RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceZ S/B/8/b
TitleBound part. Pages 18-37
DescriptionPages 18-37. Page 18. Cover (parchment) per me W. Newhall Page 19. blank except for 17th century heading '25 26 H8. Sea Customs. County Courts - Sessions', and heading of the book as on cover. Page 19v. blank. Pages 20-24. Port entries 15th Dec., 25 Hen. VIII [1533]-21st Sept. [1534]. Probably a page or more with earlier entries are missing at the beginning. 39 ships. Cargoes described with a fair amount of detail. Pages 24v.,25,25v. blank. Pages 26-31. Presentments at Quarter Sessions Page 26. [General Session] of the Peace held before [Henry Gee], draper, Mayor, Richard Sneyde, Recorder, Thomas Thorneton,.. Davidson, David Middleton, Robert Aldersey and Henry Rad page .. Justices, Tuesday after the Feast of St. Nicholas, Bishop, 25 Hen. VIII [9th Dec., 1533]. Inquest taken on the oaths of Robert Wright, draper, Christopher Wermyncham, Stephen Cro., glover, Robert Brerewode, William Bexwik, Robert Johns, mercer, John Trevor, goldsmith, John Jeynson, barker, Adam Walton, Robert Grene, weaver, Robert Motton, William Whitleg., William Longley and John Eastwell. Margaret Wodeward (2s); assault on Cecilia Gray. Thomas Tirer (3s:4d) and Magnus Hopper (nil); assault on each other. Philip Costerdyne (2s); assault on.. [blank] Richard Derwall (2s); and John Whithed (2s); assault on each other. John Tynker (2s); assault on Gilbert Bretayn. John Fraunces (2s); assault on Robert Pikryn. Robert Pikryn (2s); assault on John Frauncez. Richard Latwis, barber (3s:4d), Thomas Wright, baker (3s:4d), John Herford (3s:4d), Laurence Jaslyn (3s:4d), Peter Westhill, saddler (3s:4d), Richard Kerver and Robert Yong, weaver, keep their doors open after the ninth hour against ordinance; and for keeping bad company and playing at dice and statas after the said hour. Robert Hilton (6s:8d) plied his business and the Sheriffs..(?) in exercising their office. Elizabeth Coke (6d), Joan Dudson (6d) broke the assize of ale and put 'lez hopez' in the ale against statute. Gilbert Query (4d), Thomas Scott (4d) and Robert Bellyn (4d) keep their pigs in the highway. Hugh Gruff, capper (3s:4d) ruins the common soil on 'le rodehe' with his pigs, against ordinance. Page 26v. Richard Taildior disobeyed.. rest of top line missing. Katherine Irishewoman (8d) received servants and apprentices playing dice and statas. Roger Davy (8d) regrated victuals before they came to the market. Richard Cowper late of London, merchant, on 5th Nov., 25 Hen. VIII, between eleven and twelve at night, broke into and entered the house and bedchamber of William Lowe, pewterer, in Chester, and slept with Anne, wife of the said William. He made fine and was acquitted thereo page Margin: fiat processum [Qu]iet' David ap John ap llin', late of Moh[ann?] tesdale in the lordship of Moh[ann?]tesdale, gentleman, David ap Richard ap Je[van?], late of Mold in the same lordship, yeoman, and David ap William ap Madell ap Robyn, late of the same, yeoman, with many other persons unkown, to the numbers of six and more, at Chester on 5th Nov., 24 Hen. VIII made assault on Katherine, wife of John ap Ithell, whipped her, wounded her and raped her and carried her away with divers of her goods. The jury say that they are not guilty thereof as appears afterwards. Margin: ffe non culp' I[c'?]XIIs[?] Page 27. Session of the Peace held before Henry [Gee, draper, Mayor] Richard Sneyde, Recorder, William Sneyde the elder, William Dav[idson],.. Aldersey and Hugh Aldersey, Aldermen and Justices, Wednesday.. Feast of the Purification of Blessed Mary, Virgin, [2]5 Hen. VIII[1534]. Inquest taken on the oaths of Ralph Rogerson, John Waley, William Bre., Thomas Aldersey, Richard Dicon', Richard Bruyn, Thomas Deane, barber, Roger Pa., barber, William Hole, Richard Anderton, Richard Jeynson, William Leche, Thomas Hope, John Leche, fishmonger, and Robert Percivall. Thomas Henshaw, smith (5s); assault on Hugh Smyth. Hugh Smyth (5s); assault on Thomas Henshawe. John Herford (3s:4d); assault on George Henrison. Joan Henrison (6d), Thomas Wright (20d), Roger David (6d), Henry Richardson (8d) and William Brownshonk, carpenter (8d), who are not within the Gild Merchant of the City, sold ale against statute and ordinance. Joan Herrisson (2s), Peter Westill (2s), Richard Latwis (2s), Thomas Wright (2s) and.. [illegible because of ink smear] received and harboured persons who are dishonest and of bad behaviour and they keep bad company in their houses against ordinance. John Dalton, William Manley, Thomas Tirer, John Aldersey, Thomas Baildon, John ap Howell and Res Wyn keep bad company and are common players at dice, statas and all other games for money, wine and ale. And they have nothing from which they can support or maintain their games. Margin: fiat processum John Robynson, baker, (6s:8d) and John Bellyn, barker (6s:8d) made a rescue from the Sheriffs and would not allow them to come into their houses to execute their office. Page 27v. Ralph Fourbo[ur?] (3s:4d), and Miles Ferro [ur?] (3s:4d), No, carried on the occupation of cobbler within the City against ordinances and customs and have not been admitted to the fraternity of that occupation. Laurence Jaslyn (3s:4d) for the like for the occupation and art of the smiths. Randle Mirganer (3s:4d), William Whatton (3s:4d), John Taillior (3s:4d), Edward Taillior (3s:4d), Thomas Clerk (3s:4d) and Robert Ricerson (3s:4d) for the like for the art of tailors. John Mascy, miller (12d), Nicholas Tirer (12d), Christopher Tirrell (12d), Roger Lynlowe (12d), John Taillur (12d), Richard Kerver (12d) and Thomas Wright (12d) who are not within the Gild Merchant of the City of Chester brewed ale to sell and retail contrary to the ancient ordinances. The wife of Geoffrey Richardson (12d) buys [? ] (oestra) before they come to the market and regrates them in Hondbrige against statutes and ordinances. George Lightfote (3s:4d) and John ap Ithell (3s:4d) keep false measures and sell meat etc. by them against statute. Alice Wrenche (fiat processum) baked bread, anglice cranels, against ordinance. Thomas Wright (3s:4d) plied the art of the bakers and is not franchised nor of the same company. David Creche (3s:4d) keeps false measures and likewise counterfeited the Mayor's seal, made for sealing measures John Smyth, carter (fiat processum) and Thomas Rider, with many others, made a riot on Thomas Cotyngham. John David, sergeant (12d), and Joan Hale (12d), sold candles against ordinance. Page 28. Thomas Fissher, butcher (2s), and William Richardson, butcher (2s), keep [false] measures to sell meat. Gilbert Guyrry (12d), Anne Britayn (12d), Matilda Mayles (12d), William Johnson, barker (12d), John White (12d), Roger David (12d), Hugh Milner (12d) and John Hailyn (12d) forestalled and regrated divers victuals. John Yong, barber (12d), sold candles made of wax and rosin against ordinance. The wife of Roger Henrison (12d) lacked 14s. in the weight of penny loaves. William Walton, baker (12d and 12d) lacked 3s:6d in halfpenny loaves and 14s. in penny loaves. Richard Cowper (12d) for the same, 2s:6d in two 'cakez'. Randle Wirrall (12d) for the same, 2s:4d in two 'cakez'. The wife of Roger Henrison for the same, 14s. in penny loaves. William Whityngham (12d) for the same, 2s:8d in halfpenny loaves. Joan Henrison (12d) for the same, 5s. in penny loaves. Richard Cowper (12d) for the same, 2s:4d in half-penny loaves. Randle Wirrall (12d) for the same, 3s:6d in half-penny loaves. Edward Birkenhed (12d) for the same, 4s:8d in penny loaves. William Whityngham (12d) for the same 11s. in penny loaves. Thomas Golett (12d) for the same, 9s. in penny loaves. William Walton (12d) for the same, 4s. in penny loaves. Page 28v. Robert Hale, late of Chester, goldsmith, on December 26th 25 Hen. VIII [1533] by force of arms of broke into St. Peter's Church and feloniously stole and carried away one chalice of silver and gilt of the value of £3 of the goods and chattels of William Whitley and Richard Bruyn, the churchwardens, against the peace of the Crown and the dignity of the King. Page 29. General Sessions of the Peace held before Henry Gee, draper, Mayor, Richard Sneyde, Recorder, William Davidson, Robert Aldersey and W. Godeman, Aldermen and Justices, on Monday after the Feast of Corpus Christi, 26 Hen. VIII [8th June, 1534]. Inquest taken on the oaths of Thomas Smyth the elder, mercer, William Brescy, draper, Richard Hunt, tailor, Richard Grymesdiche, the elder, John Anyngson, shoemaker, John Sudlowe, sherman, Christopher Hogeson, John Leche, fishmonger, Geoffrey Ricer., Geoffrey Grone, weaver, Robert Percivall, Thomas Monkeffeld, William Rich. and William Dunderdale, tailor. Thomas Bold (3s:4d); assault on Peter Whitney. Peter Whitney, stringer (3s:4d); assault on Thomas Bold. William Michaell (3s:4d); assault on Thomas Bold. Thomas Bold (3s:4d); assault on William Michaell. William Walton (3s:4d); assault on David Creche. Marian Flecchere (5s) and Christiana Frissell (5s); assault on Cecilia Mery. Robert Perker (3s:4d); assault on.. [blank], son of Thomas Holl. Thomas Clerk (3s:4d); assault on John Jevan, weaver. John Evan, weaver (3s:4d); assault on Thomas Clerk. John Dalton (5s); assault on Hamon Smyth, capper. Thomas Peysaunt (5s); assault on the same. Hamon Smyth (3s:4d); assault on John Dalton. Richard Jeynson, weaver (3s:4d); assault on Thomas Fissher, bocher. Robert Walshe, mariner (5s); assault on Richard ap Thomas. Page 29v. John Grymesdiche (5s); assault on Ma[nus?] Hopper. John Mason, broderer (5s); assault on Thomas Kne, tailor. Thomas Kne, tailor (5s); assault on John Mason. John ap Ithell, butcher (5s); assault on John Gitten. John Gutten, butcher (3s:4d); assault on John ap Ithell. William Walton, baker (5s); assault on David Creche, 'brekeman'. Elena Derwall, widow (8d) and Brian Garnett (8d) sold a quart of beer for a halfpenny against the ordinance and assize. John Smyth, baker (3s:4d), Alice Wrenche (3s:4d) and Hugh Gruff, capper (3s:4d), William Whittyngham (6s:8d) and Robert Madok (12d) are common bakers of horse bread (?) (panum equinorum) and keep common inns against statute... [blank] servant of William Fraunces (4d) carried and threw filth into the lane between the church of St. Martin and the walls of the City. John Gest the elder, carpenter (4d), Katherine Johnson (4d), Richard Lewes (4d), Katherine Irisshe (4d), Thomas Wright, baker (4d), Richard Kerver (4d), John Taillior (4d), Christopher Tirrell (4d), Roger Lyngley (4d), Nicholas Tirer (4d) brewed and broke the assize and have not been admitted to the liberties and franchises. Thomas Hill, butcher (20d) sold oxen flesh to William Aldersey, merchant, for three quarters of a pound, against the statute. William Carter (2s) was employed in making (occupavit et fecit) candles against the liberties of the City. John Herteffeld, 'kerver' (12d), Richard Herteffold (12d) for the like. John Wynstanley, carrier (8d) because he withheld toll for carriage on horses. Margin: 'Citty Tolle presented'. Page 30. William Whittingham (3s:4d), Robert Madok (12d), Thomas Golett (3s:4d), Robert Wall (3s:4d), John Cowper (3s:4d), Elena Fleecher (3s:4d), Hugh Hanky (6s:8d), Richard Grymesdiche the elder (6s:8d), Christopher Hogeson (6s:8d), John White (6s:8d), Alice Mannying (6s:8d), John Smyth, baker (3s:4d) and Katherine Wodeward (3s:4d) are common hostiar' (?) and bake horse bread against statute. Gilbert Walker late of Salop in the county of Salop, tinker, and Alice Walker, wife of the said Gilbert, 'huswif' at Chester on April 11th, 25 Hen. VIII feloniously stole anvelvet coif worth 8d of the goods and chattels of Thomas Tumkyn, against the peace of the King, his Crown and dignity. General Session of the Peace held before Henry Gee, draper, Mayor, Richard Sneyd, Recorder, and William Sneyde, Alderman, Justice etc., Thursday after the Feast of St. Michael, 26 Hen. VIII. Inquest taken on the oaths of John Walley, merchant, William Bexwik, Richard Hunt, Edward Dymmok, John Anyngson, shoemaker, Thomas Deane, William Wedderall, mason, Richard Jenkynson, William Fleccher, John Meire, shoemaker, Peter Ledesham, Gilbert Waynwright and Robert Walley, merchant. Randle Ball (2s); assault on Peter Conway in the solar of John Pate. Peter Conway (2s); assault on Randle Ball. John Frere (40d); assault on Thomas Crosse. Page 30v. John Do[n?]se (2s); assault on Thomas Waynwright. The same John (2s); assault on Roger Lynley. Thomas Leche (5s); assault on James Mochell. James Mochell (2s); assault on Thomas Leche. Thomas Miles, William Meiles, James Mascy and James Mochell (2s. each); assault on Thomas Leche, John Lawton, William Rode and Richard Heith. The same Thomas Meyles, William Meyles, James Masey and James Mochell (2s. each); assault on the same persons. The same (2s. each); assault on the same. Thomas Leche, John Lawton, William Rode and Richard Heith (2s. each); assault on the other four. The same (2s. each); assault on the same. The same (2s. each); assault on the same. John Herford (2s); assault on Thomas Herford. Thomas Herford (2s); assault on John Herford. Ralph Wright (2s); assault on John Herford. John Herford (2s): assault on Ralph Wright. Edward Morecroft (2s); assault on John. Page 31. John Davyd (5s); assault on John Dalton. John Dalton (2s); assault on John Davyd. Edward Halewode (2s); assault on Thomas Ma[row?] Michael Brerebruer (13s:4d) engaged in his art within the City and is not enfranchised. Henry Richardson (12d), William Brownshonk (12d), Thomas Athor (12d), Thomas Woldwall (2d), John Stryngfelowe (12d), James Leonard (12d), William Curmyn (12d), Elizabeth Coke (12d), Elena Ingrame (12d), John Gibbons (12d), Laurence Smyth (12d),.. [blank] Ingram, mariner, (12d), Christopher Wedderall (12d), John Smyth, carter (12d), Richard Hiccock (12d), John Curmyn ( ), John Doo for the same. Geoffrey Ricerson (6d) threw timber into the highway. William Weyver, butcher, sold meat by unlawful weights. William Frauncez, butcher, for the same. Elizabeth Browne (4d) is a common scold among her neighbours. John Cowper, Robert Motton and Brian Garnett (12d each) sold ale and beer for 8d the gallon. Elizabeth Hussie (4d) violated the highway with filth before the door of Henry Nicholassen. Joan Hale (4d) regrated cheese in the market. Robert Yong (4d) did not shut his doors at 9 o'clock and he received vagabonds etc. Thomas Parker (8d) made malt against ordinance and is not of the franchise and sold ale. Hugh Gruff (4d) made 'le S[ho?]ynoote' against the Watergate. Page 31v. blank. Page 32r.andv. Valuations Thursday after St. Catherine, 25 Hen. VIII [27th Nov., 1533]. J. Davy, sergeant, John Cotgreve, draper, Richard Lidyate, glover, and Nicholas Ithell, to value one man's garment lined with say, one doublet with both its sleeves of satin and its body of 'wolsted' and one tunic of chamlet of the goods and chattels of Vincent Wermyster, mortgaged to William Newhall for 53s:4d. 24th March [1534]. William Bexwik, James Tatton, Rich ard Lidyate and Ralph Bostok to value one corena of silver gilt and one napkin of the goods and chattels of Robert Johns of Wrixham, mortgaged to William Leche, draper, for 30s. Friday after the Ascension, 26 Hen. VIII [15th May, 1534]. William Bexwik, Thomas Smyth the younger, mercer, John Frodesham and James Tatton appraised one man's gown furred, of the goods and chattels of Richard Newhouse the younger, mortgaged to Fulk Dutton, draper, for 23s:5d. Friday before Pentecost, 26 Hen.VIII [22nd May, 1534]. John Newhall, James Tatton, John David and John Burgayny appraised one man's gown of William Grice, put in execution to Matthew Clerk for 16s. debt and 4d damages lately recovered against him. At the said court Ralph Bostok, John Trevor, John Davyd and John Frodseham appraised one silver cup mortgaged to Thomas Strete by Stephen Crosse. At the said court Thomas Sclater, John David, Thomas Holynshed and Richard Grig' appraised a pan (?) (patella) of Christopher Clerk put in execution to Agnes Leghez for 7s. Page 32v. Tuesday after St. Bartholomew [25th Aug., 1534]. Robert ap John, William Newhall, John Frodesham and John Throp appraised 6 pounds of wax of the goods of Richard Lowe, put in execution to Ralph Brereton and Nicholas Ilock for.. [blank]. Robert ap John, William Newhall, John Frodesham and James Tatton appraised 6 silver spoons of the goods of X John Bircheley, put in execution to Edward Dymmok for 10s:10d. Thursday after Michaelmas [1st Oct., 1534]. Thomas Aldersey, Rowland Crue, Hamon Carrior, Thomas Ley, glover, appraised various goods of Hugh Smyth, deceased, put in execution to Thomas Middleton. List of goods, with values, including 14 caps, 6 pairs of gloves, 2 dozen grammar books, a dozen combs. Thursday after St. Dionysius [15th Oct., 1534]. Henry Heyton, John Gartten, Thomas Smyth, mercer, and Richard Barton appraised 2½ yards of black velvet mortgaged to Richard Sneyde, draper, by Robert ap Edward Lloid. Pages 33-34v. blank. Pages 35-37. County Court pleas Monday after the Feast of the Conception of Blessed Mary Virgin, 25 Hen. VIII [15th Dec., 1533]. John Erne (?), late of Chester, yeoman, alias 'syngyngman' was exacted for the first time at this court at the suit of the King, for divers felonies and murders whereof he was indicted, and did not appear. Therefore he was to be exacted for the second time [to appear] at the next court. Margin: first exigent. Monday after the Feast of Epiphany, 25 Hen. VIII [12th Jan., 1534]. John Erne (?) was exacted for the second time to this court and did not appear. Therefore he was to be exacted for the third time [to appear] at the next court. Margin: second exigent. David ap John ap llin', late of Moh[ann?]tesdale in the lordship of the same, gentleman, David ap Richards ap Jevan, late of Molde, in the said lordship, yeoman, and David ap William ap Madok ap Robyn, late of the same, yeoman, were exacted for the first time to this court at the suit of the King for divers felonies presented against them whereof they were indicted; and they did not appear. Therefore they were to be exacted for the second time to the next court. Margin: first exigent. Monday after the Feast of St. Blasius, 25 Henry VIII [9th Feb., 1534]. John Erne (?) exacted for the third time to this court. He did not come. Therefore he was to be exacted for the fourth time to the next court. Margin: third exigent. David ap John ap llin', David ap Richards ap Jevan and David ap William ap Madok ap Robyn exacted for the second time at this court. They did not appear. Therefore they were to be exacted for the third time to the next court. Margin: second exigent. Memorandum (in different ink), crossed out:- John ap Jevan Lloid to appear before the Mayor on Page 35v. Monday after the Feast of the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, under pain of £40. Peter Strete and Thomas Strete sureties. Richard Cokeson for the same, under the pain aforesaid. Ralph Bostok and Richard Lidyate. Monday in the third week in Lent, 25 Hen. VIII [9th March, 1534]. John Erne (?) exacted for the fourth time to this court. He did not appear. Therefore he was to be exacted for the fifth time to appear at the next court. Margin: fourth exigent. David ap John ap llin', David ap Richards ap Jevan and David ap William ap Madok ap Robyn exacted for the third time to this court. They did not appear. Therefore they were to be exacted for the fourth time [to appear at] the next court. Margin: third exigent. Monday in Easter week, 25 Hen. VIII, 6th April. John Erne (?) exacted for the fifth time to this court. He did not appear. Therefore he is outlawed by the judgment of Nicholas Johnson and Thomas Golburn, Coroners, in the said court. Margin: he is outlawed. David ap John ap llin, David ap Richards ap Jevan and David ap William ap Madok ap Robyn exacted for the fourth time. They did not appear. Therefore they were to be exacted for the fifth time [to appear at] the next court. Margin: fourth exigent. Robert Hale late of Chester, goldsmith, was exacted for the first time to this court at the suit of the King for felonies presented against him, whereof he was indicted. He did not appear. Therefore he was to be exacted for the second time [to appear at] the next [court]. Margin: 1o Page 36. Monday after the Feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross, 4th May, 26 Hen. VIII [1534]. David ap John ap llin', David ap Richards ap Jevan and David ap William ap Madok ap Robyn exacted for the fifth time. They appeared and freely surrendered themselves to the King's prison of the Northgate. And afterwards they were commanded to be at the next Crownmote to answer. Margin: Vo Comparuerunt Robert Hale exacted for the second time to this court. He did not appear. Therefore he was to be exacted for the third time to the next court. Margin: second exigent. David ap John ap llin', David ap Richards ap Richards (sic) and David ap William ap Madok ap Robyn ordered to be at the next Crownmote and not to go away without licence. [Sureties:] William Ricerson, butcher, Richard Pikryn, butcher, John Hale, butcher, and Robert Motton, each of them body for body. Page 36v. Monday after the Feast of St. Felix, Pope, 1st June, 26 Hen. VIII [1534]. Robert Hale exacted for the third time. He did not appear. Therefore he was to be exacted for the fourth time to the next court. Margin: third exigent. Monday on the Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul, 29th June, 26 Hen. VIII [1534]. Robert Hale exacted for the fourth time. He did not appear. Therefore he was to be exacted for the fifth time to the next court. Margin: fourth exigent. Monday before the Feast of St. Michael, 28th Sept., 26 Hen. VIII [1534]. Ma[ur? or /nus?] Hopper, late of Chester, 'hopper', John Dalton late of the same, gentleman, William Manley, late of the same, esq., Thomas Tirer, late of the same, labourer, John Aldersey, late of the same, yeoman, Thomas Baildon, late of the same, ironmonger, John ap Howell, late of the same, labourer, Res Wyn late of the same, yeoman, Alice Wrenche, late of the same, house - wife, John Smyth late of the same, carter, and Thomas Rider, late of the same, husbandman, were exacted for the first time to this court at the suit of the King for divers transgressions and riots presented against them whereof they were indicted. They did not appear. Therefore they were to be exacted for the second time to [appear at] the next [court]. Margin: first exigent. Page 37. Robert Hale exacted etc... [rest of line illegible]. Page 37v. blank except for heading: Pleas of the County Court of the City of Chester.
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