RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleEdward Dutton, Mayor, Thomas Lawton, Recorder
Descriptionff. 1-2. 27th Nov. 1604. Presentment by Jury.
For not coming to the church: Hamnet Benit, tanner, John Whitbees wife, innholder.
For making malt being not free: Mr. Marmeduk Whimchurch, foreigner, Mr. Thomas Harper, attorney in the Exchequer, Widow Edgerton in the Northgate Street.
In Bridgstreet:
John Granooe, sherman, for the stairs belonging to his house being broken.
Mr. Roger Horlstone's stairs next to John Granooe's also sore broken.
Mr. Kendricke a Beevan, Sheriff, for broken stairs.
John Rigmaiden for his cart standing in Copings lane.
William Crosse for making his stairs too far in the Roe.
Mr. Midelton, Mr. Casse and Thomas Lynicar for their stairs wanting rails on the one side.
John Lea's stair want rails on both sides.
Mr. Robart Fletcher's stairs are not railed.
In Commonhale lane
Salomon Smith for letting dung lie at his stable side without in the lane.
Thomas Fletcher, Alderman, for the same.
John Doole, butcher, for the like offence.
Mr. Richard Rathborne for leaving his cart in the lane so that people may take harm at night.
Tho. Woods for suffering dirt to lie against his stable.
Loranc Dychfield for the same.
Mr. Hardwar for the same.
John Andrew for dirt left at his brew-house side in the lane.
St. Martane's parish
Mr. John Alldarsay, Alderman, for laying great store at timber in the lane.
Tho. Thoer(?), Allies Tetlow for the same.
The lane at the side of the Church wants paving and is very foul.
The lane going towards the walls betwixt Sir. Tho. Smith and the widow Throp is very foul.
Whitefrers lane
Mr. John Alldersay, Alderman, for laying great store of timber; and in the lane adjoining to the said lane a "miding" hill made.
In Watergate street
Sir Thomas Smith for not railing at thend of the stairs and not railing the side.
Mr. John Alldersaye, Alderman, for not having stairs a the end of his new building nor railed the same Roe.
The fishmarket for not being kept clean.
f.2. In the ....gate stret
Mr. John Alldersaye for keping two pairs of stairs without rails.
William Urmson's stairs want railing on one side.
In the Northgate stret
Trelill, paver, for encroaching into the lane called Crokes Lane and keeping it very foul.
The lane next to Mr. Fittones barn is very foul and anoysame.
The end of Deelane without the north gate is very foule and the pavement next to the street sore broken.
The pavement on either side the well before the doors of Edward Newbee and Ann Web.
The pavement without the bars very sore broken.
Mr. John Alldersaye for dellving up great stones and leaving great holes in the same, to the great danger of persons travelling there in the night, and especially on horse back without the barrs.
The pavement towards Rixsame very foul and dangerous for travellers.
The pavement towards Flookers brooke sore broken.
The Muringers, by reason that the walls of the City are sore decayed and not repaired nor kept clean.
The lower end of Peps street hardby the Newgate, there is timber and muck laid there.
Names of 13 jurors.
[English - paper]
f.3. Presentment by Jury. Edward Button of Chester, innholder, on the last of Sept. 2 Jas [160] and many days and times after diverted a watercourse in and through a privy adjoining his dwelling house so that the excrement from the said privy was carried and flowed within the walls(?) (in parieties) of the dwelling house of Richard Leegh in St. John's Lane, and also flowed in and through the stable and sellar of the same Richard, so that the 'parieties' stable and cellar have become foul and undermined (concave) and Richard Leigh scarcely dares to remain in his house on account of the fear of infection from the horrible stench.
Signed 'Edward Dutton, Maior'
[Latin - paper] Billa vera
ff.4-5. Petition from Roger Huntt and his wife and Catryne Garratt to the Mayor for leave to return to their houses within the City. Since Michaelmas they have been at Wimbles Trafford at John Pyperes and John Starkyes house to help those who were infected with the sickness. Now all is safe and well and no one has died out of these places for about seven weeks, as attested by the five witnesses to the petition.
f. 5. Blank [English - paper]
f.6. Presentment by jury. John Aldersey of the City of Chester, Alderman on the last of March [1604] made to be built a certain dwelling house in Watergatestreet on the north of that street so high and so near to the dwelling house of Thomas Revington that the rainwater from John Aldersey's house fell into the paries of Revington's dwelling house so that his 'parieties' became foul and undermined; and that John Aldersey's house is built so high that the light of Thomas Revington's house is completely shaded and the house made very shady; and that by reason of the height of Aldersey's house over Revington's, Revington cannot build his house any higher.
[Latin - parchment] Billa vera
f.7. Presentment by jury. John Francis late of Chester, tanner, on 26th Nov., 2 Jas [160] at Chester in Cowlane between 9 and 10 at night spoke many scandalous and opprobrious words to Nicholas Cooke, one of the men appointed in the City to keep watch, so that the said watch was neglected and interrupted.
[Latin - Parchment] billa vera
ff.8-9. 10th Nov. 1604
Examination of William Snell of Chester, cook. On the last Thursday night he and William Bennet were appointed to watch in St. John's Ward, About 11 O'clock the watch at the Barres brought John Almond and two other journeymen shoemakers home to Almond's house in Cowlane.
John Francis, hearing them come, called out of his window "What knaves are there? Where are the constables? Where arte thou Motterom (meaninge Hugh Motterom)? Thoue arte a false knave, thow arte moore fitter to be laied in a paier of stockes then to be constable", with other railing speeches.
William Bennet deposed as William Snell.
"Edward Dutton maior"
[English - paper]
ff.10-11. 27th Nov. 1604
Examination of Nicholas Cooke of Chester. Being appointed a watchman for Eastgate ward last Monday night as he stood watching at the lower end of Cowlande (sic) near the house of Hughe Mottram, Constable, John Frances looking out of his window called the watchman rogues and rascals. When Hugh Mottram desired him to be quiet, Frances answered... "Thou art a Roge and a villaine, and more fitt to have a halter about the necke then to be any Constable, gett in to thy house and meddle with that hoore thy wife, that blodsooker Hickson, (mennynge her first husband) knoweth what sheys, and I will have him brought forth," and called her the miller's whore, and made threatening speeches.
Examination of John Hickson, weaver. Up on Midsummer day at night Jhon Fraunces called him to him and said "I can tell thee newes of thy sonne for he is murdered by his wife (meaninge now Hughe Mottrams wyfe) and by Allen the mylner, and was buryed in Hoolerake, and I will hang him and her both." He answered that his son was slain in Flanders.
'Edward Dutton Maior'
f.11 Blank.
[English - Paper]
f.12. 27th Nov. 1604
Constables' Presentments.
St. John's Ward.
Alderman: Mr. John Aldersey, Mr. John Williams, deputy.
Constables: William Bennett, baker, James Smithe, William Hancocke, barber, Hughe Mottram.
Affray between Rauffe Ottie of Chester, baker, and John Dutton of Gylden Sutton on 5th Nov., 1604, in Fower gate streete.
Affray between John Rodgers, William ap Hughe his man and Thomas Baighe on 18th Nov.
Ale and beer sellers in the ward: Mr. Edwarde Button (N) Mr. William. Manninge (N), James Smithe (N), Ric. Callie (B) Richarde Taylor (N), William. Bennett (B), John Ashton (N), Hughe Mottram (B), John Allmon (B), Thomas Holbrooke (B), John Peereson (N), William. Congeleye (B), Thomas Annion (N), Rauffe Pennye (N), William. Hancocke (B), William. Leye (N), Rauffe Johneson (B), Roberte Basforde (N), Laurence Hey (N), Hamnett Moores (N), William. ap Hughe, joiner, (B), Elizabethe Harrison (B), Thomas Blanchyarde (B), Roberte Willson (B).
[Description cut out of page]: Mr. John Whytebie (N), Edwarde Davies (B), Mr. William. Bucke (B), William. Modeseley (B), William. Snell (N), George Juett (B), Richarde Warmincham (N), Roberte Barton (N).
(B - bound, N. - not bound)
Assault and affray between William. Annis and George Tyttle in Richard Callies house on 26th Nov.
Assault and affray by William. Annion, Roberte Smythe and John Fletcher on William. Ley on the same day.
William. ap Hughe, joiner, for unlawful games at "Shovelbroode and dycesing."
[English - Paper] billa vera
f.13. Dec. 1604. A request to the gentlemen of the jury at Quarter Sessions for the presentment of the annoyance and wrong done in Cuppings lane by swine keeping and spoiling therewith of gardens. Thomas Tilston keeps swine which have often been taken in these gardens and brought home, to the great annoyance of Sir George Duckworth and John Grenwall. Houmffray Phillipps swine have offended likewise.
To be deposed by John Grenwall and the wife of Sir George Duckworth. Instructions by the Mayor for its examination.
[English - Paper] Billa vera
f.14. Constables' Presentments St. Bridges Warde.
Alderman: Mr. Richard Rathbone.
Constables: Thomas Johnes, John Walker.
Gilbert Eatton for retailing beer, and keeps not the Mayor's assizes, and is bound.
Thomas Wacktting, John Williames and John Asbroocke for keeping swine within the walls contrary to Mr. Mayor's order.
[English - Paper] Billa vera
ff.15-16. Constables' Presentments. St. Mitchells Warde.
Alderman: Mr. Fouck Aldersay.
Constables: Robart Danald, Thomas Linnicar.
Persons who sell ale and keep the Mayor's Assize: Randell Kelsaye, Richard Bithell, William Dasen/Dawson; Thomas Wadkine - beer.
[English - paper] Billa vera
f.17-18. Constables' Presentments. St. Olas Ward.
Alderman: Mr. Edard Gambell
Thomas Powell for selling ale unbound.
Widow Houlker for selling beer unbound.
James Apelton for selling ale, not being a freeman.
David Gryfiths wife and her daughter for drawing blood on John Sproson, being one of the constables of this ward.
For keeping swine within the walls: John Ashbroke, glover, David Kendall, Hughe Harvy.
For keeping swine without the walls: Mr. Foulke Alldersey, Gylbert Eton, William Hallywell, Otes Conelo, Edward Gyll, Edward Davis, Robart Gryse, Robart Asbroke, Rychard Flecher, William Hichens, Robert Goddykar, David Gryfyth, Thomas Haryson, Edward Pary, Thomas ap Rychard, Gryfyth Jones, William Crose, William Rycharson.
[English - paper] Billa vera
f.19. Constables' Presentments. Sent Mares Warde.
Alderman: Mr. John Lytellar
Constables: William Edwardes, Thomas Lyniall, Randall Bingley, Thomas Kettell.
Thomas Ketell, Randell Bingley, Richart Foxley, widow Cowle sell ale and do not keep the Mayor's assize and not bound.
William ap William sells beer not bound nor free and does not keep the Mayor's assize.
William Sproson sells ale not bound nor free and does not keep the Mayor's assize.
Affray between William Sproson and Robar Lloyed.
[English - paper] Billa vera
f.20. Quarter Sessions held 27 Nov. 1604. Sant Owswelles wardd.
Alderman: Mr. Thomas Lawton
Constables: Thomas Newport, John Pooll, William Ince
Sellers of ale and beer: Mr. George Cocket (beer) unbound.
Hennerie Lynne (ale) unbound
Robert Furber (beer) unbound
Richard Ince (ale) unbound
[English - paper] Billa vera
f.21. Constables' Presentments. The Northgate Ward.
Alderman: Mr. John Ratliff
Constables: Robert Warton, John Welchman
For selling ale, being unbound: Ales Grimsdich, David Denevett, William Sconce, Richerd Monelex, Ales Mosse.
Erasmus Priece sells ale and beer, being unbound.
All these keep Mr. Mayor's assize.
Richard Monelex also permits unlawful games to be used in his house at the time of Divine service.
Mr. Henrie Hamnet layeth muck in the Croftes in such a place as hindereth the water course and maketh the place so foule that it is a very great annoyance to the inhabitants and to all that travayle that way.
[English - paper] Billa vera
f.22. Constables' Presentments. Sant Thomas Ward.
Alderman: Mr. Maior
Constables: Edward Batha, Nicolas Bannester.
For selling ale: Richard Smith, unbound, Widdow Warttonn, unbound; John Clarcke and Robert Loyd for selling ale being not free of the City.
Richard Davie and William Cartell for fighting and giving dry blows.
John Picke for keeping a swine sty on the back side of his house.
[English - paper] Billa vera
f.23-24. Constables' Presentments. The Eastgat warde
Alderman: Mr. William Aldersey
Constables: George Alin, Thomas Alcoke, Lewes Jones, John Wilding.
For selling ale and beer and not keeping the Mayor's assize: William Alcoke, Thomas Bilston, Georg Allin, Thomas Coulton, Raph Tonge, Richard Clarke, Richard Partington, Widow Allin, Widow Merser, Widow Williamson, Randill Juet, William Allin, John Twis, Hendrie Crosbie, William Ficher, Mr. John Williames, Mr. Godfrey Wyne, William Hunt, Antony Warmingam, William Jones, Widow Heath, Widow Grymedage, Mr. Berde, Edward Doe, Bradford Thrope, Widowe Hilton.
Richard Abell for assault upon Ellin Harrington, 22nd Sept.
John Twis for keeping unlawful games in his cellar.
For keeping swine within the walls: William Hinkes, Richard Ireland, William Kinge, Edward Doe, Widow Jonson, Thorston Heald, David Allin, Mr. Godfrey Win, Richard Rider, John Wilding, Mr. Birde, f. 24 - Blank
[English - paper] Billa vera
f.25. Constables' Presentments. St. Joylles Ward.
Alderman: Hughe Glasier, esq.
Constables: William Whittill, John Gesst, John Bettriche, John Fearnall.
For selling ale and beer and not keeping the Mayor's assize Widow Charter, Houghe Jonnes, Edward Blackon, Widow Radfourd, John Bettriche, John Flecher, James Broster, Widow Seffton, Henry Phillipes, Widow Ourton, William Johnsonne, Homrphray Ellies, Antonye Simcoke, Randall Aged.
Raphe Thourton and Richard Spon [the] younger for making affray and blood drawn 23 Aug.
John Thourton for drawing blood on Thomas Pincket's wife, 1st Sept.
Geourge Tytill for affray on Lenyes? Gryffid 22nd Sept.
John Normon for drawing blood on Edward Thomas's wife 29th Sept.
William Anion for making on John Bradshoue, 3rd Oct.
Raphe Thourton for making affray on John Barowe, 11th Oct.
William Banien for drawing blood on Benies Apthomas, 7th Nov.
John Flecher for keeping a "shouffell bourd."
[English - paper] Billa vera
f.26. Constables' Presentments. Trenity Ward.
Alderman: Mr. John Fitton.
Constables: Thomas Tomlinson, Roger Basford.
Those who sell ale and beer and keep the Mayor's assize: William Richardson, Richard Salle (these two sell ale in one house), William Hutchins, Kathern Couper, William Hues, Thomas Tatloe, John Ashton, Thomas Thomas Johnsonn (unbound), Roger Ley.
For keeping swine: William Richardson, William Hutchins, Thomas Tatloe, John Ashtonn, Rose Chaloner, John Ginstie, William Sydall.
Affray by Roger Corfey and Thomas Brave, 24th Nov. 1604.
For being absent from the Church: William Leverpole, and Mary his daughter.
f.27. Blank
[English - paper]
f.28. 10th 2 Jas [1604] Precept for general sessions of Peace to be held 27th Nov. (Edward Dutton, esq. Mayor) (Sheriffs Thomas Revington Kenrick ap Jevan)
Endorsement that proclamation was made.
[Latin - parchment]
29. Panel "ad inquirend' pro domino rege" [Parchment]
30. Nov. 1604-March - April, 1605. List of officers. Edward Dutton, Mayor Peter Warburton, Kt. one of the Justices of the King's Bench and one of the Aldermen of the City.
Thomas Lawton, esq., Recorder, Ald. and one of the Justices of the Peace.
Aldermen and J.Ps
John Williams and Lewis Roberts, Coroners.
John Ridley, Serjeant of the Peace.
The four Serjeants at Mace
Constables of wards.
Endorsed: General Sessions Ed: Dutton in 1604
[Latin - parchment]
31. Nov. 1604-March - April, 1605. Part of an examination or presentment concerning certain garments and other articles (as in 32)
Endorsed "to be tryed at Mr. Recorders next."
[Paper fragment]
32. Nov. 1604-March - April, 1605. Indictment of John Shappard late of Chester for breaking and entering into the dwelling house of Margaret Letlor of Chester, spinster, in St. Johnes Lane on 4th Oct., 2 Jas. [16] and stealing three pounds in money, two angels of gold, and various goods including four smocks, two pairs of stockings, two kerchiefs, a cap, two stomachers, six handkerchiefs, three aprons, 18 yards of [?], being in a certain chest in the said house. And of Ellena Harring [?] late of Chester, widow, for receiving, consenting and sheltering Shappard.
[Latin - parchment] Billa vera
33. 5th Oct. 1604
Examination of Margaret Collins of Chester, spinster, before William Aldersey, Richard Rathburne and John Ratclyff, concerning the theft of money and goods from her coffer which stood in Margaret Litlors house in St. John's Lane. Yesterday afternoon she was going to Dee for water when one told her that John Sheppard had been there and taken same things thence.
[English - paper] Mark.
34. Blank.
35. 5th Oct., 1604
Examination of John Sheppard before John Aldersey, Mayor, William Aldersey and Tho, Fletcher. He arrived in Chester from Ireland on Michaelmas Day and ever since has remained here. He lodged two nights in the Northgate, whither he was committed for his misdemeanours; ever since, until the previous day, he lodged at his mother's. Yesterday, night he walked up and down the streets and went not to bed. Until last Tuesday he kept company with other soldiers who came over with him. Confesses that yesterday at noon he entered the house of Margaret and Ellen Litlor in St. Johnes Lane and took from a chest goods and money found with him on his apprehension, all which he put in his hose and then ran away, and went to Widow Smithes house in Handbridge, and sent for two pots of ale thither. He stayed there until night when he came into the City and walked up and down the streets all night. About daylight, finding the door of Jewetts cellar in Eastgatestreete open, he entered there. He found noone there, but heard the woman of the cellar speak. He lay on the floor under a tub until morning, when hearing a man coming to fetch away the tub under which he lay, he shifted himself into the chamber in which the woman lay. He gave her the smock. On Tuesday night last he lay at the said Jewetts cellar, and two other soldiers also lay there and they spent most of Tuesday there. On Wednesday last he went to the alehouse between Christleton and Boughton to bring Prenton's and Johnson's daughter towards London and then returned to Chester.
Denies breaking Widow Lyniall's shop.
Signature: "Jo. Shaparde."
36. [Same date]. Examination of Ellyn Harrington als. Malsh before the same. She was born at Northampton and has lived in Chester half a year and came to it from Loughfoile. She was married to one Walsh who was slain at Kingsale. She first knew Sheppard in Ireland at Tredarth. On Monday last she was troth plighted to him in the presence of two other soldiers. On Monday and Tuesday nights last Sheppard and the other two soldiers lodged at her cellar (and she lay in Randull Jewett's house). Yesterday Sheppard sent for her to Handbridge and on her return his aunt came to her and told her that he had undone himself and had broken a chest and taken sundry goods. This morning Sheppard came to her cellar and confessed that he had taken goods and money from his aunt's house, and gave her a smock. "And shee kepte him in the seller and would not lett him goe foorth leaste he should be apprehended."
[English - paper]
37. 1st Nov. [1604] Precept for Crownmote to be held Mon. 19 Nov. (for Gaol Delivery)
(Sheriffs: Thomas Revington, Kenrick ap Jevan)
[Latin - parchment]
38. Panel. "inter dominum regem et prisonar'."
39. 1st Nov. 2 Jas. [1604] Precept - for summoning Jury of 24 to Crownmote to be held on 19th Nov. to inquire for the King........
[Latin - parchment]
40. Panel "ad inquirend' pro domino rege"
[Latin - parchment]
41. 25th March [160] "Absente from the Crownemoote" Names of 31 persons, each fined 12d. or 2s.
42. Blank.
43. List of persons acquitted of the following felonies: Hugh Peers and Darby Morris charged with stealing 14 kersies, 2 jugs, one pair of breeches, one pair of stockings, one shirt and one rapier.
Rice ap Shoone for cutting Elizabeth Anneon's purse. James Hudson for stealing 7 dozen tallowcandles and 20 pounds of "virgins waxe", the goods of Mr. Thomas Harvy and Gerrard Hayes.
John Holland for stealing one iron grate, one old coffer, and one chain, the goods of Robert Thorneton. To find sureties for keeping the peace before he is discharged.
[English - paper]
44. 15th Dec. 1604. Examination of Reece up shone of llandarnoughe [?Llandyrnog], co. Denbigh, before Edmunde Gamull and Foulke Aldersey, Alderman and J.Ps. He came to town that day and cut the purse of a woman in the street.
[English - paper]
45. Blank.
46. 13th March, 1604[/5]. Examination of Robert Thorneton concerning the theft of an iron grate, an old coffer and part of a chair belonging to him from the house in which Alice Whatton, widow, lately deceased, did late dwell in in Spittle Boughton, and the subsequent discovery of the grate buried in the back side of John Holland's house in Love lane, and of the chest near Dee side.
46v. [same date] Examination of John Holland. States that he came to Chester last Candlemas, having previously dwelt near Christleton. He took a house in Love lane from one Snape for a year, where he has since dwelt with his wife and has carried on the trade of shoemaker, with Thomas Hatton, shoemaker, as journeyman. Denies that he has been at Boughton within the last month, and that he knows the house where widow Whatton lately dwelt. About a fortnight ago his wife dug up their garden. Knows not who hid the grate there.
47. Blank. [English - paper]
48. 27th Jan. 1604 [/5]. Examination of James Hudson before John Fitton and William Aldersaie, Aldermen and J.Ps, concerning a barrel of candles and wax which was left at Burton head. The examinant found it, rolled it to the shore and hid it. Returning from the Parke gate to Chester, he went to the place where it was hidden and found the end of the barrel broken open. He took out 3 pounds of candles and left the barrel there. Says he heard his master's wife say that her husband, Richard Hamner, broke the barrel.
Signed: John Fitton.
[English - paper]
49. 20th March, 1604[/5]. Re-examination of Hugh Piers. Confesses that he took from aboard Thomas Glegge's barque the Grace one pair of cloth breeches, one pair of stockings, one shirt which were the goods of a passenger, and one rapier.
]English - paper]
50. 1st Jan., 1604 [/5]. Examination of Darby Morris before William Aldersey and Thomas Fletcher. He is servant to Thomas Glegge, with whom he is retained in service for a voyage into Ireland as a mariner. The Grace of Chester of which Thomas Glegge is owner, is laded with coals and merchants' goods in dryfats, casks and barrels. He laid aboard the said barque with Hugh Piers, Richard Hancocke and one Patricke. Confesses that he opened one barrel and took out a "cruled cappe." Piers took a dozen knives and gave him two pairs.
[English - paper]
50v. 9th Jan, 1604 [/5]. Examination of Hugh Piers before Edward Dutton, Mayor, and Edmund Gamull. He is servant to Thomas Glegge and retained with him to serve as a mariner aboard the Grace for a voyage now intended for Ireland. Says that Darby Morris opened two barrels and a firkin, out of which firkin he took 14 or 15 knives, and out of one of the barrels a wrought cap.
Confesses that he himself took 2 jugs out of a hamper.
52. Indictment by jury of James Hudson, late of Chester, mariner, for stealing 7 dozen tallowcandles and 20 pounds of virgins wax of the goods and chattels of Thomas Harvy and Gerrard Hayes of the city of Chester, merchants on 10 Jan. 2 Jas; and that Richard Hamner of the same city, mariner, knowing him to have perpetrated the said felony afterwards consorted with him and sheltered him.
Note that James Hudson alone was arraigned.
Billa vera
Not guilty
51. Indictment by jury of John Holland, late of Chester, shoemaker, for breaking and entering Robert Thorneton's dwelling house in Spittle Boughton on 7th March, 2 Jas. and, stealing one iron grate, one old chest and one chair.
[Latin - parchment] Billa vera. Not guilty
53. Indictment of Richard ap Shoone late of Llandernoghe [?Llandyrnog], co. Denbigh, labourer, for making an assault on Elizabeth Annion, wife of John Annion of the City of Chester, draper, and for stealing a purse and 4d. in it from her on 15 Dec. 2 Jas.
[Latin - parchment] Billa vera. Not guilty
54. Indictment of Hugh Piers and Darbie Morrys, late of Chester, mariners, for stealing 14 knives, 2 jugs, one pair of breeches, one pair of stockings, one shirt and one rapier on 1st Jan. 2 Jas., of the goods of certain men unknown.
[Latin - Parchment] Billa vera. Not guilty
55. Indictment of Darbie Morris late of Chester, mariner, for stealing one cap and fourteen knives of the goods and chattels of certain unknown men on 1st Jan., 2 Jas. Note: void because indicted for the same felony in another indictment together with Hugh Pyers. [Latin - parchment]
56. 1st March, 2 Jas [1605] Precept to Sheriffs for summoning jury of 24 to the next court of Crownmote to be held on Monday, 25th March, instant, to enquire for the King concerning divers murders, felonies, trespasses, riots and other articles.
(Edw. Dutton, esq. Mayor)
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs Thomas Revington, Kenrick ap Jevans.
[Latin - parchment]
57. Panel "ad inquirendum pro domino rege"
Note - each Alderman making default - 3s. 4d.
each other freeman - 12d. (each sheriffs peer 2s)
58. [Parchment] 1st March, 2 Jas [1605]. Precept to Sheriffs (venire facias) to deliver all prisoners in the said gaol together with their attachments, indictments, etc. before the Mayor, Recorder, and Justices assigned to keep the peace and to deliver the Northgate gaol of prisoners, at the next court of Crownmote on Monday 25th March instant, and to summon jury of 24 through whom the truth of the thing may the better be known - and to proclaim the same to all who wish to sue prisoners, and to all J.Ps, coroners, constables, etc.
Endorsed: executed by sheriffs as above.
[Latin - parchment]
59. Panel "ad triand' exit' inter Dominum regem et prisonar'." same fines for default.
[Latin - parchment]
60. 1 May, 3 Jas. [1606] Precept for proclamation of general sessions of the Peace to be held on Tuesday, 26th Nov. instant [dates rubbed out - obviously same writ used for Sessions in May and Nov.] and to summon a jury of 24 "to enquire for us concerning divers murders, felonies, trespass, riots and other misdeeds and articles, etc."
Endorsed: executed by Sheriffs Thomas. Revington & Kenrick ap Jevan.
[Latin - parchment]
61. Panel "ad inquirendum pro domino rege ad istam eandem sessionem."
62. Constables' Presentments. St. Brides Ward.
Alderman: Mr. Richard Rathburn
Constables: Thomas Jones, John Walker.
Persons who brew and retail ale and keep the Mayor's assize: Hugh Hinde, John Ashbroke, John Williams, Robert Godaker, Richard Calcute, William Johnson.
Ales Leche, widow, sells ale not bound.
Richard Bayly and Thomas Watkin brew and retail beer and keep the Mayor's assize and are bound.
Robert Glover and Margerey Darwall, widow, retail beer and keep the Mayor's assize and are bound.
Katrin Radley, widow, retails beer not bound.
Mr. John Aldersey, Alderman, for laying timber in the Whit Frier Lane to the annoyance of passengers. John Rigmeden for laying muck in Cupinges lane.
The same for laying more gorse in his [?] at one time than is allowed by Mr. Mayor's order.
62v. No common alehouse haunters within their ward.
63. Rough list of 13 names.
[English - paper] Billa vera
64. Constables' Presentments. St. Michael's Ward. Sessions March, 1605.
Mr. Foulke Aldersey, Alderman.
Constables: Thomas Lynaker (Lineker) and Robert Danat.
William Dawson for keeping swine.
Thomas Watkyn for breach of the assize in selling beer.
Grace Christian, widow, for keeping swine on her backside.
No common alehouse haunters within the ward to the Constables' knowledge.
[English - paper] Billa vera
65. Constables' Presentments. St. Olave's ward.
Alderman: Edmunde Gambell
Affray between John Barker and Rychard Haslow, junr.
Affray between John Wheetley and William Bromfeeld.
Mr. Grege, exam [iner or inee?] for keeping swine within the walls.
Cateren Richerson(?), widow, for selling beer unbound. The following persons sell beer and sle within the ward: Greefeth Jhones, Gillbert Etton, Rychard Vasse, Hughe Harvye, Edward Thropp, Harey Sc...lesbryke, Thomas Loe, Thomas Harvye, Widow Dod, Thomas Holme, George Sallte, Rychard Blage, Will. Weston, Rychard Flecher, David Tonowe, Oes Conolow, Hughe Crommpe, William Plombe, Thomas Powell, George Howell, Mr. Kendrike Evans, John Rigmeden, Davy Prodroughe. "For eny thinge that wee know the kepe the syse."
John Barker for being drunk.
[English - Paper] Billa vera
66. Constables' Presentments. St. Mary's Ward.ZAlderman: Mr. John Lytler.
Constables: Thomas Lyniall (Lynyall), Randell Byngley, William Edwardes, Thomas Kettell.
Thomas Kettell for selling ale not being bound, and not keeping the Mayor's assize.
Randell Byngley, Ane Mosley, Edward Jonson, Rychard Pastowe, Richard Foxlay, Elizabeth Dowley, John Kempe for the like.
William Sproson for selling ale and not bound nor free and keeps not the assize.
"William the taker of the tolle for the lyke delynge in the gate".
The highway going towards Weryain (?) (Weryvin?) Mathew Richardson for selling ale, not being bound or free.
66v. No common alehouse haunters to their knowledge.
[English - paper] Billa vera
67. Constables' Presentments. Eastgate street ward.
Alderman: Mr. William Aldersay.
Constables: George Allen, Thomas Allcoke, Lewesse Jones, John Willdinge.
For selling ale and beer being bound and not keeping the assize: Raphe Tonge, William Allen, Richard Partington, Mr. Godfre Wine, William Fisher, William Hunte, Anthonie Warmysham, George Allen, William Jones, John Tuisse, William Allcoke, Samuel Bennet.
For selling ale and beer unbound and not keeping the assize: Thomas Tilston, Widow Grimsdiche, Bradford Throp, Richard Clarke, Widdow Hilton, Widdow Allen, Raphe Pellem, Widdow Marser, Edward Doe, Hendry Crosbie, Mr. John Williamsse, Widdow Heathe.
John Tuisse for keeping unlawful games.
Simond Stocken and Robart Higginson for making an affray the 17 of March.
Edward Doe for keeping swine within the walls.
Mr. Godfree Wine and Thorston Heald for the same.
Simond Stocken as a haunter of ale houses and "a werry dissordered parson."
[English - Paper] Billa vera
68. Blank.
69. List of persons, headed "St. Johns Warde".
"Theise all are bounde and this note under the Clerke of Pentice hande." William ap Hugh, William Bucke, John Almond, William Cougley, Edward Davies, Richard Cally, Robert Willson, Hugh Motterom, Rauffe Johnson, Elizabeth Harrison, Thomas Holbrocke, Thomas Blanchard, William Younge, William Bennett, William Hancocke, James Smith.
69v. Beginning of an examination. 26th March, 1604.
Alexander Marshe, one of the bailiffs in Liverpoole said that on the previous day William Denwall and Robert Amery being together in Robert Lytherland's house agreed each to other as followe, "to witt William Denwall waged a hundred powndes and pawned it with one peece of S"
[English - paper] [Unfinished]
70. Constables' Presentments. St. John's Ward.
Misdemeanours committed from 27th Nov. last and before 26th March, 1505. Quarter Sessions, 26th March, 1605.
Alderman: Mr. John Aldersey, Deputy, Mr. John Williams.
Constables: William Bennett, James Smithe, William Handecocke, Hugh Mottram.
Assault and affray between William Radforde, tanner, and John Thomas, one of the journeymen of shoemakers and blood drawn upon both sides.
Houmfrey Jackeson for keeping his doors open and selling ale at 12 o'clock at night, not being bound.
Assault and affray between Edward Blynston and Nicolas Currie.
Affray between Ric. Harforde and William Richardson.
Affray between William Ley and William Granwaull.
Affray between William Rodforde tanner and Danniell Ashe.
Affray between Jane, wife of Rauffe Penney, and Richarde Helene, prentice to William. Poole.
Affray between John Lloyde and Robte Boothe.
Innholders and not bound: Mr. William Manninge, Mr. Edwarde Button, John Ashton, Ales Whytebie, widow, Thomas Annion, Thomas Sutton, Robert Busforde, Hamnett Moores, Thomas Miller, William. Snell.
Ale or beer-sellers not bound: Ric. Taylor, Edward Bromeley, Ric. Annion, butcher, Thomas Assomere(?), John Peereson, Rauffe Penney, William Ley, Laurence Heyes, Houmfrey Jackeson, Rodger Basforde, Robert Barton, Ric. Warmincham.
[English - Paper] Billa vera
71. Constables' Presentments. Ward
Alderman: Houghe Glassier, esq.
Constables: William Whittill, John Fearnall, John Gesst, John Beatriche.
For not keeping the Mayor's assize selling ale and beer: Woode [widow?] Seffton, James Broster, Henrye Philipes, widow (wooddoue) Curton, William Johnsonne, Houmphray Ellies, Antonye Simcok, John Flecher, John Bettriche, Edward Blackon, Widow Powell, Houghe Jounes, John Gesst, Widow Carter.
Haunters of alehouses: Gryffie Bourd, Raphe Danould, Thomas Snape, Richard Mort, John Williams, Roger Gesst.
Raphe Thourton and John Barowe for [assault]
The pavement without the Bares "mightely decayed"
[English - Paper] Billa vera
72. Constables: Presentments: Trinity Ward. 26 March, 1605.
Alderman: Mr. John Fytton
Constables: Thomas Tomlinson. George Bellin.
Persons who sell ale and beer and keep the Mayor's assize: William Richardson, Richard Sale, Katheryn, Cowper, widow, William Leeynes, Roger Ley, Thomas Tettlow, John Asheton, Thomas Johnson.
John Asheton for keeping swine in his backside. Richard Sale and William Richardson for selling of ale in one house.
William Liverpool, his wife and daughter, for not coming to church nor communicating.
[English - Paper] Billa vera
73. Constables' Presentments. Sant Martens Wart.
Quarter Sessions held 26 March, 1604/5.
Alderman: Mr. Thomas Fleacheer.
Constables: Thomas Fyssher, Thomas Tylston, William Hand.
Persons who sell ale and do not keep the Mayor's assizes: Mr. Richard Knee, Cathren Hycchens, Margrat Throp, widow, John Burrtonn, William Couckel, Raffe Davis, Alies Tatloe, widow, Thomas Throther (xxx presented also for selling ale being unbound and not free).
Persons who sell beer and do not keep the Mayor's assizes: Grace Rathbourn, widow, Elizabeth Bastwell, John Hicchence, Widow Genson.
Raffe Davis; affray on 17th February, with two more.
The end of Whit Fryers Lane joining near to Sant Martens Chourche.
A foul lane at the widow Thropes hous end goeing towardes the walles.
[English - Paper] Billa vera
74. Constables' Presentments. Northgate Ward.
Alderman: Mr. John Ratliff.
Constables: Robert Warton, John Welchman.
Persons who sell ale unbound and keep the Mayor's assize: Widow Gaulter, Ales Grimsdich, David Denevett, Thomas Johnson, Richerd Monelex, Roger Hancoke, Jane Bucksee, Richerd Yeoman, Ales Mosse.
Persons who sell ale being bound, and keep the Mayor's assize: William Sconce, Arthur Chauntrell, Thomas Whitle, Thomas Flemminge.
Richerd Jenian, slater and William Carleill, labouringe man, for an affray.
Herrie Gunner, slater and Raphe Patrick, porter, for an affray.
[English - Paper] Billa vera
75. Constables' Presentments. Quarter Sessions held 26 March 1604 /5. Sant Owswelles Ward.
Alderman: Mr. Thomas Lawton.
Constables: John Pooll
Thomas Newport
William Inc'
Persons who sell ale being unbound: Hennerie Lyne, Richard Ince,
Margrat Frances for drawing beer, not keeping the Mayor's assizes.
John Morrenn for taking Richard Elsonn, his wife and one child inmates.
Richard Trenill for keeping Thomas Nobell, his wife and one child inmates.
[English - Paper] Billa vera
76. Constables' Presentments. St. Thomas Ward. Alderman: Mr. Mayor.
Constables: Edward Batho, "H.B."
John Clarke for selling ale and not being bound nor freeman of the City.
Thomas Lea for keeping one inmate in a house on his backside.
Peeter Bennet for keeping gameing in his house.
Hugh Browne "lat come to dwell in our ward and lick to be a charge to the place."
Margit Edgerton, widow, for making malt and selling it forth of the market, not being free.
(Signed Edmond Batho. H.B.
[English - Paper] Billa vera
77. Indictment. John Aldersey of the City of Chester, Alderman, on the last day of March, 1 Jas [1603] made a certain dwelling house in Watergate streete, on the north of that street, to be built so high and so near to the dwelling house of Thomas Revington that the rain water from John Aldersey's house fell in [to?] the pariet' of Thomas Rivington's dwelling-house, by reason of which the parieties of Rivington's house became putrid and hollow; and that by reason of its height, John Aldersey's house completely shaded the light from Revington's house on the east side, and made it very dark; and that by reason of the high building of J.A's house over that of Revington, Revington cannot build his house higher. (margin: nusans)
[Latin - Parchment] Billa vera
78. 27 Nov. 2 Jas I. [1604]. Writ to Sheriffs to summon jury to the next general Sessions of the Peace to be held on Tuesday, 27th Nov., to recogn on their oath whether or not Randle Ince junior of the said City, draper, and Randle Fernall, of Chester, ironmonger, are guilty of a certain trespass, contempt and offence of which they stand indicted.
Edward Dutton, esq, Mayor.
[Latin - Parchment]
79. Panel (not attached to previous doc.) "to inquire for the King"..24 names.
80. 10th March, 2 Jas I [1605] Writ to Sheriffs to make proclamation of a general Sessions of Peace to be held on Tues. 26th March and to summon jury of 24 to inquire for King's case - murders, felonies, etc. etc.
To notify all J.P's, Aldermen, Constables, bailiffs and keepers of the Gaol and all free citizens, that they may be there with all indictments, presentments and prisoners, having with them all names of artificers, labourers, taking excessive wages, and that they (sheriffs) make than as much for King as for themselves, querelas(suits) according to the form of the statute v. these artificers etc. And lastly to be all which to their office belongs. And that they themselves shall be there, having with them all the names of Justices, Coroners, Serjeants, Constables and Jurors. And to inform the Mayor of the City at the said Sessions how this writ has been carried out. And that they shall have there this writ.
Endorsed by Sheriffs (Thomas Revington and Henry ap Jevan) of proclamation of General Sessions and that have ordered all J.P's, Coroners, Constables, bailiffs and keepers of the Gaol and all other officials and free citizens to be there to do what the writ requires. Rest of writ executed as is shown in the schedule annexed to it. (list of names).
[Latin - Parchment]
81. List of officers at Sessions (Edw. Dutton, Mayor. Peter Warburton Kt. Justice of King's Bench & Alderman) Thomas Lawton, Recorder
Constables given here.
83. 4th April, 1605. Presentment by Jury at Quarter Sessions. The Mayor and Citizens for divers highways within the City, viz.
A broken pavement within the Northgate att Dyelane
A broken pavement att Cow Lane end against Hicksons garden.
Without Barrs the Cawsey and Highe way to Boughton.
A Broken Cawsey in Brownfield Lane.
A broken Cawsey in the Hollow Way and against the Broad Lake in Handbridge.
A broken pavement upon the northsyde of St. Martin's Church. Randle Thropp for nott keepeing the Northgate ditch clane Mr. John Aldersey for want of a paire of staires att the Rowe end att his house in Watergate street.
Thomas D[in?] son, baker, for a broken pair (?) before his house in Cow Lane.
John Ashton, innholder, and William Bennett, baker, for coursing a hare upon the Sabboth day.
Thomas Harpur, William Hurleston, Thomas Booth, Marmaduke Whitchurch, gents., for making malt within the liberties of the City and selling it out of the market, not being freemen.
83v. Nicholas Banester for keeping and using a "shofle board" in his house.
Thomas Bird, tanner, and divers others of the same Company, for not tanning their leather sufficiently, as Thomas Farrington and John Keys [ar?]q, being curriers, do repeat upon their oaths.
84r,v. Blank.
[English - Paper]
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