RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceZ S/B/8/a
TitleBound part. Pages 1-17
DescriptionPages 1-17. Page 1. Cover (parchment). Page 2. Parchment fragment. Pages 3-8. Port entries 21st Oct., 24 Hen. VIII [1532]-6th Oct., 25 Hen. VIII [1533]. 55 ships. Cargoes described, but not in great detail. Part of each page is missing. Page 8v. blank. Pages 9-10. Valuations. Thursday after Epiphany, 24 Hen. VIII [9th Jan., 1533]. John Burgayny, John Hollond, William Smyth and Ralph Wright to appraise three books, of which one is old statutes, another entries of pleas and a third annals [?] and..? of Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII belonging to William Lowe, pewterer and pawned to William Newhall for 6s:8d. At the said court, James Tatton, John David, John Cotgreve and John Fisher to appraise one man's garment and one [table cloth??] (tabula' pannea') of the goods and chattels of Thomas Meoles. Thursday after St. Blasins, Bishop [6th Feb., 1533]. John Burgayny, William Leche, draper, John Hale, merchant, and George Henrisson to appraise two garments furred with black lamb which Thomas Wall took from the goods of Hugh Smyth, deceased, for arrears of a rent of one [mark?] in the castle(?).. (pro reddu unius mec' in le castellane ad [blank] aretro exist' per spacium [blank] Thursday after the Feast of St. Chad, [6th March, 1533]. Christopher Wermyncham, John Trevor, Robert Hale, and Thomas Gore to appraise one cup of silver gilt with a cover of the goods and chattels of Hugh Smyth, deceased, mortgaged to Hugh Hanky for £3. Page 9v. [Part of top of page missing]. At the said court, [Robert] ap John and Richard Wodeward to appraise two silver pendants of the goods and chattels o page ., mortgaged to Robert Wright, draper, for 8s:8d. At the said court, John Burgayny, Richard Lidyate, William Smyth and John David to appraise four linen sheets, two towels and one napkin of the goods and chattels of Thomas Maynwaryng, mortgaged to Fulk Dutton for 10s. At the said court, John David, William Smyth, Richard Lidyate and James Tatton to appraise one garment furred with black lamb of the goods of Henry David, saddler, put in execution to William Newhall for 24s:4d and 4d damages. Tuesday in the third week in Lent, 24 Hen. VIII [18th March, 1533]. Robert Walshe, sherman, Robert Smyth, smith, William Smetheis, barber, and Robert Raynold, pewterer, to appraise goods lately arrested and attached by Ralph Godeman and William Framway for £14 sterling owed to them by Richard Newhouse, pewterer. Detailed list of goods with valuations, including 'sad' warez', 'holowe warez', old pewter, brass, old iron, furnishings of shop, workhouse and house. [Bottom of page missing]. Page 10. Top of page missing.. after the Feast of St. Mark, 25 Hen. VIII [1533]. Christopher Wermyncham, William Leche, draper, Richard Middleton, skinner, and John Cotgreve, draper, to appraise one garment furred with fox of the goods o page . [gap] Wulf, gentleman, mortgaged to Hugh Hanky for 30s. Thursday before Pentecost [29th May, 1533]. John Hewster, William Leche, draper, Richard Middleton, skinner, and John Burgayny to appraise one man's garment trimmed with black lamb of the goods of Richard Newhouse, pewterer, put into execution to John Smyth, baker, for 26s. Page 10v. blank. Pages 11-16. Presentments at Quarter Sessions General Sessions of the Peace held before William Godeman, Mayor, Richard Sneyde, Recorder, William Sneyde the elder, William Davidson, David Middleton, Robert Golburn, Hugh Aldersey and Henry Radford, Aldermen and Justices of the Peace on Tuesday after the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude, 24 Hen. VIII [29th Oct., 1532]. Inquest taken on the oaths of Charles Heyton, Thomas Smyth the younger,.., Robert Wright, draper, Richard Grymesdiche, John Walley, merchant, W. Brescy, draper, John Anyonson, shoemaker, Thomas Go[l?]et, baker, William Whittyng., baker, Peter Strete, butcher, Thomas Deane, barber, Richard Lowe, mercer, Thomas Monkeffeld, skinner, William Longley, ironmonger, and John Mosse, sherman. Elizabeth Browne (6s:8d); assault on John Deyne. John Deyne (6s:8d); assault on Elizabeth Browne. Richard Whitby, fletcher (6s:8d); assault on Adam Danyas. William Grice, glover (6s:8d); assault on John Dutton... apprentice of Richard Ba. the like.. Laurence Distley.. bottom of page missing. Page 11v. Robert Roper (6s:8d) and.. (.); assault on each other. John Gitten, butcher (6s:8d) and Robert Fletcher, shoemaker (6s:8d); assault on each other. John Fissher (6s:8d); assault on Thomas Warwik. Margaret Johnson, widow (2s) broke the assize of bread and baked bad bread. Henry Radford (6s:8d),..[blank] Anyon, widow (6s:8d), William Bridde (6s:8d), Roger Whithed (6s:8d), Fulk Dutton (6s:8d). Urian Dymmok (3s:4d), Philip Costerdyne (5s) and Richard Spenser (12d) bought corn (grana) for making granamellum against the ordinance of William Sneyde, Mayor, before the election of the Mayor, and regrated and forestalled. Laurence Jaslyn (12d), Thomas Harfynche, miller (12d), Catherine Irishe (12d), Agnes Davy (12d), Thomas Athoure (12d), Nicholas Tirer (12d), Margaret Reyde (12d), Richard.. [blank] (12d), John Leche (12d), Henry Hopper (12d), Geoffrey Richardson, barker (12d), and John Sudlocke (12d) bought and forestalled victuals. Thomas Harfynche, miller (2s) and Thomas Cheppyngdale (12d) received beggars and vagabonds. Thomas Chippingdale (r' pr' vol xiid) conducted himself badly towards the Constables and disobeyed them. Page 12. Katherine.. (.),.. Davy (.), Thomas A. (6d), Margaret Reyde (6d), William Brownshonk, wright (6d), Margaret Smyth (6d), Hugh Gruff, capper (12d), Fernando de Ibarra (2s), John Crosse (6d), Robert Calcott (2s), Christopher Tirell (6d), Robert Asshemoll' (6d), John Teler (6d), Roger Lynley (6d), Roger Carrier (6d), John Davyd (12d), James Banyon' (12d) and Hugh Carrior (6d) are not of the liberties and franchises. The wife of George Derwall (12d), Margaret Johnson, widow (12d), Nicholas.. (12d), the wife of Richard Harker (12d) and Hugh Gruffith, capper (12d) broke the assize of ale. Henry Richardson (2s), Joan Herressson (2s), Joan Steyner (2s) and John Blakamore (8d) received divers apprentices and servants of divers men, playing at dice and statas. Agnes Smetheis (2s) concealed customs on earthenware pots. Sumutotal of this Session, £7:9s:0d. Page 12v. General Session of the Peace held before William Godeman, Mayor, Richard Sneyde, Recorder, William Davidson, and David Middleton, Justices of the Peace, Monday in the second week in Lent, 24 Hen. VIII [10th March, 1533]. Inquest taken on the oaths of Hugh Clerk, Randle Donne, skinner, Christopher Wermyncham, John Hewster, John Trevor, goldsmith, Robert ap John, John Cotgreve, draper, Geoffrey Wodez, Richard Anderton, Richard Jenkynson, shearman, Edward Hamnet, saddler, Henry Fox, shearman, Geoffrey Coke and John Baswell, bowyer. Thomas Orton, skinner, John Wynnyngton, capper, Thomas Orton, shearman, Richard Leche, barber, John Merton, Robert Fissher and John Hogekyn, Constables of Brugestrete and Hondbruge did not appear or come into the chamber with the jury to present the defects and offences done in Brugestrete and Hondrige as by law they ought. Margin: pardoned by the Justices ex certis causis this time. John ap Henry (5s); asault on Res ap Madok, 'bokelermaker'. Res ap Madok (2s); assault on John ap Henry. John Moyle (20d); assault on William Marser. Robert Yong, weaver (20d); assault on John K[neve?] William Anyon (20d); assault on Laurence Gestler. Laurence Gestler (20d); assault on William Anyon. John Forrest (20d); assault on William Hill. Richard Donne (20d); assault on William Hill. William Hill (3s:4d); assault on John Forest. Page 13. First line missing. Henry Idtlo[ver?] (5s); assault on John Glasior. John Barber (Bellyn interlined) (5s); assault on Ralph Luter. Ralph Luter (5s); assault on John Bellyn. Richard Daykyn (5s); assault on Richard Thomasson. William Tynker (5s); assault on Richard Stanley, tinker. James Weston (2s); assault on.. [blank], shoemaker. Thomas Tuder, chaplain (5s); assault on Thomas Wynchester, tailor. John Martinus, Spaniart (6s:8d); assault on William Ley, smith. William Smetheis (8d), Agnes Smetheis (8d) and Thomas Grene (8d) concealed customs on earthenware pots. William Lowe who is in the law(?) (in advocar') (6s:8d) carried on his business against ordinance. Thomas Baildon (20d) for the like. Ralph Luter (nothing) for the like. Richard Hewer (pardoned), Thomas Kettell (6s:8d) and.. [blank] made an illegal rescue from John Burgay. Laurence Fox (3s:4d), Fernando de Ibarra (20d), Peter Salcado (nil), Robert Calcott (5s), Thomas Athure (8d), Katherine Irisshe (8d), Agnes David (8d), Margaret Smyth (8d), Hugh Gruff, capper (12d), John Crosse (8d), Christopher Tirrell (8d), James Mascy, miller (8d), Roger Lyndeley (8d), Hugh Carrior (8d), James Banyon (6d), Ralph Assheton (6d) and John Martynus (nothing because he does not carry on his business) ply divers occupations within the City and are not of the liberties and franchises. Page 13v. Top of page missing. Robert Andrewe (6d).. before the door of his house to the great nuisance etc. Robert Yong, weaver, (12d) and Richard Danold (12d) received and harboured vagabonds and other persons of ill fame and behaviour. Richard Spenser (12d), Joan Lokker (12d), Thomas Parker (12d), William Wedderall (12d), Laurence Fox (12d), and Danold Lacy (12d) keep their pigs in the high streets. Richard Spenser (12d), Thomas Parker (12d), William Harby of Hawarden (12d), Margaret Reyde (12d), Margaret de le Cokery (12d) and William Bronshonk (12d) have regrated and forestalled. John Ellome (20d) and Thomas Wright, baker (20d) received servants and apprentices at dice and statas. Ralph Godeman (2s), Richard Dicon (2s), John Leche, fissher (2s), Geoffrey Ric[er?]son, barker (2s), John Sudlowe (12d), Henry Lucas (2s), the wife of Richard Mannyng (2s) and John Lucas (2s) sell fish to excess (tam excessive). Thomas Warwik (6d) and John Crosse (12d) built and made houses against the walls of the City and there they keep pigs and beast Margin: 'buldinge a swynsty to walls'. Randle Okell of Aston (12d), William Clough of Albandeley (12d), William Mones of Hale (12d), Robert Mones of Hale (12d), John Mones of Hale (12d), John Cokeson (12d), John Twiston of Denbigh (12d), Thomas Gillam of Oswastre (12d), Robert Tacrez of Speyke (12d), Agnes Sefton (12d), Gruff' ap Howell (12d), John Bennett de le Mold (12d), Robert ap Symond de Ruthyn (12d) and Eligia Lyngam of Ruthyn (12d) sold linen cloth against ordinance. [Sum of this Session £?: :] 7s:4d. Bottom of page missing Page 14. General Session of the Peace, Monday after the Feast of St. John of Beverley, 25 Hen. VIII [12th May, 1533], before William Godeman, Mayor, Richard Sneyde, Recorder, Thomas Thorneton, William Davidson, Robert Golburn, Robert Aldersey and Henry Radford, Aldermen and Justices. Inquest taken on the oaths of Thomas Smyth, mercer, Ralph Godeman, Laurence Dutton, Robert Brerewode, Thomas Monkeffeld, John Smyth, baker, John Bradburn, John J.son, barker, Robert Percevall, John Thorneton, Roger Pampton, Thomas Deane, barber, Richard Jenson, sherman, Richard Herte[ff]old and Randle Wirrall. John ap Ithell (5s); assault on Roger Bafford in St. John's Lane. Edward Halewode, barber (5s); assault on Thomas Jeynson. Richard Pope, shoemaker (5s); assault on Thomas Jenson. Thomas Moneley, carpenter (5s); assault on Thomas Alen. John Martinus Derebas (6s:8d); assault on Roger Smyth with a dagger and a knife. He would have killed him if he had not been hindered by Roger Merser, who struck John with a yardstick used for measuring cloth. Roger Smyth and Roger Merser (6s:8d); assault on. bottom of page missing. Page 14v. top of page missing Agnes Barbour, widow (6d). Thomas Henshagh, smith (20d) received and harboured vagabonds and others not of good repute and honest behaviour against the statute. John Stryngfelowe (12d), Thomas Parker (12d), Laurence Fox (12d), William Wederall (12d), Richard Godeman (12d), John Harper, labourer (12d), William Robynson (12d), Hugh Hanky (12d) and Joan wife of Lokker (12d) keep pigs in the high street against ordinance. Brian Garnett (2s), Hugh Gruffith (2s), Agnes Boydell (2s), Richard Weston, butcher (2s), Richard Lidyate (2s), Thomas Spragg (2s), Roger Spragg (2s), John White, merchant (2s), Alice Mannyng, widow (2s), William Crue (2s), Christopher Clerk (2s), Richard Dicom (2s), John Bastwell, bowyer (2s), William Withyns (2s), Thomas Go[l?]ett (2s) and Peter Strete (2s) broke the assize of ale and beer and sold contrary to statute. Oliver Cabrik (8d), Arthur Kelsall (8d), Ralph Maycock (8d), William Lancastre (8d), John Hall (8d), William Ball (8d), Hugh Sefton (8d), Robert Hall (8d) made 'le donghilles'. Roger Whithed (3s:4d) bought barley before the twelth hour against ordinance and is a common regrator and forestaller of the market in buying barley. Hamon Smyth, capper (5s); assault on Gilbert Lilly. Margaret Laithwait (20d); assault on.. [blank]. Robert Mosse (20d); assault on Thomas Crosse. Thomas Crosse (20d); assault on Robert Mosse. Page 15. Thomas T., shoemaker (.), assault on Thomas Smyth. John Ley, smith (2s); assault on Randle Ball. Henry Wiredrawer, the keeper of the bridge (20d), did not [open?] the gate of the bridge without payment, (macla') and for extortion made there by him (12d). Margin: 'Keeper of Dee Bridge'. John Robynson, baker (6d) keeps gorse in his house against ordinance. Margaret Crabball (2d) burns the hedges of the neighbours and breaks into their gardens. The wife of Richard Wrenche (6d) forestalled the market in buying butter etc. Alice, wife of the said Richard (2s), baked 'lez craknelles' against ordinance. Richard Rogerson (4d) violated the highway. John ap Ithell (5s) consumed the grass of the neighbours with all his [sic] George Lightfote (6s:8d) for the like. Margaret Amorons (12d) for forestalling the market in butter etc. Sum of this Session of the Peace, £5:15s:0d. Page 15v. General Session of the Peace held before William Godeman, Mayor, Richard Sneyde, Recorder, David Middleton, Robert Aldersey, Hugh Aldersey and Henry Radford, Aldermen and Justices of the Peace, Monday before the Feast of Mary Magdalene, 25 Hen. VIII [21st July, 1533] Inquest taken on the oaths of Richard Je[van?], draper, John Annyonson, Richard Thorneton, John Cowper, baker, Godfrey Cowper, Richard Lowe, mercer, Roger Orton, sherman, Ralph Wryght, John Hale, merchant, Laurence Dutton, mercer, William Brescy, draper, John Thorneton. Richard Hasilwall (3s:4d); assault on Margaret wife of Thomas Hasilwall. Margaret Hamnett (20d) and Elena Hamnett (20d), daughters of Thomas Hamnett; assault on Anne Greves. Richard [He?]ith (2s); assault on Thomas Warwik. John Percivall (2s); assault on James Brotherer. James Brotherer (2s); assault on John Percivall. Thomas Vernam (2s); assault on Margery Marser. Ralph Wright (5s); assault on Geoffrey Lynley. Randle Lancastre (2s); assault on James Weston. James Weston (2s); assault on Randle Lancastre. William Hulme (5s) and William Hill (5s); assault on Thomas Bradburn'. Thomas Bradburn' (2s).. bottom of page missing. Page 16..., barber (.); assault on Ithell ap Edward. Randle Ball, weaver (5s); assault on William Daykyn. Richard Thomasson (12d) and John Bruyn (12d), butchers, sold 'tupp flecche', namely each of them one, against statute. William Smetheis (6s) and Agnes Smetheis (6d) concealed customs on earthenware pots. John Leche the younger (20d) long before he was franchised was engaged in buying and selling various things and was not willing to agree with the Sheriffs, as the custom was and is from time immemorial. Henry ap Res (pardoned by the Mayor etc.) allowed carts with iron wheels to cross the Dee bridge against the ordinance made. William Robynson (4d) did not sufficiently repair the pavement.. to the high street, as by law he ought. Joan Dutton (12d), John White (12d), the wife of George Derwall (12d), Hugh Hurleton (12d), the wife of William Crue (12d), Joan Fairecliff (12d) and William Cr. (12d) sell (vidder') a quart of beer for 1d. The wife of George Derwall (4d), Margaret Reyde (4d) and Agnes Wermyncham (4d) who are not franchised within the City of Chester, sold divers merchandise against ordinance... Quyrry (12d), Robert Quyrk (12d), Roger Ince (12d) and.. pigs in [high street?]. Bottom of page missing Page 16v. Assize of Bread Top of page missing Date missing. Edward Birkenhed, Richard Danold, Elena Banastre, Thomas Wright, William Whithed and William Walton, baker (2s each) lacked weight in half-penny leaves - 2s:6d. 23rd Nov., Elena Lymme, widow (12d) for the same - 20d. 30th Nov., John Robynson ('12d), William Whithed, baker (12d) for the same. 7th Dec., Thomas Wright, baker (12d) for the same in penny loaves - 6s:8d. Richard Danold (12d) for the like in halfpenny loaves - 20d. Sunday after Corpus Christi, 25 Hen. VIII [15th June, 1533]. Robert Madok (12d) did not bake 'lez cakez' well and lacked weight in ii q cakez - 2s:4d. Randle Wirrall, William Whithed, Richard Cowper and John Robynson (12d each) baked cakes not of good dough. Sum of bakers, 22s...£24:17s:. [total of Sessions and Assize of Bread?]. Bottom of page missing. Page 17. blank. Page 17v. Note of recognizance John Thorneton and William Anyon.. appeared before William Newhall, clerk, and acknowledged that they owed the King 40[s?].. at the Feast of SS. Peter and Paul. Condition: Edmond Wodehead or any other person, at the request of William Bexwik and Richard Hunt, Sheriffs, to deliver to the Sheriffs one horse price 13s:4d or 13s:4d in sterling.
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