RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleJohn Aldersey, Mayor, Thomas Lawton, Recorder
Descriptionf.1. 24th Sept. 1604 Precept to Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 for the Crownmote to be held on Monday, 8th Oct. [1604] to inquire concerning divers murders, felonies, trespasses, riots and ...articles which are ...and charged on the king's behalf..
(Sheriffs, William Aldersey, William Manninge)
f.2. Panel to inquire 'pro domino rege' (Jury of 24)
f.3. 24th Sept.1604 Precept to Sheriffs to summon a jury of 24 before the Mayor, Recorder and Justices for keeping the peace and delivering the gaol of the Northgate and to bring all prisoners to the next Court of Crownmote to be held on 8th Oct. [1604] and to summon all other persons concerned. [partly illegible]
Endorsed by Sheriffs that they had proclaimed the said gaol delivery and that all who wished to proceed against prisoners in the said gaol should be there. They also proclaimed to all J.P.s, Coroners, Constables and bailiffs that they should be there to do that which belonged to their offices.
f.4. Panel (of 24) 'to try the issue between the King and prisoner
f.5. 2th, 2 Jas.[1604] Precept to Sheriffs to proclaim general sessions or the peace and to summon a jury (of 24) for the same, to be held on .....Aug [1647] to inquire concerning divers murders, felonies, trespasses, riots and other articles enjoined to than on our behalf. (as on typed form)
Endorsed by Sheriffs that they have publicly proclaimed general sessions of the peace and to all J.P.S, coroners, constables, bailiffs, keepers of gaol and all other official and free citizens that they should be there.
f.6. Names of all officers of the King produced at that Sessions the Peace.
Mayor, John Aldersey: Peter Warburton, Kt. one of the King's Justices de Banco, King's Bench, and one of the Aldermen of the City; Thomas Lawton, Esq., Recorder, Alderman and J.P.;
10 named as Aldermen and J.P.s; 11 named as Aldermen Coroners - Philip Phillipps & Lewis Roberts John Rydley, Serjeant at Peace;
4 Serjeants at Mace - Ralph (?) Eaton, William.Hockenhull, Geoffrey Cocke, Edward Waght
Names of the Constables of the 12 wards.
f.7. Panel to inquire for the King at Sessions (24)
Those absent to forfeit-Sheriffs'peers, 2s each;the rest 12d. each.
Endorsed that each of the jurors was assessed at 3s 4d since he was not present to return his verdict (?)
f.8. Indictment. It is inquired for the King if Symon Lambert, late of St.Katharines, London, 'maryner', on 23rd June, 1 Jas. [1603] at Chester feloniously stole and carried away £19;18s;0d, a hat, a pair of Venetian hose, against the peace of the lord King and the dignity of his Crown. True Bill.
f.9. The jury for the King (grand jury) present that Randle Ince, junior, late of Chester, draper, and Randle Fernall, late of Chester, ironmonger, on the last of Feb.1 Jas [1604] at Chester bought 100 tanned hides [marginal note; 'pro empcione cor' tannat' '] of the value of £50 and 120 dozen tanned calf skins of the value of £60 and carried them to a certain ship in the port of Chester and laded them into a ship with the intention of transporting them across the sea, contrary to the statute and against the peace of the King and the dignity of his Crown. We do not know.
f.10. Presentment by grand jury that Randle Ince, junior, late of Chester, draper, Tobias Smith, late of the same, yeoman, and Edward Reignoldes, late of the same, yeoman, having gathered together with some other evil doers and disturbers of the peace of the lord King to the number of 6 persons, on 7th Aug. 2 Jas. [1604] at Chester, at the time of the general Sessions of the Peace and (in the presence) of the King's Justices by force and arms, viz: with daggers (pugion-ibus) and maces (clavibus), unlawfully and riotously assembled themselves and made assault and great affray on William Aldersey and William Manninge, then being Sheriffs, and maltreated them, to the great fear and trepidation not only of the said J.P.s and Sheriffs but of all the people and liege men of the said King then and there assembled. We do not know.
f.11. Presentment by grand jury that Randle Ince, junior, late of Chester, draper, and Randle Fernall, late of Chester, ironmonger on last of Feb. 1 Jas. [1604] at Chester wilfully withstood and denied John Birchenhead and Richard Woodcocke, then being Searchers of leather appointed within the City of Chester, for entering into a certain storehouse of Randle Ince and Randle Fernall in Chester to view and search at their will and pleasure 100 tanned hides and 120 dozen tanned calf skins of Randle Ince and Randle Fernall against the form of the statute.
[marginal note: Attack upon searchers of leather. (crown)] True Bill
f.12. Order that beerbrewers who sell beer in gross shall not sell it by retail; and that it shall be lawful for those who do not sell in gross to retail, being admitted thereunto.
[English - paper.]
Order that all swine kept within the City shall be removed by the following Saturday, upon pain of imprisonment of the offenders. Notice was to be given to owners by the Constables in the wards.
In Judgement [Latin]
Randle Ince junior bound to keep the peace under pain of £100. Pledges: Randle Ince, Senior, [---?] Ince, Thomas Ince and Ralph Tanyer (?) He is committed to prison.
On Tues. following at ninth hour before it was adjourned until the following Friday at the ninth hour.
12v. Endorsed with list of 8 names - jurors? and with notes of "days given."
f.13. Presentment by the Constables of St. John's Ward of George Jewett for an affray on Richard Newton and blood drawn, and the same Newton for an affray on Jewett's wife and blood drawn. 7th August.
[English - paper] Billa vera
f.14. 16th Aug., 1604 Presentment of affray made by Hugh Williames on William Boocke.
[English - paper] "Billae vere"
f.15. Presentment by jury that Robert Seavill of the City of Chester, joiner, on 15 July 2 Jas. [1604] made an assault and affray in Chester on William Cooke of the aforesaid City, labourer.
[Latin - parchment] Billa vere
f.16. Presentment by jury that there is and has always been a certain water-course in the City of Chester through which as often as it rains a drain has been accustomed to run down from the dwelling-houses of David Evans, pewterer, and John Aldersey, ironmonger, in Eastgatestreete on the north of it and in and through a certain garden of Henry Tilston, and from there in and through a small lane adjoining the said garden and from there into the common street and highway in Fleshmongers Lane. Symon Smith, cutler, and Robert Lytherland, merchant, on 1st May 2 Jas. and at divers other times before and after stopped up the said watercourse and diverted it so that the watercourse flowed over the ground of the free holdings of the said David Evans and John Aldersey and Henry Tilston. Billa vera
Note: "The lyke Indictment for havinge the saied watercourse wch they ought not to have, & is to the annoyaunce of Mr. Henry Tilston, gentleman." "Ignoramus"
Endorsed: "Johes Aldersey & David Evans sequntur hoc." [Latin - parcht.]
f.17. Presentment of affrays:
Dec. Henry Phillipps upon his servant William co---d cowper, upon his servant
1st Jan. William Skellington upon Rechard Je [rv?] is 3rd Feb. Robert Hudson upon David Kendall
David Kendall upon Robert Hudson
21 April Robert Knee upon Rauffe Lor [an?] son.
12 April betw. Richard Gregory and John Saice
William Sprowston upon Elizabeth weef of Robert Smith.
Betw. Thomas Ince & Jasper Gyllam
Betw. Thomas Stanney & Robert Ollerheaid
Humfrey Jackson upon Katharine Davison
John Ashbroocke upon (crossed out)
William Sprowston upon Robert Lloyd als.Smallman.
Signed 'John Aldersey, maior'
[English - paper] Billa vera
f.18. Constables' Presentments: "St Olas Warde"
Alderman - Edmund Gammell
Constables - Thomas Harvye, Thomas Dannast(?), Thomas Weston, John Linyley.
For breaking the Mayor's assize in selling their ale and beer; William Weston, Gilbert Eat [on?], Richard Vause?, Hughe Harvye, Elizabeth Maddock, Widdowe Dod, George Sallt, John Riymagden(?), Thomas Powell, Thomas Leo, William Plume, Mr. Richard Fletcher, Thomas Holme, smith.
For keeping swyne within the walles of the cittie:-
Davyd Kendall, Edward Davyd, Widdow Madock, Thomas Harryson, John Asbrooke.
For assault and affray: William Harvy upon pears Plumer(?) the 22 July or thereabouts. The same William on Edward(?) Powell about 1st June.
[English - paper] billa vera
f.19. Constables' Presentments. Sent Mighells warde Alderman: Foulke Auldarsay
Constables - Robert Danot, Thomas Lineker
Thomas Watkin for selling beer and not keeping the assize.
Thomas Watkin for keeping unlawful games "at shoffleboord."
Richart Bethell for selling ale and not keeping the assize.
Richart Benet for selling beer and not keeping the assize.
The same Richart for keeping of unlawful games, viz. at shuffleboord.
Robart Lidarland for selling beer and not keeping the assize.
Billa verae
f.20. Constables' Presentments. St. Brides ward.
Alderman: Mr. Richard Rathborne.
Constables: Thomas Johnes, John Walker.
For selling ale and not keeping the Mayor's assize: Hugh Hyne, John Asbrock, Robert Gooddicar, William Johnson, als. Flowers, Alice Leech, widow.
For brewing and retailing beer and not keeping the Mayor's assize: "Thomas Watkin, John Williams.
Richard Bayly "brueth and retayleth bere and kepeth mr maiors assysse to or knowledge."
For retailing beer and not keeping the Mayor's assize: Robert Massy, Richard Radley.
For keeping swine within the walls contrary to the Mayor's orders: Thomas Watkin, John Asbrock, John Williams, John Orman, Jone Rathborne.
Nicholas Horne(?) for not coming to church.
Paule Johnson for an assault and afray made upon Thomas Langley, 30th March. (blood dr.)
John Asbrock for assault and affray upon William Lawton, 3 Aug. (bl. dr.)
Marginal addition: Elizabeth...., suspected....[illegible]
billa veare
f.21. Constables Presentment of those who sell ale and beer in Trinity Ward and keep not the Mayor's assize.
Alderman: Mr. John Fitton
Constables: Thomas Tomlinson, Roger Bafford.
William Richardson, Richard Salle, William Hutchins, William Lynes, Roger Lay(?), John Ashton, Richard Gregory.
Wilhein Richardson, Richard Salle for selling ale both in one house.
Bell Sueare
f.22. Constables Presentments. St. Joyles ward. [Giles]
Alderman: Mr. Glasier
Constables: William Whitell, John Fearnell, John Gest, John Betriche(?)
For not keeping the Mayor's assize: John Flecher, John Betreche, Raphe Hind, James Broster, Henry ffilicpes(?), Antonye Simcoke, Houmphray Ellies.
bell Sueara
f.23. Constables' Presentments. Northgate Ward.
Alderman: Mr. Fowkke Aldersay.
Constables: Robert Wartonn and John Welshman
For selling ale unbound and not keeping the Mayor's assize: Elizabeth Eatonn, widow, Aliese Grimesdich, widow, Thomas Johnsonn, sailor, Janne Bucksye, widow, Rozye Price, Richard Yeomann, Thomas Whittyle, shoemaker, Aliese Mosse, widow.
For selling ale bound and not keeping the Mayor's assize: David Denivite, Thomas Johnsonn, shoemaker, William Scawnce, slater, Arthur Chauntrell, sherman, Thomas Fleeminge, shooemaker.
bell Suarea
f.24. 16th Dec. 1603.
Constables' Presentments.
Sant Owswelles warde
Constables: Thomas Newport, John Pooll, William Ince. Persons who sell ale and beer presented for not keeping the Mayor's assizes: Richard Stockenn, William Mercer, Edwarde Younge, Hennerie Lynne, Thomas Ince, John Kinge, Robert Seavell, William Omffrye, Cicilie Asmore, widow, Raffe Moslie, John Rogersonn, John Deayne, Ronndull Ince, John Indgellffilde, Mr. Richard Burde, Margrat Frances.
bell Suarea
f.25. Constables' Presentments. Brigestreate Warde
Constables: Robart Danould, Thomas Ryder.
For not keeping the Mayor's assize: Robart Shourlocke, William Dancon, Thomas Wactkine, Richard Bythell, Rondall Kellsane, William Binglaye.
Mr. John Ouen "for a bloud wipe geven to John Tayler" 2nd July or thereabout.
Bell Suearea
f.26. Constables' Presentments. St. Thomas' ward.
Alderman: Mr. Recorder
Constables: Edward Batho, Thomas Eacton.
For selling ale and not keeping the Mayor's assize: John Pick, Richard Smyth, James Ball, Peeter Bennet, Richard Cowdock, Nicholas Bannester, Richard Catherall, Thomas Coventri, Anne Whyt, Gorge Cownes, Edward Coventri, William Hocnell, wedow Warton, William Higginson.
John Clarcke for selling ale on St. Jones land, not being free of the City.
A swine-stye on the backside of Hugh Richards on & to the annoyance of the highway.
A broken place in the street at De Lane end
John Pick for affray on Richard Smyth, 21st. Sept. or thereabout.
bell Sueara
f.27. Constables' Presentments. Olaves' Alderman: Mr. Edmond Gambell.
Constables: Rychard Flecher, Thomas Danatt, Thomas Harvie, John [Lingley?]
Persons who sell beer & ale and do not keep the Mayor's assizes:
Greefith Johnes, Widow Houghton, Gilbert Etton, Widow Lawton, Richard Wase, Hugh Harvye, Raffe Dukes, William Madoke, Hugh Croumpe, widow Dod, Mr. Kendrike ap Evan, Thomas Holmes, George Sallte, Thomas Powell, Thomas Harvye, Junior,Henry Salsbrik, Thomas Loe, William Plome, Widow Browne.
Bill a vera
f.28. At Quarter Sessions on 16th Dec. [1603]
Aestgate Ward. Constables' Presentments
Mr. William Aldersey, Alderman
Constables: Thomas Persifall, George Allen, Thomas Alcocke, Lewis Johnes.
Names of those who sell ale & beer & keep not the Mayor's assize:
William Alcocke, Thomas Tylston, George Allen, John Fletcher, Raffe Tonnge, Richard Clarke, Robert Hilton, Richard Dodd, Richard Partington, Robert Cowper, Widow Allen, Edward Yonge, Widow Mercer, Widow Williamson, William Allen, Widow Andrew, John Twist, Henry Crosby, William Fisher, John Williams, Mr. Godfray Winn, William Hunt, Anthony Warmisham, William Johnes, Widow Johnsonn, widow Heath, William Grymsdich, Richard Ireland, Richard Boothe, Edward Lineall, William Case. Affray made 1st Oct. or thereabouts by Michaell Johnes and Edward Kilshe
Affray made 8 Aug. by John Dodall, butcher, and William Humfray, candlemaker.
John Fletcher for keeping a swinestye to the great annoyance of his neighbours and for keeping a shoofflebord and unlawful games.
Bill A Vera
f.29. At Quarter Sessions 16th Dec. 1603. Sant. Martens warde. Constables' Presentments
Alderman - Mr. Thomas Fleacher
Constables: Thomas Fyssher, Thomas Tilstonn, William Hannde
Those who sell ale: Mr. Richard Knee, John Hicchens, Marrgrat Thropp, widdow, John Burtonn, Raffe Davis.
Those who sell peaer: Widdow Rathbourne, William Rathlyffe, William Stynson all these are presented for not keeping the Mayor's assizes.
John Burtonn presented for keeping a swine stye on his backside, which is annoying to his neighbours.
Bill A Vera
f.30. Constables' Presentments. St. Brides ward.
Alderman - Mr. Richard Rathburne
Constables - Thomas Jones, John Walker
These sell ale and keep not the Mayor's assize: Hugh Hine, John Ashbrocke, Robert Gooddicar, Widdowe Lech.
These brue and retayll bear and kepe not the Mayor's assize: John Williams, Thomas Watkin.
Retail beer and keep not the Mayor's assize: Robert Massye, Jone Rathburne, widow.
Richard Baly brews and retails beer and keeps the Mayor's assize as far as they know.
Rober (sic) Glover and Widdow [Varrone??] retail beer and keep the Mayor's assize to their knowledge.
Edward Dalby, Thomas Watkin, keep swine to the annoyance of their neighbours.
Billa Vera
f.31. Constables' Presentments. St. John's Ward.
Mr. John Aldersee, Mayor and Alderman.
Constables: William Bennet, Bradfford Thropp, John Birchinhead.
The names of such as sell ale and beer and doe not keep the Mayor's assize:
Mr. Shiriffe Manynge, William Bennett, The widow Bennett, James Smith, Richard Celly, William Bucke, William Modslea, Edward Davis, John Whidby, Henry Bennett, The widowe harison, William ap p(e?)we, Hamnett Mors, Robert Basford(?), Raph Johnson, William Hetcocke, Raph Penny, Peeter Wignall, Thomas Miler, Thomas Anion, William Lea, William Conglea, Thomas Holbroke, John Almond, Hugh Motram, Richard Ince, John Ashton.
Affray between Hugh Evans & Thomas Langley, 14th Sept.
Affray between Edward Kilsh & Robert Booth, 16th Sept.
Affray between William Lea & Edward Davis, 29 Oct.
Billa Vera.
f.32. Constables' Presentments. St. Maries Warde.
Mr. John Rattleffe, Alderman.
Constables: Thomas Lynielle, Edward Smythe, Thomas Kettell.
"all thes sell alle and ar free": Thomas Kettell, Randall Bingley, Hector Modsley, William. Richedson, Edwarde Jonson als. Coviar(?), Richard Hassollwall, Richart Foxley, Richart Cowley, Thomas Horton, Thomas Bagleye.
"Thes sell alle and nott freye": John Seffton, Richart Benett, Robart Lloyed, Afray between Thomas Johnson, Randall Ledsome and Robart Jonson.
Billa vera
f.33. 19th Dec. 1603. Presentment by Jurors
Marmaduke Whitchurch, gentleman. for making malt not being free.
William Hurleston, gentleman. for the like.
Mr. Thomas Boothe for the like.
Hughe Fletcher, butcher, for keeping swine within his backside.
Edward Bromeley, candlemaker, for affray upon Harry Turner.
Joseph Fasakerley for keeping [a swine] stye within St. Johnes Lane.
In Cowe Lane, the pave[ment]..... [missing].
'Alehouses wch we doe fynde unbound': William Hutchins, Richard Gregory, John Batteryche, James Broster, Henry Phillips, Anthony Symcocke, William Case, Richard Knee, William Ratclife, William Stevenson, widow Leeche, John Williams, Thomas Watkin, Robert Massy,.... Rabon, widow, ...hard Bayly, Robert... [about a third of page missing]. [English - paper]
f.34. Constables' Presentments. St. Thomas' Ward.
Mr. Edward Dutton, Alderman.
Constables: Edward Batho, Nicolas Bannester.
For selling ale and not selling a full quart for a penny: John Picke, Richard Smyth, James Balle, Peeter Bennet, Richard Cowdocke, Nicolas Bannester, Richard Cathwall, Thomas Coventree, Anne Whyt, George Cowmes, William Hucknell(?), wedow Warton, William Higgenet.
John Clarke dwellinge on litle St. Jones land and not being free of the City, and keeping "carrdinge" in his house.
Afray between Hugh ap Robart and Christofer Pricket, 24 June.
John Pick for keeping gorse on his back side very near his kilne; and also for keeping swine on his backside and in the street.
Nicolas Bannester and John Wicke for keeping "shoufflinge bordes" to play on.
bill aveara
f.35. Quarter Sessions held 7 August, 1604. Constables
Presentments. Sant Owswelles ward.
Alderman: Mr. Thomas Lawtonn
Constables: John Pooll, Thomas Newporte, William Ince.
The names of those who sell ale and beer and do not keep the Mayor's Assizes: William Mercer, Thomas Ince, John Kinge, Robert Seavell, Henry Lynne, Jane Omffrye, widdow, Margrat Frances, widdow, Raffe Moslie, John Rogersonn, John Deayne, Roundull Ince, George Coulcote, John Indgellffilde.
bill a vera
f.36. Constables' Presentments. Northgate Ward.
Alderman: Mr. John Ratliff
Constables: Robert Warton, John Welchman
Persons who sell and/or beer and do not keep the Mayor's assize: widow Grimdiche, David Denevit(?), Thomas Johnson, Arthur Chauntrell, Richard Mullenex, Roger Hancock, widow Bucksee, Erasmus Preece, Thomas Whitle, Widow Mosse, Thomas Flemminge.
Richard Hale - affray upon Henry Denson.
Bill avera
f.37. Constables' Presentments. St. John's Ward.
Ald - John Aldersey, mayor
22 Aug. affray betw. Humffray Harwoode and Thomas Asmoore.
24 Aug. affray betw. William Hand and John Gyell (blood drawn from Gyell's nose)
4 Sept. affray betw. William Appewe and Robert Bafforde, and blood drawn of Bafforde and his wife by Hine(?) Gillame, William Appewes apprentice.
27th Sept. Affray betw. Symond Smyth and Thomas Farrington
20th Sept. William Orton struck Edwarde Davies wife.
Billa vera
f.38. Constables' Presentments. St. Joyles Ward.
Mr. Hughe Glasier, Alderman.
For selling ale and beer and not keeping the Mayor's assize: widdowe Carter, John Gesst, John Flecher, Hughe Jonnes, Weddowe Powell, Eddward Blackon, John Bettriche, John Flecher, Junier, Henrye Filicpes, Antonye Simcoke.
Geourge Tyttill for affray with James Hamlin, 16 June.
Geourge Tytell for affray with Raphe Goulbourne and others, and abasing Mr. Dimcocke, Alderman and the Constables, 7 July.
Richard Spon and Raphe Thourton for making affray, 15 June.
William Anion and John Flecher, Junier for making affray with John Barnes and Thomas Lynniall, 24 July.
Edward Benyet for drawinge blood on Robart Lacye, 20 June.
John Flecher Junier for keeping of shuffilebourde tables and other unlawful games.
bill a verae
f.39. Constables Presentments. Eastgate warde.
Mr. William Aldersey, Alderman.
Constables: George Allin, Thomas Alcocke, Lewes Jones, John Willdinge.
Persons who sell ale and beer and do not keep the assize: William Alcoke, Thomas Coulton, Jone Couper, widowe, George Allin, Thomas Coulton, Raphe Tonge, Richard Clarke, Robert Hilton, Richard Partington, widow Allin, widowe merser, Edward Yonge, widow Williamson, Widow Jonson, William Allin, John Twis, Hendrie Crosbie(?), William Fisher, Mr. John Williames, Mr. Godfreye Win, Antony Warmisham, Robert Couper, William Jones, Mr. Birde, Widowe, Heath, William Grimsdage, Richard Ireland, Edward Doe, William Car(or t)e, Richard Deane. Sara Richardson als. Tompson being suspected to be a bad liver.
David Allin for keeping an inmake with a wife and a child, being very poor folks.
Entry crossed out.
Widowe Hancocke for keping an inmake his wife and a childe.
For keeping swine within the walls: William Hinkes, Richard Ireland, Mr. Bird, Edward Dowe, Mr. Godfrey Win, Thomas Coulton.
Affray made 28 April betw. John Linicar(?) and Thomas Christian.
Affray made 30 July betw. Thomas Stanney and Robert Owlerhe [id]
Widowe Couper for keping a shufilbord and playing at the sermon time.
Thomas Coulton for keeping a shufilbord and playing at "unconvenient tymes".
bill a verae
f.40. Constables' Presentments. St. John's Ward.
Mr. John Aldersee Maior and Alderman.
Constables: William Benett, Bradfford Thropp, John Birchinhead, James Smyth.
"A true presentment of all ffrayes and bloudwipes comitted with in the same ward"
Affray betw. Hugh Williames and his son John and Joseph Phasacarley, 3rd March.
Affray between John Tellett and William Granwell, 10 March.
Affray betw. George Tittle and John Bushell, 5 May.
Affray betw. Edward Benett and William. Granwell, 29 May
Affray betw. Richard James and Edward Blinston, 12 June
Affray betw. Hary Clough and Richard Newell, 14 June
Affray betw. Mr. John Francis and Hugh Motterham, 20 June
Affray betw. Tho. Coulton and Tho. Langley
Affray betw. Mr. Francis and Hugh Motterham, 28 June
Affray betw. James Browster and William. Anion, last June
Affray betw. John Floed and Rodger Hartford, 21 July
Affray betw. William. Dean and Stephen Albright, last of July
Affray betw. James Smith and Richard Francis, 6 Aug.
A presentment of all such as sell beer and ale and break the assize: Mr. Shiriffe Maninge James Smith, Richard Cally, William Bucke, William. Mosley, Robt. Barten, Richard Warmischam, Edward Davis, John Whidby, Robt. Wilson, Elisabeth Harison, William. Apewe, Widow Burgis, Mr. Buton, Hamnett Mores, Larance Hay, Robt. Basford, Raph Johnson, John Ashton, William. Hetcoke, Raph Barlowe, Tho. Miller, Tho. Anion, William. Congley, Tho. Howbrooke, John Almond, Hugh motterham, William Ley, William Benett, Richard Tayler
William. Deane for selling ale, not being a freeman.
Richard Hartford - selling of ale.
bill a verea
f.41. Quarter Sessions, 7th Aug. 1604. Constables Presentments - St. Martens Ward
Alderman: Mr. Thomas Fleaccher
Constables: Thomas Fyssher, William. Hand, Thomas Tilstonn
Those who sell ale and do not keep the Mayor's assize: Mr. Richard Knee, Cathren Stoules, widow, Margrat Throp, widow, John Burtton, Raffe Davis.
Those who sell beer and do not keep the Mayor's assize: William Tysom(?), Grace Rathbourn, widow, Elizabeth Bastwell, widow, Widdow Genson, John Hicchens.
John Maddocke made assault and affray on John Bryne
bill a vera
f.42. Trinity Ward. Constables' Presentments.
Alderman: Mr. John Fitton
Constables: Thomas Tomlinson, Roger Basford.
Those who sell ale and beer and keep not the Mayor's assize: William Richardsonn, Richard Salle, William Hutchins, Kathern Cowper, William Lynes, Thomas Tatlowe, John Ashtonn, Roger Laye.
William Hutichins for keeping swine
John Ashtonn for keeping swine
John Ashtonn and Petter Hughes for keeping inmackes
Thomas Tatloue for keeping inmacke
William Lerpoole and his wife and his daughter for refusing to goe to the church.
bill avera
f.43. List of persons who sell ale, being bound: Robert Hilton, hatmaker; John Ashebrooke, taylor; William Hockenhall; Hughe Motteram, yeoman; Richard Callie, sadler; Anthony Warmingsham, sadler; William Fisher, innholder; Robert Scevill (or Stevill), joiner; Raffe Davies, joiner; Katharin Dodd, widow; William Hunt, yeoman; Richard Birde, tanner; Thomas Tetlow, yeoman; Katharin Cowper, widow; Nicholas Bannester, carpenter; Hughe Hinde, tallowchanler; John Ashton, baker; William Ricson, cooper; William Humfrey, tallowchanler; John Kinge, ironmonger; Richard Bythell; Robert Goodicar; Randle Kelsall; Thomas Coventree, saylor; Richarde Angleser, cowper; Richard Partington, taylor; Raffe Hinde, tanner (dead); Edward Yonge, ironmonger; Ales Warton, widow; Raffe Tongue, shoemaker; John Burton, carpenter; Thomas Johnson, shoemaker; Richard Catterowe, weaver; Richarde Coldocke, shoemaker, John Picke, hatmaker; Richard Vawes, taylor; Richard Sale, taylor; Edwarde Yonge, shooemaker; John Hutchins, taylor; William Johnes, shoemaker; Thomas Blanchard, baker; William Grymsdiche, shoemaker; George Allen, glover; Ellen Carrington, widow; Raffe Dycus, weaver; William Bucke, chirurgion; William Bennett, baker; Margaret Frauncis, widow; Arthur Harrison, hatmaker; Richard Hassellwall; Edward Johnson, turner; John Inglefielde, shoemaker; Henry Leene, shoemaker; John Deane; Raffe Modsley; sherman; Thomas Whittle, shoemaker; Margaret Throppe, widow; Cislie Ashemore, widow; Peeter Bennett, malster; Robert Ridley, brickelayer; Robert Shurlocke, shooemaker; Hughe Crompe, baker; Katharin Braban, widow; Elizabeth Allen, widow; Randle Ince, shooemaker; William Maddocke, "weeteman"; Thomas Hulme, smithe; Thomas Ince, shooemaker; Raffe Johnson, smith; George Howell, hatmaker; Thomas Holbrocke, butcher; John Fletcher, junior, tanner; John Rigmaden, baker; John Rogers, yeoman; Thomas Fleyminge, shoemaker; Anna White, widow; William Modesley, baker; William ap Hughe, joiner; Anna Browne, widow; Godfrey Winne, butcher; Edward Davies, sadler; William Plombe, taylor; Davyd Denenet, inholder; William Mercer, tallowchandler; George Jewett, yeoman; Margerie Lawton, widow; Margerie Houghton, widow; William Leene, cooper; William Dawson; Margerie Darwall, widow; George Salte, Plumber; Richarde Smithe, smith; William Sconse, slater; Roger Lea, cooper; George Combes, sailor; Joann Rathebone, widow; Katharin Hutchins, widow; Thomas Johnson, sailor; Richard Bennett, cooper; John Ratcliffe, iunior, beerbrewer; Thomas Revington, beerbrewer; Gilbert Eaton, beerbrewer; Thomas Watkin, beerbrewer; Richard Bayly, beerbrewer; Otes Conelowe, beerbrewer; Robert Glover, beerbrewer; John Androw, beerbrewer; Robert Massy, beerbrewer; William Hutchins, beerbrewer.
f.44. Presentment by Jury - Robert Watt late of Chester, slater, 13 Jan. 1 Jas [1604] feloniously stole and carried away one pair of stockings, a shirt band and one "handkerkcher" worth 12d. of the goods and chattels of Edward Towers, yeoman at Chester.
Endorsed - Edwardus Towers sequitur hoc.
[Latin - parchment] Billa vera
f.45. Presentment by Jury for the Quarter Sessions held 2[7]th Feb., 1603[4]
Raffe Tongue for suffering some part of his water that runs through his court to goe into his pryvie and from thence to the watercourse, to the annoyance of his neighbours.
Thomas Cowlton for keeping his stable wall down, to the annoyance of Mr. Raffe Allen into his garden.
Thomas Couper for want of fence of a garden betwixt them and Thomas Edmunds.
William Wittin for keeping inmates
Robert Wayte for keeping inmates
Wedow Jenson of the Nunn Lane for keeping of an inmake
Raffe Tonge for frreeinge a foriner to draw beer in his cellar
John Ashton, baker, for keeping inmates
John Ley, merchant, for setting in one house, where once but one family dwelt, 15 several tenants or more, which has been and is like to be great hindrance to the City.
John Brystow, tanner, for keeping an inmate.
Erasmus Preece for keeping a foreigner to draw beer under him, having wife and child.
Randle Jwett and wedow Williamsonne for taking in country bakers' bread and selling it on week-days in their houses and not in the market.
Several foule breaches of the pavement without the Barrs, both the cart way and the footway.
The Barrs gate, ready to fall down for want of good reparation.
A foul breach of the pavement almost near to the Northgate.
[English - paper] Billa vera
f.46. Constables' Presentments. St. Brides Ward.
Alderman: Mr. Richard Rathborne.
Constables: Thomas Johnes, John Walker.
Persons who brew ale and break the Mayor's assize: George Howell, Robert Gooddicar, Hugh Hine, John Asbrock, William Flowers, Thomas Couper, Widdowe Leck.
Persons who brew and sell beer and keep the Mayor's assize: Thomas Watkin, Richard Bealy.
Persons who retail beer and break the Mayor's assize: Joan Rathborne, widow, Robert Glover, Richard Radley, Robert Massy.
These keep swine within the walls contrary to the Mayor's order: Thomas Watkin, John Normon, Edward Daulby, John Williams. Billa vera
f.47. Constables' Presentments. St. Michael's Ward.
Alderman: Mr. Foulke Aldersey
Constables: Robert Dannalld, Robert Shurlocke.
For selling ale or beer and not keeping the Mayor's assize: Richard Bethell, Thomas Watkin, Willym Bingley, Willym Dawsone, Randle Kelshaw, Robert Massy, Robert Letherland.
Thomas Lyniker for keeping swine to the annoyance of his neighbours.
Billa vera
f.48. Constables' Presentments. Saynt Olas Ward.
Alderman: Mr. Edmond Gambell
Constables: Thomas H--e, Thomas Dannet, Thomas Weston, John Lingly(?)
For selling beer or ale and not keeping the Mayor's assize: Gryfith Jhones, William Weston, Gilbert Eatton, Margary Hinde(?), Thomas Fleacher, Rychard Case [or Vase], Hugh Harvie(?), William Madocke, Raffe Dickos, Hugh Crompe, Widow Dod, Arther Harison, John Rigmedon, Mr. Kenrike ap E[mam?], Thomas Holmes, George Sallte, Thomas Loe, Henry Skalsbrike, Antoy Ewse?, William Pombe, Widow Browne, Thomas Powell, Hughe Kendrike.
Hughe Haring for striking Thomas Hoymes, 5 Sept. William. Hurleston and Thomas Bowth for making malt and selling it out of the market, not being free.
Billa vera
f.49. Constables' Presentments. St. Mares Warde.
Alderman: Mr. John Lytelor.
Constables: Thomas Lyniell, Edward Smythe, Thomas Kettell.
All thes sell alle and sell in a [?] and kepe not the assysse: Thomas Kettell, Randall B[ ]ly, Hector Modsley, W. Richerdson, Edwarde Coriar, Richard Hasswall, Richart Foxley, Thomas Horton, Richalt Cowley. Thes sell alle and nott freye: Thomas Harvie, John Sefton, Thomas Bagley, Robart Lloyed, Richart Benett. The highway in Bromffellt Lane betwixt Handbridge and the Hangemans Hill.
Affray betw. John Po[wffet]? and Hector Modsley, last of Feb.
Billa vera
f.50. 28th Feb.
Constables' Presentments. Estgate street ward.
Alderman: Mr. William Alldersay
Constables: George Allin, Thomas Allcoke, Lewes Jones, John Willdinge.
Those who sell ale and beer and do not keep the Mayor's assize: William Alcoke, Thomas Tillston, Widow Couper, Thomas Marshe, William Case, Richard Jerland, Richard Bouth, William Grimsdiche, Widow Heath, Widow Jonson, William Jones, George Allin, Thomas Coulton, Rafe Tounge, Richard Clarke, Robart Hillton, Richard Parkinton, Widow Allin, Widow Marser, Edward Younge, Widow Williamson, William Allin, John Twese, Hendry Crosley, William Fisher, Mr. John Williams, Mr. Godfrey Wine, William Hunte, Antony Warmisham, Robart Coupper, Rondell Gewet.
A bloodwipe between Tether Preest and Robart Smyth, goldsmith, 24th Dec.
Widow Coupper for keeping a 'shufellbord'.
Edward Doe and John Broune for an affray, 13th Jan.
For keeping swine: John Willdinge, William Hinkes, Richard Erland, Richard Deane, Thomas Coulton.
Billa vera
f.51. Constables' Presentments. Sant Johnes Ward.
Alderman: Mr. John Alldersaye, Mayor
Constables: Bradfford Thrope, John Burchenhead, William Bennett, James Smythe.
William Lea, gentleman., assault on Richard Spurstall, 17th Jan.
Robert Bastford, affray on Richard Eavanes, 20th Feb. Phillipe Mores, assault on Raphe Allerton, 23rd Feb. Thomas Rither(?) shoemaker, affray on John Allmonde, 24 Feb.
For breakinge the syse of alle and beere: Mr Sheriffe Maninge, inhoulder, John Whitbye, inhoulder, John Ashton, inhoulder, James Smythe, inhoulder, Hamlet Mores, inhoulder, Robert Bafford, inhoulder, Thomas Anyon, inhoulder, Elzabethe Wignalle, inhoulder, Elzabethe Bennett, inhoulder.
"For alle houses": Richart Callie, sadler, William Bucke, sur [g]ion, Edward Davies, sadler, Elzabethe Haryson, widowe, William ap Pewe, joiner, Raphe Johnson, smythe, William Hanckoce, barber, William Lea, gentleman, Thomas Houlbroce, bucher, Hughe Motterham, yeoman, Richard Ince, sadler, William Bennett, backer, Robart Barton.
Billa vera
52. Constables' Presentments. St. Joylles Warde.
Alderman: Mr. Hughe Glasier
Constables: William Whitell, John Fearnall, John Gesst, John Betriche.
These sell ale and beer and keep not the Mayor's assize: James Broster, John Flecher, John Betriche, Wedow Rodffourd, Antonye Simcoke, Raphe Hine, Henrye Phillepes, Weedow Carter.
Robart Stables for affray on Edward '[oepis'] wife about 5th Feb.
Billa vera
53. Quarter Sessions held 28th Feb. 1603/4
Constables' Presentments. Sant Martens Warde.
Alderman: Mr. Thomas Fleacher
Constables: Thomas Fyssher, Thomas Tilstonn, William Handes.
Those who sell ale: Mr. Richardd Knee, Margrat Thropp, widdow, John Burtonn, Catrenn Stones, widow; Richard Packtricke seleth ale under Ane Owen, widow; Raffe Davies. Those who sell beer: William Stynsonn, Grace Rathbourn, Elizabeth Bastwell, widow, Widdow Genson, John Hychens. None of the above keep the Mayor's assize.
Billa vera
54. Constables' Presentments. Trenity Ward.
Alderman: John Fittonn
Constables: Thomas Tomlinson, Roger Basford.
Those who sell ale and beer and keep not the Mayor's assize: William Richardsonn, Richard Salle (Both in one house), William Hutchins, Kathern Couper, William Lynes, John Ashtonn, Richard Gregorie, Thomas Tatlowe.
William Waynwright keeps inmates in his house.
Raph Davis keeps swine.
William Hutchins keeps swine at the back of his house.
Billa vera
55. Quarter Sessions held 28th Feb. 1603/4. Constable Presentments St. Oswald's Ward.
Constables: John Pooll, Thomas Newport, William Ince. Those who sell ale and beer and do not keep the Mayor's assize: William Mercer, Hennerie Hyne, Thomas Ince, John Kinge, Robert Seavell, William Omffrye, Raffe Moslie, John Rogersonn, John Deaynn, Roundull Ince, John Indgellfilde. Ditto beer: Mrs Susann Burd, Margrat Frances.
Mr. Marmeduke Whycharde makes malt and sells it and is a foreigner.
Billa vera
56. Constables' Presentments. Northgate Ward.
Alderman: Mr. John Ratliff
Constables: Robert Warton, John Welcheman
Persons who sell ale and do not keep the Mayor's assize: Elizabeth Eaton not bound; Ales Grimesdiche not bound; Davie Denevitt bound; Thomas Johnson, sayler, bound; Thomas Johnson, shoemaker, bound; Jane Bucksee not bound; William Sconse, slater, bound; Thomas Whitle, shoomaker, bound; Ales Mosse, not bound; Thomas Fleeminge, bound.
Persons who sell beer and do not keep the Mayor's assize: Arthur Chauntrell, sherman, bound; Roger Hanckock, tayler, not bound.
Beer and ale: Erasmas Preece, not bound.
Billa vera
57. Constables' Presentments. St. Thomas Warde.
Alderman: Mr. Edwarde Dutton
Constables: Edwarde Bathoa, Thomas Eaton
Persons who sell ale and do not keep the Mayor's assize: John Picke, Richard Smith, James Ball, Peter Benett, Richard Coudocke, Nicolas Banester, Richard Catherall, Thomas Coventrey, Ann Whitt, George Cowmes, Edward Coventrie, William Hocknell, Ales Wartne, William Higginsonne and John Clarke dwelling on Little St. Jones land and not free. (Coventrie, Higginsonne and Clarke, Ball, out of bandes).
For getting clay off the banks and destroying the land: Thomas Worrall, Ralf Smamond and Gravener, all carters. Affray between William Carleile and George Comes in George Cowmes's house, 27 Dec.
William Skelliton for drawing blood upon Richard Jamane in Nicolais Banister's house. on Jan 1st.
A broken place in the street at Dee Lane end.
John Pick for making a swine [sty] on his backside and keeping swine in it.
James Hand for putting a new........ house at his barn. [M]argaret Egertun for making malt [and selling] it out of the market.
Billa vera
58. 12th Feb., 1 Jas. [1604] Precept for Quarter Sessions to be held on Tuesday [28th? feb.]
[Latin - parchment]
59. Panel to enquire for the King at the same Sessions of the Peace. [parchment]
60. Indictments(?) [all in Latin - parchment]
It is inquired on behalf of the King whether George Manley late of Netherleighe in the City of Chester, gentleman., and Thomas Urmeston, late of Netherleighe, aforesaid, labourer, 6th Sept. 1 Jas [160] broke and entered into a close of Matthew Ellys of Overleighe in the City of Chester, called le Pegg Close and consumed his corn and grass growing there to the value of 10s. with certain cattle.
Billa vera
61. It is inquired on behalf of the King whether George Manley and Thomas Norrys late of Netherleighe, labourer - 16th Oct. 1 Jas. As before.
Billa vera
62. It is inquired on behalf of the King whether George Manley and Thomas Gilbert late of Netherleighe, labourer - 20 Oct. 1 Jas. As before.
Billa vera
63. It is inquired on behalf of the King whether George Manley and John Shone, late of Netherleighe labourer - 16 Nov. 1 Jas. As before.
Billa vera
64. George Manley and(?) late of N., labourer, 6 Nov. 1 Jas. as Before.
Billa vera
65. It is inquired on behalf of the King whether George Manley and Richard Mutchell, late of Nehherleighe, labourer - 20 nov. 1 Jas.
Billa vera
66. List of Officers. Mayor, John Aldersale
Peter Warburton, one of Justices of King's Bench, Alderman.
Thomas Lawton, Recorder, Alderman and J.P.
(no precept attached)
[Latin - parchment]
67. 16 April, 2 Jas I [1604] Writ? Precept to Sheriffs to [deliver] full seisin to John Leche of two [messuages] with appurtenances in Chester in Pepperstreet which he had recovered against William Leche, gentleman. in the Portmote Court.
Endorsed by Sheriffs with livery of seisin, 20th April. [fragment of seal on tongue] [Latin - parchment]
68. 5 Dec. 1 Jas. [1603] Precept for General Sessions of Peace to be held Friday, 16 Dec.
[Latin - parchment]
69. Panel to inquire for the King at the same Session.
70. List of Officers.
Endorsed. Sessions. Jo. Aldessey 1603.
[Latin - parchment]
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