RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleJohn Smith, Mayor, William Gerard, Recorder
Descriptionf.1. 2 Jan. 1555/6
Sessions: Precept witnessed by John Smyth, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 on Thursday 16 Jan. [1555/6].
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs Thomas Wetherall and John Rees.
f.2. Indictment that John Glynne of Shipston on Stow, co. Worcester, taylor, and John Owen alias John [Howell] of Chester, yeoman, on 24 June 1556 in Chester cut with a knife worth a 1d. a purse containing 10s. belonging to Robert Wev[er]ham of Chester, labourer.
Billa vera. Not guilty.
ff3-30. Presentments including: on f.10 3 vagabonds; on f.25 William Flesher, wever for 'cardinge dysinge and all suche unlawfull gamous througe out all the night wyth houldinge and discoraging mens sarvants frome ther labor'; and on f.26 2 constables indicted not having no presentments.
f.31. Indictment that Thomas Massy of Coventry 'berebruor' alias Thomas Massy of Chester, yeoman, and Robert Burges of Streatendale, Salop, taylor, alias Robert Burges of Chester, yeoman, on 24 June 1556 broke into a shop belonging to John Rees of Chester, mercer, and stole a piece of 'fyne canvas' containing 8 ells worth 30s.
Billa vera.
f.32. Indictment that Thomas Hearforde of Chester, merchant, on 20 Jan. 1555/6 and on several other occasions both before and after this date broke into an orchard in Chester belonging to Ralph Wright and stole wood from the same.
Endorsed: Billa vera.
f.33. Indictment that John Burgonyon alias Frenchman of Chester, surgeon, on 1 July 1556 broke into the house of Robert Dryhurst of Chester, merchant, in le Bridgstrete and stole a purse containing £28 of gold.
Endorsed: Billa vera.
f.34. Indictment that Thomas Graye of Chester, 'corryar' on 25 July 1556 broke into the house of John Yarworthe, gentleman., in Chester, forced the said John out and took possession of the house.
Billa vera.
f.35. 30 July 1556
Crownmote: Precept witnessed by John Smythe, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to bring Joan Hynton of Froddesham, Cheshire, widow, alias Joan Lowe of Hondebridge, Chester, spinster, to the next Crownmote on Monday on the feast of St. Lawrence the Martyr, [10 Aug. 1556].
Endorsed: executed as in f.1. Found.
f.36. 30 July 1556
Crownmote: Precept witnessed by John Smythe, Mayor, to the Sheriff for the delivery of the Northgate Gaol and to bring the prisoners to the next, Crownmote, on Monday on the feast of St. Lawrence the Martyr. [10 Aug. 1556]
Endorsed: executed as in f.1.
f.37. Panel.
f.38. 30 July 1556
Crownmote: Precept witnessed by John Smythe, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to bring Thomas Massye of Coventry, beer-brewer, alias Thomas Massy of Chester, yeoman, and Robert Burges of Streatendale, Salop, taylor, alias Robert Burges of Chester, yeoman, to the next Crownmote on Aug. 1556.
Endorsed: executed as in f.1. Found.
f.39. 30 July 1556
Crownmote: Precept witnessed by John Smyth, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to bring John Glynne of Shipston on Stowe, co. Worcester, taylor, and John Owen alias Howell of Chester, yeoman, to the next Crownmote on 10 Aug. 1556.
Endorsed: executed as in f.1. Found.
f.40. List of officers and panel. John Smyth, Mayor.
f.41. 15 Sept. 1556
Sessions: Precept witnessed by John Smythe, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 on Thursday next before the feast of St. Dionysius the Martyr [8 Oct.1556].
Endorsed: executed as in f.1.
f.42. Indictment that John ap Will[ia]m of Gwernehellyn, co. Denbigh, yeoman, on 2[Illegible] June 1554, broke into the shop of Hugh Davy in Chester and stole a length of woollen cloth called 'le redde clothe' containing 4 yards worth [illegible] and another piece of 'le redd clothe' containing 3 yards worth ?10s.
Billa vera.
f.43. Indictment that John Owen of Ruthyn, co. Denbigh, yeoman, alias [illegible] alias John Hall of Chester, yeoman, on [illegible] 3 and 4 Philip and Mary [1556-7] in Chester stole 6d. in a purse belonging to ?Elizabeth [illegible].
Billa vera.
f.44. List of officers and panel. Partially illegible.
ff45-7. Presentments.
f.48. 2 May 1556
Crownmote: Precept witnessed by John Smyth, Mayor, to the Sheriffs for the delivery of the Northgate gaol, and to bring the prisoners to the next Crownmote on Monday before Pentecost [18 May 1556].
Endorsed: executed as in f.1.
f.49. Indictment that Peter ap ?Jenn' ap Madok' of Trafford, Cheshire, tailor, alias Peter [etc.], yeoman, on 15 March 1555/6, about the twelfth hour in the night broke into a shop called 'a shermons shoppe,' belonging to Richard Twisse, sherman, in Chester and stole 60 yards of wollen cloth of various colours worth £6 belonging to Thomas Lokker, Percival Peter John Heyvell and Lancelot Prestland.
Billa vera.
f.50. Indictment that Griffith ap Rees of Yale, co. Denbigh, labourer, on 18 March 1555/6 stole two geldings, 'spadones' in Chester, one being bay-coloured and the other white worth 40s., belonging to David Geffreys.
Billa vera.
f.51. 2 May 1556
Crownmote: Precept witnessed by John Smythe, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to bring Griffith ap Rees of Yale, co. Denbigh, labourer, to the next Crownmote on Monday before Pentecost. [18 May 1556].
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs as in f.1. Found.
f.52. Panel.
f.53. List of officers and panel. John Smythe, Mayor.
f.54. 4 April 1556.
Sessions: precept witnessed by John Smythe, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 on Thursday next before the feast of St. George the Martyr [16 April 1556].
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs as in f.1.
f.55. Indictment that John Newhall of Chester, yeoman, on 24 May 1555 at Chester, not being the son or heir apparent of a knight, or being worth £20 a year, or having goods worth £200, wore a velvet cap with a silk mantle called 'le sylke' on his head and continued to do so from this date for one month, contrary to an act of parliament of land 2 Philip and Mary [1554-5] which stated that only persons, as described, were permitted to wear a silk mantle, 'holosericum' called le sylke or a velvet cap, bonnet, 'nighte cappe' 'scabard', hose, shoes and 'le spurre lethers' under pain of three months imprisonment and a fine of £10.
Billa vera.
f.56. ?10 July 1556
Sessions: Precept witnessed by John Smythe, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 on Thursday next after the feast of St. James the Apostle [30 July 1556].
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs as in F.1.
f.57. List of officers and panel. John Smythe, Mayor.
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