur, relating to the deeds of the Savage family, from p.171-180, in addition to those for which the entries have been given in detail by Sir Peter, and are catalogued here).
p.181 July 10 1559
I Elizabeth
Will of Henry Delves of Dodington co. Chester, to be bured at Wibenbury parish church. He had given life annuities to his younger sons, Thomas, Ralph and George. His wife, Cicely was to have the capital house of Dodington paying £9 to John Delves and his heirs, £2 annuity to Henry Delves, his illegitimate son, his best chain to John Delves, his son, £40 to his daughter, Margaret. His wife, Sir Thomas Venables, Sir Hugh Cholmondeley, Edward Brett and Lawrence Hoodnet gentleman, were to be his executors. Latin.
Wibenbury church
Sept 21 1669
Among Sir Thomas Delves deeds.
Extent1 volume
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