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Collapse DLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th centuryDLT - Leicester-Warren family of Tabley estate - 12th century-20th century
Expand 1 - Manorial records1 - Manorial records
Expand 2 - Title Deeds2 - Title Deeds
Expand 3 - Wills and Settlements3 - Wills and Settlements
Expand 4 - Legal Case Papers4 - Legal Case Papers
Expand 5 - Estate Management5 - Estate Management
Expand 6 - Household Records6 - Household Records
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Collapse 11 - Family and Personal Papers11 - Family and Personal Papers
Expand 1 - Thomas Leycester [1444-1526]1 - Thomas Leycester [1444-1526]
Expand 2 - Peter Leicester [1507-1577]2 - Peter Leicester [1507-1577]
Collapse 3 - Peter Leicester [1614-1678]3 - Peter Leicester [1614-1678]
Collapse 1 - Peter Leicester's Delinquency Papers - 1646-16491 - Peter Leicester's Delinquency Papers - 1646-1649
1 - Receipt for £373 15s. half of the fine imposed on Peter Lecest’er [Leicester] of Nether Tabley for his delinquency to Parliament. - 10 May 1647
1b - Receipt 2nd instalment of the fine of Peter Leicester - £373 15s. - 20 Oct 1648
2 - Order of the Lords & Commons assembled in Parliament for all Papists, Officers, souldiers of Fortune & all other delinquents that have afflicted the Enemy in the late Warre against the Parliament of England to depart from the lines of Communication. - 12 Dec 1646
3 - Peter Leicester swore that he received certain chief rents from his estate amounting to £3. 3s. 6d. a year. - 3 Dec 1646
4 - Order of House of Parliament that Peter Leicester whose composition for his delinquency was not complete, was to remain in London & Westminster, or within 20 miles. - 15 Dec 1646
5 - Peter Leicester of Nether Tabley co. Chester, swore that Mary Booth and Mrs Elizabeth Booth, daughter of Sir George Booth of Dunham Massy, co. Chester, had £46 of annual rent belonging to the said Peter, for 4 yrs. - 5 Dec 1646
6 - Particulars of the debts of Sir Peter Leicester, on oath. - 5 Dec 1646
7 - Assessment for Peter Leicester’s fine – Particulars of estate. - 5 Jun 1646
8a - Notice from John Leech (Goldsmith’s Hall, London). Those who had delivered petitions, but had delayed the completion of the composition, were to lose the benefits of the Articles of Oxford. - 21 Jan 1646
8b - Peter Leycester petitioned that whereas he could not raise the full sum of his composition, in accordance with the above order, as he could not raise money in security of land in such a short space, being a stranger in London yet he should not be regarded as an obstinate delinquent. - 26 Jan 1646
9 - The names of the Committee men of Goldsmith’s Hall (those sitting regularly separated from those appearing occasionally). - n.d.
10a - A copy of Peter Leicester’s petition to the committee at Goldsmith’s Hall, requesting a composition. - 12 Aug 1646
10b - Peter Leicester’s petitions - 10 Jul 1646
11 - Copy of affidavit of Peter Leicester of Nether Tabley, that he granted to John Gore and William Gore an annuall rent of £200 for ever, as security for £1,000 borrowed, and that the £1,000 was still owing and the deed was in force, until he should pay to John £1,400. - 1 Jan 1646
12 - Copy of the Articles of Oxford. Includes the printed order of Sir Thomas Fairfax, ordering his command to accept the surrender of Peter Leicester. - 24 Jun 1646
13 - Writ to the sherriffe of Cheshire ordering that Peter Leicester of Tabley be released from outlawry (by authority of Parliament) - 23 Oct 1651
14a - Order from the Commissioners for Composition’s with Delinquents, to the Committee of Sequestrations for the County of Chester. The sequestration of the estates of Sir Peter Leicester was to end, as he had submitted to a fine and had paid half of this. - 10 May 1647
14b - Order for the sequestrators of the city of Chester that all evidences deeds etc. relating to the estate of Peter Leicester, be restored in accordance with the order from Goldsmith’s Hall. - 25 May 1647
14c - The Committee for Sequestrations for the Hundred of Northwych, in accordance with the order of May 10th, ordered the sequestration of the estates of Peter Leicester to end. - 25 May 1647
14d - Order from the Commissioners for Compounding with Delinquents to the Committee of Sequestrations for the Co. of Chester, that all evidence, deeds etc. relating to the estate of Peter Leicester be restored. - 11 May 1647
14e - Order to the sequestration’s committee of Bucklow Hundred, to end the sequestration of the estates of Peter Leicester, in accordance with the order from Goldsmith’s Hall. - 29 May 1647
14f - Order to the Sequestrators for Macclesfield Hundred to end the sequestration of the estates of Peter Leicester. - 2 Jun 1647
15 - Confirmation of the Articles of Oxford by Parliament. - 3 Nov 1646
16 - Order from the Committee for Compounding with Delinquents to the Committee for Sequestrations for the County of Chester to cease for receiving rents of the tenants of Sir Peter Leicester. - 7 Nov 1646
17 - Particulars of the lands, tenements and rack rents of Peter Leicester the younger of Nether Tabley, lying in Northwich Hundred, taken by the Committee for Sequestrations at Lostock Gralam. Then particulars within Bucklow hundred. Then particulars within Macclesfield hundred. - 22 Oct 1646
18 - A copy of the particulars under Peter Leycester’s own hand, given to the Committee of Sequestrators. - 21 Nov 1646
19 - Copy of the ordnance of Parliament for drawing up the pardon of Peter Leicester. - 13 Sep 1648
20 - Licence for Peter Lester to stay in London. - 15 Dec 1646
21 - Order from the Goldsmith's Hall that Peter Leicester, having submitted to his fine, was to be permitted before any other to take a lease of his estate. - 5 Jan 1646
22 - Peter Leicester and Ffrancis Woodham acknowledged themselves bound to Richard Waring and Michael Herning in £700 - 10 May 1647
23 - Account of Mr John Shawe of money received & disbursed - 1648
24 - Mandate from the Committee for Compounding Goldsmith’s Hall, to the Committee of sequestrations, Bucklow Hundred, co. Chester, to repay £33. 6s. 8d. taken from Peter Leicester, contrary to the Articles of Oxford. - 20 Jun 1649
2 - Letters patent containing the Pardon of King Charles to Peter Leicester of Nether Tabley, co. Chester, in respect of all his conspiracies & rebellions against the King, Parliament and the Realm, restoring him to all his lands and offices. - 28 Nov 1648
Expand 3 - Freeing of Sir Peter Lants and security of money - 1637-16493 - Freeing of Sir Peter Lants and security of money - 1637-1649
4 - Letters patent of Charles II appointing Charles count of Derby, Robert sheriff, William Brereton, James Charlton, Robert Milward, Richard Grosvenor, Peter Leicester, Thomas Smyth junior, George Warburton, Philipp Egerton, Robert Cotton knight, Galfridus Whakerley, Peter Venables, Henry Legh, Richard Legh, Thomas Legh of Adlington, Thomas Cholmondeley, Robert Tutton and Thomas Throp commissioners to carry out in the county palatinate of Chester the act of the present parliament for the “Well Governings and regulatinge of Corporations, Barker. - 19 Feb 1662
Expand 5 - Peter Leicester's Books5 - Peter Leicester's Books
6 - Fines on Quakers - 1670s
7 - Sermons preached by Mr Richard Johnson, Werburgh Church, Chester during the 1640's and 1650's and then copied out by Peter Leicester in 1658. - 1658
8 - Notes, letters, poems, song lyrics, an epitaph and speeches relating to religion, historical and political events. - 17th century
Expand 4 - Sir Francis Leicester [1674-1742]4 - Sir Francis Leicester [1674-1742]
Expand 5 - Fleetwood Leigh5 - Fleetwood Leigh
Expand 6 - John Byrne [c1728]6 - John Byrne [c1728]
Expand 7 - Peter Byrne Leicester [1732-1770]7 - Peter Byrne Leicester [1732-1770]
Expand 8 - Sir John Fleming Leicester [1762-1827]8 - Sir John Fleming Leicester [1762-1827]
Expand 9 - Cottin Correspondence - c1812-18279 - Cottin Correspondence - c1812-1827
Expand 10 - George Leicester Warren, 2nd Baron de Tabley [1811-1887]10 - George Leicester Warren, 2nd Baron de Tabley [1811-1887]
Expand 11 - Lady de Tabley (nee de Salis)11 - Lady de Tabley (nee de Salis)
Expand 12 - John Byrne Leicester-Warren [1835-1895]12 - John Byrne Leicester-Warren [1835-1895]
Expand 13 - Eleanor Leighton Warren [1841-1914]13 - Eleanor Leighton Warren [1841-1914]
Expand 14 - R. E. Egerton Warburton of Arley Hall: letters and poems to Lord and Lady de Tabley - 1844-187914 - R. E. Egerton Warburton of Arley Hall: letters and poems to Lord and Lady de Tabley - 1844-1879
Expand 15 - William Henry Leicester, late of the Grenadier Guards: papers upon his death relating to his will and accounts. - 1844-184515 - William Henry Leicester, late of the Grenadier Guards: papers upon his death relating to his will and accounts. - 1844-1845
Expand 16 - Davenport of Worfield - 1774-187116 - Davenport of Worfield - 1774-1871
Expand 17 - Cuthbert and Hilda Leicester-Warren. - 1888-192417 - Cuthbert and Hilda Leicester-Warren. - 1888-1924
Expand 19 - Dr Roger Kenyon19 - Dr Roger Kenyon
Expand 20 - Pedigrees and family trees20 - Pedigrees and family trees
Expand 21 - Miscellaneous Family and Personal Papers21 - Miscellaneous Family and Personal Papers
Expand 22 - Warren family22 - Warren family
Expand 23 - William Henry Leicester [1813-1845]23 - William Henry Leicester [1813-1845]
Expand 24 - Sir Robert Leicester24 - Sir Robert Leicester
Expand 25 - Cotton25 - Cotton
Expand 12 - Official Papers12 - Official Papers
Expand 13 - Maps and Plans13 - Maps and Plans
Expand 14 - Printed and Pictorial Material14 - Printed and Pictorial Material
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