RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceZ S/B/5/j
TitleBound part. Pages 173-187
DescriptionPages 173-187. Page 173. 17th century heading '17 H 8 part 18 H 8. Sea Customs'. Page 173v. blank. Port EntriesPages 187andv. 23rd Sept. [1525]-3rd Feb. [1526]Pages 174-79. 10th Feb.[1526]-13th Oct.[1526] 55 ships. Very detailed descriptions of cargoes. Pages 179v.,80,81,81v., blank. Pages 180v.,182-83. Valuations. Tuesday after the Feast of St. Andrew, 17 Hen. VIII [5th Dec., 1525]. William Fin[eux?], Thomas Peckowe, butcher, Richard Legate and Nicholas Ashslow to appraise one woman's gown of the goods and chattels of Nicholas Holt, weaver. Tuesday after the Feast of St. Katherine, 17 Hen. VIII [28th Nov.,1525]. Lawrence Dutton, mercer, Roger Throppe, James Tat[ton?] and John ap Eden to appraise five paptlets (described) and other clothes of the goods and chattels of Elizabeth Stanley, late wife of Peter Stanley, the elder. Tuesday after the Feast of St. Agatha, 17 Hen. VIII [6th Feb., 1526]. Thomas Neuton, Hugh Bithewall, Reginald Jaynson and John Robynson, weaver, to appraise one woman's gown of violet colour bound with velvet, one man's gown of tan colour trimmed with white lamb, one 'coveryng', one counter cloth, three flaxen sheets, one flaxen sheet, one canvas cloth, three flaxen sheets, one flaxen sheet, one canvas sheet, one 'federbed' and one bolster of the goods and chattels of Henry Eliot. Friday after the Feast of St. Lucy, 17 Hen. VIII [15th Dec., 1525]. James Tatton, Roger Throppe, John ap Eden and Nicholas Aststo[n?], to appraise two coverlets of the goods and chattels of John Robynson, weaver. Page 182. Tuesday after the Feast of St. Chad, 17 Hen VIII [13th March, 1526]. Richard Wodwarde, goldsmith, Hugh Robertson, James Tatton and John ap Eden to appraise a gold ring of the goods and chattels of Elisabeth Davenport. Wednesday after the Feast of St. Gregory, 17 Hen. VIII [14th March, 1526]. Richard Wodward, Richard Lidyate, Hugh Robertson and John ap Eden to appraise one belt decorated with silver, one pair of beads of coral gauded with silver and two silver spoons of the goods and chattels of William Hole. Friday after Dominica in albis [13th April, 1526]. Edward Raynold, Roger Throppe, James Tatton and John ap Eden to appraise two silver spoons of the goods and chattels of Richard Neuhouse, pewterer. Friday after the Invention of the Holy Cross [4th May, 1526]. John Wodley, William Hole, John Cotgreve and John Burgoyne to appraise one sail cloth of the goods and chattels of Richard Baker. Page 182v. [day not filled in, 1526]. James Tatton, John Burgoyne, John ap Eden and Roger Thrippe to appraise one black garment of the goods and chattels of Morgan ap Gruff, butcher. Thursday after St. Barnabas, 18 Hen. VIII [14th June, 1526]. John Loker, Richard Middleton, skinner, John Burgoyne and John ap Eden to appraise one garment of tan colour and one 'bokeler' of the goods and chattels of Thomas Chepyngdale. Thursday after St. Bartholomew, 18 Hen. VIII [30th Aug., 1526]. John Cotgreve, draper, James Tatton, Henry Banaster and Richard Lidyate to appraise one pair of coral beads gauded with silver, one 'maslyn' bassyn'', one 'plat', one.. [?], one 'potell pot', one quart pot and one pint, of the goods and chattels of Richard Neuhouse, glover. Tuesday after the Beheading of St. John Baptist, 18 Hen. VIII [4th Sept., 1526]. The same persons to appraise one belt decorated with a 'burde' of gold, of the goods and chattels of John Alen. Page 183. Friday after the Feast of St. Francis, 18 Hen. VIII [5th Oct., 1526]. Richard Pillyn, John ap Eden, Henry Eliot and William Kirvill to appraise one gown trimmed with black lamb fell of the goods and chattels of Richard Crue, barber. Tuesday on the Feast of St. Dionysius, 18 Hen. VIII [9th Oct., 1526]. James Tatton, Nicholas Ithell, John ap Eden and Nicholas Aschton to appraise one woman's gown of murrey colour of the goods and chattels of Katherine Neileson. Same date. William Bexwik, John ap Eden, William Kirvill and Nicholas Aschton to appraise one golden angel of the goods and chattels of Margaret Wryne. Pages 183v.-186v. blank. Page 187 and v. see above.
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