RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceZ S/B/5/a
TitleBound part. Pages 1-19
DescriptionPages 1-19. Pages 1,19. Covers (parchment). Page 2. 17th century heading (R. Holme). Pages 2v.,3v. blank. Page 3. Beginning of a deed from Nicholas Holynhed of Chester, gentleman Pages 4-9. Presentments before the Mayor. Page 4. Inquest taken at Chester in the Common Hall of Pleas before Richard Wright, Mayor, on Monday after the Feast of Holy Trinity, 18 Henry VII [12th June, 1503] on the oath of Richard Hokenhull, baker, Nicholas Loker, Richard Fleccher, baker, Thomas Pygot, Roger Mascy, weaver, Richard Hille, barber, Richard Wastynbury, smith, Stephen Baxter, Thomas Gardener, Hamon Johnson, draper, Elie ap Die, Richard Ledesham, 'heuster', Robert Wright, draper, Nicholas Asshton, mercer, Richard Lymme and Thomas Nevton, weaver. Richard Wright, late of Chester, butcher (20d); assault on Emmota, wife of William Crue, barber, in le Watergatestrete, opposite le Tonne. Hugh Gruff, late of Chester, capper (16d); assault on Roger Grene, draper, in le Northgatestrete outside le Northgate near the church of St. Thomas the Martyr. Page 4v. Roger Grene, late of Chester, draper (12d); assault on Hugh Gruff, capper, at the same time and place. Richard Pate, late of Chester, skinner (3s: 4d); assault on Thomas Chippyngdale, tailor, in le Brugge-strete in a certain place called Hurlton Soler. Thomas Chippyngdale, late of Chester, tailor (2s); assault on Richard Pate, skinner, at the same time and place. Page 5. William Blymston or [Blyniston], late of Chester, baker (12d); assault on [blank], wife of Peter Alen in the King's water-mill of Dee. John Kynge, late of Chester, weaver, and Hugh Bithewall, late of the same, weaver; assault on Morice Conwelson, tinker, and John Cowley, tinker, in le Northgatestrete, outside le Northgate, inaa certain garden hitherto in the tenure of the said Morice. Robert Manne, late of Chester, labourer (40d); assault on James Baswell, labourer, in a certain place within the liberties called 'le Grimesdyche garden'. John [Merbury inserted] Taillor, late of Chester, labourer (40d); assault on Patrick Tynker in Northgatestrete. Page 5v. Thomas Melles, late of Chester, tailor (40d); assault on William Davidson, mariner, outside le Northgate. William Pantre, late of Upton, yeoman (20d) and William Classhe, late of Chester, bowyer (20d); assault on Peter Taillur near the gate of the Abbey. Henry Chambor, late of Chester, 'fourbour' [burnisher, polisher] (12d); assault on Peter Bradshay, tailor, in Fleshmonger Lane. John Ramsey, late of Chester, labourer (12d); assault on William Gille, slater, in le Northgatestrete. Thomas Johnson, saddler (2s.); assault on Geoffrey Tarlton, butcher, in le Eastgatestrete. f16. Robert Manne, late of Hole in the county of Chester labourer,(40d); assault on Thomas Savage in Cowlane in the house in which John Wirehall, weaver, dwells. William Hogekynson, late of Honbrugge in the county of Chester, labourer (6s: 8d); assault on William Lauranson in Honbruggefelde. Robert Thornton, late of Chester, friar, one of the Friars Minor within the City of Chester (6s: 8d); assault on Master [blank] Holden, bachelor in each law (in utroque legs) and one of the friars of the same house. William, yeoman (40d); assault on John Pekkowe, butcher, in Salteney. Page 6v. John Pekkowe of Chester, butcher (20d); and Henry Pekkowe of the same, his son (pardoned); assault on William in at Saltney within the liberties of the City. William Blundell of Chester, smith (12d); assault on Matthew Botton, spurrier, in le Bruggestrete. Hugh Dutton the younger late of Hatton, co. Chester, gentleman (3s: 4d); assault on Robert Wilkynson in le Estgatestrete in a certain place called 'Wilkynsons Soler'. Robert Wilkynson, late of Chester, shoemaker (p[er]donat [us] p[er] m et consilium); assault on Hugh Dutton at the same time and place. Page 7. Presentment of the following persons for buying bread, ale and other victuals as well as divers goods from foreigners and selling them retail to foreigners within the City contrary to grants made to the Mayor and Citizens by the King's progenitors: Hugh Huet, salter, (8d), Hugh Fissher, salter (8d); John Bennet, spurrier (8d); John Wrene, wright (2s.); Margaret Percyvall (4d); John Pene. spurrier (pardoned); Joan, wife of Richard Pemburton (8d): [blank] late wife of Robert Trower, vestment-maker (8d); John Payne, cartwright (12d); Joan Preston (4d); Stephen Hyndrewell, 'fourbour' (4d); Henry Chamber, 'fourbour' (4d); William Creche, 'brekman' (20d); William Pillyn, capper (4d); Elizabeth Fleccher, labourer (4d); Robert Wrighte, shoemaker (4d); Elena Buccy 'vola (or sola) mercatrix' (4d); Petronilla wife of William Dane, mariner, (4d); Margery wife of Thomas Wynchestre (4d); Henry Jankynson, fletcher (4d); Nicholas Wodwarde (12d); Richard Holonde, weaver (8d); Joan Wrighte (4d); Elena Manfelde (4d); Elizabeth Clough (died): Joan Taillur, labourer (8d); John Bower, weaver (4d); [blank], wife of Thomas Huet, shoemaker (3s: 4d); Robert Petty, tailor (8d); Joan Hikkok (4d); William Lightfote, glover (vad' 20d); Rose late wife of David Chalner (8d); Roger Adam (4d); Joan Whitney, widow (12d); Edmund Corkyn (4d); William Blundell, smith (20d); Richard Carlett, sherman (4d): Thomas Hoghton, sherman (4d); Robert Fowler, sherman (4d); Thomas Hole, walker (4d); Agnes Mascy (4d); Joan Williamson (4d); Margaret Sclater (nil); Elena Boye (nil); Charles Bostokke (8d); Henry Knowesley (16d); James Hay (nil); William Walton, wright (2s.); Richard Patrik, wright (12d); Thomas Sclater, slater (40d); Robert Crane (4d); Richard Taillur, smith (8d). Page 7v. Nicholas Holt, late of Chester, weaver (20d); assault on John; Waryng, cooper, in Nonnelane. Peter Dutton, the younger, late of Hatton co. Chester, esq. (6s: 8d); assault on Elias ap Daye within the bounds of le Castellowne, within the liberties of the City of Chester. William Waterleder (40d); assault on David Robynson, sherman, in le Bruggestrete. Joan More, otherwise called Joan Skotte, labourer (40d); and Joan Oveot, labourer (40d); common scolds Joan Steyner, widow, (4d) and Margery Bower, widow (4d) make fire in their cellars (solar') and the smoke rises in le Mercerrowe to the great nuisance of their neighbours and of passers-by. Page 8. William Meolea, yeoman, Roger Smyth, sherman, and John Brett, glover, raised afresh and made a ditch 100 roods long and 3 royal virgates wide at le Haghrene on the common soil of the Mayor and Citizens against divers grants made by the King's progenitors and to the harm of all the King's subjects passing that way. William Dohalde of Chester, baker, erected afresh a shop before the wall of the house in which he dwells on the common soil of the Mayor and Citizens to the harm of the Citizens and against the form of the statutes. Nicholas Daykin, felt-capper (10s.) bought one pound weight of wool called 'wollyn yorne', price 3d, from John Fynche in le Forgatstrete knowing it to have been stolen. Thomas Savage, labourer (3s: 4d); assault on Robert Manne of Hole in Cowlane in the house in which John Wirehall, weaver, dwells. Robert Goodman, late of Chester, 'heuster'; assault on Michael White, tailor, at 'le Seint Briddes Crosse' within the liberties of the City. Robert Goodman and John Hyton, skinner; affray on Je [van?] ap David Llod'. John Dane, shoemaker; assault on Je [van]Dave [or Dane] Lloyd. Richard Henrison of Tervyn (6s: 8d); assault on Thomas Derwall. William Henrison (6s: 8d); assault on same. Henry Forbo [ur] (12d); assault on Thomas Chepyngdale. Page 9. Donald Sae[.?], High Constable (10s.) received a felon with things feloniously stolen from Thomas Croke, tailor, and freed the said felon. Pages 9v., 16v. blank. Pages 10-16 Port entries 20th Oct. [1502]-15th Oct., 19 Hen.VII [1503]. 46 ships Names of ships and of the merchants with some payments for entry and/or exit with carts or horses. No cargoes given. Page 17, 17v. Valuations Page 17. on Friday in the third week of Lent, 18 Hen. VII [17th March, 1503] the Sheriffs ordered Richard Hunte, tailor, Henry Sefton, tailor, Nicholas Holynhed, skinner, and Richard Pate, skinner, to value one garment (described) of the goods and chattels of Nicholas Hunte, mercer, pawned to Henry Porte, mercer. Friday before the Feast of the Assumption, 18 Hen. VII [11th Aug., 1503]. Hugh Johnson, Peter Ravenscrofte, barber, Richard Hunte, tailor, John Haylyn, to value one belt of the goods and chattels of Henry Fourbour, fourbour, pawned to William Snede, the younger, draper, for 6s: 8d. Page 17v. 17th August, 18 Hen. VII [1503]. Richard Pole, skinner, John Haylyn, baker, Christopher Wermyncham, goldsmith, and Nicholas Holynhed to value part of the goods which belonged to Hugh Lake, cooper, at the time of his death and which were now in the hands of John Smyth, butcher, and Roger Barbor, sherman, Churchwardens of St. Peter's, for 20s. which Hugh bequeathed to the said church in his will. Goods include three dozen black lamb skins, two dozen white lamb skins, a bow-stringer, twenty-five arrows, one pair of gimlets called 'a brest wymble', one box for keeping fire. Same date, Edmund Smyth, mercer, John Harlyn, baker, Richard Pole, skinner, and Christopher Wermyncham, goldsmith, to value three cloaks of the goods and chattels of Nicholas Johnson, book-binder, pawned to Ralph Eton. Pages 18, 18v. blank.
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