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Collapse DCH - Cholmondeley family of Cholmondeley estate - 12th century-20th centuryDCH - Cholmondeley family of Cholmondeley estate - 12th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Cholmondeley1 - Cholmondeley
Expand 2 - Chorley2 - Chorley
Expand 3 - Ridley3 - Ridley
Expand 4 - Egerton4 - Egerton
Expand 5 - Bickley5 - Bickley
Expand 6 - Norbury6 - Norbury
Expand 7 - Wrenbury7 - Wrenbury
Expand 8 - Bradley8 - Bradley
Expand 9 - Coddington9 - Coddington
Expand 10 - Edge10 - Edge
Expand 11 - Hampton11 - Hampton
Expand 12 - Larkton12 - Larkton
Expand 13 - Malpas13 - Malpas
Expand 14 - Overton14 - Overton
Expand 15 - Tushingham15 - Tushingham
Expand 16 - Wigland16 - Wigland
Expand 17 - Capenhurst17 - Capenhurst
Expand 18 - Bickerton & Bulkeley18 - Bickerton & Bulkeley
Expand 19 - Edleston & Sound19 - Edleston & Sound
Expand 20 - Frodsham20 - Frodsham
Expand 21 - Overton21 - Overton
Expand 22 - Netherton22 - Netherton
Expand 23 - Bradley23 - Bradley
Expand 24 - Woodhouses24 - Woodhouses
Expand 25 - Kingsley25 - Kingsley
Expand 26 - Alvanley26 - Alvanley
Expand 27 - Runcorn27 - Runcorn
Expand 28 - Halton28 - Halton
Expand 29 - Widnes29 - Widnes
Expand 30 - Rocksavage & Clifton30 - Rocksavage & Clifton
Expand 31 - Helsby31 - Helsby
Expand 32 - Norley32 - Norley
Expand 33 - Barrow33 - Barrow
Expand 34 - Runcorn and Frodsham - Late 18th century-late 19th century34 - Runcorn and Frodsham - Late 18th century-late 19th century
Expand 35 - Helsby, Frodsham, Halton and Rocksavage - 18th century-19th century35 - Helsby, Frodsham, Halton and Rocksavage - 18th century-19th century
Expand 36 - Delamere and Kingswood36 - Delamere and Kingswood
Expand 37 - Nantwich - 13th century-19th century37 - Nantwich - 13th century-19th century
Expand 38 - Deeds and papers relating to Henhull - 14th century-18th century38 - Deeds and papers relating to Henhull - 14th century-18th century
Expand 39 - Miscellaneous Cheshire and Flintshire39 - Miscellaneous Cheshire and Flintshire
Expand 40 - Deeds relating to various townships - 12th century-18th century40 - Deeds relating to various townships - 12th century-18th century
Expand 41 - Tenancies in West and South Cheshire41 - Tenancies in West and South Cheshire
Expand 42 - Miscellaneous west Cheshire and north Wales estates42 - Miscellaneous west Cheshire and north Wales estates
Expand 43 - Various counties (mostly non-Cheshire) - 13th century-18th century43 - Various counties (mostly non-Cheshire) - 13th century-18th century
Expand 44 - Deeds Relating to Other Counties44 - Deeds Relating to Other Counties
Collapse 45 - Flintshire and Wales45 - Flintshire and Wales
1 - Grants and other deeds relating to premises in Iscoed, Hanmer and Gredington in the lordship of Maelor, Kinnerton and the manor of Overton, co Flint and in Fulwych by Malpas and the manors of Golborne and Burwardsley, co Chester - 1332-1544
2 - Grants and other deeds relating to premises in Iscoed, Hanmer, Gredington, Overton, Ty Broughton and Worthenbury, co Flint and in Cuddington, co Chester; Egerton, Overton, Codington, Larkton and Stokton families et al. - 14th century-1528
3 - Grants and other deeds relating to premises in Iscoed, Overton, Ty Broughton, Worthenbury, Willington, Hawarden, Broughton, Kinnerton and Bettisfield, co Flint - 1302-1592
4 - Grants relating to premises in Worthenbury, Iscoed, Hanmer, Bronington and Penley, co Flint - 1287-1552
5 - Grants and leases relating to premises at Iscoed, Tybroughton, Bronington, Worthenbury, Pendeley, Fulwich-by-Malpas, the lordship of Maelor and the manors of Golborne, Overton and Burwardsley; Edde, Brereton, Morice, Morgant, Tudir, Loyd and Dutton families - c1330-1530
6 - Grants and other deeds relating to premises at Iscoed, Bronington, Worthenbury, Bettisfield, Hope and Cornhurst, lordship of Maelor - 1333-1493
7 - Grants relating to premises at Iscoed, Willington, Hope, Bronington, Penley and Overton et al, lordship of Maelor; Hanmer, Capenhurst, Morice, Mervyn, Bruerton and Meyler families et al - c1336-1588
8 - Grants relating to premises at Iscoed, Tybroughton, Bronington, Lightwood and Willington et al, lordship of Maelor and co Flint - c1300-1552
9 - Grants and lease relating to premises at Iscoed, Tybroughton, Worthenbury, Bronington, Blymhill, Weston, Overton, Hawarden, Broughton, Kinnerton, Hope and Hopedale, lordhip of Maelor; Robyn, Gough, David, Bulkeley, Golbourne families et al - 14th century-1521
10 - Grants and other documents relating to premises at Bettisfield, Tybroughton, Bronington, Iscoed, Willington, Croxton, Pendley, Overton Maddock et al, Meredith, Hanmer, Griffith, Yosseth, Brereton, Morris, Lloyd and Golborne families et al - 13th century-1534
11 - Grants and other documents relating to premises at Worthenbury, Overton, Overton Maddock, Bangor, Penley, Ty Broughton, Iscoed, Llanerchbanna, co Flint and Church Shocklach, co Chester - c1320-1562
12 - Grants relating to premises at Bronington, Iscoed, Worthenbury, Willington, Brimington, Bangor and Pentrehobin, lordship of Maelor - c1320-1562
13 - Grants and other documents relating to premises at Iscoed, Llannarchbanna, Brocton, Hopesdale, Hope Eston, Kinnerton, Dodleston, Blumenhall and Wigland [co Chester] - c1330-1736
14 - Grants and other deeds relating to premises in Brimington, Bronington, Llannarchbanna and Hanmer, lordship of Maelor and Iscoed hall and manor - 1498-1606
15 - Grants and other deeds relating to premises in Iscoed, Tybroughton, Hanmer, Credington, Bronington, Overton Maddock, Hawarden, lordship of Maelor and Whixall, co Salop - 1392-1597
16 - Conveyances, leases and notes of common recoveries relating to premises in Iscoed, Hanmer, Overton Maddock, Erbistock, Worthenbury, Tybroughton, Bronington, Brimington, Hanmer, Penley, Willington, Bettisfield, Haughton, Buckley, Cadaheyn, Holford, Nether, Peover, Plumley, Lostock, Lostock Gralam, Lache, Lach Dennis, Stublach, Bexton, Nether Knutsford, Northwich, Bunbury, Oteworth, Tarporley, Shocklach Oviatt, cos Chester, Flint and Anglesey - 1349-1699
17 - Grants and other deeds relating to premises in Iscoed, Bronington, Overton Maddock, Overton, Penley, Worthenbury, Hanmer, Cornhurst and Tybroughton - 1282-1557
18 - Grants and other deeds relating to premises at Isycoed, Bronington, Penley, Hanmer, Overton Maddock, lordship of Maelor - c1300-1533
19 - Grants, releases and leases relating to premises in Iscoed, Hanmer, Halghton, Bronington, Tybroughton, Flint, Penley, Worthenbury, Bangor, Pentre Atha, lordships of Overton and Maelor - 1310-1514
20 - Deeds relating to premises in Iscoed, Brimington, Tybroughton, Willington, Hanmer, Bettisfield, Haughton, Cadaheyn, Pentrath, Bronington, Worthenbury, lordship of Maelor - 1512-1789
21 - Grants and other deeds relating to premises in Iscoed, Hanmer, Maelor, Wigland, Draytwiche, Gredington, Bronington, Overton, Llanarchvanna et al - 1498-1687
22 - Grants, leases and other deeds relating to premises in Iscoed, Tybroughton, Hanmer, Bettisfield, Haughton, Willington, Penley, Bronington, Worthenbury, Overton, Bangor, Erbistock, Halghton, Brimington, Pentrath, Cadaheyne and Rossesbroston; also Shocklach, Burwardsley, Dutton and Knolton, co Chester and Wixall, co Salop - 1328-1636
23 - Grants, leases and other deeds relating to premises in Iscoed, Hanmer, Bangor, Droitwich, Overton Maddock, Willington, Tybroughton, Brimington, Bronington, Bettisfield, Worthenbury, Hope, Haulghton, Penley, Pentraeth, Barkeley, Cadaheyne, Overfulwich, Netherfulwich and Knolton, co Flint; Holford, Plumley, Peover, Lostock Gralam, Lache, Lache Dennis, Stubeslache, Bexton, Knutsford, Northwich, Bulkeley, Bunbury, Otworth, Tarporley, Shocklach Oviatt, co Chester; Besford, co Salop - 1368-1740
24 - Grants, leases and other deeds relating to premises in Penley, Iscoed, Hanmer, Bangor, Droitwich, Bronington, Overton, Tybroughton, Bettisfield, Haulghton, Over and Nether Fulwich, Dutton, Bodidris, Erbistock, Abinbury, Knolton and Worthenbury, co Flint and Cholmondeley and Maesfen, co Chester - 1383-1742
25 - Grants relating to premises in Iscoed, Worthenbury, Bangor, Overton Maddock, Halghton and Kinnerton (Dodleston fee) - c1280-1528
26 - Grants and other deeds relating to premises in Iscoed, Hanmer, Tybroughton, Gredington and Overton - 14th century-1671
27 - Rental for the borough and liberty of Oswestry. Names of lease, copyhold and feefarm tenants, with rents paid and marginal notes - c 1600
28 - Deeds relating to premises in Halghton and Bettisfield - 1593-1675
29 - Grant (1) King Richard II (2) Sir Richard de Cholmundelegh. Chief forestership in the forests of Bromfield and Yale, co Denbigh 1 Jan 1399 - 1399
Expand 46 - Properties in London, Kent, Suffolk and Surrey - 1730-181646 - Properties in London, Kent, Suffolk and Surrey - 1730-1816
Expand 47 - Bonds, Grants, Warrants, Presentations, etc.47 - Bonds, Grants, Warrants, Presentations, etc.
Expand 48 - Records relating to estates previously owned by or connected with Savage family48 - Records relating to estates previously owned by or connected with Savage family
Expand 5050
Expand 51 - Household, Personal and Estate51 - Household, Personal and Estate
Expand 52 - Earl Rivers' Rocksavage Estate52 - Earl Rivers' Rocksavage Estate
Expand 53 - Lord Cholmondeley's South Cheshire estate53 - Lord Cholmondeley's South Cheshire estate
Expand 54 - 'Miscellaneous deeds and papers'54 - 'Miscellaneous deeds and papers'
Expand 55 - Miscellaneous Personal and Estate55 - Miscellaneous Personal and Estate
Expand 56 - Estate management56 - Estate management
Expand 57 - Estate & Miscellaneous 57 - Estate & Miscellaneous
Expand 58 - Letters relating to estate administration58 - Letters relating to estate administration
Expand 59 - Estate Correspondence, mostly from Lord Cholmondeley  - 1814-182759 - Estate Correspondence, mostly from Lord Cholmondeley - 1814-1827
Expand 60 - Nantwich & Manorial  - 16th century-19th century60 - Nantwich & Manorial - 16th century-19th century
Expand 62 - Personal and estate papers62 - Personal and estate papers
Expand 63 - Cholmondeley Cattle Club - 1857-187363 - Cholmondeley Cattle Club - 1857-1873
Expand 64 - City of Chester - 14th century-18th century64 - City of Chester - 14th century-18th century
Expand 65 - Frodsham Lordship and Estate - 19th century65 - Frodsham Lordship and Estate - 19th century
Expand 66 - Creation of Titles and Grants of Arms and Supporters66 - Creation of Titles and Grants of Arms and Supporters
Expand 67 - Specifications and plans relating to premises in south and west Cheshire, Wales and Sussex - 19th century-20th century67 - Specifications and plans relating to premises in south and west Cheshire, Wales and Sussex - 19th century-20th century
Expand 68 - Papers relating to 1910-1915 Valuation Office survey68 - Papers relating to 1910-1915 Valuation Office survey
Expand 69 - Translations and surrogates69 - Translations and surrogates
Expand 131 - Schools131 - Schools
Expand 132 - Cholmondeley Fire Brigade132 - Cholmondeley Fire Brigade
Expand 133 - Household and Estate133 - Household and Estate
Expand 134 - Miscellaneous134 - Miscellaneous
Expand 135 - Acts of Parliament135 - Acts of Parliament
Expand 136 - Tarporley-Whitchurch Turnpike Trust136 - Tarporley-Whitchurch Turnpike Trust
Expand 137 - Records of Joseph Hill, surveyor - 1800-1814137 - Records of Joseph Hill, surveyor - 1800-1814
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