RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleLiber L
DescriptionEx libris Petri Leycester de Tabley sua propria manu hec scripta sunt.
p.1-112 A copy of Domesday Book. (latin).
p.113 Names of Domesday tenants in chief in Cheshire
p.114 Pre-Conquest Cheshire Churches. Old Hundreds in Cheshire
p.120-172 Account of Nether Tabley
Deals with the hospitallars called the knights of Saint John of Jerusalem note p.160. Names of the Masters of the Temple in England – from a MS. in Cotton’s library.
Nether Tabley
p.161 Names of the Masters of the Temple of Solomon.
p.162 Names of the maters of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem. 1099-1513.
p.165 Names of the priors of the hospital of St john of Jerusalem in England. (all the same Ms) then p.167 gives additional names collected by Sir Peter (taken from charters in the Cotton Ms). The title of the Ms in Registrum Munimentorum et Eyidentiarum Prioratus Hospitalis Sancti Johannis Jerusalem in Anglia inceptum anno domini millesimo quadringentisimo quadragesimo secundo et tempore ffratris Roberti Bottill prioris dicti hospitalis anno secundo.
p.169 The number of persons in each family in Nether Tabley
Feb 8 1647
Nether Tabley
p.171 1647 The mize of Nether Tabley
p.172 The value of Nether Tabley – estimate
p.228 Hugh de Leycester called sheriff (vicecomes) was seneschal or steward unto Maude Seyntliz which Hugh was livinge in the raignes of Kinge Henry the first and Kinge Stephen.
p.232-5 1196. deals with Roger de Leycester living 1196.
p.236-308 Bre ve Chronicon Leycestrorum – see “Historical Antiquities”.
p.310 Inscription on the tomb of Robin Leycester
p.311 Epitaph on Robert Leycester – verse (ie. Robin). Also verses by the schoolmaster of Marcham on Robins death.
p.386-94 Bishop’s of Chester – see Historical Antiquities.
p.398-418 The Mixe Booke of Cheshire.
p.419-443 Earls of Chester – see Historical Antiquities.
p.444 On account of the Parish churches and parochial chappells, chappells of ease and domestique chappells in Bucklow Hundred collected anno domini 1664 by mee P. Leycester then a catalogue for other hundreds of accounts of churches in “Historical Antiquities”.
Extent1 volume
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