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Collapse DIC - ICI (Mond Division) - 18th century - 20th centuryDIC - ICI (Mond Division) - 18th century - 20th century
Expand 1 - Records of Brunner, Mond & Co Ltd and subsidiaries - Constituent companies of ICI, 1926.1 - Records of Brunner, Mond & Co Ltd and subsidiaries - Constituent companies of ICI, 1926.
Expand 2 - United Alkali Co Ltd and predecessors, subsidiaries and associated organisations2 - United Alkali Co Ltd and predecessors, subsidiaries and associated organisations
Collapse 3 - Records of the Salt Union Ltd and Associated Organisations (Taken over by ICI 1937).3 - Records of the Salt Union Ltd and Associated Organisations (Taken over by ICI 1937).
Expand 4 - Records of the Chemical & Metallurgical Corporation Ltd (Taken over by ICI 1933).4 - Records of the Chemical & Metallurgical Corporation Ltd (Taken over by ICI 1933).
Expand 5 - Records of the Standard Ammonia Co of Sydney Ltd. (Taken over by ICI c.1931). Incorporated c.1902.5 - Records of the Standard Ammonia Co of Sydney Ltd. (Taken over by ICI c.1931). Incorporated c.1902.
Expand 6 - Miscellaneous or records whose provenance is unknown.6 - Miscellaneous or records whose provenance is unknown.
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