RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleEdmund Gamull, Mayor, Richard Birkenhead, Recorder
Description1. List of officers and panel. Edmund Gamull, Mayor.
2. 7 Jan. 1585/6
Examination of Richard Bostoke of Barton, Cheshire, gentleman., concerning a fight on Saturday 11 Dec. 1585 between the servants and friends of Mr. Hugh Calvelly and the servants and friends of Mr. Almer near the Eastgate.
3. 15 Dec. 1585
Examination of Thomas Bostok of Farden [Farndon], Cheshire, gentleman., concerning the same. Includes a reference to the 'Sign of the White horse'.
4. 15 Dec. 1585
Examination of William Masterson concerning the same.
5. 15 Dec. 1585
Examination of Humphrey Bromhall concerning the same.
6. 15 Dec. 1585
Examination of John Golburne of Chester, gentleman., concerning the same.
7. 14 Dec. [1585]
Examination of Edward Kilshe, sadler, concerning the same.
8. Examination of Jane ?Buxy wife of Nicholas ?Buxy, shoemaker, John Jeffrey, innholder, and Humphrey Dale, shoemaker, concerning the same.
9. 14 Dec. 1585
Examination of Edward Aldcrofte concerning the same.
10. Examination of Richard Johnson and Robert Heath, shoemaker, concerning the same.
11. 13 Dec. 1585
Examination of William Clough and Edward Baker, and Thomas Alcok of Chester, tailor, concerning the same.
12-13. 11 Dec. 1585
Examination of William Bushell of Fardon [?Farndon], tailor, William Cloughe, Edward Aldcrofte, Richard Jonson, Edward Baker, Mr. John Massy of Coddington, Cheshire, Mr. John Massy of Coughall [Cogshall], Cheshire, Ralph Brine of Tarvin, Cheshire, gentleman., John Hough, Mr. William Birde and Lawrence Warmingham, sadler, concerning the same. Marginal notes that William Bushell, William Clough, Edward Aldcrofte, Edward Baker and John Hough were committed and a list of those involved in the fighting, namely Mr. George Bostocke, Mr. Thomas Bostocke, Mr. Masterson, Mr. Bostocke of Barton, Mr. John Golburne of Morton, Mr. John Golburne of Chester, Mr. John Massy of Codington and his man, Mr. John Houghe, William Bushell, John Brome, Humphrey Bromwall, Thomas Aldersey of Aldersey, William Clough, Edward Baker, Richard Jonson and Edward Aldcrofte concerning the same.
14. 21 Jan 1585/6
Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
15. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
16. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
17. 21 Jan. 1585/6
Constables presentments for St. Giles ward.
18. 21 Jan. 1585/6
Constables presentments for Northgate ward.
19. 21 Jan. 1585/6
Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
20. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
21. 21 Jan. 1585/6
Presentment by the jury of Richard Hal and Thomas Barlow of Newton, Cheshire, husbandmen, who on 15 Nov. 1585 by a warrant from George Clive, esq., one of the Justices of the Peace for the county apprehended Richard Sonky within the city of Chester contrary to the liberties of the city.
Billa vera.
22. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
23. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward.
24. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
25. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
26. [ ] January 1585/6
Sessions: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on Friday 21 Jan. 1585/6.
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs Thomas Tetlowe and Thomas Lynacr.
27. Presentment by the jury that Edward Baker of Pantyockyn [?Pontyronen] [Pant yr ochain?], co. Denbigh, yeoman, Richard Johnson of the same, yeoman, William Clough of the same, yeoman, and Edward Aldcroft of Thorneton in le Moores [Thornton le Moors], Cheshire, yeoman, and Edward Aldcroft of Chester, yeoman, on 11 Dec. 1585 at Chester assembled riotously in Eastgate Street, and that the said Edward Baker and Richard Jonson wounded George Bostocke of Churton, Cheshire, gentleman., in the arm with swords, from which the said George had suffered for a month. Indictment crossed out.
28. Presentment by the jury of three affrays on 11 Dec. as in 2 - 13 and 27.
29. Constables presentments for Eastgate ward.
30. Presentments by the jury including the following lanes needing repair, Trenytie Lane, Jarrards alias Crockes Lane, ?Oulfe Lane, [?Wolf Lane], Bunce Lane, and Cleton Lane.
Endorsed with notes of the votes as to whether there was a true bill or not.
31. Indictment that William Myckelow of Chester, plasterer, on 21 Dec. 1585 at Chester at about 5 p.m. stole three pieces of lead worth 2s. belonging to Ralph Sneide, esq., and that William Robinson of Chester, slater, on the same day helped the said William Myckelow, as in 96.
Billa vera.
32. 28 Dec. 1585
Examination of William Sampson of ?Webley, co. Hereford, clockmaker, and Ellen Wise, servant to Mary Warmingham, concerning the theft of a pack of woollen cloth from John Jeffrey, which was found on the city walls near the Eastgate. Reference to William Sampson being told that there 'was good being' for his trade in Chester.
33. 27 Dec. 1585
Examination of Isat Sampson, wife of William Sampson, Ralph Warmingham, constable, Robert Thornley, and John ?Asbruck concerning the same. Includes references to the Rows, New Gate, Dee Bridge, Capulgate, 'Trevers hole' [described as near the walls] and the 'Glovers mens house' near the New Gate.
34. Indictment that Thomas Poole of Dunham on the Hill, Cheshire, gentleman., William Sampson of Chester, clockmaker, and Thomas Smith of London, grocer, on 26 December 1585 at Chester about 6 p.m. stole a pack of linen cloth, worth £5, belonging to Henry ap Richard of Denbigh, linendraper, from the house of John Jeffrey of Chester, innkeeper.
35. 28 Dec. 1585
Examination of Anne wife of William Robinson, aged 40, and Elizabeth Hughson of Chester, widow, aged 54, both described as living in houses over the New Gate, John Foxall of Flokersbroke William Dod, aged 29 and Richard Ince, sadler, aged 21, concerning the same.
36. 29 Dec. 1585
Examination of Thomas Poole of Dunham on the Hill, Cheshire, gentleman., and Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Poole, concerning the same.
37. 3 Nov. 1585
Examination of Margery Eaton, daughter of Alice Eaton, widow, and Katherine ?Gillan, servant to Alice Eaton, concerning a wall in the house of the said Alice in Northgate Street broken down by William Bull, gentleman., so that the said Alice was deprived of possession of a 'lytle chamber'.
38. 22 Oct. 1585
Sessions: Precept, witnessed by William Gamull, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on Friday 5 Nov. 1585.
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs as in 26.
39. Examination of Robert ?Amery, brother-in-law of Alice Eaton, widow, concerning the breaking down of a wall by William Ball as in 37.
40. Indictment that William Ball of Chester, gentleman., and Peter Gerrard of Chester, yeoman, on 2 Nov. 1585, broke into a house belonging to Alice Eaton, widow, in Chester, and deprived her of possession of part of the same, measuring about two yards, contrary to thestatute.
Billa vera.
41. Indictment that William Helyn of Chester, yeoman, on 3 Nov. 1585 at Chester by night stole a lantern worth 16d. belonging to Richard Rathburne of Chester, merchant, as in 58.
Billa vera.
42. Presentments by the jury relating to the keeping of pigs.
Endorsed: 'Trinitie ward.'
43. Presentment of James Gremesdich and Geoffrey Cooke for Keeping pigs at the back of their houses near the High Cross.
Billa vera.
44. Sheriffs' presentments of various persons for 'a blud wipe'.
45. Constables presentments for St. Giles ward, including the state of the road outside the Barrs, and Dee Lane, throwgh the wch no man is able to passe'. Also John Robynson and Thomas Burgys, dyers, for turning the water from their boiling houses into the street.
46. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
47. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward.
48. Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
49. 8 Nov. 1585
Examination of John Sale of Chester, shoemaker, aged 30 years, Margery Sale, his wife, Ellen Tailor, wife of John Tailor, Thomas Darwall, Peter Jenkyn, Margaret Cowper, wife of William Cowper, concerning the theft of wood from the ground of Ralph Cowper by the said John Sale, The said John confessed to the same and also stated that he had not attended service or sermon the previous Sunday, for which he was presented.
50. [Constables presentments] for St. John's ward, being a list of persons and a description of their property in Cow Lane presented for not keeping the street clean.
51. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
52. Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
53. 1585
Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
54. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
55. Constables presentments for Eastgate ward, including the presentment of ale and beer sellers for selling during service time on Sundays 'contrary to all godly zeale' and a petition to the magistrates to consider this matter wherbye the glorye of God may be showid, the Comon wealthe maynteynid and yor pore orators howses with their servauntes better servid'.
56. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward. Refers to the London assize of ale.
57. Constables presentments for Trinity ward, containing the presentment of the inhabitants (named) in Crocks Lane, Grey Freyer Lane and Trintie Lane, the latter including the presentment of Joyce, the merchant, for having a cellar full of fish 'wch maketh avery stinking smell' to the annoyance of his neighbours 'and especially Mr Shreve bycause that when Mr Shreve and his gestes are at meat the can not abide for smell thereof and also it is very dangerous for sickness'.
58. Petition to the Mayor from William Helen, concerning the theft of a lantern belonging to Richard Rathborne as in 41., which he claimed was only taken as a jest.
59. Constables presentments for Northgate ward.
60. List of names, with the note 'nothing' against one name in the margin.
61. 20 April 1585
Examination of John Lucas of Chester concerning the theft of seven yards of cloth from the house of Hugh Fletcher.
62. List of officers and panel.Edmund Gamull, Mayor.
63. Presentment by the jury that Hugh Conway of Lancaster, clerk, on 26 Feb. 1584/5 at Chester attacked Robert Burley with a dagger, price 2s., and wounded the said Robert in the stomach, from which wound the said Robert died on 28 Feb. 1585/5.
Billa vera
64. List of officers and panel. Edmund Gamull, Mayor.
65. Indictment that William Smith of Chester, sherman, on 13 March 1584/5 at Chester stole four yards of woollen cloth called white cloth belonging to Ranulph Whitby of Chester, sherman.
66. Indictment that Thomas ap David of Whitney, co. Hereford, baker, on 24 June 1585 at Chester with a knife, price 1d., cut the purse of Margaret Badeley of Little Barrow, Cheshire, spinster, containing 5s. 10d. belonging to the said Margaret.
Billa vera.
67. Presentment by the jury that Hugh Conway of Lancaster, clerk, on 26 Feb. 1584/5 at Chester attacked Robert Burley with a dagger, price 2s., and wounded the said Robert in the stomach, from which wound the said Robert died on 28 Feb. 1585/5.
Billa vera
68. Indictment that Alice Sefton of Chester, spinster, on 31 Aug. 1585 broke into the house of William Lyne of Chester, cowper, and stole a silver spoon worth 9s. belonging to the said William, and that Margaret Sefton of Chester, widow, on the same day, knowing what the said Alice had done, aided and helped her.
Billa vera.
69. Indictment that Jane Morgan of Montgomerie [Montgomery] co. Montgomery, spinster, on 25 Sept. 1585 at Chester with a knife price ½d., cut the purse of Jane Lawson, of Chester containing 14d. belonging to the said Jane Lawson.
Billa vera.
70. Indictment that Humphrey Robert alias Salusbury of Llanwidr [Llanwrda], co. Carmarthen, yeoman, and Hugh ap Robert of Halkyn, co. Flint, tailor, on 27 Aug. 1585 at Chester stole 3 heifers, price £4 belonging to Hugh ap Shone Ries of Skyviock [ ], co. Flint, yeoman.
Billa vera.
71. Indictment that Humphrey Robert alias Salusbury of Llanwidr [Llanwrda], co. Carmarthen, yeoman, and Hugh ap Robert of Halkyn, co. Flint, tailor, on 27 Aug. 1585 at Chester stole a heifer price 30s. belonging to Robert ap Shone of Halkyn, co. Flint, yeoman.
Billa vera.
72. Indictment that Robert Wright of Warrington, co. Lancaster, yeoman, on 24 June 1585 at Chester broke into the house of John Hankie of Chester, alderman, and stole a pair of boots worth 5s. belonging to James Butler.
Billa vera.
73. Presentment by the jury that John Jenson of Bello Marisco [Beaumaris] in Anglesey, tanner, on 8 July 1586 at Chester assaulted Jane ?Hends of Chester, spinster.
Ignora mus.
Also another presentment by the jury that the said John Jenson on the same day at Chester broke into the house of William Marten by night and took possession of the same.
Billa vera.
74. Constables presentments for Eastgate ward, including a reference to events on 19 June 1586.
75. 8 July 1586
Constables presentments for St. Giles ward.
76. 8 July 1586
Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
77. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
78. 1596
Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
79. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward.
80. Constables presentments for Handbridge ward, including a reference to Bromfield Lane.
81. Constables presentments for Northgate ward.
82. Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
83. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
84. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
85. 8 ?June [1586]
Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
86. Indictment that Morgan Thomas of Abbergeyny [Abergavenny], co. Monmouth, yeoman, on 24 June 1586 at Chester broke into the stall of Robert Wall, ironmonger, and stole a silver cup worth £3 belonging to the said Robert, And that William Johns of Abbergayny, shoemaker, on the same day aided and helped the said Morgan Thomas.
87. Indictment that Morgan Thomas of Abbergeyny [Abergavenny], co. Monmouth, yeoman, on 24 June 1586 at Chester broke into the shop of John Tilston, hatmaker, and stole a felt hat worth 7s. belonging to the said John Tilston.
Billa vera.
88. Sessions: List of officers and panel. Edmund Gamull, Mayor.
89. 20 June 1586
Sessions: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 8 July 1586.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 26.
90. Crownmote: panel.
91. 15 June 1586
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 27 June 1586.
92. Indictment that Morgan Thomas of Abbergeyny [Abergavenny], co. Monmouth, yeoman, on 24 June 1586 at Chester broke into the shop of John Tilston, hatmaker, and stole a felt hat worth 7s. belonging to the said John Tilston.
Slashed in cancellation.
93. Indictment that Elizabeth Protherw of Llanllanfric [unidentified] [Llansanffraid?] co. Cardigan, spinster, on 24 June 1586 at Chester stole 12d belonging to Jane Hamnet, spinster, from a bag belonging to the said Jane.
Slashed in cancellation.
94. Indictment that Morgan Thomas of Abbergeyny [Abergavenny], co. Monmouth, yeoman, on 24 June 1586 at Chester broke into the stall of Robert Wall, ironmonger, and stole a silver cup worth £3 belonging to the said Robert, And that William Johns of Abbergayny, shoemaker, on the same day aided and helped the said Morgan Thomas.
Slashed in cancellation.
95. Presentment by the jury of Thomas Woormall of Stockport, Cheshire, cutler, Francis Lloid of Llanwerke [?Llanwrtyd], co. Brecon, yeoman, Richard Woodward of Standishe [Standish], co. Lancaster, yeoman, Thomas Atkins of Tewxbury, [Tewkesbury], co. Gloucester, glover, Anna Harison of Blackstitch [unidentified], co. Stafford, spinster, Francis Bradburie of Pattingham, co. Stafford, tailor, George Harison of Blackstitch, co. Stafford, Thomas ap Rice of Llanllanfrice, [unidentified] [Llansanffraid?], co. Cardigan, yeoman, Anna Decca of Widdenburie [?Wybunbury], spinster, Joan Burtenwood of ?Ranill [unidentified] co. Lancaster, spinster, and Elizabeth Prothorow of Cardigan, spinster, for being vagabonds within the city of Chester contrary to the statute of 14 Elizabeth.
With the note that Francis Lloyd, Richard Woodwarde, Anne Harison and Thomas Atkens 'we present within the compasse of the statutte of Rogges (the rest we fynd [illegible])'
96. 22 Dec. 1585
Examination of William Robinson, slater, William Coldock, Margaret Banester, and William Myckelow, plasterer, concerning the theft of three pieces of lead from the Recorder's house, as in 31.
97. Indictment that William Myckelow of Chester, plasterer, on 21 Dec. 1585 at Chester at about 5 p.m. stole three pieces of lead worth 2s. belonging to Ralph Sneide, esq., and that William Robinson of Chester, slater, on the same day helped the said William Myckelow, as in 96.
Billa vera.
98. Crownmote: Panel.
99. 12 Feb. 1585/6
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 21 Feb. 1585/6
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 26.
100. Crownmote: Panel.
101. 12 Feb. 1585/6
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs for the delivery of Northgate Gaol and to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 21 Feb. 1585/6.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 26.
102. 24 June 1586
Examination of Alice ?Deck [verch] David of Anglesey, spinster, concerning the theft of a piece of taffeta.
With marginal note that she was freed by the Mayor on 25 June 'upon credible report of her honestie'.
103. 23 June 1586
Examination of Richard Woodward of Standish, co. Lancaster, Thomas Atkins, Henry Pyke and Anne Harison, concerning their presence in Chester. See 95.
With marginal note 'ver' against Thomas Atkins and Anne Harison, and marginal note that Henry Pyke was discharged upon credible report of his honesty.
104. Crownmote: Panel.
105. 9 Sept. 1586
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs for the delivery of Northgate Gaol, and to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 19 Sept. 1586
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 26.
106. Crownmote: Panel
107. 9 Sept. 1586
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 19 Sept. 1586
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 26.
108. Crownmote: Panel.
109. 2 Jan. 1585/6
Crownmote: Precept by the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 10 Jan. 1585/6
Seal: fragments.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 26.
110. Crownmote: Panel.
111. 2 Jan. 1585/6
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs for the delivery of Northgate Gaol and to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 10 Jan. 1585/6
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 26.
112. Petition to Mr. Edmund Gamull, Mayor, from Thomas Mercer, barbersurgeon, then a prisoner in the Northgate 'for the space of many daies admitting that he had used indecent words and behaviour against the Mayor, for which he was now in gaol, and asking to be released.
113. Note of the speech made by Thomas Mercer in John Aldersey's tavern on 30 May 1586 stating that the Mayor had bought all surplus corn from Mr. Brock which was formerly sold at 10s.or 10s. 6d. per bushell, and had given orders that none was to be sold under 11s. per bushell to the detriment of poor citizens.
Also that the Mayor had taken into his own hands the trade of the city companies to the detriment of these companies, and had allowed the bakers to bake wheat bread at 26s. per bushell.
114. List of questions to be put to witnesses concerning the same.
115. 31 May 1586
Examination of Thomas Mercer, Thomas Aldersey, merchant, Peers Hughes, tailor, and Richard Looker, tallowchandler, concerning the same, and the alleged support given by the Mayor to John Hine when fined by the company to which Thomas Mercer belonged, of which one Richard Looker and one Thomas Penteny were stewards. With marginal note that for these offences Thomas Mercer was committed to the Northgate by all the Justices, and was not to be released until he had made submission to the satisfaction of the Mayor and Justices.
116. 31 May 1586
Examination of Humphrey Raynoldes, draper, Richard Bromfill, merchant, and Thomas Penteny, concerning the same.
117. 1 June 1586
Examination of Richard Looker concerning his visit to Thomas Mercer while the latter was in the Northgate, the said Thomas Mercer being alderman of his company, to know, whether Thomas Mercer had been imprisoned for his support of the company.
118. 30 May 1586
Examination of William Pixley, mercer, and the wife of John ?Matter concerning the same.
Endorsed: 'Towching speches against the Maior'.
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