RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleThomas Smith, Mayor, Richard Birkenhead, Recorder.
Many documents illegible
DescriptionDamaged repaired at PRO
1. List of officers and panel, Thomas Fletcher, Mayor.
This document has been misplaced from File 47.
2. List of officers and panel, John Harvy, Mayor. [1576-7]
This document has been misplaced from File 30.
3. List of officers and panel, Thomas Fletcher, Mayor.
This document has been misplaced from File 47.
4-62 mainly relate to cases in the Portmote and Pentice Courts which have been filed here.
4. 12 Sept. 1597
Portmote: Write of habeas corpus juratorum to the Sheriffs to assemble a jury at the next Portmote court in the case between John Powell of the parish of Llanathin [ ] and Giles Powell, pls., and John Powell of [Overton, ?Cheshire], def. in a plea of debt for £60.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs, John Aldersey and Rowland Barnes, [during the Mayoralty of Thomas Smith, 1596-7].
5. Portmote: Panel for 4.
6. 12 Sept. 1597
Portmote: Writ of habeas corpus juratorum to the Sheriffs to assemble a jury at the next Portmote court in the case between John Powell of the parish of Llanathin [ ] and Giles Powell, pls., and John Powell of Overton [; ?Cheshire], def., in a plea of debt for £40.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
7. Portmote: Panel for 6.
8. [ ] Aug., 1597
Examination of Maurice ap John ap Ellice of Llanvervell [Llandderfel?], co. Merioneth, gentleman., concerning the two bills of debt for £60 and £40 as in 4. and 6., both of which were dated 30 Aug. 1596.
9. Sessions: memoranda concerning persons granted poor relief. Incomplete.
10. 18 July 1597
Portmote: Depositions in a case between William Lea, pl., and William Yardley, def. in a plea of transgression super casum to the damage of £10.
11. 29 Aug., 1597
Portmote: Writ of venire facias to the Sheriffes to summon a jury of 12 men at the next Portmote Court in the case between Henry Hamnet, pl., and Henry Manley, gentleman., def. in a plea of debt for £3 10s.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
12. Portmote: Panel for 11.
13. ?Portmote: ?Deposition.
Fragment only.
14. Portmote: Depositions in a case between Thomas Eaton and William Ball, gentleman., in a plea of transgression super casum to the damage of £15.
15. Portmote: Declaration on behalf of Henry Hamnet def. against William Johnes, pl. in a plea concerning the dower of Anne, formerly wife of the said William Johnes.
16. 29 Aug. 1597
Portmote: Depositions in a case between William Denwall, pl., and John Lancelot, def. in a plea of transgression super casum to the damage of £40.
date illegible.
17. Pentice: ?Writ of error to the Sheriffs concerning a case in the Pentice court between Richard Greves, pl. and John ?Hugo, def., concerning a debt of ?£8.
Incomplete and mainly illegible.
18. 18 July 1597
Portmote: Writ of habeas corpus juratorum to the Sheriffs to assemble a jury at the next Portmote in a case between Ralph Jenins, draper, pl., and Jane Browne, administratrix of the goods of John Browne, deceased, def., in a plea of transgression super casum to the damage of £4.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
19. Portmote: Panel for 18.
20. [date illegible 1597]
Portmote: Writ of distringas to the Sheriffs to assemble a jury at the next [Portmote] in a case between Robert [Brerewood, Alderman] and Thomas Ireland in a plea of debt for £5 12s.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
21. Portmote: Panel for 20.
22. Portmote: Declaration on behalf of John Powell of Llanthin and David Powell, pls., against John Powell of Overton, def. in a plea of debt for £40 as in 6., relating to the bond for the said debt dated 30 Oct. 1596, as in 42.
23. Portmote: Declaration on behalf of Thomas Meirs, pl., against John Frodsh[a]m, gentleman., in a plea of debt for £3 14s., relating to the purchase by the said John Frodsham from the said Thomas Meirs on 26 May 1596 of a pearl hat band for £3 and two felt hats for 14s. Also claims damages of 40s.
24. Portmote: Declaration on behalf of John Powell of Llanthin and David Powell, pls., against John Powell of Overton, def., in a plea of debt for £60 as in 4, concerning the bond for the said debt dated 30 Oct. 1596, as in 44.
25. Portmote: Declaration on behalf of Richard Button, pl. against John Whitophe, def. in a plea of debt for £8, for oxen bought by the said John from the said Richard in Chester on 20 June 1596 as in 38.
26. Portmote: List of reasons given by William Yardley def. against the judgement given in a case brought against him by William Lea, as in 10.
With memorandum that this was received in court at the Portmote on 1 Aug. 1597.
Damaged and incomplete.
27. Portmote: Declaration on behalf of Robert Hassall, gentleman., pl. against George Manley, gentleman., in a plea of debt for £100 relating to a bond for the said debt dated 25 March 1595.
28. 13 Aug. 1597
Portmote: Writ of fieri facimus to the Mayor and Sheriffs ordering the records in the case between Robert Hassall gentleman., pl and George Manley, def., for a debt of £100 begun in the Pentice Court, and later transferred to the Portmote court, to be taken to the Exchequer Court at Chester Castle.
29. 18 July 1597
Portmote: Writ of habeas corpus juratorum to the Sheriffs to assemble a jury at the next Portmote in a case between Robert Hassall, gentleman. pl., and George Manley, gentleman., def., in a plea of debt for £100.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
30. Portmote: Panel for 29.
31. 7 Sept. 1597
Portmote: Writ of replevin to the Sheriffs to restore to Ellen Meols of Chester, spinster, her cow which Richard Meols of Chester, fishmonger, took and unjustly detained.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
32. Portmote: Declaration on behalf of Robert Brerwood, Alderman, pl against Thomas Ireland, def., in a plea of debt of £5 12s. as in 52, relating to a bond for the said debt dated 22 Sept. 1596.
Endorsed: [in a contemporary hand] 'Hugh Richardson crier, to have to him granted the office of Crier lately supplied by his brother' v. AB/1/248. 5 May 1597.
33. Portmote: Declaration on behalf of Henry Hamnet pl., against John Powell, def. in a plea of debt for £14 1s. 9d. as in 46 and 56., concerning goods bought by the said John from the said Henry at various times since 16 Feb. 1595/6, including wheat, cloth and sheep, as in 46.
Damaged and incomplete.
34. Portmote: Declaration on behalf of George Manley, gentleman., def., against Robert Hassall, gentleman., pl., in a plea of debt for £100 as in 27-29 concerning the wording of the said bond.
35. Portmote: Fragment of a ?declaration in a case between [John] Willins and [Edward] Morley.
36. Scrap of paper, ? part of 35.
37. Another portion of 35.
38. 26 Sept. 1597
Portmote: Writ of distringas to the Sheriffs to assemble a jury at the next Portmote in a case between Richard Button, pl., and John Whitoph, def., in a plea of debt for £8, as in 59 and 61
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
39. Portmote: Panel for 38.
40. 15 Aug. 1597
Portmote: Writ of venire facias to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 12 men at the next Portmote in the case between Richard Fletcher, gentleman., pl., and George Downes, def., in a plea of transgression super casum to the damage of £9 12s 2d.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
41. Portmote: Panel for 40.
42. 29 Aug. 1597
Portmote: Writ of venire facias to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 12 men at the next Portmote in the case between John Powell of the parish of Llanathin and David Powell pls., and John Powell of Overton, def., in a plea of debt for £40.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
43. Portmote: Panel for 42.
44. 29 Aug. 1597
Portmote: Writ of venire facias to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 12 men at the next Portmote in the case between John Powell of the parish of Llanathin and David Powell, pls., and John Powell of Overton, def., in a plea of debt for £60.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
45. Portmote: Panel for 43.
46. 15 Aug. 1597
Portmote: Writ of distringas to the Sheriffs to assemble a jury at the next Portmote in the case between Henry Hamnet, draper, pl., and John Powell, def., in a plea of debt for £14 1s. 9d.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
47. Portmote: Panel for 46.
48. 18 July 1597
Portmote: Writ of habeas corpus juratorum to the Sheriffs to assemble a jury at the next Portmote in the case between Anna Johnes, widow, pl., and Henry Hamnet, def., in a plea of dower, as in 58.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
49. Portmote: Panel for 48.
50. 15 Aug. 1597
Portmote: Writ of distringas to the Sheriffs to assemble a jury at the next Portmote in the case between William Denwall, pl., and John Launcellot, def., in a plea of transgression super casum to the damage of £40.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
51. Portmote: Panel for 50.
52. [18] July 1597
Portmote: Writ of habeas corpus juratorum to the Sheriffs to assemble a jury after the next Portmote in the case between Robert Brerewood, alderman, pl., and Thomas Ireland, def., in a plea of debt for £5 12s.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
53. Portmote: Panel for 52.
54. 15 Aug. 1593[7]
Portmote: Writ of distringas to the Sheriffs to assemble a jury at the next Portmote in a case between Ralph Jenins, draper, pl., and Jane Browne, administratrix of the goods of John Brown, deceased, def., in a plea of transgression super casum to the damage of £4.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
55. Portmote: Panel for 54.
56. 18 July 1597
Portmote: Writ of habeas corpus juratorum to the Sheriffs to assemble a jury at the next Portmote in the case between Henry Hamnet, draper, pl., and John Powell, def., in a plea of debt for £14 1s. 9d.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
57. Portmote: Panel for 56.
58. 20 July 1597
Portmote: Writ of venire facias to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 12 men at the next Portmote in the case between Anna Johns, widow, pl., and Henry Hamnet, def., in a plea of dower. Not executed.
59. 18 July 1597
Portmote: Writ of habeas corpus juratorum to the Sheriffs to assemble a jury at the next Portmote in the case between Richard Button, butcher, pl., and John Whitoph, def., in a plea of debt for £8.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
60. Portmote: Panel for 59.
61. 15 Aug. 1597
Portmote: Writ of distringas to the Sheriffs to assemble a jury at the next Portmote in the case between Richard Button, butcher, pl., and John Whitoph, def., in a plea of debt for £8.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
62. Portmote: Panel for 61.
63. [1591]
Sessions: Writ witnessed by Thomas Smith, Mayor to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on Friday 8 ?April 1597.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
64. List of officers and panel. Thomas Smith, Mayor.
65. Indictment that Anna Leeche of Chester, widow, on 5 Sept. 1593 at Chester leased to John Willins a messuage in Bridge Street in the occupation of Philip[illegible], gentleman., with all houses buildings and cellars belonging to the same, excepting one ground sollar and a shop adjoing le Row belonging to the same messuage, for the term of 21 years from the following Michaelmas, and that the said John Willins had possession of the same until 14 April 1597 when the said Anna Leeche and Anthony Enos, innholder, Peter Locker alias Richardson [trade missing], Anna Reynoldes, widow, Pargaret Griff, spinster, Jane Evans of Chester, spinster, and other unknown malefactors arrived for battle with 'a ?wayd', an iron bar and a pair of 'pynsons' entered the said messuages and deprived the said John Willans from possession of the same from that date to the present time. Badly damaged and incomplete.
66. Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
67. Constables presentments for Northgate ward.
68. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
69. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
70. Presentment by the jury of James Sale of Chester, shoemaker, for stopping up a watercourse.
Billa vera.
Damaged and incomplete.
71. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
72. Constables presentments for St. John's ward, including the presentment of Ellen Wildon for not attending the parish church for six months.
73. Constables presentments for Trinity ward, including a list of strangers (listed) with names of householders with whom they lived.
74. Constables presentments for St. Giles ward.
75. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward, including the presentment of the back lane leading from the 'gorstakes towardes the wynde mylne without the Northgate'.
76. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
77. Constables presentments for the Eastgate ward, with reference to events on 5 April 1597.
78. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
79. Presentment by the jury of persons (named) having great store of corn and not bringing it to the market.
Damaged and incomplete.
80. 14 [?Jan. 1596/7]
Sessions: Precept, witnessed by Thomas Smith, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 21 Jan. 1596/7.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
81. List of officers and panel. Thomas Smith, Mayor.
82. Presentment by the jury that Anne Shingleton of Chester, widow, on ?9 Jan. 1596/7 put muck near the house of William Manninge.
Damaged and incomplete.
83. Constables presentments for Northgate ward.
84. Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
85. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward.
86. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
87. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
88. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward, including the presentment of widow Clough for letting a chamber to a Welshman and his wife with 'iii tall wemen and a man' who burn nothing but gorse and as the chimney was small, the neighbours were in danger of fire.
89. Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
90. 21 Jan. 1596/7
Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
91. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
92. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
93. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
94. Fragment of some constables presentments.
Endorsed by Randle Holme: 'Sessions 39 Q E42 Tho Smith Ar maior 1596'
95. 31 Aug. 1597
Sessions: Precept, witnessed by Thomas Smith, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on ?9 September 1597.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
96. List of officers and panel. Thomas Smith, Mayor.
97. Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
98. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
99. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
100. Constables presentments for St. Giles's ward.
101. Presentment to the jury that John Williams of Chester, innholder, on 10 Dec. 1594 at Chester in Foregate Street erected a gutter against a house in the occupation of Robert Williams adjoining the house of the said John Williams, because of which the timber of the house of the said Robert had shrunk by the space of one ?quarter of a yard from the vertical where they had first been placed, and because of this the beams of the house had also been damaged.
102. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward.
103. 16 Sept. 1597
Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
104. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
105. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
106. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
107. Constables presentments for Northgate ward.
108. Constables presentments for Eastgate ward.
109. Jurors presentments.
Damaged and incomplete.
110. 25 March 1597/8
Fragment of an examination.
111. 1 Oct. 1597. Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs for the delivery of Northgate Gaol and to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 5 Oct. 1597.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
112. Crownmote: Panel.
113. 1 Oct. 1597.
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 3 Oct. 1597.
114. Crownmote: Panel.
115. Indictment that Thomas Blundell of Scarsbrick [Scarisbrick], co. Lancs., yeoman, on 20 July 1597 at Chester stole 10 table napkins worth 10s. and a smock worth 5s. belonging to Simon Sothorne alias ?Moors of Chester, innkeeper.
Billa vera.
116. Indictment that Thomas Blundell of Scarsbrick [Scarisbrick] co. Lancs., yeoman, on 20 July 1597 at Chester stole 4 sheets worth 10s., the owner of which was not known.
Billa vera.
117. Indictment that Thomas Blundell of Scarsbrick [Scarisbrick], co. Lancs., yeoman, on 20 July 1597 at Chester stole a cloak Sorth 2s. belonging to John Lightfote of Chester, glover.
Billa vera.
118. Indictment that Thomas Yorke of Burton super Humber [Barton upon Humber] co. Lincoln, yeoman, on 25 June 1597 at Chester stole a purse worth 2d. containing a gold ring worth 3s. a silver ring worth 6d., a piece of silver worth 4s. and another piece of silver worth 6d., 2 gilt buckles worth 6d., and 2 bracelets worth 4d., all belonging to Margaret Tailer of Tilston, Cheshire, spinster.
Billa vera.
119. Indictment that William ap Hugh of Llanvarten [?Glanyrafon], of Salop, yeoman, on 7 September 1597 at Chester stole a cow worth 40s. belonging to David ap Gruff of Pambrobin [Pentrobin] co. Flint, yeoman.
Billa vera.
120. [Date illegible].
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs for the delivery of Northgate gaol and to summon a jury of 24 men on (50 May 1597].
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
121. Crownmote: Panel for 120.
122. Indictment that Thomas Venam of Walkerton [Walgherton], Cheshire chapman, and John Geste of Wigan, co. Lancaster, husbandman on 10 May 1597 at Chester broke into the barn of Katherine Tilston of Chester, widow, and stole three pecks of barley worth 5s.
Billa vera.
123. Indictment that Thomas Venam of Walkerton [Walgherton], Cheshire chapman and John Geste of Wigan, co. Lancaster, husbandman, on 10 May 1597 at Chester broke into the barn of Katherine Tilston of Chester, widow, and stole one and a half bushels of malt worth 30s.
Billa vera.
124. Indictment that James Higham of Christleton, Cheshire, husbandman, on 10 May 1597 at Chester stole one peck of wheat worth 2s. 6d. and one peck of corn worth 2s. belonging to John Walton.
Billa Vera.
125-8. 20 May 1597
Fragments of the examination of Thomas Venam concerning the theft of malt as in 123.
129. Indictment that Robert Okes of Llanhassa [Llanasa], co. Flint, yeoman, on 28 Sept. 1596 at Chester stole two pieces of woollen cloth containing three yards, worth 2s., the owner of which was unknown.
Billa vera.
130. [Date illegible].
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on [?30 May 1597].
Endorsed: ?illegible.
131. Crownmote: Panel for 130.
132. Indictment that Maurice Jones of Oswestre [Oswestry], Salop, yeoman, and John Lloid of Denbigh, co. Denbigh, glasier, on 21 November 1596 at Chester stole divers pieces of gold [specified, but illegible] belonging to John Soda, citizen of London.
Billa vera.
133. Fragment of 167, Jurors presentments.
134. Indictment that Margaret Warburton of Chester, spinster, on 9 October 1596 at Chester stole a woman's petticoat worth 12s. belonging to John Wade of Chester, butcher.
Billa vera.
135. [?Nov. 1596]
?Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs ?for the delivery of Northgate gaol and to summon a jury of 24 men on [?29 Nov.1596]
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
136. ?Crownmote: Panel for 135.
137. [?Nov. 1596]
?Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs ?to summon a jury of 24 men on [?29 Nov. 1596].
Endorsement: illegible.
Seal: Privy seal of the Mayor with counterseal. Incomplete.
138. ?Crownmote: Panel for 137.
139. Examination of Robert Okes concerning the theft of cloth as in 129.
Fragment only.
140. Examination of Margery Ireland, wife of Thomas Ireland, dyer, and Jane Walker, wife of John Walker, shoemaker, concerning the theft of a petticoat by Margaret Warburton as in 134.
141. Examination of ?Richard Smith, Ralph Smith and Thomas Poole of Amyngton, co. Stafford [?Amington, co. Warwick], soldier, concerning the theft of the purse of the said Thomas Poole. Incomplete.
142. Examination of [Maurice Jones] and John Lloid concerning the theft of gold as in 132. John Lloid stated that John Soda was formerly known as John Simpson.
143. Examination of John Soda and Thomas Willinz concerning the same. John Soda stated that he had lost between £60 and £80. Includes list of the money lost.
144. Fragment of another examination concerning the same.
145. Fragment of an examination [of Reginald ap Robert] concerning the theft of a purse, thimble etc. as in 154-5.
146. Fragment of an examination [?of John Carter] concerning the theft of Candles as in 153.
147. Fragment from ?142-4.
148. 25 November 1596
Fragment, heading only, of the examination of George ?Unslow concerning the theft of gold as in 132.
149. [?Dec. 1596].
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 10 Dec. 1596.
Endorsement: illegible.
150. Crownmote: Panel for 149.
151. [?Dec, 1596].
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs for the delivery of Northgate gaol and to summon a jury of 24 men on 10 Dec. 1596.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 4.
Seal: Privy seal of the Mayor with counterseal. Incomplete.
152. Crownmote: Panel for 151.
153. Indictment that John Canter of Chester, glover, on 14 Dec. 1596 at Chester on 14 Dec. 1596 broke into the shop of Hugh Hyne of Chester, chandler, and stole a dozen candles worth 4s.
Billa vera.
154. Indictment that Reginald ap Robert of Chester, yeoman, on 4 Dec. 1596 with a knife worth ¼d. cut the purse worth 1d. of Jane Monksfield of Chester, widow, containing 6d.
Billa vera.
155. Indictment that Reginald ap Robert of Chester, yeoman, on 4 Dec. 1596 stole a silver thinmble worth 2s. the owner of which was not known.
Billa vera.
156. Sessions: Panel and list of officers. Thomas Smith, Mayor.
157. 3 Dec. 1596
Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
158. Constables presentments for Eastgate ward, including references to events in Oct. 1596.
159. Constables presentments for Northgate ward. Including the presentment of Humphrey Younge, Keeper of the Northgate, for selling ale contrary to the statute.
160. Constables presentments for St. Giles's ward.
161. 3 Dec. 1596
Constables presentments for Eastgate ward.
162. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
163. Constables presentments for St. John's Ward.
164. 3 Dec. 1596
Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
165. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
166. Presentment by the jury.
Note: no. 2 belongs to File 30, and nos. 1 and 3 belong to File 47. Also Nos. 4-62 mainly relate to cases in the Portmote and Pentice courts, which have been filed here.
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