RepositoryCheshire Record Office
ReferenceZ S/B/9/b
TitleBound part. Pages 33-56
DescriptionPages 33-56. Pages 33, 56. Cover (parchment). Page 34. 17th century heading: '34, 35 H8. Goodman, Gee.vic' A contemporary entry: 'm' Chester.. of August, Ano 1543, He yt spendes muche and gettes noght, Owth myche and hath noght, Pottes his hand in his porse and fyndes noght, Maye be sory at his hart and saye noght'. Page 34v. blank. Pages 35-54v. Port Entries 19th Oct. 34 Hen.VIII [1542]-4th Oct. [1543]. 88 ships. Fairly detailed descriptions of cargoes. Page 54 is misplaced and probably belongs after Page 39. Page 55. Memoranda of Recognizances taken before the Sheriffs. Peter Conway acknowledged himself [to owe?] to Thomas Brereton, son of Sir Randle Brereton,.. one chalice, a.. of silver and four spoons, which plate he bound himself to make forthcoming when demanded. Received of the said Thomas in money: 17s:9d; also a little cross of silver gilt. 10th March, 34 Hen.VIII [1543]. The said money paid by the Sheriffs to the said Brereton before witnesses. Page 55v. Two lines illegible.
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