RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleWilliam Massy, Mayor, Richard Birkenhead, Recorder
Description1. Constables presentments for Eastgate ward. Reference to events on 30 June 1591.
2. Indictment that John Parry of Chester, yeoman, on 10 April 1591 at Chester at about 9 p.m. broke into the house of Arthur Bennet of Chester, innkeeper, in Foregate Street, and stole £20 in gold and £10 in silver belonging to the said Arthur Bennet. Also that Katherine Johnes of Chester, spinster, on the same day aided and helped the said John Parry.
Billa vera.
Damaged and incomplete.
3. Indictment that Margaret Cally of Chester, spinster, on 10 May 1590 at Chester broke into the house of Richard Massy of Chester, gentleman., and stole a diaper drinking napkin worth 2s. 6d., a diaper towel of 'white worke' worth 3s., two diaper table cloths worth 10s., one damask long table cloth worth 6s. 8d., a linen sheet worth 3s., one 'rydinge savegard' worth 6s. 8d., one ladies cloak of worsted garded in velvet worth 5s., two 'cowles' worth 8d., one piece of woollen cloth 'wroughte wth crules for a quishinge' [?cushion] worth 12d., 1¼ lbs. of 'macadowe endes' worth 5s., one small saucer worth 6d., and two gold rings worth 6s. 8d., belonging to the said Richard Massy. Also that John Cally of Chester, yeoman, on the same day, knowing what the said Margaret had done, aided and helped her.
Billa vera.
4. Indictment that Margaret Cally of Chester, spinster, on 10 Aug. 1590 at Chester broke into the house of Richard Massy of Chester, gentleman., and stole from a chest there two gold rings worth 6s. 8d., and five pieces of enamelled gold worth 5s., belonging to the said Richard. Also that John Cally of Chester, yeoman, on the same day, knowing what the said Margaret had done, aided and helped her.
Billa vera.
5. Indictment that John Island of Nune Eaton [Nuneaton] co. Warwick, yeoman, on 23 June 1591 at Chester stole four black bullocks, price £9 belonging to Edward Lloyd called Lloyd of Relevonwede [Trelawnyd], co. Flint, yeoman.
Billa vera.
6. 30 June 1591.
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 5 July 1591.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs John Ratcliffe and Thomas Wirden.
7. Crownmote: Panel.
8. 24 May 1591. Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs for the delivery of N Northgate gaol and to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 5 July 1591.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 6.
9. Crownmote: Panel.
10. Presentment by the Sheriffs of Richard Pemberton, shoemaker, for making an affray upon Richard Massy, draper, on 17 July 1591 in the bread market at Chester.
Billa vera.
11. 16 July 1591
Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
12. 16 July 1591.
Constables presentments for Northgate ward.
13. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward.
14. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
15. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
16. Constables presentments for St. Giles ward.
17. 16 July 1591
Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
18. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
19. 16 July 1591.
Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
20. Indictment that Robert Currier of Handbridge, Chester, yeoman, Paul Johnson of the same, yeoman, John Sefton of the same, yeoman, Edward Finche of the same, yeoman, Robert Cow of the same, yeoman, Richard Barow of the same, yeoman, John Byrom of the same, yeoman, William Thompson and Peter Mercer at Handbridge within the city of Chester on 25 May 1591 at about 11 p.m. drove divers horses out of their pasture on Hough Green outside the liberties of the city, into a place called Top of the Marshe in Saltney, to the great loss and hindrance to the owners of the said horses and a bad example to evilly disposed persons.
Billa vera.
21. 28 May 1591
Examination of Robert Currier and John Sefton concerning the same, including a reference to the defendants and others being merry at the Mapole in Handbridge, after which they committed the said offence, and that they felt aggrieved with one Robert Mutchell for enclosing a plot of ground, and so determined to drive the cattle on this ground to the marsh. Also a reference to the driving of cattle onto the marsh by Lord Derby's bailiff of Hawarden.
Note that both were to be presented and fined at the next Quarter Sessions, and that Sefton was to be committed for first denying the charge and then confessing.
22. Presentment by the constables of St. Mary's ward that Richard Mutchell the younger of Handbridge together with his children and servants on 25 June 1591 and at other times at Saltney, within the liberties of the city, drove the cattle belonging to the inhabitants of Handbridge on the common there into the sea and kept them from their rightful pasture.
Billa vera.
23. Presentment by Richard Haselwall of Handbridge, Chester, that Richard Mutchell of the same, ? salter, his children and family had driven cattle belonging to the said Richard Haselwell several times from the common in Saltney within the city out of the liberties of the city into the sea and over into Blakon Marshe and other places.
Billa vera.
24. 11 July 1591
Examination of John Lewes of Handbridge, Chester, husbandman, and William Litherland of Handbridge, concerning the same, including a reference to the cattle moving to the shore as the tide came in and being driven back by the said Richard Mutchell, his son and servant on horseback. Also that the defendants drove a cow belonging to the said William Litherland over his maid who was milking it upon the marsh and overturned the milk.
25. Presentment of bowlers for bowling on 18 July 1591 and on several previous Sundays and Holy Days.
Billa vera.
26. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
Also presentments by the jury of strangers in the city made at Quarter Sessions 22 July 1591 for St. Thomas's ward, St. Oswald's ward, St. Bridget's ward and St. Nicholas's ward, including references to Manx men and women, one of the latter described as living in a house without a chimney and therefore 'daungerous for fyre', and other couple described as 'lustye young people comon beggers abrod'.
Damaged and incomplete.
27. Presentment of Thomas Barker and Robert Heath, both of whom held leases from the city of bams near the Calliardes [Kaleyards], for dividing these barns into houses for thieves and other persons of ill repute, and allowing fires in these buildings, some of which were without chimneys, to the great danger of their neighbours barns used for storing corn.
Billa vera.
Endorsed: 'presented papers 22 and 2 after'.
28. 22 July 1591
Presentments by the jury of encroachments and stopping of watercourses etc., including a reference to the Cockpitt near Cow Lane end.
Damaged and incomplete.
29. Sessions: List of officers and panel.
Damaged and incomplete.
30. 31 July 1591
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs for the delivery of Northgate gaol and to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 16 Aug. 1591
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 6.
31. Crownmote: Panel
32. 31 July 1591
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 16 Aug. 1591.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 6.
33. Indictment that Jane Verh Crosser of Abergenie [Abergavenny], co. Monmouth, spinster, on 21 July 1591 at Chester stole 6s.8d. from the purse of Anne Norwood, wife of George Norwood of Handbridge, Chester, tailor, from the person of the said Anne, Also that Margaret Prosser of Kinton, co. Hereford, spinster, on the same day, knowing what the said Jane had done, aided and helped her.
Billa vera.
Damaged and incomplete.
34. Indictment that Jane Verh Crosser of Abergeing [Abergavenny], co. Monmouth, spinster, on 21 July 1591 at Chester stole 14d. from a person unknown. Also that Margaret Prosser of Kinton, co. Hereford, spinster, on the same day, knowing what the said Jane had done aided and helped her.
Billa vera.
Damaged and incomplete.
35. Crownmote: Panel.
Damaged and incomplete.
36. Indictment that Robert Mathew of Llanvahangilt [Llanfihangel], co. Anglesey, yeoman, on 1 Aug. 1591 at Chester, stole [illegible] oxen the price of each one being 25s. belonging to David Lloyd ap Hugh of Llanthovenan [Llanddyfnan?], co. Anglesey, gentleman.
Billa vera.
37. Indictment that Jane Verh [verch] Crosser of Aergeine [Abergavenny], co. Monmouth, spinster, on 21 July 1591 at Chester, stole 19d. from the purse of Margaret Davy, wife of Richard Davy of Mollington, Cheshire, husbandman, from the person of the said Margaret. Also that Margaret Prosser of Kinton, co. Hereford, spinster, on the same day, knowing what the said Jane had done, aided and helped her as in 40.
Billa vera.
38. Indictment that Margaret Calley of Chester, spinster, on 20 July 1590 at Chester, broke into the house of Richard Massy of Chester, gentleman., and stole four 'weyders' worth 8s., 2 ch [illegible] worth 2s., two dishes worth 12d., one candlestick worth 12d., one pint pot worth [illegible] pence, one linen sheet worth 5 [missing], one ?white cloth worth 3s., one pair of white 'knit sleves' worth [missing], one white linen sleeve worth 4d., one 'night cercher' wrought with white work worth [missing], [missing] worth 12d., and one small [missing] belonging to the said Richard Massy. Also that John Cally of Chester, yeoman, on the same day, knowing what the said Margaret had done aided and helped her.
Slashed for cancellation. Damaged and incomplete.
39. 1 Aug. 1591
Examination of Robert Mathew and of Edward Meycock of Mickle Trafford, Cheshire, concerning the theft of cattle by the said Robert Mathew as in 36.
Damaged and incomplete.
40. 21 and 22 July 1591
Examination of Jane Verh Crosser and Margaret Prosser nee Rawlins, aunt to the said Jane, concerning the theft of money from Margaret Davy as in 37, including references to the said Jane and Margaret selling bone lace and other wares in Chester.
41. Indictment that Anna Robinson of Chester, spinster, on 1 Nov. 1590 at Chester broke into the house of Peter Jenkin of Chester, sherman, and stole a frying pan belonging to the said Peter.
Billa vera.
42. Indictment that Anna Robinson of Chester, spinster, on 5 Nov. 1590 at Chester broke into the house of Peter Jenkin of Chester, sherman, and stole a brass pot worth 7s. belonging to the said Peter.
Billa vera.
43. 28 April 1591
?Examination of Griffith Jones concerning testimony to be given.
Damaged and incomplete.
44. 20 Nov. 1591
Examination of John Williamson of Gresford, co. Denbigh, William Robinson, slater, Anne Robinson, wife of the said William and Thurstan Helde, baker, concerning the theft of a brass pot by the said Anne Robinson as in 42.
Damaged and incomplete.
45. 26 Oct. 1590
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs for the delivery of Northgate Gaol and to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 7 Dec. 1590.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 6.
46. Crownmote: Panel.
47. 26 Oct. 1590.
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 7 Dec. 1590
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 6.
48. Crownmote: Panel.
Damaged and incomplete.
49. 14 Sept. 1590
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs for the delivery of Northgate Gaol and to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 26 Oct. 1590
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 6.
50. Crownmote: Panel.
51. 14 Sept. 1590
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 26 Oct. 1590.
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs as in 6.
52. Crownmote: Panel.
53. Indictment that Ranulph Edwards of Chester, glover, on 24 June 1590 at Chester stole fifty tawed skins worth 10s. belonging to Robert Brerewood of Chester, alderman.
Billa vera.
54. 28 July 1591
Examination of John Cally and Margaret Cally, his wife, concerning goods stolen from the house of Richard Massy as in 3, 4 and 38.
55. 5 June 1591
Examination of Humphrey Yonge concerning money stolen by John Parry from Arthur Bennet as in 2.
56. 1 June 1590
Interrogatories to be administered concerning the same.
Endorsed: 'These of Hum' Yonge'.
57. 1 Sept. 1590
Examination of John Cally of Chester, yeoman, aged 31, and Margaret his wife concerning the theft of goods from the house of Richard Massy as in 3 and 4. Includes a description of preparations made before Richard Massy left for a visit to Preston, including the locking of valuables in desk, placing the desks under the bed behind the truckle bed and locking the doors of the various rooms in the house.
58. 4 Sept. 1590
Examination of Margaret Cally concerning the same.
59. 10 April 1591
Examination of Margaret Cally, wife of John Cally, concerning the same.
60. 10 April 1591
Examination of John Cally, concerning the same.
61. Interrogatories to be administered to John Cally concerning the same.
62. 20 April 1591
Examination of John Cally concerning the same.
63. 22 April 1591
Examination of Margaret Cally concerning the same.
64. 1 May 1591
Examination of Jane Moores, wife of Hamnet Moores, concerning the same, including a reference to plate being taken to London to be exchanged and altered.
65. 4 July 1591
Examination of Margaret Cally, John Cally and John Dewsbury, concerning the same, the said Margaret being then in Northgate gaol.
66. 25 June 1592
Interrogatories to be administered to the constables and to Margaret Cally concerning the same.
67. 25 June 1592
Examination of John Davie of Ludlow, husbandman, concerning the theft of cloth and other articles.
68. 11 April 1591
Examination of Elizabeth Prichard, servant of Arthur Bennet, concerning the theft of money from the said Arthur Bennet as in 2.
69. Examination of Barnaby Leanard, servant of Arthur Bennett, concerning the same.
70. 11 April 1591
Examination of Alice Fisher, daughter of Thomas Fisher, the elder, butcher, servant of Arthur Bennett, concerning the same, including a reference to setting out her mistresses 'holydaies clothes'.
71. 11 April 1591
Examination of Nicholas Urmeston, servant of Mr. Edward Leigh of Barggely [Abergele] co. Denbigh, esq., concerning the same.
72. 11 April 1591
Examination of Dorothy Ledsham of Harwarden [Hawarden], co Flint, spinster, concerning the same, including a reference to visiting her father in Chester castle.
73. 11 April 1591
Examination of Richard Rogers of London, sadler, concerning the same.
74. 11 April 1591
Examination of John Thomason of Happeford [Hapsford], Cheshire, yeoman, concerning the same, and stating that he came to Chester to sell three beasts.
75. 11 April 1591
Examination of Adam Hunt, cook, servant of Mr. John Glasior, concerning the same.
76. 11 April 1591
Examination of Robert Kirkes of 'the lea', servant of John Glasior, concerning the same.
77. [11 April 1591]
Examination of Katherine Johns, servant of Arthur Bennet, concerning the same, with further examinations on the 12 and 15 April.
78. 11 April 1591
Examination of John Parry, servant of Mr. John Glasior, Also examination of John Brapson of Cork in Ireland, gentleman., concerning the same on 12 April 1591. Includes a reference to Parry writing verses.
79. 12 April 1591
Further examination of John Parry concerning the places in Chester he had been on 10 April and his conversation with Katherine Johns.
80. 11 April 1591
Examination of Griffith Thomas of Chester, butcher, concerning the said John Parry and Katherine Johns, and stating that Parry was guilty of the theft.
81. 12 April 1591
Examination of Jane Bird wife of William Bird, butcher, and Ellen Hallsall, wife of Henry Hallsall, concerning Katherine Johns and John Parry.
82. 12 April 1591
Examination of William Snell of Chester, cook, brother in law of John Parry, concerning the same, including a description of his visit to John Parry in the Northgate prison in which he refers to Humphrey Yonge, the keeper. Also refers to going to the waterside to buy 'coles'.
83. 13 April 1591
Examination of Ellen Skynner, servant of John Smith, barber, and Ellen Rawlinson, servant to Ralph Barton, concerning a statement made by Katherine Johns.
84. Interrogatories to be administered to Katherine Johns concerning the same.
85. 19 April 1591
Further examination of Katherine Johns concerning the same.
86. Interrogatories to be administered to John Parry concerning his activities on Saturday and Sunday 10 and 11 April.
87. 19 April 1591
Further examination of John Parry concerning the same.
88. 27 April 1591
Examination of Peter Litherland, tanner, a member of the jury at the Sessions concerning representations made to him by William Snell, from Mr. Glasior on behalf of the said John Parry.
89. 27 April 1591
Examination of Richard Woodcok, tanner, another member of the jury at the Sessions concerning representations made to him by Mr. Hugh Glasior, son of Mr. John Glasior, on behalf the said John Parry, one of his father's servants.
90. 27 April 1591
Examination of William Snell, cook, concerning the same, in which he described how he stood in Butchers Row and watched witnesses coming to the Common Hall to give evidence to the Jury against John Parry, and that he had visited Parry in the Northgate Gaol and informed him of this.
91. Indictment that John Davie of Ludlow, Salop., husbandman, on 24 June 1594 at Chester stole four 'wayne clowtes' worth 8d., a knife worth 8d., and a wooden spoon worth 2d. the owners of which were unknown.
Slashed in cancellation.
92. Interrogatories to be administered to John Cally and Margaret his wife concerning goods stolen from their master Richard Massy.
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