RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceZ S/B/7/a
TitleBound part. Pages 1-13
DescriptionPages 1-13, 21. Pages 1-6. Port entries. First three entries not dated. Fourth ship entered 12th Nov., [1505]. Last entry 12th Oct., [1506]. 42 ships. Only very few cargoes specified. A few sums paid by merchants for entry and/or exit are given. Pages 6v., 7. blank. Page 7v. Valuations. Thursday after the Feast of St. Dionysius, 21 Hen. VII [16th Oct., 1505]. Richard Rogersone, Roger Whithed, Richard Wryght the younger, draper, and Nicholas Assheton, mercer, to appraise 13 dickers and 6 tanned skins or hides of oxen and cows of the goods and chattels of Thomas Corwyn'. Friday, 21 Hen. VII [sic]. John Mascy, Richard Bavant, roper, Nicholas Ithell and Alexander Stiward to appraise one tawny-coloured gown, one woman's gown, two linen sheets, one gown of medley, one coverlet, one 'jaket', one cauldron and one chafing-dish, two lavers and one laver called a 'masslyn bason' of the goods and chattels of Robert Barlow. Tuesday after SS. Gordianus and Epimachus, 21 Hen. VII [12th May, 1506]. Ralph Rathebon, Hugh Johnsone, Robert Wryght, draper, and Richard Wryght, the younger, draper, to appraise one belt of blue satin, decorated with silver and gilt, pawned to Robert Shermon, sherman. Pages 8-13. Presentments before the Mayor. Page 8. Inquest taken at Chester in the Common Hall of Pleas before Thomas Thorneton, Mayor, on Monday after St. Chad, 21 Hen. VII [9th March, 1506], on the oath of Nicholas Loker, Thomas Monnyng, Hamon Johnson, draper, Thomas Gardoner, Richard Hill, barber, John Gudmon, saddler, Henry Radford, Richard Ledesham, hewster, William Lech, 'fissher', Lewis Heuster, Thomas Henrison, baker, Thomas Wedyng, Robert Wright, draper, William Huntynton and Charles Eton. John Erwe, heuster; assault on Mered' ap Res ap Eden. Nicholas Astecroft of the Abbey of Chester (6s:8d); affray on Richard Bol[yvaunt?], skinner. Roger Shermon, chaplain (6s:8d); affray on William Lewis, weaver. The said Roger (6s:8d); a like affray on David.. [blank], servant of John Wodward, hewster. The said David (20d); affray on William Lewys. Henry Pekkow (6s:8d); assault on Jankyn Bruyne. John Smyth, smith (12d - pardoned by the Mayor); assault on John Barker the younger. Page 8v. Henry Robyns (12d); asault on Elena Hesh[man?]. Richard Legh, wright (6s:8d); assault on Richard White, labourer. Richard White, labourer (12d); assault on Richard Legh, wright. John Fenton (12d); assault on Henry Sclater. The said Henry (12d); affray on the said John. Margaret Henry (12d); assault on Margery Walshe. Page 9. Mark Skynner (6d); affray on a certain woman. Thomas Bell, corv[iser] (20d); affray on John..[blank], chaplain. Richard Hokenhull, serjeant (6s:8d); affray on William Bowker. John Brombro (12d) kept a brothel Ralph Palmer, tailor (12d) for the like Agnes Felenes (not guilty) Katherine Irisshwoman dwelling in le Grey Frere Lane (12d) because she kept as above. Page 10v. John Conway, tailor (12d) for the same. Elizabeth Fletcher Roger Abbot (not guilty) Walter Welles, minstrel (8d) kept a brothel John Barker the younger, saddler, (.(?) because married). Mariona (nothing because married). John Barker Elizabeth Oldm' because she kept (pardoned) The wife of Randle Eton (pardoned) Christine.. [blank], dwelling in the cellar under John Halt (void because before). Ralph Rathebon (not guilty). Margery Framwey (8d). Richard Ball, wright (12d). Page 11. List of persons presented for buying and selling bread and beer within the liberties of the City, not being of the Gild Merchant nor of the liberties and franchises of the City Geoffrey Lloid of Hondbrugge (12d); the wife of Roger Adam (4d); John Brombroo (4d); John Hall, capper (4d); the wife of Jevan Milner (2d); Margaret Calye (2d); Elizabeth Lech (2d); Joan Stokes (2d); Margaret Ball (2d); the wife of William Preston (2d); William Payn (4d); Jankyn Payn (6d); Clemence, servant of Robert Waley (4d); John Latewise (nil): the wife of John Carter (nil); the wife of Thomas [Shotlach?] (8d); William of Loncaster (ex'); Hugh Hareson, cooper (4d);- the wife of Thomas Pyggot (4d); Margaret Percivall (nil); William Gatell (nil); the wife of Richard Gile; the wife of John Rodemon (nil); the wife of John Wrennow (8d); Thomas Osteler (4d); James Tatton (12d); Dannold Carier (12d); Alice Wodeward (4d); the wife of Edmund Madrer (8d); Henry Brekemon (nil); Elizabeth Breche (4d); Charles Bostok (2s); Elizabeth Fletcher (2d); the wife of Richard Henshall (nil); Hugh Fissher (2s); Huet Salter (12d); Alice Forfhaugh (4d); Joan Stayner (2d); Petronilla Swynarton (4d); Robert Wright, shoemaker (nil quia manet super libt'); Christiana (4d); Joan Symson (4d); Katherine wife of Jevan ap Mered' (4d); Katherine Leche (nil); Walter Hynderwell (2d); John Stoke, smith (2d); William Classh (2d); Peter Hole (2d); Margaret Pole (2d); John Brombro (12d) kept a brothel Ralph Palmer, tailor (12d) for the like Agnes Felenes (not guilty) Katherine Irisshwoman dwelling in le Grey Frere Lane (12d) because she kept as above. Page 10v. John Conway, tailor (12d) for the same. Elizabeth Fletcher Roger Abbot (not guilty) Walter Welles, minstrel (8d) kept a brothel John Barker the younger, saddler, (.(?) because married). Mariona (nothing because married). John Barker Elizabeth Oldm' because she kept (pardoned), The wife of Randle Eton (pardoned) Christine.. [blank], dwelling in the cellar under John Hall (void because before). Ralph Rathebon (not guilty). Margery Framwey (8d). Richard Ball, wright (12d). Page 11. List of persons presented for buying and selling bread and beer within the liberties of the City, not being of the Gild Merchant nor of the liberties and franchises of the City Geoffrey Lloid of Hondbrugge (12d); the wife of Roger Adam (4d); John Brombroo (4d); John Hall, capper (4d); the wife of Jevan Milner (2d); Margaret Calye (2d); Elizabeth Lech (2d); Joan Stokes (2d); Margaret Ball (2d); the wife of William Preston (2d); William Payn (4d); Jankyn Payn (6d); Clemence, servant of Robert Waley (4d); John Latewise (nil): the wife of John Carter (nil); the wife of Thomas [Shotlach?] (8d); William of Loncaster (ex'); Hugh Hareson, cooper (4d);- the wife of Thomas Pyggot (4d); Margaret Percivall (nil); William Catell (nil); the wife of Richard Gile; the wife of John Rodemon (nil); the wife of John Wrennow (8d); Thomas Osteler (4d); James Tatton (12d); Dannold Carier (12d); Alice Wodeward (4d); the wife of Edmund Madrer (8d); Henry Brekemon (nil); Elizabeth Breche (4d); Charles Bostok (2s); Elizabeth Fletcher (2d); the wife of Richard Henshall (nil); Hugh Fissher (2s); Huet Salter (12d); Alice Forfhaugh (4d); Joan Stayner (2d); Petronilla Swynarton (4d); Robert Wright, shoemaker (nil quia manet super libt'); Christiana (4d); Joan Symson (4d); Katherine wife of Jevan ap Mered' (4d); Katherine Leche (nil); Walter Hynderwell (2d); John Stoke, smith (2d); William Classh (2d); Peter Hole (2d); Margaret Pole (2d); Agnes Mascy (2d); Robert Fouler (2d); Richard Merbury (2d); Christopher Clerke (12d - ex'); John Grono. Page 11v. Presentments of persons who carry on their occupations and buy and sell goods within the City and are not of the franchises of the City:- William Hatton (4d); William Chaloner (2s); John Robynson, miller (2s); Patrick Cardemaker (nil); Henry Gruff (6d); Robert Percivall (8d); Richard Tirell (12d); Thomas Huet (4d); Henry Robynson (8d); Henry Fox (4d); Thomas Spragge (4d); Nicholas Ithell (4d); Thomas Ball, weaver (20d). William Challoner encroached upon the common lands of the citizens in Clayton Lone. Margin: no' Mark Skynner (8d) is a common night wanderer, walking about the City after curfew. Katherine Walsh is a common scold and 'chider' Margin: Memorandum quod pot. super le Cokstole John Grymysdich (dead) keeps 'a Bollynge Aley' within the City. Page 12. Larger hand. Possibly this page does not belong to the same session. Page partly missing... Lancaster, Richard Fynchet, Richard.., John Sothewell, [rodemen?], John Wyrehall, weaver, Elizabeth.. Barker the younger, saddler, William Payn'. Henry Chalner made a sewer on the common soil. Elias ap Tuder continually forestalls markets in buying cattle. David Gruff for the same. Geoffrey Lloyd of Honbrigge for the same. Jankyn Smyth of Honbrigge for the same. David Saer and Austane his wife received divers persons who were vagabonds, beggars and night wanderers in their house. William Chalner, miller, obstructed the lane called le.. [sic] John Fenton, butcher, made affray on Geoffrey Tarlton. The said Geoffrey made affray on the said John. Roger Grene, draper, made affray on Peter Whitley. Peter did likewise. Page 13. Stephen Crosse broke and obstructed the highway which leads to the church.. Chester. Elizabeth Leche.. [unfinished]Pages 12v., 13v. blank. Page 21. Rough notes:..Th obstructed the highway called le Cowlane with filth. List of names of 16 persons. Offence not specified. Memo. that on Thursday after the feast of St. Peter's Chains, 21 Hen. VII [6th Aug., 1506] Henry Godemon and John Bradfild, Sheriffs, committed the body of Nicholas Kelow, vagabond, taken on suspicion of felony, to William Danald, Keeper of the Gaol of the Northgate for safe-keeping until he should be delivered etc. according to the law and custom of the City, sub pena 10 li et pena incumbent' etc. Page 21v. Rough notes of assize of bread and of recognizances to keep the peace, 21 Hen. VII.
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