RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleSamuel Legh of Macclesfield, alderman and Henry Barber of Macclesfield, alderman announced that whereas Philemon Manwaringe late of Warford acknowledged a statute of the penalty of £200 to Thomas Ffrost defeazance upon payment of £20 a year, for 8 years, which lies as an incumbrance upon a certain messuage and tenement in Warford.
Date31 Mar 1683
Descriptionthen the inheritance of Philemon Manwaringe, but since sold to Henry Manwaringe of Kermincham, and by him sold to Sir Robert Leicester and Thomas Jackson and whereas the said statute had come in equal shares to Samuell Leah and Henry Barber, though they had received £160, there remained £43 in costs, which had not been paid. This was to be paid by purchase money due to Henry Mainwaringl Leah and Barber acknowledged after the receipt of the money they will renounce all claims on the land. Signed Sam Leah. Henry Barbour. Two seals, each in red wax, on a tag. English.
Extent1 item
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