RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceZ S/B/5/e
TitleBound part. Pages 77-96
DescriptionPages 77-96. Page 77. Page Cover (parchment). Page 78. Customs entries. 5th Feb., 1 Hen. VIII [1510]-16th June [1510]. 10 persons making entry or exit with horses on carts and their payments. Pages 78v.,79, 80, 80v.,81v.,83v., blank. Port entries. Pages 79v.,82-3,94-94v. Incomplete, 8th May [1510]-12th Aug., 1510. 18 ships. Names of ships, merchants and cargoes. Page 81. [n.d.] Memorandum that David ap..? and Res ap David agreed with the sheriff[s?] for the whole year for 2s. of which 8d remains unpaid. Pages 84-93. Presentments at Quarter Sessions. Page 84. No heading or date. Post 13th March, 1510. Inquest taken before the Justices on the oath of a jury (not named]. Nicholas Jomp.?, late of Chester, labourer, (12d) continually obstructs le Grayfrerelane with garbage and other filth, to the great harm of his neighbours. Margaret Harry (12d) and John Morowe (12d) for the same. Agnes Felenes (6s: 8d) continually receives and keeps in her house and solar persons of bad conduct committing adultery. Thomas Bell, carrier, (12d) sells bread and ale and is not franchised. Page 84v. Richard Kirkby (12d and imprisoned) constantly keeps men and servants of his neighbours in his house playing at various unlawful games at all hours of the night. William Donald, carrier, (12d) constantly forestalls the market in selling fish. Giles Romor (12d and imprisoned for three days) is a common gambler at dice, alias (?) and cards? by night and by day. William Kirkby (12d) a like gambler at lez Bolles daily. Page 85. Richard [blank], late of Chester (20d); assault on Edmund Sonde. Elizabeth Rosengreve (6s: 8d) constantly keeps a brothel in her house and also sells and retails bread and ale and is not of the franchise. [Blank], wife of Richard Gyle (12d) similarly sells bread and ale retail and is not of the franchise. John Chesshir (12d) for the like. Page 85v. Richard Pemberton (40d) continually keeps a brothel in his house. Joan Pemberton, servant of the said Richard, (40d), Petronilla Swynerton (40d) and Joan Symson (40d) for the like. William Asteley, servant of the Abbot (or Abbey?) of Chester (12d) sells bread and ale and is not enfranchised nor free of the Gild Merchant. John Barker, junior (12d), Richard Barker, saddler (12d), Joan Henrison (12d), Thomas Hoton (12d), William Parke (6s: 8d) and Geoffrey Lloid (6s: 8d) for the same. Page 86. Roger Ledesham, late of Chester, sherman, (6s: 8d) made two bushels of corn into granomellum. David Robynson, sherman (6s: 8d) for the same. Richard Hertford (12d); affray on Hamo Aderton. The said Hamo (40d); affray on the said Richard. Hamo Aderton, carpenter (40d); affray on John Wreno. Page 86v. John Lowe late of Chester, mason (6s: 8d) ; assault on [blank]. Henry Buccy, tailor, and Thomas Buccy his son (6s: 8d each); assault on Thomas Meire, corvisor. George Henrison, weaver (40d); assault on [blank] Danyell. Thomas Jynkynson (40d) and William ap Ithell (40d); assault on George Henrison. The said George (20d); affray on them. Page 87. Another Session [No heading or date. Post 10th Nov., 1509]. Inquest taken before the Justices on the oath of a jury [not named]. John Godeman, late of Chester, saddler (40d); assault on Robert Hamnet and on Richard, son of the said Robert. John Man, late of Chester, labourer (6s: 8d); affray on Margery Bank. William ap John (40d) is a common vagabond, walking in the streets at all hours of the night and looking in his neighbours' windows. Page 87v. Elias Ookes (40d); affray on John Jevan. Elizabeth,wife of Thomas Hasliwall (2s.) continually forestalls and regrates the market buying and selling before the appointed hour and outside the proper place. Elizabeth, wife of John Wodewart, hewster, (2s.) for the same. David ap Mered, dyer (2s.) for the same. John Dolby, labourer (6s: 8d) is a common night-wanderer, walking in Handbridge and other places within the City at all hours of the night. Page 88. Robert Hatton, late of Chester, weaver (40d), exercises the mystery and art of a weaver of the City and was not admitted to the liberties and franchises of the City. Katherine Irisshe (6s: 8d) continually receives and welcomes in her house apprentices and servants of citizens, having with her divers women of ill conduct. Joan Mascy, 'huswiff' (6s: 8d) for the same. John Bromborough, fletcher (40d) sells bread and ale retail in the City and was not admitted to the liberties and franchises. John Hall, capper (2s.), John Robertson, miller (40d), Thomas Robertson, sherman (2s.), Margaret Fissher (12d), Agnes Marrall (12d), John Andrewe (2s.) and George Baker (2s.) for the same. Page 88v. Richard Venables and all the tenants of the nuns of the City of Chester dwelling in le Nonelane (12d each) continually throw their filth and other refuse into the lane so that it is stopped up, putrid and in bad condition. Roger Gray late of Chester, sherman (nothing because he is free) trades in various goods, retail and otherwise, and was not admitted to the liberties and franchises of the City. Thomas Torbok, late of Chester, dyer (6s: 8d) made and ground into granomellum six bushels of corn. Peter Hole, late of the same, sherman, made two bushels of corn into granomellum. Page 88a. John Pekoo, late of Chester, butcher (6s: 8d), Thomas Pekoo (6s: 8d) and Henry Pekoo (6s: 8d) his sons; assault on John Cartwrizt. The same John Cartwright (6s: 8d); assault on John Pekoo and his sons. John Chesshire, wright (4d) continually brews for sale and is not of the franchise. Margery, late wife of Humfrey Aderton (2s.) for the like. Thomas Deane for the like. John Buron, capper (4d) for the like - he sells goods and is not of the franchise. Gruff Lloid (6s: 8d) brews etc. - for the like. Page 88a.v. Thomas Deane, late of Chester, brewster, for the like. [Blank] Crooke, 'bukbynder' (12d) sells books within the City and is not of the franchise. Richard Waryner, late of Chester, yeoman, buys and sells horses and other merchandize within the City and is not of the franchise. Agnes Haslyngton, 'huswiff' (12d), sells bread and ale and is not of the Gild Merchant. Elina Pole, 'huswiff', (4d) for the like. William Garnet (40d) and Nicholas Garnet (40d) of Dienbigh; affray on Randle [blank], servant of Robert Hawardyn, corviser. Margaret [blank] under the house of William Barker (4d) sells bread and ale and is not of the franchise. Page 89. Richard Legh, wright, (40d) brews and sells ale and is not of the Gild Merchant. Henry Buccy (6s: 8d) and Thomas Buccy (6s: 8d) fought each other and made great affray on each other. The said Thomas (6s: 8d) struck John Meir. Robert Johnson, chaplain (40d); assault on Peter Bradeshagh. Lewis Gruff, tailor (40d); affray on Stephen Fourbor. William Park (6s: 8d) continually sells bread and ale and is not of the franchises and liberties of the City. Richard Barker, saddler (2s.) sells bread and beer likewise. Page 92. No indication as to whether the following presentments were made at the same Session or not. They are later than 24th March, 1510, and follow those above. Thomas Gynkyn, late of Chester, weaver (6s: 8d); assault on Gruff Lloid. The said Geffr' (6s: 8d) struck and wounded Thomas. The said Geffr' bakes bread and brews ale to sell retail and is not of the franchise. Entry crossed out. Margin: quia antea Page 92v. William Donald of the Abbey (2s. and that..(?) under pain of 6s: 6d?) obstructs the lane against the house of St. John outside the Northgate. Thomas Robertson, sherman (6s: 8d) sells ale retail and is not of the franchise. Agnes [blank] (40d) continually lives in adultery and receives in her house the servants of divers of her neighbours. Katherine Irisshe (she is imprisoned by the Sheriff[s] until what time], Agnes Haslyngton (imprisoned as above), Petronilla Tuder, Agnes Kanner and Margaret Fissher for the like. Margin: They are imprisoned in the gaol until they find sufficient security for their good behaviour or [to be summoned to swear?] (cit' periur'). Thomas Eccles (40d.) for the same. Page 93. Alice Humston sells bread and beer and is not of the franchise. Margin: sheeis imprisoned as above. Ralph Monkesfild (2s.) is a common gambler at the game of tables. John Dalby (2s.) for the like. Richard Robynson, Agnes Pantre, Michael del Greneway, John Reide, Dionysius Irland, Thomas Henrison, David ap M[er]ed, Margery David, Thomas Haslewall, Alice Bolton, Richard Perkyn and Thomas Rogerson for the like. Margin: each of them 2s. Pages 89v.-90v., 91, 91v., 93v., 95. blank. Page 95v. List of fourteen persons who are to pay customs for exit with commodities. No amounts of payments given. Page 96. Cover (parchment). Note concerning the delivery of the body of Oliver del Bernes.
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