RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceDLT 4996/28/6
TitleLetters relating to estate, political and personal affairs
DescriptionUnsatisfactory nature of employee Mr Done of Aston Parks, 31 Dec 1764; Macclesfield Canal Bill, "the Water Duke" [Bridgewater], 19 Apr 1766; PBL's brother in love with daughter of "hostler" of "The Angel" [Knutsford], "a whore"; he has placed her in Manchester, organised a ball for "some common girls and blackguards" and hopes to borrow money to go to Scotland [younger brother John, died 22 Jun 1778], 21 Aug 1766; brother John, and sister's possible marriage [?to Mr Rumbold], 23 Aug 1766; talk of approaching election, Colonel Burgoyne etc, 22 Apr 1767; wife and PBL not well - he is "still apprehensive of the worst of all affairs that....happen to me in this world", 20 May 1767; brief reference to corn duty debate in Commons, 2 Dec 1767; sister's proposed marriage "not an agreeable match to me", 10 Dec 1767; loss of friend through fatal accident, reflections on friendship, 15 Mar 1769.
Extent20 items
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