RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceZ S/B/8/e
TitleBound part. Pages 72-89
DescriptionPages 72-89. Page 72. Cover (parchment), with title 'per me William Newhall'. 17th century heading: '28.29 H8. Sea Customs, Sessions, County Courts, Presment of goods'. Pages 73-77. Port Entries 16th Oct., 28 Hen. VIII [1536]-4th Oct., [1537]. 50 ships A moderate amount of detail. Page 77v. blank. Pages 78-81v. Presentments at Quarter Sessions General Session of the Peace held before William Godeman, Mayor, Richard Sneyde, esq., Recorder, David Middleton, Robert Aldersey, Hugh Aldersey and Ralph Rogerson, Justices of the Peace, on Monday before the Feast of St. Katherine, Virgin, 28 Hen. VIII [20th Nov., 1536]. Inquest taken on the oaths o page . Grymesdiche the elder, Randle Donne, Christopher Wermyncham, John Waley, merchant, Richard Wrenche, Roger Whithed, John Jenkynson, Thomas Wilcok, Adam Danyas, tailor, John White, merchant, John Bradburn, John Anyngson, Robert Percivall, Richard Diccon and John.., weaver. Patrick Brue (4s) and Gilbert Wiredrawer (illegible) made an illegal recovery from John Fareclif, Constable, in the execution of his office. Elena Derwall, Thomas Wermyncham, Elena Duke, John Chetame, the wife of William the mercer, Ralph Acton, Margaret Rede, Thomas Weight, Henry Richardson and Elena Ellone received servants playing ad statas, against statute. Margin: each of them 20d. William Crue (20d) sold 'le pynt' of ale for a half penny against the statute. The wife of William.. (4d) for taking 'lez colez' of William Hurst, to the value of 2d. William Bronshonk (12d) and John Frere (12d) for throwing filth in le Bonse lane, and Henry Chesnot (20d) for the like in Cuppyngeslane. Michell Lowe, Christopher Tirrell, William Carter, Edward Suche and Michell Hestok, who are not of the Gild Merchant, brewed and broke the assize. Margin: each of them, 12d. Richard Derwall (20d) and Ro.? [Ginger?] (40d); assault on each other. Thomas Baildon (3s:4d); assault on Thomas Holynshed William Maykyn (4d), Thomas Jenkynson (4d), James Masey (4d), William Hoghton (40d), Agnes Balard (4d), Nicholas Tirer (4d), John White, carrier (12d), William Johnson, Thomas Arthure (20d), Roger Chevalt (4d), Thomas Ince (4d), Hugh Milner (4d), Roger David (2s), Robert Calcott (5s) and George Arohedmaker (20d), who are not of the Gild, trade and brew against ordinance. Margin: each of them, 12d. Page 78v. Thomas Baildon (3s:4d); assault on Thomas Holynshed. The jury said that the City of Chester is, and from time immemorial and long before the conquest of England was an ancient and free City. The Mayors, Sheriffs, Citizens and Commune, both before the conquest and after were wont to have and exercise a gild merchant and all which pertained to it; and to have the examination of assizes (recogn' proportament') of the Earl, viz. the whole of his royal power within the City, as well in making laudable laws and punishing trespasses and executing the same as in attaching felons and murderers and all other persons within the said City for whatever cause, and the amercements thereof and all things pertaining to the Earl. And [they said] that no kind of merchandise coming to the City by sea or land was to be sold or bought except by Citizens of the City or by their successors or by those free by their consent, except at the fairs on the Feasts of the Nativity of St. John Baptist and of St. Michael. And that no resident or inhabitant within the City or foreigner should engage in and exercise any art, trade or mystery within the City except his own, to which he was admitted by the aldermen and stewards of the same, and where of he was free, under pain of forfeiting £10 silver to the King as Earl of Chester for each time he should offend. A certain John Morgan alias Mathewe, late of Honbrige, tailor, who was not admitted to the gild merchant nor sworn to the liberties of the City nor franchised in it, on 20th October, 28 Hen. VIII, at Chester, engaged in the art, mystery and occupation of the tailors of that City, to which he was not admitted by the Aldermen and Stewards of the same art nor was free thereof, against the will of the society and fraternity, against the laws, customs, uses and liberties aforesaid and against the form and tenor of the great charter. Margin: Fine, 6s:8d. [In a later hand] 'a good note for Company of Taylors' Page 79. General Session of the Peace held before William Godeman, Mayor, Richard Sneyde, Recorder, William Davidson, David Middleton, Robert Golburn, Robert Aldersey and Henry Radford, Justices of the Peace on Monday after the Feast of St. Chad, Bishop, 28 Hen. VIII [5th March, 1537]. Inquest taken on the oaths of Robert Wright, draper, Randle Donne, skinner, Peter Ledesham, William Richardson, John Rosengreve, glover, Richard Anderton, Ralph Wright, mercer, Roger Whithed, John Jenkynson, barker, Roger Orton, sher[man], Geoffrey Richardson, barker, Thomas Smyth, draper, Godfrey Cowper and G. Grono, weaver. John Leche, junior (6s:8d); assault on Richard Pertowe. 'hopper'. George Hedmacre (6s:8d); assault on William Wright. Richard Hoton, butcher (6s:8d); assault on Thomas Walton. Ralph Acton (12d), Hugh Milner (12d), Roger Davy (12d), John Wight (12d), William Johnson (12d), John Chetame (12d), Robert Grene (12d), Peter Salcedo (6s:8d), Thomas Wright, baker (4d), Richard Mascy, bedder (6s:- 8d), William Hoghton (3s:4d) and Nicholas Tirer (4d) not being franchised carried on their occupations and traded. William Bronshonk, wright (2s), Robert Calcott (3s:4d), John Taillior (12d), Richard Sebyngton, mason (12d), Hugh Capper (3s:4d), Agnes Garnett (4d), Edward Suche, miller (8d), and William Maykyn (4d), for the same. John Rosingreve (3s:4d) and Adam Danyas (3s:4d); assault on each other. Hugh Bostok (3s:4d) and John Weston, butcher (3s:4d); assault on each other. Thomas Wright (3s:4d); assault on John Bonell. All the Constables except Peter Richardson went away from the aforesaid Session without licence and without any presentment of defaults. Margin: each of them, 12d. Page 79v. James Hurleton (2s) threw filth before his door, making the street foul. Elena Derwall (12d) and.. [blank] Duke (12d) sold beer against ordinance. Margaret Hanley (2s) suffers misconduct in her house. All the bakers within the City bake bread unfit for human consumption. Margin: each of them, 12d. William Wederowe (12d) sold 'le croke' of ale for 8d against ordinance. Page 80 General Sessions of the Peace held before William Godeman, Mayor, Ralph Wryne, Recorder, William Sneyde, the elder, William Davidson, Robert Golburn, Robert Aldersey, Henry Radford and Ralph Rogerson, Justices of the Peace on Monday after the Feast of St. Bartholomew, 29 Hen.VIII [27th Aug., 1537]. Inquest taken on the oaths of John Waley, merchant, Randle Maynwaryng, Hugh Hanky, Thomas Martyn, Robert Waley, Richard Lowe, mercer, Adam.., tailor, Thomas Gobett [or Govett], baker, John Bradburn, John Anyngson,.. Richardson, Richard Dicon, Thomas Smyth, draper, and Richard Pole, merchant, jurors. Richard Hond of Neston, hewster (12d), William Knolles, John Knolles, John Weryngton, William Weryngton, William Coventre, William Allen, Henry Yong, Richard Yong, Richard Snape, Thomas Penne, James Alen, George Pattyngham, Robert Whitmore, William Cowper, Richard Cowper and Oliver Cartwright regrated fresh fish contrary to statute. Margin: each of them, 12d. William Cloghe, James Danyon, William Molyneux, Robert Molyneux, Agnes Sefton, Randle Okell, John Cokeson, Otwell Barlowe, Edward Barlowe, John Bennett, Gruff ap Howell, Gruff ap Madok and John Twiston sold linen cloth by retail within the City against the custom of the City. Margin; each of them, 12d. All the constables within the City did not present : vagabonds and beggars as they ought, contrary to statute. Margin: each of them, 3s;4d, on condition that it should be levied according to the order of the Mayor etc. Maurice Maryner (4d) and German Walshe (4d) keep their pigs in the street. The same German Walshe (3s) keeps 'le bordelhouse'. Page 80v Thomas Arthure (6d), Roger Chavelt (6d), John Chetame (6d),.. [blank] Wodez (6d), Katherine White (6d), Katherine Johnson (4d), Hugh.. [blank] (6d), Hugh Wanerton [or Waverton] (4d), Richard Derwall (4d), John Alen (12d), Matthew Ellez (12d), William Maykyn (12d), Thomas Jeynson (12d), Nicholas Tirer (6d), John Taillior (5d), Christopher Tirrell (6d)1 William Carter (6d), John Stryngfelowe (6d), Alice Whitage (6d), Edward Suche (6d), Margaret Gray (6d), the wife of Thomas Balard (6d), John de le bote for bote [or vote] (6d), William Hoghton (12d), James Mascy (6d), Anne Bakhorne (6d), Richard Caly (6d), Elizabeth Mascy, widow (6d), Thomas Kerdif (6d), xx Katherine Broy (6d), Agnes Garnett (6d), Elena Derwall, widow (12d), Hugh Milner (6d), Thomas Ince (6d), George Arrohedmaker (6d), John Doglas (12d), Thomas Wright, baker (12d), Roger Davy [or Dany] (6d), Elizabeth Ellome (6d), Elizabeth Grene (6d),.. [blank], candlemaker (6d), the wife o page . [blank] [Drome?] (12d), John Best (6d), Ralph Acton (2s), Elizens Taillior (6d), Richard Beverlay, saddler (12d), Richard Grig, pinner (12d) and Thomas Hatton (4d) not being franchised within the City carried on their occupations and traded within the liberties of the City against the customs and liberties of the City. James Weston (4d), Gilbert Cuyrry (12d) and Thomas Scott (12d) keep their pigs in the streets against ordinance. Edward Wodeward (3s:4d) and Ithell ap Dio (3s:4d); asault on each other. John Taillior (3s:4d) and William Holden (3s:4d); assault on each other. The wife of Henry ap Res (6s:8d); assault on William Burgayny. Joan Plethyn (3s:4d); asault on.. [blank], wife of Richard Derwall. The wife of Richard Michell (6s:8d); assault on Joan Plethyn. John Tuder (6s:8d) and Thomas Barrowe the younger (6s:8d); assault on each other. Page 81. Margaret Dowse (2s) keeps 'le bordell house'. Margaret Strynger (12d), the wife of Hugh Hanky (12d), Anne Thorneton (12d), the wife of Thomas Barrowe (12d), Joan Hale, widow (12d), the wife of Richard Banyon, weaver, and the wife of Robert Brerewode (4d) regrated and forestalled the market in buying victuals. Robert Hope (6s:8d) and Thomas..barba (6s:8d); assault on each other. Richard Caly, slater (6s:8d) and Gruff ap Williams (6s:8d); assault on each other. William Crue (6s:8d); assault on.. [blank]. Richard Ley (3s:4d); assault on Richard Bradburn. Thomas Harper (12d); assault on Peter Tong. Robert Robert (6s:8d); assault on George Arrohedmacre. Robert Rutter (3s:4d); assault of William Gillam. Thomas Gillam (6s:8d) and William Gillam (6s:8d); assault on Robert Rutter. William Crue (12d) sold ale contrary to ordinance. Henry Barton, weaver (12d), took of the wood of his neighbours. John Aldersey, late of Chester, yeoman, Joan his wife, 'huswif', and Richard Taillior, late of the same, carpenter, on 18th Aug., 29 Hen.VIII, by force of arms entered into a certain garden of Thomas Martyn and John Page 81v. Cotgreve, draper, churchwardens of the Church of Holy Trinity, called 'the Trinitie garden'; and having entered there, lawful entry not being granted, holding the aforesaid garden by violence from the 18th August until the present, they expelled the said churchwardens from their possession, to the great damage of the churchwardens and of all the parish of Holy Trinity. Margin: fiat, processum. Robert Scrivenour, late of Chester, glover, and Margaret his wife, appeared and were dismissed by proclamation because they were not indicted and no one wished to speak further against them Margin: they are dismissed. John Coghyn, late of Chester, mariner, for the like. Margin: he is dismissed. John Abell, late of Chester, mariner, for the like. Margin: he is dismissed. Pages 82-84v. blank. Pages 85-86. Valuations. Tuesday after the Feast of St. Wulfran, 28 Hen. VIII [17th Oct., 1536]. John Smythe, baker, asked that two girdles decorated with silver gilt, mortgaged to him for £11 by Thomas Gillame, should be appraised. Appraised by Thomas A[ld]Jersey, Miles Newton, goldsmith, William Fleccher, baker, and Peter Bostok, capper. Tuesday after St. Valentine [20th Feb., 1537]... asked that various garments of the goods and chattels of Richard Cokeson should be appraised. Appraised by Richard Jeynson, she... Taillior, sherman, Edward Halewode and John David. Friday in the fourth week in Lent [9th March, 1537]. George Leche asked that three pieces of woollen cloth of the goods of Res ap William ap Thomas, pawned to him for 17s:8d should be appraised. Appraised by Richard Hewer, John Jevan, weaver, Randle Rixton and Richard Lidyate. Thursday in the fourth week in Lent [8th March, 1537]. Richard Thorneton asked that one silver dup of Christopher Wermyncham, put in pledge to him for 20s. should be appraised. Appraised by Adam Walton, William Smetheis, Roger Ledesham and Thomas Mason, ironmonger. Thursday after St. Ambrose [5th April, 1537]. George Leche asked that one garment furred with black lamb, one 'le Jak'' covered with fustian and one pair of 'hukez' of silver gilt of Thomas Baildon, pawned to him for 47s:3d, should be appraised. Appraised by Ralph Wright, Randle Rixton, Richard Lawe and Richard Lidyate Tuesday after the Feast of St. Gordianus, 29 Hen. VIII [15th May, 1537]. Adam Agar asked that one silver belt with a ring of gold, pawned to him by Hugh Bolt for 40s. should be appraised. Appraised by Adam Walton, Ralph Wright, George Chorleton and Thomas Baildon. Page 85v. 11th May, 29 Hen.VIII [1537], Simon Momford asked that various goods and chattels which were the goods of Richard Momford, deceased, seized to keep Simon indemnified for divers sums of money in which Richard was indebted to him, might be appraised. Appraised by Matthew Clerk, Thomas Wynchester, Edward Halewode and John Meir, tailor. List of goods with valuations - including domestic furniture and equipment of iron founder. 18th May [1537]. John Thorneton and Thomas Marten, late Sheriffs, asked that two garments of Richard Lawe, mercer, put in execution to them for 33s:4d and 4d damages and costs, at the suit of William Godeman, should be appraised. Appraised by William Smyth, John Burgayny, John Davyd and Richard Hewer. Friday after St. James [27th July, 1537]. William Bridde, barker, asked that two pieces of woollen cloth of broad measure, put in execution to him for 21s:4d by John David, should be appraised. Appraised by John Cotgreve, William Fraunces, butcher, John Fraunces, butcher, and John Smyth, baker, at 20s. Friday after St. Peter's Chains [3rd Aug., 1537]. Charles Heyto[n?] asked that one tunic of camlet and one 'le fruntlet' of the goods and chattels of John Wynne, pawned to him for 21s., should be appraised. Appraised by Richard Lowe, mercer, William Newhall, mercer, William Leche, draper, and Randle Rixton. Henry Radford asked that one silver cup put in execution to him by Richard Weston for 32s:4d should be appraised. Appraised by Richard Lowem mercer, William Newhall, mercer, William Leche, draper, and Randle Rixton. Page 86. Tuesday after the Assumption [21st Aug.,1537]. Fulk Dutton, draper, asked that one cup of silver gilt with a lid, mortgaged to him by Adam Walton for £4 should be appraised. Appraised by Miles Newton, Thomas Smyth, son of Edward Smyth, John Cotgreve and Richard Lowe. John Aldersey the elder asked that one silver cup, one salt with cover of silver gilt and one cup parcel gilt, of the goods and chattels of Peter Conway, pledge of R.ogerton, put in execution by John Anyngson, Sheriff, at the suit of Aldersey, for £4:13s:?d, should be appraised. Appraised by Miles Newton, goldsmith, Thomas Smyth, son of Edward Smyth.. part of page missing. 10th May, Joan Daa... of the goods and chattels of John Barker, pawned to her.. [Appraised by].. William Dunderdale, John Meire, tailor, and William.. Pages 86v.-87v. blank. Page 88. County Court Pleas Monday after SS. Simon and Jude, 28 Hen.VIII [30th Oct., 1536]. Thomas Hardware, late of Halton, [co. Chester, yeoman, exacted for the fourth time to this court at the suit of Peter] Strete to satisfy him for 100s. which were decreed to Peter for a certain [oath?] taken by reason of a certain false appeal prosecuted by Thomas against Peter. He did not appear. Therefore he was to be exacted for the fifth time to the next court Margin: exacted for the fourth time... after St. Catherine, Virgin, 28 Hen.VIII, 27th Nov., [1536]. Thomas Hardware exacted for the fifth time. He did not appear. Therefore he was outlawed by the judgment of Nicholas Johnson and Thomas Golburn, Coroners. Margin: outlawed. Page 88v. blank. Page 89 Memoranda of Recognizances taken before Sheriffs and Clerk of Pentice. Top of page missing. First entry almost completely missing... Jan., 28 Hen.VIII[1537]. Alice Jevan, widow, Godfrey Cowper, hopper, and Robert [Johns, mercer] acknowledged they owed Robert Atkynson 5 marks... Jan., 28 Hen.VIII. The same acknowledged they owed the same 5 marks for cloth bought from him, to be paid at the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1538. 11th May, 29 Hen. VIII [1537]. Simon Monford acknowledged he owed Robert Atkynson 16s. for woollen cloth bought from him, to be paid before the Nativity of St. John Baptist next and the first week of Lent, by equal portions. (Note. William Newhall described as 'Clerk appointed for receiving recognizances of debts in the Exchequer of the Pentice'). Page 89v. blank.
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