RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleCopy of an assize taken at Lancaster to discover if John, son of Henry de Hulton & Richard de Dradesshagh & Adam his son unjustly disseised the abbot of Cokersand of his free tenement in Westehalghton.
DescriptionThe claim arose because the abbot had exercised the right to enclose wood (see John Rylondes charters). The jury assessed the damage at 10s. The judgement was to be given the next Friday before the feast of St. John the Baptist. Richard came, but the abbot did not appear. John & his pledges – Jordanus del Soler & William de Rylondes were in mercy & Richard & the others were without a day. Ro. LX1111. Latin.
For a note on the Rylands family- see Cockersand Cartulary vol. II part II – Chetham Soc. (1900) p. 679. Also II p.685. John son of Robert de Rilandis granted a portion of his land in Houghton to wit all the land which he had in Ballsley, which Adam Donnebrid held of him; they gave him 6 marks of silver – 1235c – 1260.
No. 12. p.685-7
Composition by which John, son of Robert de Rylands, released to the abbot & convent of Cockersand his rights in the waste of the town of Houghton, for which concession they granted to John & his heirs 14 acres, to wit beginning at the ditch on the west by Wall-Brook following the same westward to another ditch, running southwood, following that ditch to another running from east to west, following that ditch to the Wallbrook & so from the western head of that ditch in a straight line to the ditch first named; together with an acre of land below the Warcock Hill (The canons have the charter of Adam de Pendlebury made to the said John (de Rylands) touching the said waste. (s.d. 1235c – 1250).
See also Antiquarian Notes re-printed from the Leigh Chronicled. by Wn Duncome Pink F.R.H.S. Vol I (1885) p. 5-6 – Early Joint Lands of the Manor of West Halghton – by J. Paul Rylands – quotes Coram Rege Roll, Trinity term 8 Ed. III Memo.121. Also Vol II p.142 – Disputes about lands in West Houghton 1292 – Lancs. Assize Roll 20 Ed. I. No. M.I. 10. (mem 26 dorse).
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