RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleValentine Broughton, Mayor, Richard Birkenhead, Recorder
Description1. Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
Damaged and incomplete.
2. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
3. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward, including a list of inmates and those that kept them, and a list of poor persons in the ward.
4. Constables presentments for Eastgate ward, including the presentments, 'To let you understand theire be iij hovses upon the wales ill thought of for almoste contenvalie hores and theves and bavldes doe theire remayne, in the house of the hangman ther is one whome in the daye goethe as lame upon ij staves and in the nyght he goeth wth one stafe'.
5. Constables presentments for St. Giles ward.
6. Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
7. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
8. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
9. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
10-11. 1584-5
Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward from 7 Dec. 1584 to 1 Jan. 1584/5, with list of persons harbouring inmates and notes of those receiving poor relief, and list of foreigners trading as victuallers, not being free.
12. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward, with a list of persons harbouring inmates and a list of poor persons.
13. List of officers and panel. Valentine Broughton, Mayor.
14. 10 Jan. 1584/5
Sessions: Precept, witnessed by Valentine Broughton, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on Friday 22 Jan. 1584/5.
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs William Aldersay and Henry Annion.
Damaged and incomplete.
15. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward.
16. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
17. 1584
Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward, including a reference to events on 15 Sept.
18. 1584
Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
19. 6 Nov. 1584
Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
20. 6 Nov. 1584
Constables presentments for the Northgate ward.
21. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
22. 6 Nov. 1584
Constables presentments for St. Giles ward.
23. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
24. Constables presentments for Eastgate ward, with reference to events in October.
25. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
26. Jurors presentments.
27. 6 Oct. 1584
Examination of John Harris concerning the theft of cattle as in 31.
28. 6 Nov. 1584
Further examination of John Harris, prisoner, concerning the same.
29. Indictment that John Harries of Chester, mariner, on 6 Oct. 1584 at Chester stole 2 heifers, each one price 10s., and a bullock, price 20s. belonging to Thomas Browne of Saultney Side [Saltney], yeoman.
Billa vera.
30. 30 Nov. 1584
Examination of Ellis ap Thomas of Iscoide [Iscoyd] co. Denbigh, and Jane ap Shone of Whyllyryock [ ], co. Denbigh, widow concerning an 'yren grey' mare said to have been stolen by the said John Harris in the Northgate in Chester as in 31.
31. Indictment that John Harries of Chester, mariner, on 5 Oct. 1584 at Chester stole an iron grey coloured horse, price 20s. belonging to Jane ap Shone of Whillyriock [ ] co. Denbigh, widow.
Billa vera.
32. List of officers and panel. Valentine Broughton, Mayor.
33. 24 Oct. 1584
Sessions: Precept witnessed by Valentine Broughton, Mayor, to the Sheriffs, to summon a jury of 24 men on Friday 6 Nov. 1584.
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs as in 14.
34. Presentment by the jury that John Poole of Chester, gentleman., on 15 Feb. 1583/4 at Chester with a knife, price 2d., wounded Edward Willyams in the chest, from which wound the said Edward died, and that Elizabeth, wife of Ralph Will[ia]mson of Chester, tailor, on the same day, knowing what the said John had done, gave him shelter.
'To ma[n]slaight[er] billa vera ignoramus to murther'
35. Presentment by the jury that Henry Lawnce of Winwicke [Winwick] co. Lancaster, gentleman., aided and helped by Thomas Jefford of Chiddington [?Cheddleton], co. Stafford, gentleman., Richard Hodgeson of Winwicke, co. Lancaster, yeoman, and Knockin Ahamoughe alias Smulkin of Chiddington, co. Stafford, yeoman, on 16 Jan. 1583/4 at Chester with a sword called 'an arminge sworde' wounded Henry Glaseor in the Head, from which wound the said Henry died.
[?Billa vera]
Damaged and incomplete.
36. Presentment by the jury that Henry Lawnce of Winwicke [Winwick] co. Lancaster, gentleman., aided and helped by Thomas Jefford of Chiddington [?Cheddleton], co. Stafford, gentleman., Richard Hodgeson of Winwicke, co. Lancaster, yeoman, and Knockin Ahamoughe alias Smulkin of Chiddington, co. Stafford, yeoman, on 16 Jan. 1583/4 at Chester with a sword called 'an arminge sworde' wounded Henry Glaseor in the Head, from which wound the said Henry died.
[?Billa vera]
Damaged and incomplete.
37. Indictment that Ellen Carnell of Chester, spinster, on 4 Feb. 1583/4 at Chester stole a cassock worth 5s. belonging to John Tailer.
Billa vera.
38. Indictment that Ellen Carnell of Chester, spinster, on 4 Feb. 1583/4 at Chester stole a 'savegard' worth 2s. from Katherine Bolland.
Billa vera.
39. List of officers and panel. Valentine Broughton, Mayor.
40. 10 April 1585
Sessions: Precept witnessed by Valentine Broughton, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on Friday 23 April 1585.
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs as in 14.
41. Presentment by the jury that Roger Bell of Chester, innholder, and Cecilia Bell alias Dodde of Chester, spinster, on 31 March 1585 broke a wall of the house of Randle Eaton in Bridge Street, and from a room in the house called 'le Streete Chamber' stole goods worth £10 and afterwards locked and barred the room so that the said Randle was unable to enter.
Billa vera.
42. Presentment by the jury that Cecilia Bell alias Dodde of Chester, spinster, on the feast of All Saints [1 Nov.] 1584 at Chester disturbed the peace of Ranulph Eaton, his wife and family and their near neighbours as a common scold.
Billa vera.
43. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward, with reference to events in February and March [1584/5].
Damaged and incomplete.
44. Presentment by the jury that Hugh Conwaie of Lancaster, clerk, on 26 Feb. 1584/5 at Chester with a dagger, price 2s. wounded Robert Burley in the stomach, from which wound the said Robert died on 28 Feb. 1584/5.
'We fynd this bill to be true and that the said Burley was willfully murthered by the said Conweye'.
45. Indictment that William Smith of Chester, sherman, on 13 March 1584/5 at Chester stole a piece of woollen cloth called a white cloth containing 4 yards worth 4s. belonging to Randle Whitby of Chester, sherman.
46. Indictment that John Lucas of Chester, dyer, on 18 April 1583 at Chester broke into the house of Richard Howell of Chester, dyer, at night and stole a piece of woollen cloth worth 2s. belonging to Hugh Wilkinson of Chester, sherman.
47. 23 April 1585
Constables presentments for Northgate ward.
48. Constables presentments for Eastgate ward.
49. Indictment that Randle Eaton of Chester, yeoman, on 27 March 1585 at Chester deprived Roger Bell and Cecily his wife of possession of a room called 'le Strete Chamber' contrary to the statute.
Billa vera.
50. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
51. 23 April 1585
Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
52. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
53. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
54. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward.
55. 1585
Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
56. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
57. Petition to the Mayor, Aldermen and Justices of the Peace from Katherine Robenson, widow, an inhabitant of Chester for 60 years, on behalf of her daughter Anne Matha, a widow with three small children, asking for poor relief.
58. Petition to the Mayor, Aldermen and Justices of the Peace from [name missing] of Chester, butcher, asking to be discharged from paying the monthly poor rate as for the past three years he has kept a child of Christopher [surname missing] with 'meate drinke clothes and also learnynge'. States that he has children of his own and would be willing to pay the poor rate if this child was taken away.
Damaged and incomplete.
59. Presentment by the jury that Randle Eaton of Chester, yeoman, on [missing] December [2]2 Elizabeth [1579] at Chester broke into the shop of Richard Dut[ton], draper, deceased, about 11 p.m. at night and stole three pieces of woollen cloth containing 30 yards, the price of each piece being [missing], coloured 'black blew watthed blewe' belonging to the said Richard.
60. Indictment by the jury that Randle Eaton of Chester one of the servants of the clerk [missing] of Chester and officer of the Pentice Court of Chester on 20 Feb. 1583/4 at Chester by virtue of his office extorted 5s. from Richard Earwall and 4s. from [missing] Shepherd.
Damaged and incomplete.
61. 23 April 1585
Constables presentments for St. Giles ward.
62. 23 April 1585
Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
63. Petition to the Mayor and Aldermen and Justices of the Peace from Rowland Davies, servingman, asking to be excused his assessment for the poor rated at 4d. per month as he had no property in the city and was working for his master in Lincolnshire, although his wife was living in Chester, so that he was 'forced to stay amongst you but for a time'.
64. Petition to the Mayor and Justices of the Peace from Ralph Cross of Chester, glover, asking for poor relief, similar to that given to 'Good Wyffe Prince' of the parish of St. Mary's, deceased, as in his old age he was no longer able to support his wife and family.
65. Petition to the Mayor and Justices of the Peace from Elizabeth [missing] asking for a weekly allowance to maintain the two children of [missing] Bildon, deceased.
With memorandum dated 6 Nov. 1584 that from the rents reserved for the 'stock of the poore' 5s. was to be paid quarterly for the relief of the said children.
66. Petition to the Mayor and Justices of the Peace from Marjory Russell, widow, asking that she might take the place of William Bettson, deceased who received payment from 'the poore mans box' in St. Thomas's ward, as she had lived in Chester all her life and now being over eighty years of age was no longer able to support herself and was reluctant to 'seeke her Relieffe from doore to doore'.
67. Petition to the Mayor from George Massie of Chester, labourer, asking for permission to hold a collection for the relief of himself, his wife and children in the parish of St. Oswald, which was to have been made among those well disposed to him in the parish the previous Sunday, but which was stopped by John ?Dalahie and John Picton, churchwardens, until a licence had been obtained from the Mayor. Also asks that the collectors for the poor in the same parish, having money due to some poore people now deceased, should be ordered to give some relief to the petitioner and his family.
68. Petition to the Mayor and Justices of the Peace from Henry Asheton of Chester, glover, asking for weekly relief 'amongest the reste of the poore within this citie'. States that he had been a master in his trade for 40 years and 'borne scot and lot' and all other charges according to his ability.
69. Petition to the Mayor and Justices of the Peace from Anne Sparke of Chester, widow, asking for poor relief, as owing to lameness she was not able to work.
70. Petition to the Mayor from James Allcocke asking for poor relief. States that he has made 'two surplycations'.
71. Petition to the Mayor and Justices of the Peace from Richard Howell asking to be discharged from paying poor rate in St. John's ward as he had moved outside the city boundaries.
72. Petition to the Mayor from Robert Phillips asking to be discharged from paying poor rate in the city as he had done formerly because of his age and decayed estate.
73. Petition to the Mayor from Robert Garrat of Chester, carpenter, asking for poor relief. States that he had been a soldier with the Queen's army in Ireland, but had now been ill for the past twelve months.
74. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
75. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
76. 6 Aug. 1585
Constables presentments for the Northgate ward.
77. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward. Refers to events between 4 July and 2 Aug. 1585.
78. Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
79. 6 Aug. 1585
Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
80. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
81. Constables presentments for [ ]. John Cowper, alderman.
82. Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
83. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward, including a reference to Clotton Lane.
84. Constables presentments for [Eastgate ward].
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