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Collapse DLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th centuryDLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Manorial records1 - Manorial records
Expand 2 - Title Deeds2 - Title Deeds
Expand 3 - Wills and Settlements3 - Wills and Settlements
Expand 4 - Legal Case Papers4 - Legal Case Papers
Expand 5 - Estate Management5 - Estate Management
Expand 6 - Household Records6 - Household Records
Expand 7 - Charity Records7 - Charity Records
Expand 8 - School Records8 - School Records
Expand 9 - Ecclesiastical Records9 - Ecclesiastical Records
Expand 10 - Business Records10 - Business Records
Collapse 11 - Family and Personal Papers11 - Family and Personal Papers
Expand 1 - Thomas Leycester [1444-1526]1 - Thomas Leycester [1444-1526]
Expand 2 - Peter Leicester [1507-1577]2 - Peter Leicester [1507-1577]
Expand 3 - Peter Leicester [1614-1678]3 - Peter Leicester [1614-1678]
Expand 4 - Sir Francis Leicester [1674-1742]4 - Sir Francis Leicester [1674-1742]
Expand 5 - Fleetwood Leigh5 - Fleetwood Leigh
Expand 6 - John Byrne [c1728]6 - John Byrne [c1728]
Expand 7 - Peter Byrne Leicester [1732-1770]7 - Peter Byrne Leicester [1732-1770]
Expand 8 - Sir John Fleming Leicester [1762-1827]8 - Sir John Fleming Leicester [1762-1827]
Expand 9 - Cottin Correspondence - c1812-18279 - Cottin Correspondence - c1812-1827
Expand 10 - George Leicester Warren, 2nd Baron de Tabley [1811-1887]10 - George Leicester Warren, 2nd Baron de Tabley [1811-1887]
Expand 11 - Lady de Tabley (nee de Salis)11 - Lady de Tabley (nee de Salis)
Expand 12 - John Byrne Leicester-Warren [1835-1895]12 - John Byrne Leicester-Warren [1835-1895]
Expand 13 - Eleanor Leighton Warren [1841-1914]13 - Eleanor Leighton Warren [1841-1914]
Expand 14 - R. E. Egerton Warburton of Arley Hall: letters and poems to Lord and Lady de Tabley - 1844-187914 - R. E. Egerton Warburton of Arley Hall: letters and poems to Lord and Lady de Tabley - 1844-1879
Expand 15 - William Henry Leicester, late of the Grenadier Guards: papers upon his death relating to his will and accounts. - 1844-184515 - William Henry Leicester, late of the Grenadier Guards: papers upon his death relating to his will and accounts. - 1844-1845
Expand 16 - Davenport of Worfield - 1774-187116 - Davenport of Worfield - 1774-1871
Expand 17 - Cuthbert and Hilda Leicester-Warren. - 1888-192417 - Cuthbert and Hilda Leicester-Warren. - 1888-1924
Expand 19 - Dr Roger Kenyon19 - Dr Roger Kenyon
Expand 20 - Pedigrees and family trees20 - Pedigrees and family trees
Collapse 21 - Miscellaneous Family and Personal Papers21 - Miscellaneous Family and Personal Papers
1 - James I to his sheriffs and citizens of York. - 4 Aug 1610
2 - General pardon to Alban Pigott - 10 Feb 1626
3 - Unaddressed and unsigned notes relating to medical treatments and symptoms. - c Jul 1699
4 - Oath of allegiance/letter to bishop. - c late 17th century
6 - Satirical verses - c late 17th century
7 - Copy 'A Satyr against Marriage by the E[arl?] of R[ochester?]. - c late 17th cent
Expand 9 - German Letters - 17749 - German Letters - 1774
10 - Latin verses [anon] - c 1786
11 - Miscellaneous correspondence etc. mainly personal. - 18th-19th century
12 - Printed letter forms - 19th century
Expand 13 - R.I.W: a number of newspaper cuttings. - 1834-191113 - R.I.W: a number of newspaper cuttings. - 1834-1911
14 - Letter from Elizabeth, forwarded to her uncle, about the money left to her daughters. - 18th century
15 - Lesson book - 18th century
16 - Letter from [?Lord] Compton, president of Royal Hospital for Incurables, asking for support for appeal. - 9 May 1895
17 - Notice to attend at Council Board, Whitehall: Philip Lloyd to Henry Evans. - 7 Apr 1679
18 - Letters from Henry Wells and Co and W Newton and Son, both of London, outlining prices of gents' clothing. - c.1825
19 - Small sheets of paper inscribed with what appears to be some sort of code or shorthand. - c 17th century
20 - Notes, messages and instructions from Thomas Leycester, Jane Fowler and others. - c.17th century
21 - Ancient Seals of the coat of arms and crest belonging to Leycester of Tabley in Cheshire. - 1393-1608
22 - Birth and Baptism certificates and related papers - c.1677-1915
23 - Pocket book, possibly belonging to Sir Francis Leicester, containing memoranda, transcripts of letters and cases, accounts of books and money lent and various notes. - 1695
24 - Hill family pedigree - 16th-17th century
Collapse 25 - Pocket Ledgers / Account Books - 1794-180325 - Pocket Ledgers / Account Books - 1794-1803
26 - The charge of Mrs Kenyon's [nee Cotton] monument with her several epigraphs and several other epigraphs. - 18th century
27 - Birth of Meriell Watson: copy extract from the register book of Church Aston, county of Shropshire. - c 1638
28 - Orationes Ciceronis - 18th century
29 - Greek exercise book - 18th century
30 - Latin exercise book - 18th century
31 - Paradisus amissa - c 17th century
32 - Recipe Book - c 17th century
33 - Broncho Bill legends or the Adventures of the Banded Brotherhood by Broncho Bill. - c.1898-1950
34 - Qunitus Horatius Flaccus Sartyrs - c 1751
35 - Visiting cards - 19th century
36 - Wedding card for Algernon Edward Perkins and Meriel Gundrede Leighton. - 9 Apr 1890
37 - Christmas card from Bryan Baldwin Mawddwy Leighton. - Dec 1889
38 - Scrapbook containing stamps from around the world. - c.1910
39 - Draft notes and one volume of writing by an unknown author listing flowers and plants and associating them with a parable or proverb. - n.d.
40 - Condition of Copyright: For the publication of numerous biographies of famous artists written by Miss Margaret Leicester Warren. - 21 Jun 1926
41 - Exercise book of poetry (author and origin unknown). - c.19th century
42 - Statutes, transactions and a calender of the order of Masonic Knights Templar and the Provincial Grand Conclave of Lancashire. - 1864-1867
43 - Various letters, notes, articles, pamphlets and guides relating to different languages. - 19th century
44 - Note book entitled 'Scenes from Greek Life' taken from 'Ancient Vases', part II, no. 1 - n.d
45 - Notes by an unknown author on such diverse topics as Brunanbach, pottery, the life of R.S Hawker and including poetry, one entitled 'My Early Love'. - 19th century
46 - Sketches and cut outs made of felt and paper of birds along with short, handwritten poems. (possibly the work of Eleanor, Lady Leighton Warren) - 18th century
47 - Childrens book in French entitled 'Le Voeu De Mon Coeur' - 19th century
Expand 48 - Papers relating to the families involvement with the Royal Albert Hall (The late Lord de Tabley owned 2 stalls – No’s 499 and 500.) - 1905-191848 - Papers relating to the families involvement with the Royal Albert Hall (The late Lord de Tabley owned 2 stalls – No’s 499 and 500.) - 1905-1918
49 - Cards: Two memorial cards for Eleanor Leicester, Lady Leighton Warren and Annie Jane, 'A Birthday Greeting' card with a printed poem but unsigned and one card advertising a Danish Art School in London. - 1914
50 - Printed publications possibly belonging to Lady Leighton Warren and her husband. - 1872-1900
51 - Scrapbook of Juvenilia: children's drawings and paintings and a printed image of a mother and child along with a letter signed Aunt Maria (possibly Georgiana Maria Cottin who married Sir John Fleming Leicester) to her niece. - c 1810-1859
52 - Handwritten catalogue of Italian books entitled 'Tomo Secondo' origin unknown. - 18th century
53 - Rules of Nether Tabley lending library pasted into an exercise book. - 1881-1882
54 - Miscellaneous personal papers including writing concerning the characteristics of different animals, an astrological chart, a printed image of a fishing boat, newspaper clippings, and assorted correspondence. - 1786-1857
55 - Christmas greeting card with an image of Tabley house on the front. - 1896
56 - Card with calendar inside entitled 'Happy Days' with an image of a lady on the front. - 1908
57 - Palmistry advertisement/information sheet entitled 'The Human Hand'. - c.1900
58 - Various clippings and advertisements. - c.1900
59 - Scrapbook: Family sketches, pedigrees, newspaper cuttings, paintings, photographs and assorted memorabilia. - late 19th century
60 - Scrapbook: Sketches and photographs of furniture and valuables at Tabley House. - c.1900
61 - Series of remedies for gout, mostly handwritten by or on behalf of Sir Francis Leicester. - c 1700-1728
62 - Miscellaneous material related to music and poetry. - 1839-1935
63 - Chauffeur cards, inquiries as to whether a person is bringing their chauffeur to a function. - 1939
64 - Family catalogue of papers and documents. - 16 Mar 1900
65 - Wedding of Catherina Barbara, daughter of Sir Baldwin and Eleanor, Lady Leighton Warren and Arthur Sotheby (28 Sept 1909). - 1909
66 - Notes, instructions, reminders and general knowledge questions and answers. - 18th century
67 - Journal of events and opinions by an unknown author charting travels across France. - 1838
68 - Letter to Catherine (possibly sister of Sir John Fleming Leicester) from Allen A. Bathurst in Cannes. - 19th century
69 - Letters from Catherine Leicester Warren (Sister of Sir John Fleming Leicester Warren) to Mr Markelyn and Catherine Mary Phillimore - 1875-1876
70 - Letter to Sir Baldwyn Leighton from J.F Widdington - 16 Feb 1886
71 - Part of a letter from an unknown writer to an unknown receiver (possibly Sir Francis Leicester) discussing their travels abroad including France and South Africa. - 21 Nov 1700
72 - Blank printed invite and meeting time card. - c.19th century
73 - Advertisement for reliable embroidery and knitting materials at the Berlin repository for The Squirrel brand Berlin wool and other products and for Sam Ashcroft and Co. General Drysalters, Varnish, Color and Paint Manufacturers and Artists Colormen. - c.1900
74 - List of invitations, names and addresses, to the Tabley House Ball - Dec 1901
75 - Glass colour slide with an image of children at play. - n.d
76 - Christmas card from Loton Park, entitled 'God prosper this house and all that dwell therein.' - 1889
77 - Christmas card from Misses L. and E. Leighton from the Hotel Du Parc, Cannes. - c.1900
78 - A Grammar of the Hebrew Language - 1833
79 - Child's decorative glove in envelope inscribed 'Of my Franny'. - n.d
80 - Sketch book containing drawings, poems and stories produced by an unidentified person probably a child. - c.1900
81 - Memoranda concerning The Monur Hall and Chapel of St. Peter, Nether Tabley, taken from the manuscripts of Sir Peter Leicester, Baronet. - 1880-1884
82 - Handwritten notes entitled 'Headings' including 'A catalogue of all the comedies, histories and tradgedies contained in this book.' 'Upon the Lines and Life of the Famous Scenicke Poet, Master W. Shakespeare' by Hugh Holland (1623) - 19th century
83 - Catalogues, programmes and advertisements relating to literature and the theatre. - c.1903
84 - List of the names of friends and family along with the Christmas gift intended for them. - 19th century
85 - Assorted personal family letters of unclear origin. - 19th century
86 - Typed copy of a poem entitled 'Lost Friends. (addressed to a modern philosopher)' by W.B.D and dedicated to Lady Sarah Spencer. - 15 Jun 1884
87 - Miscellaneous letters, notes and jottings found together but with no clear connection other than they are all incomplete and from uncertain origins. - 17th-19th century
88 - Miniature painting of three unnamed gentlemen possibly on a hunt, with a horse and dogs. - n.d
90 - Personal letters to Mr Bentley signed Meriel and Elle (possibly Meriel and Eleanor Leicester). - 19th century
91 - Notes written in Italian belonging to Sir Francis Leicester. - 18th century
92 - Various notes, sketches, poems, stories, remedies and historical notes written by Lord and Lady de Tabley. - 19th century
93 - Notes (handwritten possibly by Eleanor Leighton Warren) defining religious terms and customs and including some short verse. - c.1900
Expand 22 - Warren family22 - Warren family
Expand 23 - William Henry Leicester [1813-1845]23 - William Henry Leicester [1813-1845]
Expand 24 - Sir Robert Leicester24 - Sir Robert Leicester
Expand 25 - Cotton25 - Cotton
Expand 12 - Official Papers12 - Official Papers
Expand 13 - Maps and Plans13 - Maps and Plans
Expand 14 - Printed and Pictorial Material14 - Printed and Pictorial Material
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