RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceZ S/B/5/d
TitleBound part. Pages 58-76
DescriptionPages 58-76. Pages 58, 76. Covers (parchment). Pages 59-60, 61-2, 63-4. Presentments at Quarter Sessions. Page 59. First Sessions of the Peace of the County of the City of Chester held there before Thomas Hawardyn, Mayor, and Ralph Birkhened, Recorder, and Richard Wirhall, Richard Godeman, Thomas Barrowe, Richard Wright, Thomas Smyth and Thomas Thornton, Aldermen and Justices and Keepers of the Peace of the King within the said City, Monday next before Christmas, 24 Hen. VII [18th Dec., 1508]. Inquest taken before the said Justices on the oath of a jury [not named]. Robert Waley late of Chester (6s: 8d) continually keeps in his houses and tenements divers women of bad behaviour. Stephen Fourbour (6s: 8d); affray on John Ormond. John Ormond (40d.); affray on the said Stephen. Richard Buccy, tailor (6s: 8d); affray on the said John. Adam Donald (20d.); affray on David Coke. Page 59v. Thomas Thornton of Chester, tanner and Alderman, tanned a hundred dozen sheep skins bought by him from the Abbot of Chester and sold them within the City against statute. Joan Stayner, widow (dead), Petronilla Swynerton (20d.) and Margery Bower (20d.) continually make fires in their cellars with so much smoke that the mercers and other citizens dwelling over them as well as the passers-by are harmed. James Whithened of Cristilton (20d.); affray on Robert Lyverpole. Thomas Eccles late of Chester, glover, feloniously received, consorted with and kept in his house divers unknown persons knowing them to be felons and to have committed divers felonies. Richard Buccy, tailor (6s. 8d) is a common night-wanderer walking in the streets of the City at all hours. Roger Huxley, late of Chester, yeoman, feloniously stole six pieces of linen cloth worth 40d. of the goods and chattels of a certain unkown person. Page 60. Thomas Flecher, baker (6s: 8d); affray on Richard Ledesham. Richard Ledesham; affray on the said Thomas. Page 61. Second Session held before Thomas Hawardyne, Mayor, and Ralph Birkhened, Recorder, Richard Wirhall, Richard Godeman, esq., Thomas Barrowe and Thomas Smyth, Aldermen and Justices and Keepers of the Peace, Monday after the Epiphany, 24 Hen. VII [8th Jan., 1509]. Inquest taken before the said Justices on the oath of a jury [not named]. Richard Legh, wright (6s: 8d); affray on Thomas Bathe. Gilbert, beggar of Lovelane (40d) is an able-bodied beggar fit to work. Robert Donne, gentleman (40d); assault on Thomas Thornton, Alderman. John Gorsteloo (6s: 8d) and Richard Fynchet (6s: 8d) are common forestallers of markets and forestalled between them 100 bushels of divers grains. The said Richard Fynchet (6s: 8d) continually receives in his house divers adulterous persons. Page 61v. Giles Romo[ur?] (6s: 8d), Elena Stephanson (6s: 8d), Geoffrey Lloid, drover (6s: 8d), Agnes Pantre (6s: 8d), and Alice Mon' (6s: 8d) are common keepers of brothels. Agnes [blank] receives into her house divers servants and apprentices of men and Citizens with goods unjustly taken by them from their masters. John [blank], miller (13s: 4d) bakes loaves and continually brews ale which he sells daily and is not of the franchise nor of the Gild Merchant of the City. William Chaloner (13s: 4d), Thomas Robynson, sherman (40d), Agnes Marshall (20d), [blank] wife of Richard Gyle (20d), William Donald, carrier (6s: 8d), Thomas Deane (6s: 8d), [blank] wife of John Latewisse (12d) and Alice Monkesfeld daily commit the same trespass. Alice Monkesfeld (40d) is a common forestaller of the market with food. [Blank], wife of Richard Legh (40d), Agnes Pantre (40d), [blank] wife of Thomas Haslewall (40d), John Henry, smith (40d), and [blank] wife of William Leche, 'fissher' (40d) are common forestallers of the market with food and grain. Page 62. Joan Mascy (12d) and Marion del Cornell (12d) constantly sell bread and ale and are not of the franchise and the Gild Merchant. And they keep brothels in their houses. [Blank], wife of Thomas Hokenhull (12d) sells bread and ale and is not of the franchise nor of the Gild Merchant. Page 63. Third Session held before Thomas Hawardyn, Mayor, Ralph Birkhened, Recorder, Richard Wirhall, Richard Godeman, esq., Thomas Barrowe, Richard Wright, Thomas Smyth the elder and Thomas Thornton, Aldermen and Justices and Keepers of the Peace, Monday after the Feast of St. Mark 24 Hen. VII [30th April, 1509 (sic - Henry died 21st April)]. Inquest taken before the said Justices on the oath of a jury [not named]. John Gorsteloo is a common forestaller of markets and forestalled 100 bushels of barley and oats and other grain. Margin: nothing, fine before. Richard Fynchet, a freeman of the said City, for not refusing to receive, consort with and help the said John Gorsteloo. Margin: nothing, for the same [reason]. Roger Adam (40d) supports and helps many vagabonds in Hondbrige and looks after them and feeds them in his house. Thomas Eccles (40d) and John Stott (40d) for the same in Hondbrige. Page 63v. Ralph Monkesfeld (40d), William Wirhall, chaplain (12d), Robert Godeman, hewster (40d), Thomas Spragg, smith (40d) and Richard Pate, skinner (40d) are common gamblers and players at 'lez Tabules' and 'lez Bollez' and such unlawful games, playing constantly to the pernicious example of others and against the ordinances. Alice Robynson (40d) keeps a brothel in her house and divers ill-conducted persons. Joan Mascy (40d) for the same. Robert Whyte (2d); assault on Henry Hollond. John Dalby (6s: 8d); assault on William Fletcher. Elizabeth Wright (40d) is a common forestaller of markets, viz. of butter, cheese and eggs and other like victuals. Robert Walley (6s: 8d) and Richard Wright (6s: 8d), butchers, sell meat not fit for human consumption. Page 64. Peter Couper, glover, (12d) forestalls the food market, viz. with butter, cheese, eggs etc. William Donald, carrier (6s: 8d) is a common forestaller of the market. He keeps a market in his house selling fish and other victuals. Thomas Weddins (40d), Robert Weryngton (40d), Robert Brokes (40d), [blank]Bollok (40d), Richard Yonge (40d) and Robert Contre (40d) are common forestallers and regrators of the market in buying fish coming to the market for sale, engrossing them and selling them [to people of theirs?]. Henry Peckow [sic]Pages 60v., 62v.,64v.,65. blank. Page 66,66v. Customs entries. Vigil of All Saints [31st Oct., 1508] - 17th Aug., [1509]. 33 persons making entry and exit with horses and carts and their payments. Pages 67-71v. Port entries. 3rd Nov., 24 Hen. VII [1508]-27th Sept., 1 Hen. VIII [1509]. 30 ships. Names of ships and of the merchants. Some cargoes are described. No payments entered. Page 72. Valuation. Tuesday before the Feast of St. Andrew, Apostle, 24 Hen. VII [28th Nov., 1508]. Ralph Pole, Thomas Monnyng, Peter Ravenescroft and John Henrison, cooper, to appraise 11 barrels of white herrings of the goods and chattels of Roger Chaloner, merchant, pawned to Thomas Heuster, merchant, for [blank] owed to Thomas for the freight of a certain ship of Thomas's. Amount of valuation not given. The herrings were delivered to Thomas as his own goods for the said freight, by Henry Chaloner, brother of Roger. Page 73. County Court Pleas. Pleas of the County Court of the City of Chester held there before Edmund Smyth and William Davison, Sheriffs, Monday after St. Simon and St. Jude, 24 Hen. VII [30th Oct., 1508]. Richard Hale, late of the City of Chester, glover, and Richard Alen, late of the same, glover, otherwise called Richard Cachemey, indicted of divers felonies and murders T. offic' [blank], having been exacted did not appear. Therefore they are to be exacted for the fourth time. Monday before the Feast of St. Andrew, 24 Hen. VII [27th Nov., 1508]. Having been exacted for the fourth time the same persons did not appear. Therefore they are to be exacted for the fifth time. Monday after the Epiphany, 24 Hen. VII [8th. Jan., 1509]. Having been exacted for the fifth time they did not appear. Therefore they were outlawed. Pages 72v.,73v.,74,75. blank. Page 74v. List of persons who were pledges for the fines of others. Page 75v. Rough notes concerning persons presented for felonies, mainly assaults, with fines paid. List of fourteen persons.
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