RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleFeodary of Halton
DescriptionBegins: 'In the great Cronyckles of England it is notablye remembered that where at the entrynge of Willyam the bastard in to England whome saynt Edwatd the confessor dyd assigne his next kynnesmand and heyre of the realme of England there came to the sayd realme of Engalnd the said William the Bastard a certayne knight named Hughe; which William did after that he was establyssed kyng dyd gyve the saud Hugh as freelye to his sword as the say kyng dyd holde the whole realme of Engalnd to the crowne...'

Ends with an account of Henry Lacye, which concludes 'and that no tenaunt dwellyng or remaynynge within the cytie of Chester ought to be amercyd in the courte callyd le pemeyse nor to make or to do any sute at any other courte but onely at the courte called le pemeyse not to make or do any sute at any other courte but onely at the courte of Halton, as appereth in the charter thereof. Here ensuethe the ffeodaryes of the lordshippe of Halton within the countie of Chester and Lancaster pertaynynge to the Lord of Halton, That is to saye. The Lord Robert of Holland of Longedendale for one knyght ffee and geveth to the Lord for releyff when it fallethe Cs Olyver of Burdewxe holdethe the town of Henburye and Pexhill for the fourth parte of one knyghte fee and geveth the towne of Alderley for fourthe parte of one knyghte fee and geveth XXVs.

The same Robert holdeth the towne of Clutton for the VI parte etc. and giveth XXVIs VIIId. Ends, Ranulph of Tranmoll for ye IX parte of a knyghte fee XI qa Ffeodaryes of the Countes of the Lordshippe afforesayd to her allowed in Dowrye. John de Ffytton holdeth the townes of Busworth and Aston and thyrd parte of Over Tabley four boavtts of land in Nether Tabley and one bovate of land and the fourthe part of a comberbache and one bouet of land in the hande of the pryor of Norton and Budwurth and all the land in Lyth and beyond Dee next Chester for one knyght fee. Concluding entry relates to Lord Peter of Warberton - Halton and Sale (xls given in full as earlier entries). Ffeodaryes of the lordshippe of Wydnes in the Cuntie of Lancaster perteynynge to the Castell of Halton. The lord Robart of Lathum holdethe of the lord of Wydnes tha manor of Knllesleye Huyton, Roby and Torbock for one knyghte fee and geveth releyff when it fallethe Cs. This sections ends with the Prior of the hospital of St John. This is followed by an English translation of the claims of Henry Duke of Lancaster as baron of Halton (as far as the clause 'Item calamat, quod si aliquis adventitus, qui fidelis sit.' See Ormerod from Liber C fo. 91 qv. Printed version in Latin. Ormerod I p.707.

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