RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleJohn Ratcliffe, Mayor, Thomas Lawton, Recorder
Description1. 10 Aug 1602.
Constables presentments for Trinity Ward.
2. ? Crownmote: Panel [part of a list of names]
Damaged and incomplete.
3. Constables presentments for Northgate Ward.
4. 16 Aug. 1602. Jurors presentments including Margaret, wife of John Ascoe, for keeping a bawdye house and towe or three whores' in Bridge Street, a number of presentments for harbouring strangers, and references to Cleatten Lane and 'blacke lacke' in Brownsfield Lane.
5. 10 Aug 1602
Constables presentments for St. Oswald's Ward.
6. 10 Aug 1602
Constables presentments for Eastgate Ward.
7. Constables presentments for St. Michael's Ward.
8. Constables presentments for St. Bridgets Ward.
9. 10 Aug 1602
Constables presentments for St. Martin's Ward.
10. Constables presentments for St. Mary's Ward.
11. 10 Aug 1602
Constables presentments for St. Olave's Ward.
12. Indictment that Ralph Tongue of Chester, shoemaker, Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Christian of Chester, shoemaker, Hugh Siddall of Chester, shoemaker, and other unknown persons on 2 Oct. 1602 at Chester took possession of a messuage, garden and appurtenances in Pepper Street belonging to William Leeche of Chester, gentleman., then in the tenure of Elizabeth Bowyer of Chester, spinster, so that the said William Leeche had been disseised and the said Elizabeth Bowyer had been expelled from the said property since that date, contrary to the statute.
Billa vera
13. Indictment that William Bowyer of Chester, shoemaker, Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Bowyer, the elder, of Chester, shoemaker, Thomas Bowyer, the younger, of Chester, shoemaker, Elizabeth Bowyer of Chester, spinster, and Robert Bowyer of Chester, shoemaker on 2 Oct. 1602 at Chester made a riotous assembly in Pepper Street against Katherine ?Mann wife of Thomas ? [Elizabeth Bowyer, spinster, Christopher ? Loggin and Elizabeth his wife, crossed out] and broke into the house of the said Katherine in Pepper Street.
Billa vera.
Memorandum that each of the indicted persons was to be fined £5, and that the case was to be heard at the next Sessions.
14. Indictment that Ralph Tongue of Chester, shoemaker, Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Christian of Chester, shoemaker, Hugh Siddall of Chester, shoemaker, together with other unknown persons on 2 Oct. 1602 at Chester between the hours of eight and nine in the morning broke into the house of Elizabeth Bowyer, spinster, Christopher ? Duggen and Elizabeth his wife.
Billa vera
Memorandum that each of the indicted persons was to be fined £5. and that the case was to be heard at the next Sessions.
15. Indictment that Richard Birchley of Chester, haberdasher, Richard F.... of Chester, shoemaker, Cuthbert Almond of Chester, sadler, John Ashton of Chester, innholder, Bradford Throppe of Chester, shoemaker, Edward Kylshe of Chester, soldier, and David Allen of Chester, being freemen of the City of Chester on 1 Oct. 1602 demised certain shops in Chester to merchants from outside Chester who were not freemen of the city, contrary to the liberties and customs of the city.
16. Indictment that Richard Blagg of Chester, smith, on 1 Aug. 1602 and on a number of occasions before and after this date, erected occupied and maintained a privey under the 'evesinge', ? eaves, on the north side of the mansion house of Thomas Powell, innholder, in Bridge Street, to the annoyance of the said Thomas Powell and the guests coming to his house.
Billa vera
17. Sessions: Declaration on behalf of Thomas Walshe against the Crown in travers super indictment of which the said Thomas claimed that he was innocent, including a reference to William Gamul and William Johnson, Sheriffs [1602-3]. Belongs to file QSF/51.
18. 2 Oct. 1602
Precept from John Ratcliffe, Mayor, and Thomas Lawton, esq., Recorder, and other Justices of the Peace to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men from the parish of St. Michael, each owning lands or rents of the annual value of 40s., on Monday 4 Oct. to enquire on their oaths concerning an armed entry into a messuage in Pepper Street.
Executed by the Sheriffs John Ratcliffe and Owen Harries.
19. Crownmote: panel.
20. Declaration on behalf of Ralph Tongue, Elizabeth, his wife, Thomas Christian and Hugh Siddall against the Crown in travers super indictment concerning an armed entry made into a messuage in Pepper Street as in 12.
21. Indictment that whereas Margaret Martin of Chester, widow was seised for the term of the life of Anne Leeche, widow, of a messuage with garden and appurtenances in Pepper Street, Chester, until 29 Sept. 1600, when John Yeardley of Crewe, gentleman., William Leeche of Chester, gentleman., Nicholas Casse of Chester, glazier and Jane his wife, Thomas Dalbye of Chester, yeoman, John Davies of Chester, yeoman, and Jane his wife, Ralph Holmes of Chester, yeoman, and other unknown persons disseised the said Margaret of the said property, contrary to the statute. Belongs to file QSF/48
22. 29 Sept. 1600.
Precept from Henry Hardware, esq., Mayor, and other Justices of the Peace, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men from the neighbourhood of Pepper Street, each owning lands or rents of the annual value of 40s. On Tuesday 7 Oct. to enquire on their oaths concerning an armed entry made into a messuage in Pepper Street belonging to Margaret Martin, widow.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs John Owen and John Moyle. Belongs to file QSF/48
23. Memorandum concerning the cancellation of the indenture of an apprentice of John Primrose.
24. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward, including a reference to events in February.
25. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward, including a reference to events in April, and the dangerous condition of the stone bridge leading to 'Blacken'.
26. 1601[2]
Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward, including references to events in March and April 1602.
27. 16 April 1602
Jurors presentments, including the presentment of Mary Leverpoole, daughter of William Leverpoole for not attending church.
28. 16 April 1602
Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
29. Constables presentments for Trinity ward, including a reference to events in March.
30. Constables presentments for Northgate ward.
31. Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
32. 16 April 1602.
Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
33. Constables presentments for St. Giles ward.
34. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
35. 16 April [1602]
Constables presentments for Eastgate ward.
36. 1 Feb. 1601/2.
Sessions. Precept witnessed by Thomas Rattcliffe, Mayor, to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on Tuesday 23 February 1601/2.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs [names missing].
37. List of officers and panel, John Ratclyffe, Mayor.
38. Memorandum concerning an order made in open Sessions forbidding anyone to keep ale or beer for sale unless authorised to do so in open Sessions, or with the permission of the Mayor and three J.Ps., and upon sufficient sureties, with a list of constables in each ward.
39. Presentments by the jury that Margery Kendall, wife of David Kendall of Chester, labourer, on 20 February 1601/2 at Chester practised witchcraft on Joan wife of Gilbert Eaton from the 20 Feb. to 1 March, so that the said Joan was in danger of her life.
40. Indictment that John Rogerson alias Rogers of Chester, draper, on 4 December 1601 at Chester made an assault on Thomas Aldersey of Chester, merchant.
Billa vera
41. Presentment by the Jury that whereas William Case on [?] Feb 1601/2 at Chester by authority of a warrant given to him by John Ratclyffe and Owen Harries, Sheriffs, took possession of a bedstead and cupboard belonging to Thomas King, then in the unlawful possession of William Fisher of Chester, innholder, and that Jane Fisher, wife of the said William Fisher, and Matilda Warmyicham of Chester on the said 7 Feb. took forcible possession of the said bedstead and cupboard from the said William Case.
Billa vera
42. Presentment by the Jury that Margery Kendall wife of David Kendall of Chester, labourer, was a common scold, and that at Chester on 20 Jan. 1601/2 and on many other occasions she had disturbed her neighbours.
Billa vera
43. Presentment by the jury that William Mercer on 1 Sept. 1602 built a new kiln adjacent to the house of Edward Younge and pinned the timber of the said kiln to the said house, and that the water descending from the said kiln fell upon the timber of the house of the said Edward, and rotted the timber and posts of the same.
Billa vera
44. Presentments by the Mayor and Sheriffs of 'Bloud wipes' between Nov. 1601 and Feb. 1601/2.
45. Presentment by the Jury that Henry Hamnet of Chester draper, on 19 Feb. 1601/2 pulled up the 'quicksettes' growing in a hedge belonging to Peter Smith in Gray Friars Lane, and having destroyed the said hedge, the said Henry erected a new fence 'pale' encroaching one foot upon the land of the said Peter, and setting the pails of the new fence into the wall of the house of the said Peter.
Billa vera
46. Presentment by the Jury that the gutter between the houses of Kenrick ap Jenna[n], John Farrar and Nicholas Garse in Bridge Street for which the said John and Nicholas were responsible had been in a ruinous state since 20 Jan. 1601/2, and was causing damage to the house of the said Kendrick ap Jenna[n].
Billa vera
47. Presentment by the Jury that William Hurchins of Chester, Innholder, on 20 Feb. 1601/2 uncroached upon two feet in breadth and 10 yards in length upon the garden of Richard Ameson lying on the E. side of Goss Lane, to the loss of the said Richard.
Billa vera
48. Presentments by the Jury, including the presentment of Thomas Fysshar, butcher, for refusing to perform his duties as a constable, having been sworn to that office.
49. Constables, presentments for St. Olave's ward, including a reference to events in Jan. [1601/2].
50. 23 Feb. [1601/2]
Constables presentments for Eastgate ward.
51. Constables presentments for [Northgate] ward.
52. Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
53. 23 Feb. 1601/2 Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
54. 23 Feb. 1601/2 Constables presentments for [St. Giles] ward.
55. 23 Feb. 1601/2
Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
56. Presentment by the jury that Thomas Revington of Chester, beer brewer, had lately built an outhouse adjoining his brewhouse in Watergate Street and in the same out house had built a chimney raised no higher than the slates of the said outhouse, with the result that since 1 Aug. 1602 the smoke from this chimney went into the orchard and gardens of John Aldersey, Alderman, and into the orchards and gardens of his neighbours, so that the apple, pear and plum trees in these orchards were smoked and withered as were also the herbs and grasses in their gardens, with the result that they were neither able to enjoy the scent and smell of the herbs and flowers, nor eat the fruit from the said trees for fear of infection.
Billa vera
57. Constables presentments for St. Thomas' ward, including a reference to events on 8 June.
58. Constables presentments for St. Giles ward, including a reference to events on 2 May.
59. 31 July 1602
Sessions: Precept witnessed by John Ratclyffe, Mayor, and the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on Tuesday 10 Aug. 1602.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 18.
60. Sessions: List of officers and panel, John Ratclyffe, Mayor.
Damaged and partially illegible.
61. Indictment that Thomas Snowe of Foxte [-], co. Stafford, husbandman, on 20 Sept. 1600, at Chester, stole a gelding price £3. belonging to Thomas Handley.
62. Indictment that John Martin of Bidston, Cheshire, clerk, on 20 April 1600, at Chester, stole a silver spoon worth 6s. 8d. belonging to James Broster, and that Richard Hatton of ?Lancon [?Ledsham], Cheshire, husbandman, on the same day, knowing what the said John had done, aided and helped him.
63. Indictment that John Chamberlain of Chester, yeoman, on 21 September 1601 at Chester stole five dozen candles, worth 25s. belonging to William Mercer of Chester, tallowchandler.
Billa vera
64. Indictment that William Shaw of Ribchester, co. Lancaster, yeoman, on 29 Sept. 1601 at Chester stole a cloak worth 22s. 6d. belonging to William Lyniall of Chester, and that William Johnes of Chester, yeoman, on the same day, knowing what the said William Shaw had done, aided and helped him.
Billa vera.
65. - Sept. 1601
Inquisition post mortem before Paul Chauntrell and Philip Phillipps, coroners, upon the body of Richard Sutton esq., wounded in a fight between the said Richard Sutton and William Whitmore, junior, gentleman., on 24 Sept. 1601 in Eastgate Street, between the hours of 9 and 10 at night at night ? in the presence of Hugh Beeston, esq., and that the said Richard died of these wounds on 26 Sept. 1601. Memorandum that this case was heard at the Crownmote Court on Monday 15 Feb. 1601/2.
Damaged and incomplete.
66. Indictment that William Shaw of Ribchester, co. Lancaster, yeoman on 20 May 1602 at Chester stole a skirt and a smock worth 6s 8d belonging to Thomas Braband of Chester, cooper, and that Margery ? Darwall of Chester, widow, on the same day, knowing what the said William had done, aided and helped him.
Billa vera
Portion relating to Margery ?Darwell crossed out.
67. Indictment that William Shaw of Ribchester, co. Lancaster, yeoman, on 20 June 1602 at Chester stole a pound of flaxen yarn, price 10d. belonging to Roger Dobbe.
Billa vera
68. Indictment that Richard Crompe of Chester, yeoman, on 26 Dec. 1602 at Chester stole a chest, the owner of which was not known, and 17s. in a purse, the owner of which was also not known.
Billa vera
69. Indictment that Henry ap Thomas of Cholmondley, Cheshire, husbandman, 4 Jan. 1601/2 at Chester stole a gelding, price 20s. belonging to John Smith.
70. Indictment that Henry Davies of Chester, yeoman, on 20 May 1602, at Chester stole a hen, price 6d. belonging to Arthur Chauntrell.
Billa vera
71. Indictment that Henry Davies of Chester, yeoman, on 10 May 1602 at Chester stole a pewter plate, price 10d. belonging to Jane Clough, widow.
Billa vera.
72. 31 Aug. 1602. Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 men on 13 Sept. 1602.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 18.
73. Crownmote: panel.
74. 31 Aug. 1602
Crownnote: Precept, witnessed by John Ratclyffe to summon a jury of 24 men on Monday 13 Sept. 1602.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 18.
75. Crownote: panel.
76. 15 March 1601/2.
Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a Jury of 24 men on 29 March 1602.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 18.
77. Crownmote: panel.
78. 15 March 1601/2.
Crownmote: Precept witnessed by John Ratclyffe, Mayor, and the Sheriffs, for the delivery of Northgate Gaol, and to summon a Jury of 24 men on Monday 29 March 1602.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 18.
79. Indictment that Katherine Browne of Chester, spinster, on 21 Nov. 1601 at Chester stole a woman's gown worth £5. a kirtle worth 40s., a partlet or ruff worth 10s., a 'gorge worth 5s. a girdle worth 3s., a 'shadowe' [L. umbram = part of a bacinett, which protected the face] a smock worth 5s. an apron worth 2s., a pair of hand-ruffs worth 2s., a pair of shoes worth 20d., and a pair of stockings worth 6s. belonging to Richard Bavand, alderman.
Billa vera
80. Crownmote: panel, ? for 78.
81. Indictment that Alice Johnson of Chester, widow, on 20 Jan 1601/2 at Chester stole a strike of malt worth 4s 6d belonging to David Allen of Chester, shoemaker, and that Elizabeth Helin of Chester, widow, on the same day, knowing what the said Aice had done, aided and helped her.
82. Crownmote: panel.
83. 20 July 1602. Crownmote: Precept to the Sheriffs to summon a Jury of 24 men on 2 Aug. 1602.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs as in 18.
Seal: fragment of the Mayor's privy seal.
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