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Collapse DLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th centuryDLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Manorial records1 - Manorial records
Expand 2 - Title Deeds2 - Title Deeds
Expand 3 - Wills and Settlements3 - Wills and Settlements
Expand 4 - Legal Case Papers4 - Legal Case Papers
Expand 5 - Estate Management5 - Estate Management
Expand 6 - Household Records6 - Household Records
Expand 7 - Charity Records7 - Charity Records
Expand 8 - School Records8 - School Records
Expand 9 - Ecclesiastical Records9 - Ecclesiastical Records
Expand 10 - Business Records10 - Business Records
Collapse 11 - Family and Personal Papers11 - Family and Personal Papers
Expand 1 - Thomas Leycester [1444-1526]1 - Thomas Leycester [1444-1526]
Expand 2 - Peter Leicester [1507-1577]2 - Peter Leicester [1507-1577]
Expand 3 - Peter Leicester [1614-1678]3 - Peter Leicester [1614-1678]
Expand 4 - Sir Francis Leicester [1674-1742]4 - Sir Francis Leicester [1674-1742]
Expand 5 - Fleetwood Leigh5 - Fleetwood Leigh
Expand 6 - John Byrne [c1728]6 - John Byrne [c1728]
Expand 7 - Peter Byrne Leicester [1732-1770]7 - Peter Byrne Leicester [1732-1770]
Expand 8 - Sir John Fleming Leicester [1762-1827]8 - Sir John Fleming Leicester [1762-1827]
Expand 9 - Cottin Correspondence - c1812-18279 - Cottin Correspondence - c1812-1827
Expand 10 - George Leicester Warren, 2nd Baron de Tabley [1811-1887]10 - George Leicester Warren, 2nd Baron de Tabley [1811-1887]
Expand 11 - Lady de Tabley (nee de Salis)11 - Lady de Tabley (nee de Salis)
Expand 12 - John Byrne Leicester-Warren [1835-1895]12 - John Byrne Leicester-Warren [1835-1895]
Collapse 13 - Eleanor Leighton Warren [1841-1914]13 - Eleanor Leighton Warren [1841-1914]
Expand 1 - Newspaper cuttings and letters to Lady Leighton-Warren and Mr Warren. - 1848-19131 - Newspaper cuttings and letters to Lady Leighton-Warren and Mr Warren. - 1848-1913
Expand 2 - Scraps - c.1874-19112 - Scraps - c.1874-1911
3 - Letters from Lady Leighton Warren (Wallis) to her brother – personal and social. - 1880-1890
Expand 4 - Lady Leighton-Warren: Letters, notebooks, needlework - c.1884-19054 - Lady Leighton-Warren: Letters, notebooks, needlework - c.1884-1905
Expand 5 - E Burne Jones & G Burne Jones correspondence - 1882-18975 - E Burne Jones & G Burne Jones correspondence - 1882-1897
Collapse 6 - Lady Leighton Warren: papers relating to John Byrne Leicester Warren. - 1893-19016 - Lady Leighton Warren: papers relating to John Byrne Leicester Warren. - 1893-1901
7 - Collected Letters: a volume of original letters to Lady Leighton Warren. - 1903
8 - Correspondence between T W Hadfield, C F Lawrence, clerk to Middlewich Urban District Council, Lady Leighton Warren and Mrs Roylance Court. - 1909-1910
9 - Papers relating to publication of Lord de Tabley's poems. - c.1903-1925
10 - Correspondence relating to portrait of Lord de Tabley, to be used in book 'Flora of Cheshire'. - 1903
11 - In memoriam notices for Hon Eleanor Leicester, Lady Leighton Warren (died 10 Aug 1914) and John Byrne Leicester Warren, 3rd (and last) Baron de Tabley (died 22 Nov 1895). - 1895, 1914
12 - Scrap book, possibly belonging to Lady Leighton Warren, into which have been inserted loose receipts, visiting cards and invitations. - c.19th century
13 - Letters to Eleanor Leighton Warren from family and others - c 1877-1878
14 - Letters to Eleanor Leighton Warren from friends and acquaintances. - 1877-1914
15 - 'The County Palatine of Chester: Its Place in History' by Henry Taylor: copy for Lady Leighton Warren. - 1910
16 - Letter from M D Shepard to Mr Drury. - 19 Dec 1899
17 - Album of correspondence, obituaries, testaments and other miscellaneous items relating to the death of Frederick, Lord Leighton of Stretton. - 1896-1902
18 - Album of family correspondence, poetry, sketches and clippings probably compiled by Eleanor Leighton Warren - 1846-1863
19 - Correspondence between Eleanor Leighton Warren and Reverend J.W Bennett concerning an unidentified misunderstanding that has occurred between them causing friction. - 1899
20 - Correspondence to Eleanor Leighton Warren concerning paintings, the family records and library. - 1909-1912
21 - Three postcards to Eleanor Leighton Warren from her sister Lady Stepney and her nephew Algernon in Germany. - c.1900
22 - Correspondence between Lady Leighton Warren and George Burgess regarding a tenancy disagreement involving his brother Mr C. Burgess. - c.1905
23 - Poem to the Honerable Eleanor Warren, on her wearing a wreath of gorse flower at the Tarporley Hunt Ball. - 6 Nov 1862
24 - Correspondence between Lady Leighton Warren and Mr Coward, Mr Sherratt, Mr Hughes and Vernon Edwards - 1903
25 - Correspondence between Lady Leighton Warren and Brigadier General Fry concerning a request to use Tabley land for military manoeuvres. - Dec 1909
26 - Personal correspondence and notes involving Lady Eleanor Leighton Warren. - 1891-1909
27 - List of costs incurred by the trustees of the late Baron de Tabley's will, Earl Bathurst and J.A Longley. - 1903
28 - Correspondence surrounding a county court action by Lady Leighton Warren against Robert Selmes concerning nine hunting dogs that were allegedly sold to Mr Selmes but were never paid for. - 1900-1901
29 - Deed Poll document by Dame Eleanor Leicester Leighton evidencing her assumption of the surname of 'Leighton Warren' in lieu of Leighton and a printed memorandum designed to inform people of the change. - 24 May 1900
30 - Letters, a bibliography entry and rough notes and poetry involving Lady Eleanor Leighton Warren. - 1901-1909
31 - Correspondence regarding the parish of Knutsford. - 1907
32 - Correspondence between author Alan North and Lady Eleanor Leighton Warren concerning his book 'Cheshire, Historical, Biographical and Pictorial.' - 1909
33 - Book of telegrams sent by Eleanor, Lady Leighton-Warren. - 1907
34 - Correspondence between Lady Leighton Warren and Colonel W. Fry and Captain George Herbert concerning her tenants and the E. Lancashire divisions request to traverse and camp on estate farmland during their manuevres. - 20-30 Nov 1909
35 - Personal correspondence to Lady Eleanor Leighton Warren - 1884 - 1911
36 - Department of Science and Art, London: Letter of thanks from Mr Abney on behalf of the Society to Eleanor Lady Leighton Warren for her donation of a herbarium collection along with the finance to have them re-mounted. - 9 Oct 1899
37 - Two copies of indentures, one a deed of retirement from the trustees of settlement the second an appointment of a new Trustee of the Settlement. - 1913
38 - Letters from Frederick Leighton to Lady Eleanor Leighton (his sister-in-law). - 1895
39 - Correspondence involving Sir Baldwin Leighton Bart. (husband of Eleanor Leighton Warren) - 1872-1896
Expand 40 - Letters from Theodore Watts Dunton, English poet, novelist, and critic to Eleanor Leighton Warren. - 1897-191440 - Letters from Theodore Watts Dunton, English poet, novelist, and critic to Eleanor Leighton Warren. - 1897-1914
41 - Letters from Algernon Charles Swinburne, poet, to Eleanor Leighton Warren. - 1902-1908
42 - Personal letters to Eleanor Leighton Warren - c.1880 - 1910
43 - Personal letters to Lady Leighton - 1887-1889
44 - Script book for a play entitled 'Popping the Question' by John Baldwin Buckstone inscribed with the name Eleanor Leighton Warren and containing her personal annotations and changes. - Late 19th century
45 - Correspondence involving Lady Eleanor Leighton Warren - 1898-1911
Expand 46 - Correspondence between Lady Leicester Warren and various booksellers, binders and publishers. - 1899-191346 - Correspondence between Lady Leicester Warren and various booksellers, binders and publishers. - 1899-1913
47 - Correspondence between William Hayton and Lady Leighton. - 1899-1901
48 - Single letters mostly dealing with personal affairs to and from Lady Eleanor Leighton Warren. - 1888-1917
49 - Invitation (blank) from Sir Baldwin and Lady Leighton (Parents of Baldwyn Leighton, husband of Eleanor) at Loton Park. - Nov 1857
50 - Printed picture of a women's outfit taken from a magazine, annotated in Lady Eleanor Leighton's hand. - 19th century
51 - Letters to the electorate of the Southern division of the County of Shropshire from Baldwyn Leighton (husband of Eleanor), new Conservative candidate for the area replacing Colonel Corbett, and then seeking re-election, on both occasions stating his policies and intentions. - 4 Aug 1877, 23 Jul 1885
52 - Letters from Frederick Leighton to Eleanor and Baldwyn Leighton. - 7 Aug 1892 - 16 Apr 1894
53 - Correspondence involving Lady Eleanor and Sir Baldwyn Leighton - 1871-1896
54 - Printed copy of a letter from Eleanor Leighton Warren to an unnamed publication regarding a mistake previously printed concerning her Grandmother and Hoppner's picture 'The Sleeping Nympth'. - c.1900
55 - Book entitled 'The Work of Cecil Rhodes, A sonnet-sequence' by Theodore Watts-Dunton sent to Lady Eleanor Leighton Warren and signed 'with deepest regards' by the author. - 1907
56 - Copy of a letter from Lady Eleanor Leighton Warren to Le Gallienne concerning an article he is writing concerning the Tabley estate and her objection to his use of images to illustrate the piece. - 18 Dec 1899
Expand 57 - Historical and genealogical notes both handwritten and printed written or gathered by Lady Eleanor Leighton Warren.57 - Historical and genealogical notes both handwritten and printed written or gathered by Lady Eleanor Leighton Warren.
58 - Letter from Thomas Brown Rudmose-Brown, author and critic (1878-1942) to Eleanor Leighton Warren. - 6 Jan 1909
59 - Letter from Alfred Henry Miles, author, composer, lecturer and journalist (1848-1929) to Eleanor Leighton Warren concerning his new book 'The poets and the poetry of the century' and his intention to include a few lines regarding her brother. - 16 Jun 1905
60 - Single personal letters to Lady Eleanor Leighton Warren - c.1900-1914
61 - Papers and a letter regarding the Cecil Cycle Company and cycling clubs generally to Lady Leighton from J.P.W Drurry. - 1899
Expand 14 - R. E. Egerton Warburton of Arley Hall: letters and poems to Lord and Lady de Tabley - 1844-187914 - R. E. Egerton Warburton of Arley Hall: letters and poems to Lord and Lady de Tabley - 1844-1879
Expand 15 - William Henry Leicester, late of the Grenadier Guards: papers upon his death relating to his will and accounts. - 1844-184515 - William Henry Leicester, late of the Grenadier Guards: papers upon his death relating to his will and accounts. - 1844-1845
Expand 16 - Davenport of Worfield - 1774-187116 - Davenport of Worfield - 1774-1871
Expand 17 - Cuthbert and Hilda Leicester-Warren. - 1888-192417 - Cuthbert and Hilda Leicester-Warren. - 1888-1924
Expand 19 - Dr Roger Kenyon19 - Dr Roger Kenyon
Expand 20 - Pedigrees and family trees20 - Pedigrees and family trees
Expand 21 - Miscellaneous Family and Personal Papers21 - Miscellaneous Family and Personal Papers
Expand 22 - Warren family22 - Warren family
Expand 23 - William Henry Leicester [1813-1845]23 - William Henry Leicester [1813-1845]
Expand 24 - Sir Robert Leicester24 - Sir Robert Leicester
Expand 25 - Cotton25 - Cotton
Expand 12 - Official Papers12 - Official Papers
Expand 13 - Maps and Plans13 - Maps and Plans
Expand 14 - Printed and Pictorial Material14 - Printed and Pictorial Material
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