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Collapse DCH - Cholmondeley family of Cholmondeley estate - 12th century-20th centuryDCH - Cholmondeley family of Cholmondeley estate - 12th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Cholmondeley1 - Cholmondeley
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Expand 4 - Egerton4 - Egerton
Expand 5 - Bickley5 - Bickley
Expand 6 - Norbury6 - Norbury
Expand 7 - Wrenbury7 - Wrenbury
Expand 8 - Bradley8 - Bradley
Expand 9 - Coddington9 - Coddington
Expand 10 - Edge10 - Edge
Expand 11 - Hampton11 - Hampton
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Expand 17 - Capenhurst17 - Capenhurst
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Expand 19 - Edleston & Sound19 - Edleston & Sound
Expand 20 - Frodsham20 - Frodsham
Expand 21 - Overton21 - Overton
Expand 22 - Netherton22 - Netherton
Expand 23 - Bradley23 - Bradley
Expand 24 - Woodhouses24 - Woodhouses
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Expand 26 - Alvanley26 - Alvanley
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Expand 28 - Halton28 - Halton
Expand 29 - Widnes29 - Widnes
Expand 30 - Rocksavage & Clifton30 - Rocksavage & Clifton
Collapse 31 - Helsby31 - Helsby
1 - GRANT by William Lord of Helisby to William de Hapisford - 1307-24
2 - GRANT by William de Hapisford, chaplain, to William lord of Helisby and Hawisia his wife, and the heirs of the said William - 1307-24
3 - QUITCLAIM by Richard de Whytelegh to Hugh son of Robert de Burwis, his heirs and assigns - 27 Jun 1317
4 - LEASE for 9 years, by Henry (del) Netherton to William Lord of Hellisby and Hawisia his wife and their assigns - 25 Dec 1307
5 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by William de Hellisby and Hawisia his wife to Richard de Mamcestre - 18 Apr 1324
6 - GRANT in fee, by Hawisia, formerly wife of William de Hellisbi, to Sir Peter de Thornton Kt. and Lucy his wife, their heirs and assigns - 1332
7 - GRANT in fee, by Hawisia, formerly wife of William de Hellesby to Sir Peter de Thornton Kt. and Lucy his wife, their heirs and assigns - 18 Aug 1332
8 - QUITCLAIM by Hawisia, formerly wife of William de Hellesby, to Sir Peter de Thornton Kt. and Lucy his wife, their heirs and assigns - 22 Aug 1332
9 - AGREEMENT between Thomas de Beston, Esquire, and William le Venables, Lord of Thorneton - 22 Mar 1392/3
10 - GRANT in tail male, by Richard Wirall de Legh to Randle Wirall his son and heirs male - 5 Jun 1511
11 - COVENANT TO LEVY A FINE between Richard Wyrrall of Leghe, yeoman, and Wylliam Knowles - 4 Dec 1563
12 - FINAL CONCORD between William Knowles, plaintiff, and Richard Wirrall - 13 Dec 1563
13 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Edmunde Trafford of Trafford (Co. Lanc.), Esq., to John Barlow - 20 Apr 1576
14 - LEASE for 3 lives by Edmunde Trafforde of Trafford (Co. Lanc.), Esq., to Roberte Whitbie - 6 Apr 1578
15 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Sir Edmund Trafford of Trafford (Co. Lanc.), Kt.., to Robert Whitbye - 10 Feb 1581/2
16 - BARGAIN & SALE (Enrolled, 22. June 1591), by Edmund Trafforde of Trafforde (Co. Lanc.), Esq. and Thomas Rowe - 1591
17 - LETTER OF ATTORNEY by Edmund Trafforde of Trafforde (Co. Lanc.), Esq., to Edward Standishe and John Holme - 1591
18 - COMMON RECOVERY (contemporary transcript), between William Wall and Peter Middleton, plaintiffs, Thomas Rowe, tenant, Edmund Trafford Esq., 1st vouchee, Thomas Grynshawe, 2nd vouchee - 1591
19 - FINAL CONCORD between Thomas Rowe, plaintiff, and Edmund Trafford, Esq. - 1591
20 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Thomas Irelande of Grays Inn (Co. Middlesex), gentleman, Thomas Rowe his servant, to Rondle Whitbye - 1591
21 - RELEASE by Thomas Rowe of -, yeoman, servant of Thomas Irelande of Grays Inn, gentleman, to the said Thomas Irelande and his heirs - 1592
22 - BARGAIN & SALE (Enrolled 20. Oct. 1601), by Thomas Ireland of Beavsie (Co. Lanc.), Esq., and Thomas Roe his servant, to Thomas Aston - 1601
23 - DECREE of Chester Court of Exchequer in cause between Sir Thomas Savage Kt., plaintiff, and Thomas Holcrofte Esq. - 1602
24 - BARGAIN & SALE by John Aston Esq., son and heir of Sir Thomas Aston of Aston Kt., and Sir Arthur Aston of Fulham (Co. Middlesex), Kt., to Sir Hughe Beeston of Beeston, Kt. - 1609
25 - FINAL CONCORD between Sir Hugh Beeston Kt., plaintiff, and John Aston Esq, and Sir (Arthur) Aston Kt. - 1609
26 - BARGAIN & SALE (Enrolled 9. June 1614), by Thomas Ireland Esq. to Sir Thomas Savage Kt. and his heirs --- the Manor of HELLESBYE with appurtenances and all other his messuages and premises in HELLESBYE. Cons. not specified. Seal: missing from tag. Parchment. - 1613/14
27 - BARGAIN & SALE (ENROLLED ...) by Sir Hughe Beeston of Beeston Kt. and Edward (Wymarke) of London, Esq., to Sir Thomas Savage - 1614
28 - PETITION by the tenants of the Manor of Helsby to Sir Thomas Savage - 1615
29 - EXEMPLIFICATION OF FINE between Sir Thomas Savage Kt., plaintiff, and Sir Henry Hobart Kt. and Bt., chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and Dorothy his wife and Edward Wymarke Esq. - 1620
30 - EXEMPLIFICATION OF FINE between Sir Thomas Savage Kt., plaintiff, and Sir Hugh Beeston Kt. and Margery his wife Thomas Ireland and Margaret his wife and John Aston and Matilda his wife - 1620
31 - LEASE for (3) lives, by Sir Thomas Savage of Rocksavage, Kt. and Bt., to William Knowles - 1620
32 - LIST of persons who leased the hay in the new pasture called the Lords pasture in HELLESBYE, with the acreage and rent - 1622
33 - ACCOUNT of John Primrose, bailiff of the Manor of HELLESBYE and of other lands purchased of Sir Hughe Beeston, to Sir Thomas Savage - 1622
34 - RECEIPT from Sir Thomas Savage to John Primrose - 1622
35 - ACCOUNT of John Primrose, bailiff of the Manor of HELLESBYE and of other lands purchased of Sir Hughe Beeston, to Sir Thomas Savage - 1624
36 - RENTAL of the Lord's pasture - 1624
37 - NOTE from Nicholas Squyer to John Primrose concerning money due to Primrose for hay till May day - 1623
38 - 3 RECEIPTS from Thomas Brooke to John Primrose for part payments of his collection - 1624
39 - ACCOUNT of John Primrose, bailiff of the Manor of HELLESBYE and of other lands purchased of Sir Hughe Beeston, to Sir Thomas Savage - 1626
40 - RENTAL of the Lord's pasture - 1626
41 - 4 RECEIPTS from Thomas Brooke to John Primrose, bailiff, for part payments of his collection - 1626
42 - ACCOUNT of John Primrose, bailiff of the Manor of HELLESBYE and of other lands purchased of Sir Hughe Beeston, to Sir Thomas Savage - 1627
43 - 2 RECEIPTS from Thomas Brooke to John Primrose, for part payments of his collection - 1627
44 - 2 RECEIPTS from Richard Wilkinson to John Primrose - 1626/7
45 - ACCOUNT of rents of the eddish of the Lord's pasture - 1627
46 - ACCOUNT of various sums received from heriots, stones from the hills, sale of hay, etc. - 1627
47 - RENTAL of the Lord's meadow in HELSBY - 1627
48 - RENTAL of the improved waste at HELLESBYE called the Greenes - 1626
49 - RECEIPT from Richard Wilkinson to John Primrose - 1629
50 - RECEIPT from Thomas Brooke to John Primrose, bailiff, for part payment of his collection - 1628
51 - 2 RECEIPTS from Thomas Brooke to John Primrose, bailiff, for part payments of his collection - 1629
52 - ACCOUNT for work done in connection with the Lord's part on the Greenes (in HELSBY) - 1629
53 - ACCOUNT of sums received from heriots - 1629
54 - RENTAL of the Lord's meadow - 1629
55 - ACCOUNT of John Primrose, bailiff of the Manor of HELLESBYE and of other lands purchased of Sir Hughe Beeston, to Sir Thomas Savage - 1629
56 - RECEIPT from Richard Wilkinson to John Primrose - 1628
57 - RENTAL of the Lord's Meadow - 1628
58 - ACCOUNT of John Primrose, bailiff, for 1 year, from Midsummer 1628 to Midsummer 1629 - 1629
59 - ACCOUNT of John Primrose, bailiff of the Manor of HELLESBYE and of other lands purchased of Sir Hughe Beeston, to Sir Thomas Savage - 1630
60 - RECEIPT by Richard Wilkinson to Walter Primrose - 1630
61 - RECEIPT by Richard Wilkinson to John Primrose - 1630
62 - RECEIPT by Thomas Brooke to John Primrose, bailiff, for part payment of his collection - 1630
63 - RENTAL of the Lord's Meadow in HELSBIE - 1630
64 - ACCOUNT of sums received from heriots and fines - 1630
65 - ACCOUNT of John Primrose, bailiff of the Manor of HELLESBYE and of other lands purchased of Sir Hughe Beeston, to Sir Thomas Savage - 1631
66 - RECEIPT by John Barney to John Prymerose - 1631
67 - 3 RECEIPTS by Thomas Brooke to John Primrose, for part payments of his collection - 1631
68 - RECEIPT by John Barney to John Prymeroase - 1631
69 - RECEIPT by John Barney to John Prymeroase - 1631
70 - ACCOUNT of John Primrose, bailiff of the Manor of Hellesbye, of the receipt of rents and of profits of the stone mine at HELLESBYE, and of disbursements, for 1 year ending Midsummer 1633 - 1633
71 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 2 lives in reversion, by Rt. Hon. John Earl Rivers, to John Rea - 1652
72 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. John Earl Rivers to Margarett Knowles - 1652
73 - SURRENDER by Raphe Janian of Helsbee, gentleman, Thomas Nangreave, and others, to Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers - 1654
74 - LEASE for 3 lives by Rt. Hon. Robert Lord Viscount Cholmondeley to Robert Gregg - 1658
75 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to William Perry - 1665
76 - LEASE for 3 lives by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Wayne - 1665/7
77 - LEASE for 3 lives by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Wayne - 1665/8
78 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 1 life in reversion, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Plumpton the younger - 1665/6
79 - LEASE for 3 lives by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Wall - 1656/7
80 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Ashbrooke - 1666
81 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Wall - 1667
82 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 2 lives in reversion, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Wall - 1667
83 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to Margarett Knowles - 1671
84 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to Margarett Knowles - 1671
85 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to Raph Woodward - 1671/2
86 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Wayne - 1673
87 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Astbrooke - 1677
88 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Astbrooke - 1677
89 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to Henry Harpur - 1679
90 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to Thomas Nangreave - 1680
91 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to Bhusannah Knowles - 1681
92 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Nangreave - 1682
93 - SUIT ROLL, (Manor of) HELSBY - 1684
94 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Smalshaw - 1684
95 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to Randolph Aston - 1684
96 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Nangreave - 1684
97 - ACCOUNT by John Banner to R. Bretland - 1685
98 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to Ellen Barlow - 1686
99 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Wright - 1686
100 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to James Walley - 1686
101 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to Rowland Hall - 1687
102 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Adamson - 1687
103 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Knowles - 1687
104 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Wright - 1689
105 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to Thomas Oulton the younger - 1689
106 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Banner - 1689/90
107 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 1 life in reversion, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to William Street - 1690
108 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to Jonathan Woodward - 1691
109 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 2 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to Edmund Challoner - 1691/2
110 - LEASE (draft) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to Jonathan Whitbye - 1694
111 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to Jonathan Whitby - 1694
112 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Richard Earl Rivers to Samuell Wilcock - 1695
113 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Richard Earl Rivers to John Frodsham - 1697
114 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Richard Earl Rivers to Samuell Wayne - 1697
115 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Richard Earl Rivers to Joseph Astbrooke - 1698
116 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Richard Earl Rivers to Joseph Astbrooke - 1698
117 - LEASE for 1 life in reversion, by Rt. Hon. Richard Earl Rivers to Samuell Smoote - 1699
118 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 1 life in reversion, by Rt. Hon. Richard Earl Rivers to John Fradsham - 1699
119 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Richard Earl Rivers to Elizabeth Venables - 1699/1700
120 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Richard Earl Rivers to Thomas Knowles - 1699/1700
121 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Richard Earl Rivers to Nathaniell Wall - 1700
122 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Richard Earl Rivers to Nathaniell Wall - 1700
123 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Thomas Earl Rivers to John Frodsham - 1700
124 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Richard Earl Rivers to John Wright - 1701
125 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Richard Earl Rivers to Robert Hatton - 1702
126 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Richard Earl Rivers to Richard Wrench - 1708
127 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Richard Earl Rivers to Peter Hughson - 1708
128 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Richard Earl Rivers to Ann Waine - 1709
129 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Hugh Earl of Cholmondeley to Roger Comberbach - 1710
130 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Richard Earl Rivers to John Wilkinson - 1711/12
131 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (surviving trustee of Rt. Hon. Richard late Earl Rivers) to Elizabeth Waine - 1718/19
132 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (trustee) to John Key - 1718/20
133 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (trustee) to Roger Comberbach - 1718/21
134 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (trustee) to Robert Johnson - 1718/22
135 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (trustee) to Thomas Webster - 1718/23
136 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (trustee) to John Wainwright the younger - 1718/24
137 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (trustee) to John Perry - 1718/25
138 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (trustee) to Joseph Titley - 1718/26
139 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (trustee) to Thomas Smoult - 1718/27
140 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (trustee) to John Wainwright - 1718/28
141 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (trustee) to Moses Denson - 1718/29
142 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (trustee) to John Wainwright - 1718/30
143 - SURVEY of the Township of HELSBY - 1700-1720
144 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (trustee) to John Burrowes - 1721
145 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. Robert Earl of Oxford and Earl Mortimer (trustee) to John Key - 1721/2
146 - SUMMONS to Thomas Smoult of Helsby to appear before H. M. Justices of Chester at Chester Castle - 1723
147 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to Thomas Brandreth - 1727
148 - LEASE for 2 lives in reversion, by Rt. Hon. James Earl of Barrymore to Thomas Slade junior - 1729
149 - LEASE for 2 lives in reversion, by Rt. Hon. James Earl of Barrymore to Thomas Slade junior - 1729
150 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 1 life in reversion, by Rt. Hon. James Earl of Barrymore to Thomas Amery - 1729
151 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 2 lives in reversion, by Rt. Hon. James Earl of Barrymore to William Bate - 1729
152 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 1 life in reversion, by Rt. Hon. James Earl of Barrymore to John Abraham - 1729
153 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 2 lives in reversion, by Rt. Hon. James Earl of Barrymore to William Hall - 1729
154 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 2 lives in reversion, by Rt. Hon. James Earl of Barrymore to William Hall - 1729
155 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 1 life in reversion, by Rt. Hon. James Earl of Barrymore to James Comberbach - 1729
156 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 1 life in reversion, by Rt. Hon. James Earl of Barrymore to Hannah Wilcock - 1729
157 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 2 lives in reversion, by Rt. Hon. James Earl of Barrymore to John Frodsham - 1729
158 - LEASE for 2 lives in reversion, by Rt. Hon. James Earl of Barrymore to John Frodsham - 1729
159 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 1 life in reversion, by Rt. Hon. James Earl of Barrymore to John Frodsham - 1729
160 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 2 lives in reversion, by Rt. Hon. James Earl of Barrymore to John Frodsham - 1729
161 - LEASE for 2 lives in reversion, by Rt. Hon. James Earl of Barrymore to John Frodsham - 1729
162 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 1 life in reversion, by Rt. Hon. James Earl of Barrymore to Joseph Titley - 1729
163 - LEASE for 1 year & RELEASE between Roger Comberbach of the city of Chester, Esq., and others - 1731
164 - LEASE for 1 life in reversion, by Rt. Hon. James Earl of Barrymore to Francis Price - 1731
165 - LEASE for 1 life in reversion, by Rt. Hon. James Earl of Barrymore to Francis Price - 1731
166 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley of Rocksavage Esq. to John Done - 1733/4
167 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley of Rocksavage to Samuel Done - 1736
168 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley Esq. to John Dutton - 1738
169 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley of Rocksavage Esq. to Henry Frodsham - 1740
170 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley of Rocksavage Esq, to Henry Frodsham - 1740
171 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley of Rocksavage Esq, to Henry Frodsham - 1740
172 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley of Rocksavage Esq. to Henry Frodsham - 1740
173 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Henry Frodsham - 1740
174 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Henry Frodsham - 1780
175 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley of Rocksavage Esq. to Henry Frodsham - 1740
176 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley of Rocksavage Esq. to William Bate - 1741
177 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Peter Stirrup - 1741
178 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley of Rocksavage Esq. to William Bate - 1741
179 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Peter Stirrup - 1741
180 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Ralph Woodcook - 1741
181 - LEASE for 2 lives in reversion, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to William Bate - 1743
182 - LEASE for 2 lives in reversion, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to William Bate - 1743
183 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to William Wells - 1747
184 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to John Norcot - 1747
185 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon, James Cholmondeley to Roger Parson - 1747
186 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to John Norcot - 1747
187 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon, James Cholmondeley to Roger Parson - 1747
188 - LEASE (Counterpart,) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Henry Haspey - 1749
189 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Samuell Brownett - 1749
190 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives in reversion, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Peter Heys - 1749
191 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives in reversion, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Peter Heys - 1749
192 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Samuell Brownett - 1749
193 - LEASE (Counterpart,) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Henry Haspey - 1749
194 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to John Littler - 1752
195 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to William Bennett - 1752
196 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to William Bennett - 1752
197 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Elizabeth Ackerly - 1752
198 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Elizabeth Ackerly - 1752
199 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to John Webster - 1754
200 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to William Bate - 1757
201 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to William Bate - 1757
202 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Daniel Seddon - 1761
203 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Thomas Owen - 1761
204 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Peter Stirrup - 1768
205 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Samuel Brownett - 1768
206 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Samuel Bennett - 1768
207 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Samuel Brownett - 1768
208 - LEASE for 3 lives by Hon. James Cholmondeley to John Bellacis - 1773
209 - LEASE for 3 lives by Hon. James Cholmondeley to John Bellacis - 1773
210 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to John Bellacis - 1773
211 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to John Bellacis - 1773
212 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to John Lewis - 1773
213 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Richard Platt - 1773
214 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to John Bellacis - 1773
215 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Roger Parson - 1773
216 - LEASE for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Richard Platt - 1773
217 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Hon. James Cholmondeley to Roger Parson - 1773
218 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. George James Earl of Cholmondeley to William Hunter - 1777
219 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to John Barns - 1780
220 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to John Wells - 1782
221 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to Thomas Haspell - 1783
222 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to Peter Eaton - 1784
223 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to Peter Eaton - 1784
224 - DEED OF EXCHANGE between Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley and Peter Eaton of Halton, surgeon, and Richard Janion - 1788
225 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to Thomas Haspell the younger - 1790
226 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to Thomas Haspell - 1790
227 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to Roger Parson - 1790
228 - LEASE (Counterpart) for 3 lives, by Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to Daniel Litler - 1794
229 - LEASE for 1 life, by Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to John Stirrup - 1796
230 - LEASE (Counterpart) (unexecuted) for 21 years, by Rt. Hon. George James Earl Cholmondeley to Richard Jannian - 1797
231 - PARTICULARS of John Leche's lease of a tenement in HELSBY called Mr. Nangreaves - Early 18th Century
232 - PETITION by Sir Thomas Savage to Rt. Hon. William Lord Knowles Viscount Wallingford - c.1616
233 - PARTICULARS of John Frodsham's leases of Whitby's, Barlow's and Ashbrooke's Tenements in HELSBY - c.1730
Expand 32 - Norley32 - Norley
Expand 33 - Barrow33 - Barrow
Expand 34 - Runcorn and Frodsham - Late 18th century-late 19th century34 - Runcorn and Frodsham - Late 18th century-late 19th century
Expand 35 - Helsby, Frodsham, Halton and Rocksavage - 18th century-19th century35 - Helsby, Frodsham, Halton and Rocksavage - 18th century-19th century
Expand 36 - Delamere and Kingswood36 - Delamere and Kingswood
Expand 37 - Nantwich - 13th century-19th century37 - Nantwich - 13th century-19th century
Expand 38 - Deeds and papers relating to Henhull - 14th century-18th century38 - Deeds and papers relating to Henhull - 14th century-18th century
Expand 39 - Miscellaneous Cheshire and Flintshire39 - Miscellaneous Cheshire and Flintshire
Expand 40 - Deeds relating to various townships - 12th century-18th century40 - Deeds relating to various townships - 12th century-18th century
Expand 41 - Tenancies in West and South Cheshire41 - Tenancies in West and South Cheshire
Expand 42 - Miscellaneous west Cheshire and north Wales estates42 - Miscellaneous west Cheshire and north Wales estates
Expand 43 - Various counties (mostly non-Cheshire) - 13th century-18th century43 - Various counties (mostly non-Cheshire) - 13th century-18th century
Expand 44 - Deeds Relating to Other Counties44 - Deeds Relating to Other Counties
Expand 45 - Flintshire and Wales45 - Flintshire and Wales
Expand 46 - Properties in London, Kent, Suffolk and Surrey - 1730-181646 - Properties in London, Kent, Suffolk and Surrey - 1730-1816
Expand 47 - Bonds, Grants, Warrants, Presentations, etc.47 - Bonds, Grants, Warrants, Presentations, etc.
Expand 48 - Records relating to estates previously owned by or connected with Savage family48 - Records relating to estates previously owned by or connected with Savage family
Expand 5050
Expand 51 - Household, Personal and Estate51 - Household, Personal and Estate
Expand 52 - Earl Rivers' Rocksavage Estate52 - Earl Rivers' Rocksavage Estate
Expand 53 - Lord Cholmondeley's South Cheshire estate53 - Lord Cholmondeley's South Cheshire estate
Expand 54 - 'Miscellaneous deeds and papers'54 - 'Miscellaneous deeds and papers'
Expand 55 - Miscellaneous Personal and Estate55 - Miscellaneous Personal and Estate
Expand 56 - Estate management56 - Estate management
Expand 57 - Estate & Miscellaneous 57 - Estate & Miscellaneous
Expand 58 - Letters relating to estate administration58 - Letters relating to estate administration
Expand 59 - Estate Correspondence, mostly from Lord Cholmondeley  - 1814-182759 - Estate Correspondence, mostly from Lord Cholmondeley - 1814-1827
Expand 60 - Nantwich & Manorial  - 16th century-19th century60 - Nantwich & Manorial - 16th century-19th century
Expand 62 - Personal and estate papers62 - Personal and estate papers
Expand 63 - Cholmondeley Cattle Club - 1857-187363 - Cholmondeley Cattle Club - 1857-1873
Expand 64 - City of Chester - 14th century-18th century64 - City of Chester - 14th century-18th century
Expand 65 - Frodsham Lordship and Estate - 19th century65 - Frodsham Lordship and Estate - 19th century
Expand 66 - Creation of Titles and Grants of Arms and Supporters66 - Creation of Titles and Grants of Arms and Supporters
Expand 67 - Specifications and plans relating to premises in south and west Cheshire, Wales and Sussex - 19th century-20th century67 - Specifications and plans relating to premises in south and west Cheshire, Wales and Sussex - 19th century-20th century
Expand 68 - Papers relating to 1910-1915 Valuation Office survey68 - Papers relating to 1910-1915 Valuation Office survey
Expand 69 - Translations and surrogates69 - Translations and surrogates
Expand 131 - Schools131 - Schools
Expand 132 - Cholmondeley Fire Brigade132 - Cholmondeley Fire Brigade
Expand 133 - Household and Estate133 - Household and Estate
Expand 134 - Miscellaneous134 - Miscellaneous
Expand 135 - Acts of Parliament135 - Acts of Parliament
Expand 136 - Tarporley-Whitchurch Turnpike Trust136 - Tarporley-Whitchurch Turnpike Trust
Expand 137 - Records of Joseph Hill, surveyor - 1800-1814137 - Records of Joseph Hill, surveyor - 1800-1814
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