RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceDLT 5524/31/13
TitleProclamation by the parishioners of the chappelry of Nether Peover of their intention to re-institute the right of the Minister of the Chappelry to receive an antient of twenty nobles (gold coin formerly used in England, worth half of a mark) per year taken from the church dues, collected by the Church Wardens.
DateEarly 18th century
DescriptionVia the same means forty shillings per year will be paid to the Clerk of the Chappelry and twenty shillings will be dispersed to four sufficient persons appointed by the churchwardens for ringing the bells duely and regularly.
The document is signed by Ralph Kinsey, James Ridgeway, Peter Kinsey, William Humphrey, Joseph Cadman, Richard Krooke, Richard Cragg, John Smith, Joseph Stoole, Abraham Blankshaw, Thomas Henshaw, William Wridgway, Peter Wood, John Vernon, Peter Swinton, James Elmson, Elizabeth Williamson, Peter Jackson, Martha Carter, Randle Higson, Henry Jowell, Thomas Oldham, Peter Jefferies, Thomas Mattley, Jeffrey Wright, John Barrow, George Hale Seal, Peter Shalcross, F. (probably Sir Francis) Leicester, Peter Shackerley, Robert Chomondeley, Thomas Holford.
Extent1 item
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