RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleFulk Aldersey, Mayor, Richard Birkenhead, Recorder
Description1. 30 Nov 1594.
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 16 Dec. 1594.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs Henry Hamnet and William Knight. Seal: Mayor's Privy seal and counterseal. Incomplete.
2. Crownmote: Panel.
3. 30 Nov. 1594.
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs for the delivery of Northgate Gaol and to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 16 De. 1594.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs Henry Hamnet and William Knight.
4. Crownmote: Panel.
5. Indictment that Maurice ap Lewis ap Prees of [illegible] Co. Salop yeoman, on 29 Sept. 1594 at Chester with a knife worth 1d. cut a purse worth 1d. belonging to Hugh Buckley of Hargreve Stubbes [Hargrave]. Cheshire, husbandman, from Elizabeth, wife of the said Hugh, containing 7s.1½d. Also that Richard ap Lewis of New Towne [Newtown], co. Montgomery, yeoman, on the same day, knowing what the said Maurice had done, aided and helped him.
Billa vera.
6. Indictment that Patrick Fitzimons of Chester, shoemaker, on 17 Oct. 1594 at Chester stole £3 6s. 8d. from William Pixley of Chester, mercer.
Billa vera.
7. Indictment that Fulk Calkin of Chester, yeoman, on 10 Nov. 1594 at Chester broke into the house of Robert Dodd of Chester, gentleman., and stole 11s. 1d. and a purse belonging to the said Robert Dodd. Billa vera.
8. Indictment that Fulk Calkin of Chester, yeoman, on 12 Nov. 1594 at Chester broke into the house of Jane Browne of Chester, widow, and stole a hoop worth 12d. and 200 eggs worth 3s. belonging to Isabel Crosse of Chester, widow.
Billa vera.
9. Indictment that Fulk Calkin of Chester, yeoman, on 14 Nov. 1594 at Chester broke into the house of William Adams of Chester, baker, and stole 7s. 5d. and a purse belonging to the said William Adams.
Billa vera.
10. 21 Oct. 1594
Examination of William Wethers, Ellen Wilding and William Pue ap Hugh ap Willin, prisoners in the Northgate Gaol concerning the robbery of William Pixley in the Northgate as in as in 6.and a card dropped by Patrick Fitzimons when undressing in the prison.
Damaged and incomplete.
11. 16 Nov. 1594
Examination of Fulk Calkin, Alice Yandley and Grace Rathburne, widow concerning money and goods stolen by the said Fulk from Robert Dodd, Jane Browne and William Adams as in 7-9, to all of which upon further examination the said Fulk Calkin confessed.
12. 18 Oct. 1594
Examination of Jane, wife of Alexander Thorbrand concerning her kinship with Patrick Fitzimons, her visits to him while he was a prisoner in the Northgate Gaol and the arrangements made between them for his release from Gaol after which he gave her 6d. to buy drinks, which 6d. William Pixley claimed had been stolen from him. Also examination of Patrick Fitzimons concerning the same.
13. Constables presentments for [Trinity] ward.
14. Constables presentments for the Northgate ward, with references to events on 1 April 1595. Includes the presentment of John Peerson, weaver, for keeping a fire in a cellar in Northgate Street which had no chimney so that the smoke came into the street to the annoyance of his neighbours.
15. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward, with references to events in January and March [1595].
16. Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
17. Constables presentments for St. [Michael's] ward.
18. 29 April 1595
Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
19. Constables presentments for the Eastgate ward, with reference to events on 9 April 1595.
20. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward, with references to events in February and April 1595, including an affray on Haughe Gryne [Hough Green] between a soldier and a Welshman, and the presentment of a road in Handbridge, one side of which was paved and the other unpaved.
21. Constables resentments for St. Thomas's ward, with references to events in February and April 1595.
22. Constables presentments for St. Giles's ward, including the presentment of James Bannion for lodging vagabonds and rogues.
23-26. Presentments by the jury with references to events in April and May 1595: 23. containing a list of persons in Handbridge presented for leaving muck before their houses, 24. containing the presentment of John Styles for having pig flesh eaten in his house or tavern in Eastgate Street on 3 April 1595 contrary to the statute, the other presentments being mainly for keeping swine and pig sties within the walls of the city.
27. 22 April 1595
Sessions: Precept witnessed by Fulk Aldersey, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on Tuesday 29 April 1595. Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 1.
28. Sessions: List of officers and panel. Fulk Aldersey, Mayor.
29. Sessions: List of officers and panel, Fulk Aldersey, Mayor.
30-44. Lists of persons selling ale and beer in the various wards. These lists are undated and some have no headings but they clearly belong to a much earlier period c.1550.
30. List of sellers of ale and beer in Trinity ward on the north side. Mr. Wallaye, alderman.
31. List of names with no heading.
32. List of sellers of ale and beer in Mr. John Wallayes ward.
33. List of sellers of ale and beer in Mr. Richard Snedes ward, late Recorder. [Richard Sneyde was Recorder 1531-7 and 1550-4].
34. List of sellers of ale and beer in Mr. Lawrence Smith's ward.
35. List of sellers of ale and beer in Mr. Ralph Goodman's ward.
36. List of sellers of ale and beer in Mr. Glasier's ward.
37-38. Two lists of sellers of ale and beer with no heading.
39. List of sellers of ale and beer in Mr. Thomas Massy's ward.
40. List of sellers of ale with no heading.
41. List of sellers of ale and beer in Handbridge.
42. List of sellers of ale and beer in the ward of 'Mr. Mayor'. Roger ?Lyngle and Robert Asker, constables.
43. List of sellers of ale and beer in the ward of Mr. Snede, alderman. Thomas smith, constable.
44. List of sellers of ale and beer in Eastgate Street.
45. Presentment by the jury of John Ratclif, William Meo alias Baxter, Thomas Wirden Thomas Eaton, Thomas Rivington, Robert Jones and Robert Glover of Chester beerbrewers, for selling beer and ale on 10 Dec. 1594 and on other occasions contrary to the act of 23 Henry VIII, recited.
46. Presentment by John Bingley of Chester, sherman, that Isabel Crosse of Chester, widow, and Robert Johnes of Chester, beerbrewer, on 4 Jan. 1594/5 and before had allowed their fences in Bonce Lane and Cuppinges Lane adjoining the garden of the said John Bingley to fall into disrepair so that the produce of the said garden had been lost. Also that Thomas Booth of Chester, gentleman., kept pigs within the city walls in the said Bunce Lane, contrary to the orders of the city, which had also damaged the said garden.
Billa Vera.
47. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
48. Constables presentments for St. Gile's ward, with reference to events in Dec. and Feb. [1594-5].
49. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward, with reference to events in Feb. [1594-5].
50. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward, with reference to events in Nov. and Jan. 1594-5.
51. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
52. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
53. Constables presentments for Northgate ward, with references to events in Jan. 1594-5.
54. Constables presentments for Eastgate ward, with references to events in Jan. 1594-5.
55. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
56. Presentment [by John Sconce] that William Clough of Chester, cook, had made a privy in Watergate Street, adjoining the shop in which the said John Sconce of Chester sold victuals, and that the filth from the said privy ran into the said shop.
Billa vera.
57. 24 Jan. 1594/5.
Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
58. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
59. 31 Jan. 1594/5
Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
60. Sessions: List of officers and panel.
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