RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleThomas Bellin, Mayor, Richard Birkenhead, Recorder
Description1. Indictment that William Anderson of Hemesley [Helmsley], Yorkshire, chapman, on 24 June 1578 in Chester stole 5 pairs of women's stockings, the price of each pair being 18d. belonging to Nicholas Massy of Chester, draper.
Billa vera.
2. Indictment that William Anderson of Hemeseley [Helmsley], Yorkshire, chapman, on 24 June 1578 in Chester stole 11b. and 2 oz. of ?crewles, price 3s. 4d. belonging to Edmund Jervis, citizen and leathersealer of London at Chester.
Billa vera.
3. Indictment that John Whetton of Chester, yeoman, on 10 July 1578 in Chester stole a cloak, price 20s. belonging to Adam Bank of Wigan, co. Lancaster, yeoman, at Chester.
Billa vera.
4. [21 July 1578]
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs for the delivery of Northgate Gaol and to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 1 [Sept. 1578].
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs Valentine Broughton and John Tilstone.
5. Panel for Crownmote court.
6. 21 July 1578
Crownmote: Precept witnessed by Thomas Bellin, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 1 Sept. 1578.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
7. Panel for Crownmote court.
8. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
9. 15 April 1578
Sessions: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 28 April 1578.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
10. List of officers and panel. Thomas Bellin, Mayor.
11. 3 Feb. 1577/8
Crownmote: Precept witnessed by Thomas Bellin, Mayor, to the Sheriffs for the delivery of Northgate Gaol and to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 17 March 1577/8.
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs as in 4.
12. Panel for Crownmote court.
13. Indictment that William Barker of Chester, tailer, on 10 Dec. 1577 in Chester stole a pair of breeches, worth 5s., belonging to John Carkyn of Chester, beerbrewer.
Billa vera.
14. Indictment that Richard Griffith of Oxonia [Oxford], co. Oxford, cook, on 25 Dec. 1577 in Chester stole a smock, worth 5s., and a pair of sleeves, worth 2s., belonging to Thomas, Grene, alderman,
Billa vera.
15. Indictment that John Mathew of Chester, yeoman, on 20 Jan. 1577/8 in Chester stole 6 lbs. of lead, worth 16d., and 6 panes of glass, worth 2s., belonging to William Langworth [Richard Longworth, Dean of Chester 1573-9] Professor of Theology and Dean of the Cathedral Church of Chester.
Billa vera.
16. Indictment that Richard Griffith of Oxonia [Oxford], co. Oxford, cook, on 25 Dec. 1577 in Chester stole 3 'partelettes' [hens], worth 10s., belonging to Elizabeth Smith of Chester, widow.
Billa vera.
17. Indictment that Godfrey Shingleton of Chester, yeoman, on 18 Feb. 1577/8 in Chester stole a dagger, price 16d., belonging to George Monxfild of Chester, chandler.
Billa vera.
18. 3 Feb. 1577/8
Crownmote: Precept witnessed by Thomas Bellin, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 17 March 1577/8.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
19. Panel for Crownmote court.
20. Indictment that Thomas Pentany of Chester, barber, on 15 February 1577/8 in Chester prevailed upon Arthur Lane, of Chester, tailor, to shoot and kill a swan, price 20s. belonging to John Hanky, Chester, alderman.
21. Indictment that John Mathew of Chester, yeoman, on 20 Jan. 1577/8 in Chester stole 6 lbs. of lead worth 16d. and 6 panes of glass worth 2s., as in 15, and that Thomas Kempe of Chester, Smith, on the same day had helped the said John Mathew.
Billa vera for John Mathew. Ignoramus for Thomas Kempe.
22. Indictment that Arthur Lane of Chester, tailor, on 15 February 1577/8 in Chester shot with a metal gun 'tormento aeneo' a swan, price 20s. belonging to John Hanky of Chester, alderman, contrary to the statute.
Billa vera.
23. Indictment that Thomas Penteny of Chester, barber, Robert Wilding of Chester, mercer, Richard Bromfild of Chester, mercer, Arthur Lane of Chester, tailer, Richard Newas of Chester pewterer, and Peter Streete of Chester, yeoman, on 16 February 1577/8 in Chester at the house of the said Thomas Penteny in Bridgstrete during the time of divine service killed a swan belonging to John Hanky of Chester, alderman, contrary to the statute.
Billa vera.
24. Indictment that Anna Hamond of Boughton, Chester, spinster, on 2 Feb. 1577/8 in Chester stole 5 geese, worth 6s. 8d., belonging to Thomas Richardson and Margaret Wareton, widow.
25. Indictment that Richard Griffith of Oxonia [Oxford], co. Oxford, cook, on 25 Dec. 1577 in Chester stole 3 'partelettes' [hens], worth 10s., belonging to Elizabeth Smith of Chester, widow.
Billa vera.
26. Indictment that Richard Griffith of Oxonia [Oxford], co. Oxford, cook, on 25 Dec. 1577 in Chester stole a smock, worth 5s., and a pair of sleeves, worth 2s., belonging to Thomas, Grene, alderman,
Billa vera.
27. ?Indictment of the Company of Bakers concerning the breach of an agreement made concerning the price of bread to be sold within the city after 20 Jan. 1576/7.
Damaged and partially illegible.
28. Indictment that Henry Houghton of Chester, ironmonger, and Jane his wife on 16 Dec 1577 disseised William Mordant, esq., and Agnes his wife of a shop with appurtenances in Chester contrary to the statute of 8 Henry VI [1429-30].
Billa vera.
29. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward, including presentment of an affray on 16 Jan. 1577/8 by 'the Condytt' in Bridge Street.
30. Constables presentments for St. Martins ward.
31. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward, 1577.
32. 4 March 1577/8
Indictment that Richard Brassy, smith, has allowed a 'French wall' between his dwelling house and the house of James Banester to fall into decay to the annoyance of the said James Banester.
33. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
34. Indictment that James Wilkinson of Chester, yeoman, on 19 Feb. 1577/8 in the cathedral churchyard of Chester assaulted Richard Massey of Chester, gentleman, and wounded him with a dagger.
Billa vera.
35. Indictment that William Leech of Chester, vintner, on 20 Jan. 1577/8 in Chester broke into the shop of Henry Houghton of Chester, ironmonger, and fixed 4 locks called 'locke hostes' to the said shop so that the said Henry was not able to enter the said shop for 4 days.
36. Memorandum concerning a dispute between Robert Wright and James Battricke over the repair of a gutter between their houses, ordering an enquiry to be made to see which of them is responsible.
Billa vera.
37. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
38. Constables presentments for St. Giles's ward.
39. Constables presentments for Northgate ward.
40. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward.
41. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward, including two presentments for harbouring strangers.
42. Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
43. Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
44. Constables presentments for Eastgate Street ward.
45. 24 June 1578
Examination of Richard Allen of Oxford, gentleman, Geoffrey Smith, servant to Nicholas Massy, draper, and William Anderson, concerning the theft by the said William Anderson of women's stockings and 'crules' as in 1. and 2.
46. Indictment that William Barker of Chester, tailor, on 10 Dec. 1577 in Chester stole a pair of breeches worth 5s, belonging to John Carkyn of Chester, beerbrewer, and that William Cross of Chester, beerbrewer, on 11 Dec. knowing what the said William Barker had done, aided and helped him.
Billa vera for William Barker. Ignoramus for William Cross.
47. 24 ?June 1578
Examination of Robert Throp of Lancashire living with Master John Mefford servant to the Earl of Derby, John Fletcher of Bretton, co. Flint. husbandman, William Marshall of Bretton, Thomas Hodgkyn of 'the Manor' co. Flint, and Peter Large, concerning money stolen by the said Robert Throp.
48. Examination of Elizabeth Brate, wife of William Brate, aged 48, concerning an assault made on 16 May [1578] by John Pyllyn on Hugh Janian; minister, in St. John's churchyard while the said Hugh was 'redyng his booke' and cut and tore the gown worn by the said Hugh, which the said John Pyllyn claimed was his own.
49. 25 June 1578
Examination of Richard Mathew alias Shingle ton born in
Northgate Street, Chester, which he left 30 years previously, concerning the possession of a gold ring which he claimed to have found.
50. Presentment by the jury of the constables of St. Olave's ward for their poor presentments.
51. Constables presentments for Eastgate Street ward: that John Pillyne assaulted Mr. Richard Dutton, alderman, in the Pentice on 25 May 1578, and that James Wilkinson attacked John Tilston, Sheriff, on 4 July 1578.
52. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward. With memorandum that these presentments are too 'uncertayne' and that the constables have refused to amend them.
53. Indictment that George Huet of Hanbridge, Chester, Husbandman, and Ellen, his wife, on [date missing] together with certain other malefactors, unknown, made an armed entry into a close belonging to Thomas Burges of Chester, tailor, and took away 'foure waine lodes of fitches', price 53s. 4d. belonging to the said Thomas at Hanbridg.
Billa vera.
54. ?Constables presentments. [No ward or constables given]
55. Constables presentments for the Northgate ward, including Lawrence Sharpe's 'conduct of the monestary' for assault.
56. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward, including a reference to an assault made in the house of Dr. [Robert] Leche, Chancellor of the Diocese of Chester.
57. Constables presentments for St. Giles ward.
58. Indictment that John Whetton of Chester, yeoman, on 3 July 1578 in Chester stole a cloak, price 20s., belonging to Adam Banks of Wigan, co. Lancaster, yeoman.
Billa vera.
59. Indictment that William Anderson of Hemeseley [Helmsley], Yorkshire, chapman, on 24 June 1578 in Chester stole 11b. and 2 oz. of ?crewles, price 3s. 4d. belonging to Edmund Jervis, citizen and leathersealer of London at Chester.
Billa vera.
60. Indictment that William Anderson of Hemesley [Helmsley], Yorkshire, chapman, on 24 June 1578 in Chester stole 5 pairs of women's stockings, the price of each pair being 18d. belonging to Nicholas Massy of Chester, draper.
Billa vera.
61. 6 Aug. 1578
Presentment by John Shaw and Randle Bulkeley, constables and members of the company of cooks in Chester of Thomas Woodes and John Harrys for buying and selling victuals, not being freemen.
Billa vera.
62. Constables presnetments for St. Oswald's ward.
63. Constables presentments for St. John's ward, including John Pyllyn for striking Hugh Jennyn, clerk, in the churchyard of St. John's as in 48.
64. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward. Includes a note that there are no stocks in the ward for the punishment of offenders, although they have previously often asked for the same.
65. Constables presentments for Eastgate Street ward.
66. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
67. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward, including Arthur Lane for shooting at doves with a hand gun, contrary to the statute, in the fields outside the Northgate on 11 Aug. 1578.
68. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
69. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
70. 30 July 1578
Sessions: Precept to the sheriffs to summon a jury on Tuesday [date illegible] August 1578
Endorsed: executed by the sheriffs as in 4.
71. List of officers and panel. Thomas Bellin, Mayor.
72. [date illegible]
Examination of John Whetton concerning the theft of a cloak as in 58.
73. Examination of Henry Turner aged 40, William Meo of Chester, tanner, and Robert Robinson of Chester, shoemaker, concerning the assault by John Pyllyn on Hugh Janian, clerk, as in 48 and 63.
74. 30 Dec. 1577
Examination of Richard Gruffith, cook, from Balliol College, Oxford, 'servying under Thomas Whit, cook, of whom he had no wags but his fere' concerning the theft of clothes etc. from Mrs. Elizabeth Smith as in 16.
75. 13 Aug. 1577
Examination of George Bulkeley of Bewmaryes, [Beaumaris], Anglesey, gentleman, concerning the theft of feathers as in 90. Describes his journey to Chester, in which he refers to the purchase of coals at a coal pit near Mostyn, and to the various houses he stayed at in Chester, including the Red Lion.
76. 12 Nov. 1577
Examination of Richard Gruffith concerning his journey from Oxford to Chester.
Endorsed: 'Thexaminacon' of Ric' Gruffith coock taken and comytted by Arthur Chauntrell upon suspicon yet upon his examinacon discharged the XIIth of Novemb' 1577'.
77. 11 Sept. 1577
Examination of Edward Holt concerning the theft of sheets from the house of James Banester called 'the Signe of the Bull'.
78. 14 Oct. 1577
Examination of Nicholas Swainston, tailer, Arthur Velam, tailer, master of the said Nicholas, and Grace Velam, wife of the said Arthur concerning the activities of the said Nicholas relating to goods stolen from Thomas Meres.
79. 30 Sept. 1577
Examination of Elizabeth Walker of Frodsham, pedlar, Galther Bate of Wynwick [Winwick], co. Lancaster, pedlar, Alice Bellingham wife of William Bellingham of Malpas, Cheshire, pedlar, Gillian Bate wife of the said Galther Bate, Margaret Harvant, daughter of the said Alice Bellingham, and Isabel Turner, daughter of the said Gilliam Bate, concerning gartering belonging to the said Elizabeth found in the pack of Galther Bate, Includes references to the stalls of the pedlars at the fair in Eastgate Street.
80. 21 Oct. 1577
Examination of Richard Ries, weaver, concerning his activities in Chester the previous evening. Refers to the watchmen who advised the said Richard to go to bed.
81. Examination of Elizabeth Pyper and ?Amice Pyper her mother, concerning the theft by the said Elizabeth of a 'parthelett wrought with blacke worke' belonging to Anne Buttreyes 'from a borde in the ?mercers Rowe'.
82. 19 Jan. 1577/8
Examination of John Mathew and Edmund Dawby, glasier, concerning the theft of glass and lead by the said John Mathew as in 15 and 21, sold by the said John Mathew to Thomas Kemp and to - Waite, glasier, of Castle Street.
83. [24 June 1578]
Examination of John Wilson of Lichefild [Lichfield], co. Stafford, chapman, and John Fulwod of London, tailer, concerning the loss of a purse by the said John Wilson which he stated had been stolen by the said John Fulwood near the Eastgate during the fair.
84. ?Jurors presentments, including lists of those presented for not attending church.
85. Examination of William Barker of Chester, tailor, and William Cross concerning the theft of a pair of breeches by the said William Barker as in 46.
86. 8 and 12 Jan. 1577/8
Examination of William Patrick of Stafford, concerning his Journey from London to Chester and the loss of money in Chester.
87. 12 Jan. 1577/8
Examination of Robert Thornley of Chester, innkeeper, Agnes Thornley, his wife, William Eaton, tailor, Henry Syman, tailor and ostler to the said Robert Thornley, and Ellen Pomfrett and Jane Smith, servants of the said Robert Thornley concerning William Patrick as in 86.
88. Indictment that Henry Houghton of Chester, ironmonger, and Jane his wife on 16 Dec. 1577 disseised William Leche of a shop in Eastgate Street contrary to the statute.
Billa vera.
89. Indictment that Elizabeth Pieper of Chester, spinster, on 30 Sept. 1577 in Chester stole a partelet 'amictorium' belonging to Anne Buttry alias Newport as in 81.
90. Indictment that George Bulkeley of Bello Marisco [Beaumaris], Anglesey, yeoman, on 10 Aug. 1577 stole ten pounds of feathers worth 3s. belonging to Richard Helin of Chester, innkeeper.
Billa vera.
91. Indictment that Galther Bate of Winwick, co. Lancaster, pedlar, Gilliam Bate of the same, spinster, Alice Bellingham of Malpas, Cheshire, spinster, on 30 Sept. 1577 in Chester stole two rolls of gartering, price 5s. 8d., belonging to Elizabeth Walker as in 79.
92. Indictment that Edward Holt of Warrington, co. Lancaster, shoemaker, on 28 Aug. 1577 in Chester broke into the house of James Banester of Chester, innkeeper, and stole two linen sheets, price 4s. belonging to the said James as in 77.
93. Indictment that Alice Bellingham of Malpas, Cheshire, spinster, on 30 Sept. 1577 in Chester stole two rolls of gartering, price 5s. 8d., belonging to Elizabeth Walker as in 79 and 91, and that Galther Bate of Winwick, co. Lancaster, pedlar, and Gillian Bate of the same, spinster, on the same day, knowing what the said Alice had done, aided and helped her.
94. Presentment by John Harvy, alderman, of Ralph Wodcok of Geldon Sutton [Guildon Sutton], Cheshire, yeoman, for an assault on Edmund ?Amion in the open Market at Chester on 20 Aug. 1577, and of the constables of the ward for not presenting the same.
95-6. 16 Dec. 1577
Jurors presentments, including the presentment of all the justices in the city for allowing the poor to 'go abrode contrarye to the estatutes within theyr several wardes', and the whole corporation for not repairing the highways in the city.
97. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward.
98. Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
99. Constables presentments for Eastgate Street ward.
100. Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
101. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
102. Constables presentments for Northgate Street ward.
103. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
104. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
105. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
106. Constables presentments for St. Giles ward.
107. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
108. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
109. 2 [rest of date missing] 1577
Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
110. 20 Feb. 1577/8
Examination of Thomas Penteny, barber, concerning the shooting of a swan as in 23.
111. 19 Feb. 1577/8
Examination of Arthur Lane, tailor, Jane Penteney, wife of Thomas Penteny, and Ralph Halwood, apprentice of the said Thomas concerning the same as in 22.
112. ?Jurors presentments.
113. 18 April 1578
Presentment of Agnes Richardson of Chester, widow, for allowing her dwellinghouse in Northgate Street to fall into disrepair so that the adjoining house of John Deane was decayed 'and the greate tymber & wals thereof rotten corrupt & fallen downe'.
114. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward, including a request for a pair of stocks for the punishment of malefactors.
115. Constables presentments for Northgate Street ward.
116. 1578
Constables presentments for St. Giles ward.
117. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
118. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
119. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
120. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
121. 28 April 1578
Constables presentments for Eastgate ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
122. Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
123. List of officers and panel. Thomas Bellin, Mayor.
124. 11 Nov. 1577
Crownmote: Precept, witnessed by Thomas Bellin, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 23 Dec. 1577.
Endorsed: executed by the sheriffs as in 4.
125. Panel for Crownmote court.
126. 20 Feb. 1577/8
Sessions: Precept, witnessed by Thomas Bellin, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on Tuesday 4 March 1577/8.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
127. As 23 except that the house of Thomas Penteny was stated to be in Cuppinges Lane.
128. Indictment that Fulk Edwardes of ?Chester, servant of William Glaseor, esq., Vicechamberlain of Chester [illegible] on 22 March 1577/8 insulted Alexander Cotes of Chester, gentleman, comptroller of the Customs, William Tatton and John Yerworth, Barcus of the Exchequer Court in Pepper Street as they were returning from the Castle in the execution of their offices.
Billa vera.
Damaged and partially illegible.
129. [1577]
Sessions: Precept, [witnessed by Thomas Bellin, Mayor,] to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 9 Dec. 1577.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
Damaged and part missing.
130. 11 Nov. 1577
Crownmote: Precept, witnessed by Thomas Bellin, Mayor, to the Sheriffs for the delivery of Northgate Gaol and to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 23 Dec. 1577.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
131. List of officers and panel. Thomas Bellin, Mayor.
132. Panel for Crownmote court.
133. Indictment that John Tapley of Handbridge on ?8 June 1577 in Chester stole a black calf worth 7s. belonging to William Bewmaries.
Billa vera.
134. Indictment that Ellen Agars of Chester, spinster, on 4 March 1576/7 in Chester stole a smock price 2s. belonging to Christine Agars.
Billa vera.
135. Indictment that George Bulkeley of Bello Marisco [Beaumaris], Anglesey, yeoman, on 10 Aug. 1577 stole ten pounds of feathers worth 3s. belonging to Richard Helin of Chester, innkeeper.
Billa vera.
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