RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceZ S/B/5/h
TitleBound part. Pages 141-160
DescriptionPages 141-160. Pages 141-151. 1513-14, [John Byrkdale and Robert Aldersey, Sheriffs.]Pages 152-60. 1514-15, William Hurlton and John Loker, superseded by Richard Grymesdiche and William Godeman. [Same book used by Sheriffs for two years]. Page 142. Customs Entries 27th Feb., [1514]-10th Aug., 6 Hen. VIII[1514]. Entry and/or exit of twelve persons. Folio partly missing. Page 142v. blank. Pages 143-50. Port Entries 23rd Oct., 5 Hen. VIII[1513]-1st Sept., 6 Hen. VIII [1514]. No heading. Folios damaged by damp and partly missing. 41 ships. Cargoes of all except a few ships described. Page 151v. blank. Pages 152-55. Port entries 29th Dec., 6 Hen. VIII[1514]-28th Sept., 7 Hen. VIII[1515]. No heading. 36 ships. Cargoes of all except a few ships described in detail. Pages 155v.,156v. blank. Pages 156, 157, 157v. Valuations. Page 156. Tuesday after the Feast of St. Thomas, 7 Hen. VIII. Thomas Smyth, serjeant, Hugh Johnson, Nicholas Aschton and Hugh. Robertson to appraise one butt of ru'ney of the goods and chattels of Richard Wermyncham. Thursday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 7 Hen. VIII [12 th July, 1515]. Richard Ye., draper, John Haylyn, baker, Peter Wodsen and Hugh Gruffe, capper, to appraise one garment of London russet, trimmed with fox, of the goods and chattels of Roger Smyth, walker, which was delivered into the hands of Richard Werberton, chaplain. Friday after the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, 7 Hen. VIII [27th July, 1515]. Hugh Wodward, Henry Hamnet, John Broune, sherman, and Robert Lightfote, corviser, to appriase one white horse of the goods and chattels of Robert Lutrell, which was delivered into the hands of Edward Lokker. Tuesday after the Feast of St. Michael, 7 Hen. VIII [2nd Oct., 1515]. Hugh Goldsmyth, John Tre., Thomas Smyth and William Donald, serjeant, to appraise one belt decorated with silver, of the goods and chattels of Hugh Gruffe, capper. Bottom of folio missing. Page 157. Friday before St. Martin in hyeme, 6 Hen. VIII [10th Nov., 1514]. Hugh Johnson, goldsmith, Christopher Wermyncham, goldsmith, Robert Wright, corviser, and Nicholas Aschton to appraise one and a half ounces of gold, one agnus dei, one 'cheyne' and two 'dymyse gilt' and two and a half ounces of coral gauded with silver, one coffer of gold and two corses (?) of the goods and chattels of Robert Mascy, pawned to John Loker. Tuesday after the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 6 Hen. VIII [12 th Dec., 1514]. Roger Ledesham, Robert Irynsha, Henry Ledesham and Richard Mere, capper, to appraise one horse of the goods and chattels of Richard Lightfote, pawned to Thomas Smyth, the younger, mercer. Page 157v. Thursday after the Feast of SS. Fabian and Sebastian, 6 Hen. VIII [25th Jan.,1515]. William Huntyngton, smith, Richard Taillit[er], smith, Hugh Wodward, baker, and Nicholas Ashton to appraise one 'stude' of iron, of the goods and chattels of John Smythe, smith, taken as a pawn by Sir William Stanley. Thursday after the Feast of St. Patrick, 6 Hen. VIII [22nd March, 1515]. Thomas Ince, Robert Gile, William Newhouse and Nicholas Aschton, to appraise one white horse, of the goods and chattels of Robert Bryne, ironmonger. Tuesday after the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 6 Hen. VIII [27th March, 1515]. Roger Pik, John Hale, Thomas Spragge and Nicholas Ashton, to appraise a mast, of the goods and chattels of Patrick Kelly, mariner. It was delivered into the hands of Edward Lokker as his own goods. Friday after St. Barnabas, Apostle, 7 Hen. VIII [13th June, 1515] Hugh Goldsmyth, Richard Smethis, barber, Nicholas Aschton and Hugh Robertson to appraise one pair of beads of jet, one dei, two silver rings and one silver brooch of the goods and chattels of Thomas Chepyngdale, tailor. They were delivered into the hands of Richard Harker, mason. [Note: The dates in the above valuations are also given, in the margin, or above the entry, in modern form. They do not, however, exactly agree with the dates as reckoned from the ecclesiastical calendar]. Page 158-58v. An odd page, inserted by Lamacraft? Different water-mark. Port entries in English, temp. Hen. VIII. Date of first entry illegible. Second entry dated 6th February. Last entry 9th December. 11 ships. Page 159. Fragment of page only.
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