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Collapse DCH - Cholmondeley family of Cholmondeley estate - 12th century-20th centuryDCH - Cholmondeley family of Cholmondeley estate - 12th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Cholmondeley1 - Cholmondeley
Expand 2 - Chorley2 - Chorley
Expand 3 - Ridley3 - Ridley
Expand 4 - Egerton4 - Egerton
Expand 5 - Bickley5 - Bickley
Expand 6 - Norbury6 - Norbury
Expand 7 - Wrenbury7 - Wrenbury
Expand 8 - Bradley8 - Bradley
Expand 9 - Coddington9 - Coddington
Expand 10 - Edge10 - Edge
Expand 11 - Hampton11 - Hampton
Expand 12 - Larkton12 - Larkton
Expand 13 - Malpas13 - Malpas
Expand 14 - Overton14 - Overton
Expand 15 - Tushingham15 - Tushingham
Expand 16 - Wigland16 - Wigland
Expand 17 - Capenhurst17 - Capenhurst
Expand 18 - Bickerton & Bulkeley18 - Bickerton & Bulkeley
Collapse 19 - Edleston & Sound19 - Edleston & Sound
1 - QUITCLAIM by Margery, who was wife of Thomas son of Ilebert, to Peter Calfast and his heirs - c. 1165
2 - GRANT by Randle de Vernon to Randle son of Richard de Hanewelle - 1287
3 - QUITCLAIM by Richard lord of Edlaston to Richard de Fowelishurst - c. 1295
4 - GRANT in fee by Richard lord of Edlaston to Richard de Fogheleshurst, his heirs and assigns - 1297/8
5 - QUITCLAIM of his title to the above premises by Richard son of Peter de Edlaston to Richard de Fogheleshurst - 1297/8
6 - GRANT in fee by Richard lord of Edlaston to Richard de Fogheleshurst, his heirs and assigns - 1297/8
7 - QUITCLAIM by Richard lord of Edlaston to Richard de Fogheleshurst - 1297/8
8 - QUITCLAIM by Margery, who was wife of Peter de Edlaston, to Richard de Foghelishurst, his heirs and assigns - 1298
9 - QUITCLAIM by Peter de Hakedon to Richard de Foghelishurst, his heirs and assigns - c. 1298
10 - RECEIPT for the first 5 years' rent of a croft in the township of EDLASTON - c. 1298
11 - QUITCLAIM by Peter de Edlaston to Richard his son and his heirs - c. 1298
12 - QUITCLAIM by Agnes, who was wife of Robert Elioth, to Richard de Fougelnshurst, his heirs and assigns - 1306
13 - QUITCLAIM by Thomas son of Robert Eliot to Richard de Fouleshurst, his heirs and assigns - 1309
14 - QUITCLAIM by Mabel, who was wife of Richard de Edlaston, to Richard de Fouleshurst, his heirs and assigns - 1315/16
15 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by John de Hyntes, chaplain, to John de Scolehall, clerk, to deliver seisin to Robert son of Richard as Fouleshurst and Margaret his wife - 1360/1
16 - MORTGAGE to secure £37, by Thomas Fowleshurst de Crue esq., and others - 1530/1
17 - PRE-NUPTIAL SETTLEMENT by Thomas Pouleshurst of Crue, esq., and others - 1533
18 - RENTAL of premises in EDLASTON and WICKS MALBANKE referred to in the above settlement - 1533
19 - GRANT by Robert son of Roger de Sonde to John his brother - c. 1220
20 - QUITCLAIM by William son of (Hugh) de Sonde to William de Alstaneston - c. 1230
21 - GRANT by Richard son of Hugh de Sonde to Thomas son of William de Alstaneston - c. 1230
22 - GRANT by William lord of Sonde to Thomas his son - 1278
23 - GRANT by William lord of Sonde to Thomas his son - 1278
24 - GRANT as above but dating clause incomplete.Seal and tag missing. Parchment. - 1278
25 - QUITCLAIM by Robert son of Richard Skeyl de Sonde to William son of Thomas de Alstaneston, his heirs and assigns - c. 1298
26 - QUITCLAIM by Robert son of Richard Skeyl de Sonde to William son of Thomas de Alstaneston, his heirs and assigns - c. 1298
27 - GRANT by Robert son of William Soheil de Sonde to Walter son of William de Bromleg - c. 1298
28 - GRANT in fee by Philip son of James Skayle to Robert de Sonde, his cousin - c. 1298
29 - GRANT by Richard lord of Wevere to Thomas de Crwue - 1370
30 - GRANT in fee by Philip (--), chaplain, to (?Nicholas Baxter) - 1382
31 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by Richard Turner, chaplain, perpetual vicar of the parish church of Aldelem, to John Whitreson - 1492
32 - GRANT in fee by Richard Turnor, chaplain, and others to Alice Cristelton, daughter of Isabella Shawe, otherwise Isabella now wife of John Sherde - 1493/4
33 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by Alice Cristelton to Robert Sadeler - 1493/4
34 - GRANT in fee by William Prestland de Wordull esq., and others - 1514
35 - LEASE for 36 years by Sir Thomas Fouleshurst of Crue [Crewe] Kt., to Thomas Maisterson of the Wiche Malbank, gentleman, and Margery, his wife - 1533/4
36 - LEASE (Counterpart) by Thomas Maisterson of Wich Malbank, gentleman, and Margery, his wife - 1537
37 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 42 years, by Henry Gryndley of Nuhall, yeoman, to Sir Randulph Maynwaryng Kt. - 1540
38 - GRANT in fee by William Byckerton of Rylesgrene, yeoman, and Alice, his wife, to Humphrey Axon and John, his son - 1542
39 - LEASE for 76 years, by Sir Thomas Fouleshurst of Crue Kt. to Thomas Maisterson of the Wich Malbanke, gentleman, Margery, his wife, Rauff Wilbraham, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife - 1547
40 - LEASE for 76 years, by Sir Thomas Fouleshurst of Crue Kt. to Thomas Maisterson of the Wich Malbanke, gentleman, Margery, his wife, Rauff Wilbraham, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife - 1547
41 - GRANT in fee, by Humphrey Axson of Butterleyhaye, yeoman, to Robert Axson, his son - 1553
42 - BARGAIN & SALE by Robert Fulleshurst of Crue esq., to Sir Hugh Cholmondeley - 1561
43 - FEOFFMENT by Robert Fulleshurst of Crue esq., to Sir Hugh Cholmondeley - 1561
44 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by Sir Hugh Cholmondeley of Cholmondeley Kt. to Oliver Pollett - 1561
45 - FEOFFMENT by Humphrey Acson of Butterleyhay, husbandman, to Sir Hugh Cholmondeley - 1566/7
46 - BOND to perform covenants FEOFFMENT by Humphrey Acson of Butterleyhay, husbandman, to Sir Hugh Cholmondeley - 1566/7
47 - FEOFFMENT by John Prestlande of Sounde, gentleman, to Sir Hugh Cholmundeley - 1575
48 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by Sir Hugh Cholmundley of Cholmundeley Kt. to George Maynwaringe - 1576
49 - BOND to perform covenants of equal date.Seal: red, a bull's head caboshed.Parchment. - 1575
50 - BARGAIN & SALE by Robert Acson of Swanebache, husbandman, to Sir Hugh Cholmondeley - 1583/4
51 - BARGAIN & SALE by Robert Acson of Swanebache, husbandman, to Sir Hugh Cholmondeley - 1583/4
52 - BOND for performance of covenants BARGAIN & SALE by Robert Acson of Swanebache, husbandman, to Sir Hugh Cholmondeley - 1583/4
53 - ASSIGNMENT by Richard Maisterson of Wichemalbanke esq., to Lawrence Maysterson of the same, gentleman, and John Wodenote - 1611/12
54 - ASSIGNMENT by Richard Maisterson of Wichemalbanke esq., to Lawrence Maysterson of the same, gentleman, and John Wodenote - 1611/12
55 - SURVEY of widow Cowper's tenement in SOUND - 1637/8
56 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Robert Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Richard Spenser - 1658
57 - GRANT by Henry son of lord William de Chetilton and Isabella daughter of Elye de Flamstude, his wife, to the lord Randle le Vernoun - 1286
58 - GRANT in fee by Richard lord of Edlaston to Richard de Fouleshurst, his heirs and assigns - 1298
59 - LEASE for 101 years, by Robert Fulleshurst of Crue esq., to John Alexander - 1563
60 - LEASE for 101 years, by Robert Fulleshurst of Crue esq., to Henry Wixsted of the Wiche Malbanke and Maryan, his wife - 1563
61 - LEASE for 101 years, by Robert Fulleshurst of Crue esq., to Reynold Jackeson - 1563
62 - INQUISITION concerning the way from WICHMALBANK to a close or parcel of land in EDLASTON called Evetts croftes - 1607
63 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 10 years, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley of Kells to Thomas Browne - 1683
64 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley of Kellis to Robert Perryn - 1686
65 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to William Cooke - 1707
66 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Earl of Cholmondeley, at the instance of William Spark of Baddington, yeoman, and Anne his wife, to George Illidg - 1718
67 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Earl of Cholmondeley to Hugh Egerton the younger - 1719/20
68 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Richard Church - 1726
69 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Thomas Hutchinson - 1726
70 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to John Bebington - 1731/2
71 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to John Wicksted - 1736
72 - QUITCLAIM by Thomas son of Adam Scheyl de Sonde to William son of Thomas de Alstaneston lord of Sonde and Thomas de Wodecote - 1289
73 - GRANT in fee by Hugh Golborne esq., and Agnes his wife to Richard Turnor, chaplain, Roger Whitereson and John Whitereson - 1488
74 - GRANT in fee by Richard Turnor, chaplain, perpetual vicar of the parish church of Aldelom, Roger Whitereson and John Whitereson to Alice Cristelton, daughter of Isabella Shawe, alias Isabella now wife of John Sherde - 1493/4
75 - LEASE for 60 years, by Sir Thomas Fouleshurst of Crue Kt., to Thomas Maisterson of the wiche Malbanke, gentleman, Margerye his wife, Rauf Wilbraham of the same, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife - 1549/50
76 - BOND in £60 by Robert Fulleshurst of Crue esq., to John Alexander - 1563
77 - EXEMPLIFICATION OF FINAL CONCORD between Sir Hugh Cholmondeley Kt., plaintiff, and Robert Fulleshurste esq. - 1593
78 - LEASE for 2 lives by the Rt. Hon. Robert Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Randle Davenport - 1655
79 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley of Kells to Robert Perryn - 1683
80 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 10 years, by the Rt, Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley of Kelle to Thomas Mosse - 1683
81 - MAP of (Lord Cholmondeley's estate in) EDLASTON, giving names of tenants, field names and acreages - c. 1695
82 - MAP of part of Lord Cholmondeley's estate in EDLASTON, endorsed "A survey of the Manor of Hedlston" giving field names and acreages - c. 1695
83 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to John Church - 1707
84 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Joseph Gibbins - 1734
85 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to James Meakin - 1744
86 - LEASE for 12 years, by Peter de Edlaston and Margery, his wife, to Peter de Joneston - 1296
87 - FINAL CONCORD between Richard de Fouleshurst and Ellen, his wife, plaintiffs, and Robert, son of Matthew de Becheton - 1326
88 - DEED OF COVENANT between 1) Thomas Maisterson of Wichmalbanke, gentleman, and Margery, his wife, and 2) Rauff Wilbram of the same, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife - 1537
89 - LEASE for 40 years, by Sir Thomas Fulleschurst Kt. to John Alexandre - 1541
90 - ASSIGNMENT by Ellen Wilkes, widow of Roger Wilkes of Wichemalbanke, to Thomas Wilkes, her son - 1548
91 - ASSIGNMENT by Roger Maisterson of the Wyche Malbancke, gentleman, to Richard Maisterson, his eldest son - 1559/60
92 - LEASE for 101 years, by Robert Fulleshurst of Crue esq., to Henry Wixsted of the Wiche Malbanke and Maryan, his wife - 1563
93 - RENTAL of lands leased by Robert Folshurst to Mr. Bayryng for 101 years, in EDLASTON and NEWBOLD - 1563
94 - SURRENDER OF LEASE by Rauf Alexander, son of John Alexander, late of the Wiche Malbanke, to Robert Fulleshurst of Crue esq. - 1563/4
95 - BARGAIN & SALE by Robert Pulleshurst of Crue esq., to Sir Hugh Cholmondeley - 1564
96 - FEOFFMENT by Robert Pulleshurst of Crue esq., to Sir Hugh Cholmondeley - 1564
97 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by Sir Hugh Cholmondley of Cholmondley Kt., to Roger Brome - 1566/7
98 - BARGAIN & SALE by John Prestlande of Sounde, gentleman, to Sir Hughe Cholmundeley - 1575
99 - QUITCLAIM by Edward Egerton esq., son and heir of Randle Egerton, late of Wrynehill Kt., deceased, to Sir Hugh Cholmondley the elder - 1596
100 - ASSIGNMENT by Thomas Maisterson of WicheMalbank esq., and John Woodnote of Shavinton esq. to the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Cholmondeley Bt. - 1633/4
101 - LEASE (Counterpart) for life, by the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Cholmondeley of Cholmondeley Bt., Lord Viscount Cholmondeley of Kells, to John Calcott - 1640
102 - LEASE (Counterpart) for life, by the Rt. Hon. Robert Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Randle Davenport - 1655
103 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 21 years, by the Rt. Hon. Robert Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Richard Robinson - 1655/6
104 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 10 years, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley of Kellis to John Tench - 1683
105 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley, Baron of Wichemalbank, to Francis Johnson - 1690
106 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley, Baron of Wichemalbank, to Francis Johnson - 1690
107 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Bt. Hon, Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to John Church - 1690
108 - ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT between the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley and William Deane - 1692
109 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Francis Johnson - 1694
110 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Francis Johnson - 1694
111 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to John Linnis - 1695
112 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Thomas Stringer - 1695
113 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Thomas Pratchett - 1697
114 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Thomas Barrow of Badington - 1698
115 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Thomas Barrow - 1698
116 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to John Dutton - 1704
117 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Ht. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to John Linnis - 1707
118 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to Thomas Burton - 1710
119 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to Thomas Burton - 1710
120 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to Anne Burton - 1712
121 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to Richard Gibbons - 1716
122 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Joseph Sanders - 1735
123 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to John Liversage - 1780
124 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to John Liversage - 1780
125 - PARTICULARS of Lord Cholmondeley's estate (at EDLASTON) near NANTWICH - 1786
126 - PLAN of the above estate, to which the particulars refer - 1786
127 - LEASE for 21 years, by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to Sabbath Church - 1788
128 - LEASE for 21 years, by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to Sabbath Church - 1788
129 - LEASE for 21 years, by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to William Hughes - 1795
130 - LEASE for 21 years, by the Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to William Hughes - 1795
131 - PLAN of lands in dispute in EDLESTON, for Mr. Jones - 1822
132 - GRANT by Thomas lord of Alstanston, son of William formerly lord of Alstanston, to William his son - c. 1298
133 - FINAL CONCORD (contemporary copy) between Humphrey Axson plaintiff, and William Bykerton and Alice, his wife - 1544
134 - LEASE for 101 years, by Robert Fulleshurst of Crue esq. to Robert Goddyar - 1563
135 - FEOFFMENT by Robert Fulleshurst of Crue esq., to Sir Hugh Cholmondeley of Cholmondeley Kt. - 1565
136 - BARGAIN & SALE by Humfrey Acson of Butterleyhay, husbandman, to Sir Hugh Cholmondley - 1566/7
137 - BOND in £40, by John Hammett of Burlande, glover, to Richard Maisterson - 1598
138 - ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE by John Goodyer of Wiche Malbanke, yeoman, to Roger Wright - 1602
139 - ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES by Thomas Maisterson of Wyche Malbancke esq. to the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Cholmondeley - 1633/4
140 - LEASE (copy) for 2 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Robert Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Randle Davenport - 1655
141 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 21 years, by the Rt. Hon. Robert Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Richard Robinson - 1656/7
142 - PRE-NUPTIAL SETTLEMENT (Draft) in consideration of a marriage to be had between John Egerton esq., son and heir of Sir Phillip Egerton of Oulton Kt., and Elizabeth Cholmondley, daughter of the Rt. Hon. Robert late Lord Cholmondley - 1686
143 - ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT between the Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount Cholmondeley and Thomas Pratchett - 1695
144 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to John Church - 1696
145 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Thomas Pratchett - 1697
146 - LETTER from J. Gouldsmyth to William Adams, concerning the damage done to an inclosure and the cottage standing thereon, on Lord Cholmondeley's waste at SOUND - 1698
147 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Gilbert Woollam - 1698
148 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Richard Hutchinson - 1705
149 - LEASE FOR POSSESSION between 1) Sir John Bridgeman of Castle Bromwich (Co. Warwick) Bt., Randle Wilbraham the elder of Namptwiche esq., and others - 1725
150 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to John Massie - 1728/9
151 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to John Massie - 1729
152 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt, Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Alice Proudman - 1731/2
153 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to James Meakin - 1740/1
154 - LEASE (Counterpart) for life of the lessee, by George James Earl Cholmondeley to James Smith - 1780
155 - QUERIES relating to Perrin's lease of premises in EDLESTON - c.1780
156 - LEASE for 30 years, by Thomas Fouleshurst of Crue Kt., to Rauf Broke, son and heir of Roger Broke - 1536/7
157 - LEASE for 72 years, by Sir Thomas Fouleshurst of Crue Kt., to Thomas Maisterson - 1537
158 - ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE by Rauf Broke of the Wichmalbanke, gentleman, to Ellen Wylkes - 1542
159 - ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES (Various) - 1550
160 - ASSIGNMENT by Roger Maisterson of the Wiche Malbanke to Richard Maisterson, his son - 1559/60
161 - LEASE for life of the lessor, by Dame Katheryn Brereton, widow, late wife of Sir Roger Brereton Kt., deceased, sometime wife of Edward Fulleshurst esq., to Rauf Alexander, son of John Alexander - 1560
162 - ASSIGNMENT by Henrie Wicksteed the elder of Wiche Malbanke, gentleman, Henrie Wicksteed the younger, his son, and Thomas Prees of the same, glover, to John same of the same - 1630/1
163 - LEASE for 21 years, by the Rt. Hon. Robert Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Richard Robinson - 1656/7
164 - ASSIGNMENT by William Cowper of Sound, yeoman, to Thomas Cowper - 1656/7
165 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to John Linnis - 1695
166 - DEMISE for 99 years, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Cholmondeley Baron of Wich Malbanck to Anne Whorwood, widow of Wortley Whorwood, late of Denton Court (Co. Kent) esq., deceased, and Mary Whorwood and Anne Whorwood, spinsters, their daughters - 1706
167 - REDEMISE of the above premises, to secure to the said Mary Whorwood on annuity of £50 and to the said Anne Whorwood the daughter a similar annuity of £50 - 1706
168 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to Richard Gibbons - 1716
169 - FRAGMENT with mark of Edward Stockton - n.d
170 - ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE by Richard Hitchinson of Edlaston, yeoman, to Thomas Hitchinson of the same, his son - 1718
171 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Earl of Cholmondeley to Hugh Massie of Broomhall - 1719
172 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Earl of Cholmondeley to Hugh Massie - 1719
173 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Thomas Hutchinson - 1726
174 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Thomas Church - 1727
175 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Thomas Hutchinson - 1729
176 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Joseph Gibbins of Edleston - 1734
177 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to James Meakin - 1740/1
178 - FEOFFMENT by Robert Fulleshurst of Crew esq. to Sir Hugh Cholmundeley - 1573
179 - FINAL CONCORD between Sir Hugh Cholmondley Kt., plaintiff, and Robert Fulleshurte esq. and Brigitt his wife - 1574
180 - ABSTRACT of indentures and leases made by Sir Thomas Fulleshurst Kt. concerning certain lands and tenements in EDLASTON and NEWBOLD, now the inheritance of Sir Hugh Cholmondeley Kt. - 1576
181 - LETTER from Robert Cholmondeley to the Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount Cholmondeley, concerning the tenements which the Viscount has offered for sale - 1690
182 - ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT between the Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount Cholmondeley and Richard Hutchinson - 1694
183 - AGREEMENT with Raphe Dod for marling the windmill field and the great warrenhill - c. 1697
184 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to William Jones - 1697
185 - MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT with John Bebington for marling parcel of Chorley hayes adjoining the marled field - 1697
186 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Mathew Meakin and George Audley, executors of Edward Tench - 1700
187 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Mathew Meakin and George Audley, executors of Edward Tench - 1700
188 - ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT between the Hon. George Cholmondeley esq. and Thomas Downes - 1700
189 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Earl of Cholmondeley to Hugh Dod - 1715
190 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. Hugh Earl of Cholmondeley to John Wicksted - 1716/17
191 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Thomas Church - 1727
192 - LEASE for 3 lives, by the Rt. Hon. George Earl of Cholmondeley to Thomas Hutchinson - 1729
Expand 20 - Frodsham20 - Frodsham
Expand 21 - Overton21 - Overton
Expand 22 - Netherton22 - Netherton
Expand 23 - Bradley23 - Bradley
Expand 24 - Woodhouses24 - Woodhouses
Expand 25 - Kingsley25 - Kingsley
Expand 26 - Alvanley26 - Alvanley
Expand 27 - Runcorn27 - Runcorn
Expand 28 - Halton28 - Halton
Expand 29 - Widnes29 - Widnes
Expand 30 - Rocksavage & Clifton30 - Rocksavage & Clifton
Expand 31 - Helsby31 - Helsby
Expand 32 - Norley32 - Norley
Expand 33 - Barrow33 - Barrow
Expand 34 - Runcorn and Frodsham - Late 18th century-late 19th century34 - Runcorn and Frodsham - Late 18th century-late 19th century
Expand 35 - Helsby, Frodsham, Halton and Rocksavage - 18th century-19th century35 - Helsby, Frodsham, Halton and Rocksavage - 18th century-19th century
Expand 36 - Delamere and Kingswood36 - Delamere and Kingswood
Expand 37 - Nantwich - 13th century-19th century37 - Nantwich - 13th century-19th century
Expand 38 - Deeds and papers relating to Henhull - 14th century-18th century38 - Deeds and papers relating to Henhull - 14th century-18th century
Expand 39 - Miscellaneous Cheshire and Flintshire39 - Miscellaneous Cheshire and Flintshire
Expand 40 - Deeds relating to various townships - 12th century-18th century40 - Deeds relating to various townships - 12th century-18th century
Expand 41 - Tenancies in West and South Cheshire41 - Tenancies in West and South Cheshire
Expand 42 - Miscellaneous west Cheshire and north Wales estates42 - Miscellaneous west Cheshire and north Wales estates
Expand 43 - Various counties (mostly non-Cheshire) - 13th century-18th century43 - Various counties (mostly non-Cheshire) - 13th century-18th century
Expand 44 - Deeds Relating to Other Counties44 - Deeds Relating to Other Counties
Expand 45 - Flintshire and Wales45 - Flintshire and Wales
Expand 46 - Properties in London, Kent, Suffolk and Surrey - 1730-181646 - Properties in London, Kent, Suffolk and Surrey - 1730-1816
Expand 47 - Bonds, Grants, Warrants, Presentations, etc.47 - Bonds, Grants, Warrants, Presentations, etc.
Expand 48 - Records relating to estates previously owned by or connected with Savage family48 - Records relating to estates previously owned by or connected with Savage family
Expand 5050
Expand 51 - Household, Personal and Estate51 - Household, Personal and Estate
Expand 52 - Earl Rivers' Rocksavage Estate52 - Earl Rivers' Rocksavage Estate
Expand 53 - Lord Cholmondeley's South Cheshire estate53 - Lord Cholmondeley's South Cheshire estate
Expand 54 - 'Miscellaneous deeds and papers'54 - 'Miscellaneous deeds and papers'
Expand 55 - Miscellaneous Personal and Estate55 - Miscellaneous Personal and Estate
Expand 56 - Estate management56 - Estate management
Expand 57 - Estate & Miscellaneous 57 - Estate & Miscellaneous
Expand 58 - Letters relating to estate administration58 - Letters relating to estate administration
Expand 59 - Estate Correspondence, mostly from Lord Cholmondeley  - 1814-182759 - Estate Correspondence, mostly from Lord Cholmondeley - 1814-1827
Expand 60 - Nantwich & Manorial  - 16th century-19th century60 - Nantwich & Manorial - 16th century-19th century
Expand 62 - Personal and estate papers62 - Personal and estate papers
Expand 63 - Cholmondeley Cattle Club - 1857-187363 - Cholmondeley Cattle Club - 1857-1873
Expand 64 - City of Chester - 14th century-18th century64 - City of Chester - 14th century-18th century
Expand 65 - Frodsham Lordship and Estate - 19th century65 - Frodsham Lordship and Estate - 19th century
Expand 66 - Creation of Titles and Grants of Arms and Supporters66 - Creation of Titles and Grants of Arms and Supporters
Expand 67 - Specifications and plans relating to premises in south and west Cheshire, Wales and Sussex - 19th century-20th century67 - Specifications and plans relating to premises in south and west Cheshire, Wales and Sussex - 19th century-20th century
Expand 68 - Papers relating to 1910-1915 Valuation Office survey68 - Papers relating to 1910-1915 Valuation Office survey
Expand 69 - Translations and surrogates69 - Translations and surrogates
Expand 131 - Schools131 - Schools
Expand 132 - Cholmondeley Fire Brigade132 - Cholmondeley Fire Brigade
Expand 133 - Household and Estate133 - Household and Estate
Expand 134 - Miscellaneous134 - Miscellaneous
Expand 135 - Acts of Parliament135 - Acts of Parliament
Expand 136 - Tarporley-Whitchurch Turnpike Trust136 - Tarporley-Whitchurch Turnpike Trust
Expand 137 - Records of Joseph Hill, surveyor - 1800-1814137 - Records of Joseph Hill, surveyor - 1800-1814
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