RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleJohn Harvey, Mayor, Richard Birkenhead, Recorder
Description1. Indictment that Richard Rees of Chester, weaver, on 20 Aug. 1576 in Chester broke into the house of John Clerk, gentleman., and stole one bushell of malt, valued at 5s.
Billa vera.
2. Indictment that Richard Harvie of Cheshire, yeoman, on 11 Dec. 1576 in Chester stole 12 lbs. of wool worth 4s., the owner of which was not known.
Billa vera.
3. Indictment that Matilda Gitten of Aldeford, Cheshire, spinster, on 3 Nov. 1576 in Chester stole 3 flax sheets worth 10s. and a counterpane, 'coverpane', worth 5s. belonging to Richard Benian.
Billa vera.
4. Indictment that Richard Harvie of Chester, yeoman, on 11 Dec. 1576 in Chester stole 12 lbs. of wool worth 4s., the owner of which was not known.
5. Panel for Crownmote Court.
6. 21 Jan. 1576/7
Crownmote: Precept witnessed by John [Harvie], Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 4 March 1576/7.
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs Thomas Lynyall and John Barnes.
7. Complaint by Richard Bate, prisoner in the Northgate to the Mayor, concerning his wrongful imprisonment for poisoning, with a description of electuarum succro rosarum mixed with 'ye fusse of colliquentidaie' in a 'littell pewter pott', and the process of purging the 'vapours and superflewities of humors' by evaporation.
Damaged and incomplete.
8. Examination of Robert Lea and another [name missing] concerning the death of Anne Lloyd, who, it was suspected, died from a poison made by Richard Bate, servant of Thomas Mercer, barber.
Damaged and incomplete.
9. 28 Feb. 1576/7
Examination of Elizabeth Bellin, wife of George Bellin, John Willis, and Rose Baxter concerning the same, the said Anne Lloyd being a servant of the said George Bellin. Elizabeth Bellin stated that the said Anne complained of headaches which Thomas Mercer said Bate 'a skillfull and conning man' would cure for 6s. 8d. given to the said Thomas Mercer. The examination of Rose Baxter contains a reference to Anne Lloyd going 'very mery' to the house of Mr. Roland Wright 'to be his valantine'.
10. 1 March 1576/7
Examination of Thomas Mercer, barber, concerning the same, and the purchase of medicines at the shop of Adam Bles.
11. 1 March 1576/7
Examination of Ellen Bles wife of Adam Bles concerning the same.
12. 1 March 1576/7
Examination of John Pyllin concerning the same.
13. Examination of John Bolleyne of Chester, taylor, aged 24 years, concerning a conversation with Richard Bate in the Northgate relating to the suspected poisoning of the said Anne Bate.
14. Examination of Richard Bate concerning the same.
15. Indictment that Thomas Barlow of [London] on 19 April 1577 in Chester broke into the house of James Banester, innkeeper, and stole [a cloak], price 30s., a sword, price 13s. 4d., belonging to Cuthbert Wyrne, gentleman., then being in the said house. Also that George Banester of Chester, chapman, and Roger Calcot of Chester, smith on 20 April, knowing what the said Thomas Barlow had done, aided and helped him.
Billa vera.
16. Indictment that John Ince of Chester, shoemaker, on 23 May 1577 in Chester stole two shirts, the price of each one being 5s. belonging to Humphrey Weston of Chester, glover.
Billa vera.
17. Indictment that John Tapley of Handbridge, Chester, glover, on 8 June 1577 in Chester stole a black calf, price 7s., belonging to Robert Bewmaryes.
Billa vera.
18. Indictment that John Powell of Chester, capper, on 31 Dec. 1576, in Chester, stole a cloak, price 20s., belonging to Roger Pulleston, esq.
Billa vera.
19. Indictment that William Johnson alias Micledale of Neston, Cheshire, glover, on 10 April 1577 in Chester, stole 2 sheep fells, the price of each being 12d., belonging to Walter Aspull, merchant.
20. Indictment reciting that whereas Anne Lloyd of Chester, spinster, on 10 Feb. 1576/7 complained of a bad headache which she had suffered for 3 days, and that whereas on the same day Thomas Marcer of Chester, barber, approached Richard Baxter of Chester, weaver, and Rose, his wife, mother of the said Anne, and offered to cure the said Anne for 6s. 8d., which was paid to the said Thomas by the said Rose on 12 Feb., that Richard Bate of Chester, yeoman (alias servant to the said Thomas Marcer) on 14 Feb., with the help and advice of the said Thomas, gave a poisoned drink to the said Anne to cure the said headache, and that the said Anne having taken the same, fell ill on 16 Feb. and died at 4 p.m. on 19 Feb. poisoned by the said Richard Bate and Thomas Marcer.
21. Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
22. Constables presentments for ?Eastgate Street ward.
23. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
24. Constables presentments for [name of ward missing].
25. Constables presentments for Northgate ward.
26. Constables presentments for [name of ward missing].
27. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
28. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
29. Constables presentments for [name of ward missing].
30. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
31. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward.
32. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
33. List of officers and panel. John Harvy, mayor.
34. 1 June [?1577]
Sessions: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 on Thursday [date illegible].
Endorsed: Executed by Sheriffs Thomas Lynyall and John Barnes.
35. Constables presentments for Eastgate Street ward.
36. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
37. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward.
38. Constables presentments for St. Giles's ward.
39. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
40. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
41. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward, including a note that Richard Pyckringe servant of Mr. Richard Kethenes drove the cattle of the comenes in to the Lache' contrary to custom.
42. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
43. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
44. Constables presentments for Northgate Street ward.
45. Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
46. Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
47. Constables presentments [no ward given].
48. List of officers and panel. John Harvy, Mayor.
49. 24 July 1577
Sessions: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 on Thursday 22 Aug. 1577.
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs as in 34.
50. 23 March 1576/7
Examination of William Lewis of Dodleston, Cheshire, slater, Alice ?Tudder his wife, William Fulk of Ripon, waterman, John Harison of Ruabon, co. Flint, serving man, Hugh Williams of Northop, co. Flint, and Thomas Bager of Whithenten [Withington] near Shrewsbury, concerning their presence in Chester as in 65. John Harison said that he had come to Chester as he had heard that men were being enlisted for service in the Irish wars.
51. Jurors presentments 'ther own knowlage'.
52. Constables presentments for Northgate ward.
53. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
54. Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
55. Constables presentments for St. Giles's ward.
56 Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
57 1576
Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
58. 29 Dec. 1576-9 Feb. 1576/7
Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
59. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward that on 26 March 1577 John Gyttyn and Humphrey Burghall raised the sheriffs of the city and the constables of this ward with other officers to deliver a process to Robert Lathom, merchant, and surrounded the house of the said Robert at 9 o'clock at night, just as the said Robert was going to bed, to the disturbance of the said Robert and his wife and their household.
60. Constables presentments for Eastgate ward.
61. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
62. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward.
63 Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
64. Indictment that Henry Houghton of Chester, ironmonger, on 1 March 1576/7 in Chester stole a piece of leather, price 5s. belonging to Richard Barker, tanner.
65. Presentment that William Lewis of Doddleston, Chester, slater, William Fulk of Ripon, Yorkshire, mariner, John Harison of Ruabon, co, Flint, yeoman, Hugh Williams of Nortop, co. Flint, yeoman, John Richardson of Oxon. [Oxton], Cheshire, weaver, and John M'edd, fidler, all over the age of 20 years, in Chester on 23 March 1576/7 and for several days, all after the feast of St. Bartholomew 14 Elizabeth [24 Aug. 1572] behaved like rogues and vagabonds contrary to the statute [of 1572].
Billa vera.
Note that in accordance with the statute these persons were flogged on 29 March 1577.
66. Indictment that Rice ap Richard of Kilkin [Cilcain] co. Flint, yeoman, on 14 March 1576/7 in Chester stole 3 sheepskins the price of each being 10d., belonging to John Evans, butcher.
Billa vera.
67. List of officers and panel. John Harvy, Mayor.
68. 20 March [1576/7]
Sessions: Precept witnessed by John Harvy, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 on Thursday 28 March 1577. Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs as in 34.
69. Indictment that John ?Sanes of Yermoth [Yarmouth] co. Norfolk, yeoman, on 24 June stole a jerkin, price 2s., the owner of which was not known.
70. 27 June 1577
Examination of Thomas Bradeley of Ewell [Yeovil], co. Somerset and John Sars of Yermowth [Yarmouth] co. Norfolk concerning their presence in Chester.
71. 24 June 1577
Examination of Howell Willin of Broughton near Ludlow, Salop, Edward Jonson of Kendal, Westmorland, and Isobel Bradshaw, wife of George Bradshaw of Sheland [ ], co. Derby, concerning their presence in Chester.
72. 24 June 1577
Examination of Richard Gerrard of Rachdale [Rochdale] co. Lancaster, yeoman, Ralph Bradshaw of Eccles, co. Lancaster, William Liddall, of York, barber surgeon and Richard ?Haulk of Bolton, co. Lancaster concerning their presence in Chester.
73. Indictment that Thomas Bradeley of Ewell [Yeovil] co. Somerset, yeoman, Howell Willin of Broughton, Salop, yeoman, Isabel Bradshawe of Sleland [ ] co. Derby, spinster, Ralph Bradshawe of Eccles, co. Lancaster, yeoman, and William Lyddall of York, barber surgeon, all over the age of 20 years, in Chester on 24 June 1577 and for several days behaved like vagabonds contrary to the statute.
Billa vera.
74. Panel for Crownmote Court.
75. 27 May 1577
Crownmote: Precept, witnessed by John Harvy, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 8 July 1577.
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs as in 34.
Seal: fragment on tongue.
76-7. 25 April 1577
Examination at Flint of George Awbrey concerning Thomas Barlo, taken by John Gruffith, esq.
78-9. 24 April 1577
Examination at Flint by John Gruffith and William Mostyn, esqs. justices of the peace for the county of Flint of John Barlo of Bristol, servant of John Norys, esq., one of the sons of Lord Norys, concerning the theft of goods in Chester as in 15.
80-1. 25 May 1577
Examination of Thomas Barlow at Chester concerning the same.
82-85. 28 April 1577
Examination of George Banester of Chester, chapman, and Roger Calcot concerning the same.
86. 20 March 1576/7
Examination of Ries ap Richard, Thomas ap Shone, servant to John Amion, glover, and Henry Pemberton, glover, concerning the theft of sheepskins by the said Ries ap Richard as in 66.
87. 18 March 1576/7
Examination of Ries ap Richard of Kilkyn [Cilcain] co. Flint concerning the same.
88. 28 Jan. 1576/7
Examination of John Moris, servant to Richard Bolland, butcher, John Ward, and Peter Litherland concerning the theft of a heifer by the said John Moris belonging to the said Peter Litherland, as in 94.
89. Indictment that Thomas Barlow of [London] on 19 April 1577 in Chester broke into the house of James Banester, innkeeper, and stole [a cloak], price 30s., a sword, price 13s. 4d., belonging to Cuthbert Wyrne, gentleman., then being in the said house. Also that George Banester of Chester, chapman, and Roger Calcot of Chester, smith on 20 April, knowing what the said Thomas Barlow had done, aided and helped him.
Billa vera.
90. Indictment that John Ince of Chester, shoemaker, on 23 May 1577 in Chester stole two shirts, the price of each one being 5s. belonging to Humphrey Weston of Chester, glover.
Billa vera.
91. Indictment that Richard Harvy of Chester, yeoman, on 11 Dec. 1576 in Chester stole 12 lbs. of wool worth 4s., the owner of which was unknown.
Billa vera.
92. 25 May 1577
Examination of Katherine Thomas, wife of John Thomas, butcher, Margaret Bennet, wife of John Bennet, mariner, and Robert Goodicar, wright, concerning the theft of shirts by John Ince as in 16. [includes a reference to the Bellman looking for the stolen goods.]
93. Indictment that Rice ap Richard of Kilkin [Cilcain] co. Flint, yeoman, on 14 March 1576/7 in Chester stole 3 sheepskins the price of each being 10d., belonging to John Evans, butcher.
Billa vera.
94. Indictment that John Morrice of Chester, butcher, on [missing] 19 Elizabeth at Chester stole a black heifer, price 40s. belonging to Peter Litherland, of Chester, tanner.
Billa vera.
95. 27 May 1577
Crownmote: Precept witnessed by John Harvy, Mayor, to the Sheriffs for the delivery of the Northgate gaol and to summon a jury of 24 on Monday 8 July 1577.
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs as in 34.
Damaged and incomplete.
96. Panel for Crownmote court.
97. 1 Dec. 1576
Examination of Richard Hughson of Handbridge, Chester, husbandman, concerning the theft of a white mare, as in 107.
98. 30 Oct. 1576
Examination of Joan Pemberton, wife of Peers Pemberton, tinker, and the said Peers Pemberton concerning the theft of malt by Richard Rees.
99. 30 Oct. 1576
Examination of Ralph Mose, miller, of the Worrall [Wirral], Cheshire, concerning a bushel of malt sold to the wife of Thoamas Le, two years previously, for which she gave him a sword in part payment.
100. 29 Oct. 1576
Examination of Thomas Davy concerning the theft of malt by Richard Rees.
101. [29 Oct. 1576]
Examination of Richard Rees of Chester, weaver, aged 28, concerning the same.
102. 29 Oct. 1576
Examination of Margaret Davy, wife of Thomas Davy, and Margaret Rogerson, wife of Thomas Rogerson, Thomas Smith, servant to William Cross, the elder, glover, and William Barker, tailor, concerning the same.
103. Indictment that Richard Rees of Chester, weaver, on 20 [Oct.] 1576 in Chester broke into the house of John Clerke, gentleman. and stole a bushel of malt, worth 5s.
Billa vera.
104. Indictment that Matilda Gitten of Aldeford [Aldford], Cheshire, spinster, on 3 Nov. 1576 in Chester stole 3 linen sheets worth 10s. and an embroidered coverlet worth 5s. belonging to Richard Benyan.
Billa vera.
105. Panel for Crownmote court.
106. [date missing 1577]
Crownmote: Precept witnessed by John Harvy, Mayor, to the Sheriffs for the delivery of Northgate Gaol, and to summon a jury of 24 men on ?4 March 1576/7.
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs as in 34.
107. Indictment that Richard Hugheson of Hanbrudge [Handbridge] on 20 Oct. 1576 in Chester stole a white horse, price 20s., the owner of which was not known.
108. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
109. Constables presentments for [St. Thomas 's ward], including some dated Dec. 1576.
110. Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
111. Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
112. Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward, one dated 30 Nov. 1576
113. Constables presentments for Eastgate Street ward.
114. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
115. Constables presentments for St. Giles's ward, one dated 6 Oct. 1576, and including presentments for non-attendance at church.
116. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
117. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
118-9. ?Jurors presentments, including presentments for non-attendance at church.
120. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
121. Constables presentments for [St. Olave's ward].
122. ?Constables presentments [name of ward and Alderman and Constables missing].
123. Presentment of the assessors for not levying the fines assessed at the previous year's sessions.
124. 30 Nov. 1576
Sessions: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 17 Dec. 1576.
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs as in 34.
125. List of officers and panel. John Harvy, Mayor.
see also File 46/2 for a list of officers and panel, John Harvy, Mayor, which has been misplaced.
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