RepositoryCheshire Record Office
TitleSir John Savage, Mayor, Thomas Gamull, Recorder
Description1. 30 June 1608
Examination of George Davison of 'Turneboule Street' London, carpenter and John ap Richard, osler to William Pue of Chester, joiner, concerning a wallet stolen from the house of the said William Pue belonging to Mr. Robert Myllington of Great Budworth. The said George Davison was suspected of the said theft, but stated that a prisoner in the Northgate, Peter Swettman, had confessed the same.
2. Verdict relating to a will, feoffment and counterpart. No parties mentioned.
3. List of prisoners due to appear at the Crownmote court, with memoranda relating to the punishment or discharge of the same.
4. 6 July 1608
Examination of Mary, wife of John Mills, a soldier levied in Leicestershire, concerning the theft of pewter dishes from Mr. John Mainwaring of Flookersbrooke [Hall], and the confession of the said Mary in a further examination that the said pewter had been given to her husband to take to Ireland by John Whatson, then a prisoner in Chester Castle.
5. 23 Sept. 1608
Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
6. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
7. Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward, including a reference to events in April [1608].
8. 15 April 1608
Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
9. Presentment by the jury that William Hand of Chester, tailor, on 10 April 1608 at Chester dug and undermined the property of John Marten in the parish of St. Peter.
With note that the constables of St. Michael had presented 'this bill'.
10. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
11. Constables presentments for Northgate ward.
12. 16 April 1608
Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
13. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
14. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
15. List of persons selling ale and beer in St. Peter's parish.
16. Constables presentments for Eastgate ward, with reference to events on 9 June 1608.
17. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
18. Constables presentments for Northgate ward.
19. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward.
20. Deposition by Hugh Wicksteed to the jury that David Tanner, glover, had built a workhouse at the waterside adjoining the house of the said Hugh, and put pigs in the same, so that the workmen of the said Hugh were unable to remain at their work because of the smell.
Billa vera
21. [7 Jan. 1607/8]
Presentments by the jury.
22. Constables presentments for Northgate ward.
23. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward.
24. 1607
Constables presentments for St. Bridget's ward.
25. Constables presentments for St. Michael's ward.
26. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
27. 7 Jan. 1607/8
Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
28. Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
29. Constables presentments for St. Giles's ward.
30. Verdict by the jury that Piers Wynne murdered Theophilus Lyle in the house of Thomas Poulles on 2 Nov. 1607, by wounding him 'in the flanke' with a sword worth 18d., the length of the wound being 8 inches.
31. List of prisoners, same as in 3, tried in the Crownmote Court with memoranda relating to their discharge or punishment.
32. Constables presentments for Eastgate ward, with reference to events in April [1608].
33. 15 April 1608
Constables presentments for St. John's ward.
34. Constables presentments for St. Giles's ward.
35. April 1608
List of persons keeping ale houses etc. in St. Michael's parish.
36. April 1608.
Constables presentments for St. Olave's ward.
37. Constables presentments for St. Mary's ward.
38. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
39. Constables presentments for St. Thomas's ward.
40. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
41. Memoranda relating to the weighing of bread, with names of bakers whose bread fell short of the Mayor's assize relating to the same from 14 Nov. to 2 Dec 1607.
Billa vera
42. Constables presentments for Eastgate ward, with references to events in Nov. and Dec. 1607.
43. Constables presentments for St. Oswald's ward.
44. Constables presentments for St. Martin's ward.
45. Constables presentments for Trinity ward.
46. Presentment by the jury of a gutter lying between the house of Thomas Fletcher, glover, and Robert Ashbrooke, glover, in Cleaton Lane [Claverton Lane, now Duke Street], that the said gutter had been decayed for seven years, and that the said Robert Ashbrooke ought to repair the same.
Billa vera
47. Presentment by the jury that William Mercer, John Lea, Isabel Case, widow, Richard Shone, Robert Roberts and John Ryder, tallow chandlers of Chester sold candles within the city at 5d., per pound contrary to the command of Sir John Savage, Mayor, on 1 November 1607 which stated that candles were to be sold at 3d. per pound.
Billa vera for Richard Shone, 'the rest... we do [missing] fynde that Mr. Mayor gave them [missing] to kepe'.
48. Presentment by the jury that John Martin of Chester, merchant, on 26 March 1606 entered the house of John Rydley of Chester in Bridge Street and removed three steps from the doorway of the said house, so that the said John Rydley and his family were unable to enter or leave the said house.
Billa vera
49. 5 Feb 1607/8
Inquisition held before Robert Whitbie and George Brooke, Sheriffs, that Edward Kilshe alias Gillson laid waste a messuage belonging to John Byrne, esq., and that the cost of the damage in each room of the said messuage was as follows: the hall £6; the kitchen 20s; the parlour 10s; four upper rooms, each 20s; the stable 20s. and a pentice adjoining the said stable 5s., also a shop 5s.
50. 25 Jan 1607/8
Portmote: precept, witnessed by Sir John Savage, Mayor, to the Sheriffs for an inquisition to be held relating to the damage caused by Edward Kilshe alias Gillson to a messuage belonging to John Byrne, esq., in Chester, held by the said Edward for the term of his life from John Byrne, esq., deceased father of the said John Byrne.
Endorsed: executed by the Sheriffs Robert Whitbie and George Brooke.
51. Inquisition post mortem held at Chester 3 Nov. 1607 before David Dymmocke and Ludovic Robertes, Coroners, on the body of Theophilus Lyle, who on 2.Nov. 1602 at about 10 p.m. in the house of Thomas Powell was attacked by Peter Wynne of Chester, yeoman, with a rapier worth 18d. and wounded in the left side of his stomach, from which wound the said Theophilus died immediately. The jury found the said Peter Wynne guilty of murder and stated that he owned no goods within the city.
Memorandum that this case was heard in the Crownmote Court on 28 Dec. 1607.
52. 25 June 1608
Examination by Peter Swetman of Sutton Cowsill [Sutton Coldfield], Warwickshire, Richard Hill of London, mercer, and Charles Burges of London, servant of Mr. Pettie, linendraper, concerning a piece of cambric stolen from the said Charles Burges at Chester.
Memorandum that Randle Bruen, mercer, and Charles Burges were bound in £40 to prosecute their suit against the said Peter Swetman at the next Crownmote Court until the said Peter was convicted or discharged. Also memorandum that Thomas Odam, girdler, had a piece of black and white 'durance' stolen from him at the fair, and suspected Peter Swetman.
53. [25 and 24 June] 1608
Memorandum of the examination of Edmond Smythe accused by John Barton of Horseley [Horsley]. Staffordshire, of stealing a parcel of clothes containing a jerkin, a pair of breeches, a pair of stockings and a shirt, from the house of his master.
With note that the said Edmund was committed on 23 June.
Also memorandum that Roger Caves of Denbigh, sadler, had 'sworne the pease' against John Martyn of Caernarvon, sadler.
54. 20 Nov. 1607
Examination of Richard Redman of Kerbie [Kirby], co. York, esq., Francis Abbie of Kirkebie over blowes [Kirkby Overblow]. co. York, and William Daniell, a prisoner in the Northgate, from Keswicke [Keswick] co. York, miller, concerning a mare stolen from the said Richard Redman on 8 Nov. 1607 by the said William Daniell. Daniell stated that he came to Chester in company with soldiers impressed from Yorkshire.
Memorandum that the said Richard Redman was bound in £40 to prosecute this case against William Daniell at the next Crownmote and Sessions until the said Daniell was convicted or discharged.
Surety: Jesse Smith, draper, see also 76
55. 27 July 1607
Examination of Robert Rogerson of Chester, glover, concerning goods belonging to Thomas Knee of Chester, ironmonger, said to have been stolen by the said Robert.
Robert Rogerson stated that he had rented a room in the house of the said Thomas Knee for the annual rent of 16s. and that he only removed 3 pictures and 2 blankets, which were his own possessions, from the said room on the previous Saturday.
56. 9 Nov. 1607
Examination of Evan Jenkin, servant of Thomas Powell, innholder, by the Coroners David Bymock and Lewis Roberts, concerning the death of Theophilus Lyle as in 51.
57. 1 Sept. 1607
Examination of Thomas Harrison of 'Aulton in Morreylaunde' [unidentified] in Scotland, sadler, concerning the theft of a cloak bag, shoes, buckles, bridles and girths from his master Thomas Parsivall of Chester, sadler. Memorandum that the said Thomas Parsivall was bound in £40 to prosecute the same.
Surety: Ludovic Johnes, silkweaver.
58. 30 Dec 1607
Examination of Alice Winn, wife of Peter Winne, and daughter of John Couper of Great Sanky [Great Sankey]. co. Lancaster concerning the whereabouts of the said Peter Winne, since he killed Theophilus Lyie in the house of Thomas Powell as in 51. Alice described her marriage to the said Peter tour years previously in Wales, and the occasions she had heard from him since the murder of the said Theophilus Lyle. Also listed goods in a trunk belonging to her still at the house of Thomas Powell, which Thomas Powell's wife refused to give to her.
59. 28 Nov 1607
Examination of Katharine Williams formerly of Roseland, Cornwall, once servant to the Countess of Woormewood in Ireland for 18 years, latelie servant to John Williams of Chester, but then dwelling at the house of Randle Jewett, Captain Henry Lumley, Elizabeth, wife of Hugh Sydeall, shoemaker, and Grace Williams, concerning a purse which the said Henry Lumley claimed had been stolen from him by the said Katharine Williams. The examination of Katharine Williams contains a reference to the puddinge house in St. Werburgh's Lane, which is referred to by Henry Lumley as where they sell tripes.'
60. 24 Nov. 1607
Examination of Thomas Wayney carrier, and John ?Daborne, servant to the said Thomas, concerning a pack stolen from a packhorse of Nicholas Daniell, carrier, near Weeden [Weedon] in Berkshire en route from London to Chester.
61. 24 Nov 1607
Examination of Nicholas Daniell, servant of Thomas Gill of Malpas, Cheshire, carrier, concerning the same. Nicholas Daniell stated that the missing pack contained goods belonging to Marjorie Greatbatche of Whitchurch, widow, and that he suspected Richard Bill, carrier, who was also at Weedon on the same night of stealing the said pack, but that he had not brought him before the justices, as he knew no one there to take care of his other horses and packs.
62. 28 Nov 1607
Examination of John Cotton of Huntington, Cheshire, gentleman., concerning the quarrel between Ralph Jemson and Robert Foord and Anne his wife, the said Anne being the daughter of the Said Ralph, concerning a cow claimed by the said Robert from the said Ralph.
63. 12 Dec 1607
Examination of Conway Kelly, an Irishman, servant to Mr. William Brounker, son of Sir Henry Brouncker, concerning a letter containing money given to him in London by Lady Brounker, mother of his master, to be delivered to his master 'who followed the Courte', which letter and money the said Conway Kelly afterwards missed after he had been drinking with William Dyllyn and John Wells, Irishmen, first in Grayes Inn Lane and afterwards in the Strand at the Sign of the Talbott. Stated that he had not dared to return to Lady Brouncker and came to Chester hoping to find the said William Dyllyn and John Wells.
64. Examination of Humphrey ap Hughe of [blank] near Aberconway co. Caernarvon concerning the movements of Peers Wyn in Bridge Trafford after he had killed Theophilus Lyle as in 51. States that Wyn was a tall man with brown hair, age about 32, and was wearing a green cloak and a cap of the same cloth. Includes a reference to the said Humphrey being a Welshman who could not speak English.
65. 2 Nov 1607
Examination of Mary Roberts, spinster, servant of Thomas Powell, innholder, John Kellie, servant of the Earl of Llanricard, and ?Rowine Idonell of Loughlenbridge [ ] in Ireland concerning the death of Theophilus Lyie as in 51. Reference to Lyie being killed in the house of Thomas Powell, known as The Angell.
66. 2 and 4 Nov. 1607
Examination of Thomasine Preece of Wellam [?Welland]. co. Worcester, spinster, John Dellicolt of Worcester, and the examination on 4 Nov. of Richard Wellsmith servant of Richard Stockton of Chester, smith, concerning the same.
67. 12 Dec 1607
Examination of Richard Wall of Tameston [ ] in Ireland concerning a fight between two Welshmen in the house of David Allen.
68. []March 1607/8
Examination of Jane Fourde, widow, and 'Jockie or Jock' Teate, a Scottish man, concerning a coffer stated by Margaret Bythell, servant to Mr. Robert Woodward, to have been stolen from her master's house in Parsons Lane on 2 March, and found on 3 March at Widow Wartons house outside 'the newe tower' but certain linens and 5s were missing and the said Margaret suspected that the said John Teate and John Massie, son of Nicholas Massie had stolen the said coffer.
With memoranda that the said Jockie was released from prison on 19 March 1607/8 upon the confession of John Massie.
69. 24 Feb 1607/8
Examination of Ellen Wood, spinster, servant to John Dodd of Chester, beerbrewer, and Richard Bythell of Chester, innholder concerning repayment of sums of money lent by the said Ellen to Christopher Lightfoote and others.
70. 19 March 1607/8
Examination of John Massie concerning the theft of a coffer from the house of Mr. Woodward as in 68. Massie stated that he had been asked by Randle Johnes to accompany him to the house of Mr. Woodward to borrow 6d. or 1s. upon a book delivered to the said John, and that it was the said Randle Johnes who removed the said coffer.
With memorandum that the said John Massie was discharged from prison on 18 April 1608.
71. 12 Feb 1607/8
Examination of Jane ?Foxcroft of Bangor, co. Caernarvon, concerning the stealing of certain goods from the house of Mr. Wilbraham in Chester in which she stated that she had been in the house of the said Mr. Wilbraham for 16 weeks and that during this time she had taken away a hat with a band, a flaxen smock belonging to Mrs. Anne Wilbraham, two handkerchiefs and a knife etc.
Memorandum that with the assent of the said Mr. Wilbraham the said Jane was ordered to leave the city and not to return on pain of being whipped.
72. 22 Feb 1607/8
Examination of William Willson of Chester, sherman, Arthur Evans of Oswestry in Wales [Shropshire]. Robert Teggyn [of Chester]. shoemaker, and Edward Evans of Oswestry, brother of the said Arthur, concerning theft by the said Arthur Evans of about three yards of blue cloth.
73. 17 Jan 1607/8
Examination of Amy, wife of George Tytle, Alice, wife of Stephen Albrighte, and George Tytle concerning the theft of a flaxen smock, a flaxen apron and seven yards of towelling from the house of Widow Harford, deceased. The said Amy Tytle stated that these goods were in the house when Widow Harford 'languished of the sickness whereof she dyed' and that the towelling was missing when it was required 'to bynde the Corps'.
74. 13 Feb 1607/8
Examination of John Teate, a Scotsman, concerning the theft of clothes hanging in a chamber over the stable belonging to Mr. Bleese.
Memorandum that Thomas Cowper, sparman, was bound in £40. for the appearance of the said John at the next Crownmote or at any time before this to answer charges made against him.
75. 23 Feb 1607/8
Examination of Edward Clarke of the Isle of Ely, 'by profession a musitioner' concerning the theft of goods and jewels from Mr. Leighe of Bageley [Baguley, Cheshire]. The said Edward stated that he had been a servant in the house of the said Mr. Leigh for over a year, but denied the charge and stated that since coming to Chester a few weeks previously, had lodged at the Saracen's Head.
76. 15 Nov. 1607
Examination by Sir Henry Goodricke, bart., one of the Justices of the Peace for the West Riding of Yorkshire, of Thomas Borne, formerly servant of Lawrence Edwards of Kirkbie Overblowes [Kirkby Overblow in the West Riding], co. York, miller, concerning a mare said to have been stolen by the said Thomas Borne from Richard Redman of Keerebie [Kirby], co. York on Sunday 8 Nov. 1607. Also the examination of Francis Thackwry, Henry Hardwicke, Francis Abbey, John Gowlyn, servant to Lawrence Edwardes, Tristram Wells and Richard Redman concerning the same, and the examination of the said Francis Thackwry, Henry Hardwicke and Francis Abbey concerning 4s. said to have been stolen by the said Thomas Borne from the purse belonging to the wife of Henry Woods, the said examinants having been asked by the constable of Kirkebie to watch the said Thomas Borne in case he should escape, see also 54.
77. 17 Aug 1607
Examination of Margaret Martin, spinster, aged 21, daughter of Fulk Martin, concerning the theft of 'napperie spoones' from the house of her master Mr. Francis.
Memorandum that John Francis, tanner, was bound in £40. to prosecute the said Margaret Martin from Crownmote to Crownmote and from Sessions to Sessions until she was either convicted or acquitted.
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