RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleHenry Hardware, Mayor, Richard Birkenhead, Recorder
Description1. illegible.
2. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
3. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward.
4. Presentment of William ?Cross, beerbrewer, and others for bowling on 12 Aug. 1576.
Billa vera.
5. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
6. Constables presentments for St. Clave's ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
7. Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
8. Constables presentments for ?
9. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
10. Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
11. Constables presentments for St. Giles ward.
12. Panel for Crownmote court.
Damaged and incomplete.
13. [-] May 1576
Examination of Thomas -- of Skrimesdale [Skelmersdale], co.

14. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
15. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward, including the presentment of Richard Karter, tailor, and Richard Wright, sherman, for leaving St. Bridget's church on 22 Jan. 1575/6 during the sermon, and going to the Roodee to fight with weapons, followed by a crowd of people. Also ale sellers presented for keeping their doors open 'at servis tyme'. Reference to the playing of [missing] on the Roodee every Sunday and on holy days.
16. Indictment that Elizabeth Cooke of Little Lower [Little Over], co. Derby, spinster, on 25 June 1575 in Chester cut, with a k knife, price ½d., a purse from Elizabeth Ratcliffe of West Kirkbie, Cheshire, widow, containing £3 [illegible].
Billa vera
Damaged and partially illegible.
17. Indictment that Thomas Bradeley of Skrimesdale [Skelmersdale], co. Lancaster and Thomas Wilson of Wici Malbon' [Wich Malbank], Cheshire, tinker, on 26 May 1576 in Chester cut with a knife worth 1d. a purse from Margaret Leigh containing 5s. and [illegible], price frac12;d., and whether John Brinley of Wici Malbon', tinker, on the same day, knowing what they had done, aided and helped them. Billa vera
18. Indictment that Ellen Chalmer of Chester, widow, on 20 July 1576 in Chester broke into the shop of Robert Amion of Chester, butcher, and stole a loin of mutton worth 4d. and 2 lbs. of tallow worth 4d.
Billa vera.
19. Indictment that [illegible], yeoman, on ?14 July [illegible] in Chester assaulted [illegible]
Billa vera.
Damaged and mainly illegible.
20. Indictment that John [missing] Richard Grymsdych of Chester assaulted Richard Massie, gentleman.
Damaged and part missing.
21. 25 June 1576
Crownmote: Precept witnessed by Henry Hardware, Mayor, to the Sheriffs for the delivery of Northgate gaol, and to summon a jury of 24 men on 6 Aug. 1675.
Endorsed: executed by William Golborn and David Dymock, Sheriffs.
Damaged and part missing.
22. 26 June 1576
?Sessions: Precept witnessed by Henry Hardware, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 on Monday [illegible]. Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 21.
Damaged and part missing.
23. Indictment that David ap ?Jenan Bedowe of Chester, glover, on 26 May 1575 in Chester stole 40 tawed sheep skins, worth 13s. 4d., and 100 tawed chaverells [?lambskins] worth 6s. from Robert Brerewood of Chester, glover, and that Robert Barrowe, glover, Anna Barrowe, spinster, Edward ap Thomas, glover, and William Caldey, glover, all of Chester, on 25 May helped the said David ap ? Jenan.
Billa vera.
24. Panel for Crownmote court.
25. [1575 date illegible]
Crownmote: Precept witnessed by Henry Hardware, Mayor, to the Sheriffs for the delivery of Northgate gaol, and to summon a jury of 24 on Monday 28 [Nov. 1575].
Seal: Privy seal of the Mayor with counter seal. Incomplete. Damaged and part missing.
26. [date illegible]
Sessions: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 on Thursday ?15 March 1575/6.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 21.
Seal: Privy seal of Mayor with counter seal. Incomplete.
27. Nov. 1574-5
Sessions: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 on [illegible] November.
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs as in 21.
Seal: Privy seal of Mayor with counter seal. Incomplete.
28. Indictment that Ludovic Gill of Monke Silver [Monksilver], co. Somerset, miller, on 14 June 1576 in Chester, stole a white horse, price £3 belonging to Gilbert Romesdon of Greetland, co. York, clothworker.
Billa vera.
29. List of officers and panel. Henry Hardware, Mayor.
30. ?Panel for Crownmote court.
Damaged and mostly illegible.
31. ?Panel for Crownmote court.
Damaged and mostly illegible.
32. 27 May 1576
Examination of John Brinley of Nantwich, Cheshire, tinker, concerning the theft of a purse by Thomas Bradeley and Thomas Wilson as in 17.
Damaged and incomplete.
33. Indictment that Thomas Hodgekinson of Wiersdale [Over Wyresdale] co. Lancaster, shoemaker on 22 Oct. 1575 in Chester stole a cow, price 40s. belonging to [Thomas Warton] of Alker, co. Lancaster, yeoman, and that Richard Hodgkenson of Chester, weaver, on the same day, knowing what he had done, aided and helped him.
Billa vera.
Damaged and part missing.
34. Indictment that Thomas Hodgkinson of Wiersdale, co. Lancaster, shoemaker, on 22 Oct. 1575 in Chester, stole 3 bullocks, price £4, and one heifer, price 20s. belonging to John Kenion of Alker, co. Lancaster, yeoman, and that Richard Hodgkinson of Chester, weaver, on the same day, knowing what he had done, helped him.
Billa vera.
35. Indictment that Thomas Hodgkinson of Wiersdale, co. Lancaster, shoemaker, on 22 Oct. 1575 in Chester, stole 2 bullocks, price £3 and 2 heifers, price 40s. belonging to Christopher Livesey of Alker, co. Lancaster, yeoman, and that Richard Hodgkinson of Chester, weaver, on the same day, knowing what he had done, helped him.
Billa vera.
36. Presentment of John ?Selaray of Chester for breaking into the house of Edward Smythe of Chester, baker,.....
Billa vera.
Damaged and mostly illegible.
37. Constables presentments for St. Giles ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
38. Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
39. 17 March 1575/6
Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
40. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward, including the presentment of William Wright for lodging of Irish men and women, recently come from Ireland, without the knowledge of the aldermen or constables.
41. 24 July 1576
Examination of Catherine Taylor of Chester, widow, concerning the supposed rape of Sybil Mur..., an infant, by Richard Cook.
Damaged and incomplete.
42. Constables presentments for Northgate Street ward.
43. Constables presentments for Trinity ward. [These presentments are listed under eleven articles 'of our Instructions'.]
44. Constables presentments for Eastgate ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
45. List of eleven instructions for constables for making their presentments.
46. Constables presentments for St. Michaels ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
47. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
48. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
49. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
50. 8 Dec. 1575
Sessions: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury on Thursday 22 Dec. 1575.
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs as in 21.
Damaged and incomplete.
51. Panel for Crownmote Court.
52. Fragment of an ?examination.
Endorsed: Thomas Mort.
53. Examination of William Mutton, Christopher Goodman ...
Damaged and illegible.
54. 14 ?Jan. 1574/5
Examination of Richard Wilbram and Richard Churche ....
Damaged and illegible.
55. Examination of Peter Tilston and Mathew Ellis ....
Damaged and illegible.
56. 17 ?June 1575
Examination of James Milner ....
Damaged and illegible.
57. ?18 Jan. 1574/5
Examination of William Dob of Chester, sherman, and William Kent of Chester, mason, concerning an affray between John Tilston, Ralph Ellis and William Edwards.
Damaged and badly faded.
58. 18 Jan. 1574/5
Examination of Geoffrey Hough of Chester, tailor, concerning the same.
Damaged and badly faded.
59. 18 Jan. 1574/5
Examination of Thomas Aldersey of Chester concerning the same.
Damaged and badly faded.
60. Examination of ?Robert [illegible] concerning the same.
Damaged, incomplete and badly faded.
61. 25 April [1575]
Examination of Alexander Harison of Chester, aged 54, stating that he looked after John Tilston when he was wounded the previous September, and that Sampson Davy and Francis Eddrman, surgeons, were present at the second dressing two days later and approved what he had done, and that they had hopes that he would live. Also examination of Richard Poole of Chester, gentleman., age 42, John Milner of Chester, tailor, aged 40, and Randle Trevor, doctor in physic, aged 45, concerning the same.
62. 29 April 1575
Examination of John Holt of Handbridge, Chester, husbandman, aged 40, Nicholas ?Bremes of Handbridge aged 58, William Cross of Chester, glover, aged 60, Edward Aldcroft of Thornton upon the More [Thornton le Moors], Cheshire, yeoman, aged 30, and Alexander Haryson, surgeon, concerning the same.
63. 29 April 1575
Examination of William Brome of Chester, shoemaker, aged 50, Joan Tilston, aged 50, widow of John Tilston, Jane Bernet of Handbridge, spinster, aged 30, and Thomas Browne of Saltney side, Chester, gentleman. concerning the same.
64. 22 April 1575
Examination of William Stiles, of Chester, weaver, aged 43, John Williams, of Chester, weaver, aged 19, and Richard Amion, of Chester, aged 25, concerning the same.
65. 22 April 1575
Examination of Richard Dutton of Chester, alderman, aged 46, concerning the same. Refers to 'standing in the Pentice' and to Bishops Gate or the Minster Gate, the porter of which was Edward Griff'.
66. 22 April 1575
Examination of Richard Case, serjeant-at-mace, aged 60 years, and Richard Carpenter, aged 25 years, concerning the same.
67. 25 April 1575
Examination of Sampson Dawye, surgeon, John Whitley of Shotton, co. Flint, gentleman., aged 60, and John Jefferey of Chester, innkeeper, aged 40, concerning the same.
68. Examination of John Bowyer of Chester, aged 22, concerning the same. Refers to the High Cross.
69. Constables presentments for [ ] gate Street ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
70. 25 April 1575
Examination of Randle Trevor, doctor in physic, concerning the same.
71. 29 April 1575
Examination of William Parson of Cholmondeley, Cheshire, yeoman, aged 50.
72. Panel for Crownmote court.
73. [date illegible]
Crownmote. Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 28 Nov. [1575].
Damaged, incomplete and mainly illegible.
74-5. Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
Fragments only, badly faded.
76. Indictment that Peter Leicestr of Helde, Cheshire, yeoman, on 19 Nov. 1575 in Chester with a knife, price ½d., cut a purse from Elizabeth Fletcher of Aldeford, spinster, containing 5s. 10d. and 3 silver rings worth 12d., and that Nicholas Strange alias Cole of Chester, yeoman, Margery Strange alias Cole of Chester, spinster, and John Rudware of Chester, yeoman, on the same day, knowing what he had done, aided and helped him.
Billa vera.
77. 20 July 1575
Examination of Edward ap [Thomas] of Chester, glover, apprentice to Robert Barrow, glover, concerning the theft of skins from Robert Brewod as in 23.
78. Examination of William Cawdy of Chester, glover, formerly servant of Robert Barrow, concerning the same.
79. 26 July 1575
Examination of David ap Evan Bedlow of Chester, glover, servant of Robert Brewod concerning the same.
80. 22 July 1575
Examination of Robert Barrow of Chester, glover, concerning the same.
81. ?19 July 1575
Examination of Edward Thomas, aged 15, apprentice to Robert Barrow, concerning the same.
Damaged and badly faded.
82. Examination of [illegible] concerning the same.
Damaged and badly faded.
83. 19 Nov. 1575
Examination of Peter Richardson, son of Peter Richardson of Warrington, co. Lancaster, pedlar, concerning the theft of a purse as in 76. With further examinations on 22 and 25 Nov.
Also examination of Joan Fletcher of Aldford, Cheshire, spinster, concerning the same, 20 Nov. 1575.
84. 22 Nov. 1575
Examination of Nicholas Strange alias Cole concerning the same.
85. 23 Nov. 1575
Examination of Nicholas Strange alias Cole and Thomas Woodes concerning the same and Peter Richardson alias Leycester. With further examination of Thomas Woodes 24 Nov. 1575 in which he stated that 'in the upper chamber' of the gaol the said Peter confessed that he had cut Elizabeth Fletcher's purse.
86. 24 Nov. 1575
Examination of John Rudware concerning the same.
87. 22 Oct. 1575
Examination of Thomas Hodgekynson of Wyersdale, co. Lancaster, shoemaker, William Kyrk, and Richard Hodgekynson, brother of the said Thomas, concerning the theft of cattle as in 33-5.
88. 23 Oct. 1575
Further examination of Thomas and Richard Hodgekynson concerning the same.
89. [15] June 1575
Examination of [Ludovic] Gill of Monke Silver [Monksilver], co. Somerset, miller, concerning the theft of a horse as in 28.
Damaged and incomplete.
90. 12 June [missing]
Letter from Henry ?Ellistones to his wife Alice asking her to consult her mother and send him word by the bearer of this letter.
Damaged and incomplete.
91. Memorandum witnessed by Edward Mylburne, parson, that Ludovic Gylle, servant of Christopher Standyshe of Munkesyllver [Monksilver], co. Somerset, miller, had left his master's service.
Damaged and badly faded.
92. 25 [missing] 17 Elizabeth [1574-5]
Examination of Elizabeth Coock of Little Lower [Little Over] co. Derby, wife of George [Coock] concerning the theft of a purse as in 16.
93. 20 Nov. [missing]
Letter from Thomas Gryffe concerning Peter Rycerson [Richardson] son of William Rycerson, a pedlar, sometime of Warrington.
Damaged and incomplete.
94. Constables presentments, fragment only.
95. List of officers and panel.
Damaged and mainly illegible.
96. Constables presentments, fragment only.
97. Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
98. Presentment, fragment.
99. Constables presentments for Trinity Ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
100. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward without the Northgate.
Damaged and incomplete.
101. Constables presentments for St. Giles's ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
102. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
103. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward, Handbridge.
Damaged and incomplete.
104. Constables presentments for Eastgate ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
105. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
106-8. Constables presentments, fragments only.
109. 18 April 1576
Sessions: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 on Thursday [3] May 1576.
Damaged and incomplete.
110-12. Lists of interrogatories concerning the death of John Tilston, as in 57.
Damaged and incomplete.
113. 22 March 1574/5
Examination of William Goodman of Chester, merchant, aged ?38, concerning the same.
Damaged and incomplete.
114-15. 22 [March] 1574/5
Examination of John Giller of Hoppesford [Hapsford], Cheshire, husbandman, aged 80, tenant of John Dutton of Dutton, Cheshire, esq., William Rutter of [missing], yeoman, aged 40, and Thomas Curbishley of Styall [Styal], Cheshire, yeoman, aged 60, concerning the same.
Damaged and incomplete.
116. 22 [March] 1574/5
Examination of John Dutton, gentleman., aged 46, concerning the same.
Damaged and incomplete.
117. 22 [March] 1574/5
Examination of John Starky of ?Darley, Cheshire, esq., aged 28, and Ralph Bruyne of Tarvyn [Tarvin] Cheshire, aged 34, co concerning the same.
Damaged and incomplete.
118. 22 March 1574/5
Examination of Paul Chauntrell of Chester, mercer, aged 39, and W. Massy of Chester, merchant, aged 38 years, concerning the same.
Damaged and incomplete.
119-20. 23 [March 1574/5
Examination of William Crosse of Dutton, Cheshire, yeoman, aged 38, tenant of the said John Dutton, John Colkyn of Meire [Mere], Cheshire, yeoman, aged 23, and George Holford of Newbrough near Dutton, Cheshire, gentleman., aged 26, concerning the same.
Damaged and incomplete.
121. 23 March [1574/5]
Further examination of John Calkyn, and examination of William Calkyn of Dutton, Cheshire, yeoman, aged 28, concerning the same.
Damaged and incomplete.
122. 23 March [1574/5]
Examination of Edmund ?Cally of Chester, aged 30, servant of the said John Dutton, esq., concerning the same.
Damaged and incomplete.
123. 23 March 1574/5
Examination of Thomas Parvis of Chester, schoolmaster, aged ?3[-], Anne Parvis, his wife, aged 38, William Lea of Chester, officer, aged 33, and Geoffrey Hough of Chester, tailer, aged 25, concerning the same.
Damaged and incomplete.
124. 23 March 1574/5
Examination of Ralph ?Hulby of Chester, shoemaker, aged 32, and JohnLingley of Chester, goldsmith, aged 32, concerning the same.
Damaged and incomplete.
125. Examination of John Fisher the elder of [missing], aged 50, concerning the same.
Damaged and part missing.
126. List of interrogatories concerning the death of John Tilston, servant of John Dutton.
Damaged and incomplete.
127. Constables presentments for St. Giles's ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
128. Constables presentments for Northgate ward, fragment only.
129. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward, fragment only.
130. Indictment that William Cross of Chester [illegible] in Chester shot an arrow from a crossbow at a 'molossum' belonging to Edward Grymesdiche [illegible] in a field called Chesterfilde.
Billa vera.
Damaged and partially illegible.
131. Presentment that many persons having rooms and cellars, with inmates, next to the street, having 'noe places of easment' are defiling the Rows, streets, cellar doors and lanes to the annoyance of neighbours, 'a very odyrus syght and saver' to those passing by, and 'greatlye to the myslyke of all strangrs walkyng abroade in the Cyttye.'
132. Constables presentments for Trinity Ward, fragment only.
133. Constables presentments, fragment only.
134. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward, fragment only.
135. Constables presentments, fragment only.
136. Constables presentments for St. [missing] ward, fragment only.
137. Constables presentments, fragment only.
138. 22 July ?1576
Sessions: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on [Thursday 9 Aug. 1576].
Damaged and mainly illegible.
139. List of officers and panel.
Damaged and illegible.
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