RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceZ S/B/5/g
TitleBound part. Pages 121-140
DescriptionPages 121-140. Page 121. Customs Entries. 8th Feb. 4 Hen. VIII [1513] - 1st Aug. 5 Hen. VIII [1513]. Entry and or exit of five persons, including John de Serthocha for exit with 10 carts and for entry with paper, canvas, wine and woad. Pages 121v., 123-24. blank. Pages 122-22v., 125-29. Port Entries. 22nd Jan. 4 Hen. VIII [1513]-17th August, 5 Hen. VIII [1513]. Last three entries not dated. An incomplete year. 27 ships. Details of cargoes in all except a few entries. Pages 130-31. Valuations. Friday in the first week of Lent, 4 Hen. VIII [11th Feb., 1513]. Nicholas Asheton, mercer, Hugh Robynson, Thomas Wynchester and Henry Sefton to appraise divers goods and chattels of Lady Margaret Hamner [or Hanmer], widow, pawned to Richard Walton, mercer. Descriptive Page 130v.list of garments etc. appraised. Page 131. Friday in the third week of Lent, 4 Hen. VIII [4th March, 1515]. James Fletcher, Nicholas Asheton, John Trevor and Thomas Boman to appraise one golden box of the goods of Hugh Johnson, pawned to Thomas Smyth the younger. Thursday after Guthlac, 4 Hen. VIII [14th April, 1513]. Hugh Goldsmyth, Thomas Hokenhull, Adam Agar and Godfrey Radley to appraise one man's gown of the goods and chattels of Robert Hawardyne, corvisor, pawned to John Browne. Tuesday after George the Martyr, 4 Hen. VIII [26th April, 1513]. Cle' Tudor, Hugh Johnson, Nicholas Daykyn, and Ralph Smith to appraise one black horse pawned to Roger Smyth, walker. Pages 131v.,132. blank. Pages 132v.-35, 136-40v. Presentments at Quarter Sessions. Page 132v. No heading. Entries begin in middle of page. [After 4th Dec., 1512]. Nicholas Bolynshine (2s); assault on James Love, fisher. Henry Challoner (40d); affray on John Wodeward, hewster. Thomas Chypyngdale (20d); affray on William Pik. William Pik (20d); affray on Thomas Chypyngdale. Page 133. John Kyngeley, chaplain (40d) made a ditch in lovelane by the highway. Margin: It's qd vic' recent' distr' fossa p[rae]d' etc. Thomas Savage (40d) heaps filth daily near 'lez Barrez' on the highway. Edmund Sondey (40d) for the same. Reginald Walshman (40d) for the same. Oliver Bolton (40d) heaps garbage and filth in a place leading to the walls called Saynt Nicholas Lone...[blank], wife of Henry Kheve (40d) for the same. Nicholas Neuhouse (6s) forestalled the market by buying and selling fish etc. Page 133v. David Sherman (6s: 8d), Elizabeth Coke (4d),.. [blank], wife of John Godeman, saddler (4d) and Robert Fouler (4d) forestalled the market likewise. John Aleyn (20s) engrossed grain from December, 4 Hen. VIII [1512]. Richard Dayner (13s: 4d) keeps servants of citizens of the City of Chester playing at spirulas and other unlawful games. William Donald (40d) forestalled the market, viz. in buying fish and other victuals. Robert Brokes, John Calkyn, Robert Coventre, Robert Waryngton, John Werenton, Richard Yong, James Love, Nicholas Bolyngh[un?], Robert Purser, John Yong, Henry Yong, Nicholas Braben', William Weston, Richard Dob, William Jynkynson, George Hampton, Richard Jemys, William Couper, Robert Bradhed, Robert Mathew, Henry Parr, John Kyrkes, John Wariner, William Bullok, in a like way forestalled the market. Margin: each of them, 2s. Page 134...[blank], wife of Thomas Haregreve (12d), Robert Er[n?]es (12d), Elena Grene (12d) and.. [blank], wife of Thomas Neuton (12d) forestall the market by buying victuals etc. Robert Hugell (12d); assault on Joan Walshe. Patrick Kellye (4d) and.. [blank] his wife; assault on Cecilia Ball and Elizabeth Ball. Hamon Adderton (8d); assault on John Stokes. Robert Godeman (8d) and Thomas Derwall (8d); assault on John Wirehall, weaver. Page 134v. Patrick MakeKyrrye (12d); assault on Agnes Charmer [or Chariner]. Richard Aneon (3s: 4d); affray on James Dicus. James Dicus (20d); like affray on Richard Anyon. John Carmyk; affray on a certain unknown person. Richard Merton (12d); assault on Thomas Wynchester and Thomas Chypyngdale. Thomas Wynchester (12d) and Thomas Chypyngdale (12d); affray on Richard Merton. Thomas Sclater, Richard Smythe, Richard Hikcok, mariner, Richard Hayker, mason, John Stryngfelo, Agnes Felenes, William Challoner, miller, Henry Buccye, John Eccles, Thomas Deane, Richard Leghe, wrizt, Geoffrey Devyas, miller, brew and are engaged in that occupation and were not admitted to the franchises. Margin: each of them 2s. Page 135. John Dalbye (2s), Giles Romor (2s), Thomas Pikryng (2s), Roger Lightfote (2s) and William Cotton (2s) went away after they had been retained in the King's service with Captain Hugh Clerk, and went away without licence. Page 135v. blank. Page 136. [New session? Post 12th May, 1513]. William Pik (2s); affray on Thomas Bowkar. Richard Smyth, smith (6s: 8d); affray on Henry Taylor. Robert Eaton (12d), Ralph Donne (12d) and Richard Anderton (12d); affray on Edward Mascye. Henry Frauncez, merchant (40d); affray on a certain unknown William called 'physission'. John Lucas (12d); affray on John Markas. Page 136v. John Markes (12d); affray on John Lucas. Edward Mascye (12d); affray on Robert Eaton, Ralph Done and Richard Anderton. Richard So[ner]ster, 'waytman' (12d); affray on Thomas Buccye, fletcher. Thomas Buccye (12d); affray on Richard Somerster. Hamon Adderton (12d); affray on Gilbert, servant of Gilbert Sclater. Thomas Browne (40d); affray on Donald Makecolye Page 137. John Wright, Godfrey Tarlton, Thomas Donne, butcher, hang the entrails of beasts in the streets etc. Margin: each of them, 6s:8d. [Unfinished] Page 137v. [New session?] Hugh Johnson (6s:8d) and..[blank], servant of the said Hugh; assault on Richard Bo[uyvant?], skinner. Morice Wiredraer (40d); assault on the wife of John Base, mariner... [blank], wife of Henry Scownce (12d),.. wife of John Baghe (12d) and.. wife of John Skynner (12d); assault on.. wife of Morice Wiredraer. Margin: m' ex' port' John Towner, clerk (40d); assault on John Fox, sherman. John Fox (40d); assault on John Towner, clerk. Page 138. Richard Smythe (6s: 8d); assault on William Bek. Margin: ex' port' Hugh Tong assault on Richard Smythe. Richard Rydyng' (12d); assault on John, servant of Ralph Birkhened. John Donne, glover (12d); assault on John Barker the elder, saddler. Elizabeth Calye (12d); assault on Elena More. William Loncaster (6s:8d) lay in wait to murder and kill Thomas Deane in the house of a certain Robert Jynk[in?] son. 138v. Pledge for the fine of Margaret, wife of Roger Leddesham, for baking rye bread against ordinance etc: John Gronow, sherman. Elena Stevenson (3s: 4d) keeps servants playing at unlawful games by night and by day. Richard Herford keeps 'le Brodlehouse'. Margin: qu.[?] custod' per tenent' et non[?] per eum Henry Scownce (12d) and John Ormond (12d) obstructed the highway in Hondslane. Margin: no ' ex' port' Agnes Byllyngton (40d) keeps a 'brodelhouse'. Joan Welles (12d) forestalls the market in buying victuals. Page 139. Thomas Apholl (6s: 8d); affray on Ralph Smythe. Hamon Adderton (12d); affray on.. [blank], servant of Thomas Billyngton, gentleman Henry Frauncea (£5), William Croke, Thomas Sclater, Richard Smythe, William Challoner, Richard Harkar, Thomas Deane, John Stryngfelo, John Wreno and Peter Asheton buy and sell merchandise and were not admitted to the franchise. Austa[nea], wife of John Yrishman, tailor (12d), for the same. William Donald (20d) heaps filth in a place against the house of St. John outside the Northgate. Page 139v. Agnes, wife of Tudor Walter (2s), Richard Jenkynson, sherman (2s), Geoffrey Woddez (40d) and Margery his wife, John Adam (12d) and Elena his wife, John Aleyn' (12d) and Alice his wife, Richard Barbor (100s) and..[blank], his wife, Christopher Clerk (40d) and..[blank], his wife, Richard Carhill (12d) and..[blank], his wife, Peter Fox (12d) and..[blank], his wife and Alice Ledshame, widow (12d), bake bread against statute. Henry Fenton, John ap Itholl, George Lightfote, Robert Hoton, Thomas Fenton, Thomas Pekoo, William Calewall, John Fenton, Robert Gyle, William Richardson, John Bruyne, John Cartwrizt, Henry Pekko, Thomas Hale, Thomas Nicholasson, Roger Rydley, John Pekoo, Richard Wright, John Molynex. [Offence not given]. Margin: each of them, 6s: 8d. Page 140. Reginald Crue, Thomas Shirwode, Elizabeth Wrixhame and Joan Garrett sell merchandise in the cemetery of St. Johns's. Robert Clyve, official, and Henry Sherman, sexton, allow the said merchants and others to sell their goods in the said cemetery. John Fletcher (3s: 4d) bakes bread against statutes. Walter Anderton (12d) will not repair the gutter between his house and the house of James Tatton. George Lytfote (4d) built a 'swynhouse' on the land of John Harper. Stephen Baxter (40d), Thomas Broster (40d), William Whyttynghame (40d), Richard Hokenhull (40d), Richard Fletchour (40d), Hugh Wodeward (40d) and Alexander Baxter (40d) bake bread against statutes. Page 140v. Christian..[blank], Joan..[blank], servant of Tudor Walter (20d), Elena Flitcroft (20d), Elizabeth Tra[ver?]s, Elizabeth Potter (20d) keep 'le brodel-house' viz. servants and others amusing themselves night and day. John Bruyne, gentleman, (12d), does not repair the gutter between William Spenser and John Molynex.
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